Right, the city has a lot of ways to pay for this without tapping into the city's coffers and they've just chose not to do it for 10 years ... right.
They State and Feds are cutting off cash, not handing it out. Heck, redevelopment might go away all together. Most of the rental cars are at the county airport and beyond the city's control. They can raise some taxes to help offset a lower number.
And again, that's my point. Once this gets over 100 million the rubber hits the road. This cannot get done without the city reaching for it's wallet. They just can't put a nickle on a beer or $10 on a hotel room. Not enough volume in Sac.
Whether by bonds or the general fund, there is a number where they city has to pass on Taylor's offer. I'd say it's 150 million. That is what Fargo's board put on the table in 2004, when the Maloofs walked out. KJ wants it more, but the city is now broke.
They State and Feds are cutting off cash, not handing it out. Heck, redevelopment might go away all together. Most of the rental cars are at the county airport and beyond the city's control. They can raise some taxes to help offset a lower number.
And again, that's my point. Once this gets over 100 million the rubber hits the road. This cannot get done without the city reaching for it's wallet. They just can't put a nickle on a beer or $10 on a hotel room. Not enough volume in Sac.
Whether by bonds or the general fund, there is a number where they city has to pass on Taylor's offer. I'd say it's 150 million. That is what Fargo's board put on the table in 2004, when the Maloofs walked out. KJ wants it more, but the city is now broke.
You dismiss the possibility of bonds as though not having been willing to do it in the past is a sure-fire reason to believe they won't opt for that now. If they impose some types of taxes, they will be issuing a bond to be repaid wholly or in part from those taxes (food and beverage, hotel, etc). That's how you get the upfront money needed.
There is a ticket tax at Arco right know that goes toward paying of the current loan (raised with bonds).
Rental cars may be at the airport, but nothing prevents the county from voting to join with the city and splitting any taxes from that or other sources. The county would just need to get something out of it.
The four developers were pretty clear that the gap was going to be in the neighborhood of $200 million. Maybe Taylor/ICON can reduce that, but I won't hold my breathe. However, they estimate the cost of an arena at $300 to $350 million. Definitely not $500million.
I think the city was playing hard ball for a while and then none of the politicians wanted to touch the issue for an awful long time.
One thing is pretty clear. The business folks in Sacramento definitely do not want to lose the Kings. They know its good for business. Heck, the Natomas folks are fighting tooth and nail to keep an arena in Natomas, talking about the devastation it will cause businesses in their area. That's why Taylor/ICON also have to address the re-use of the Natomas site in their feasibility study, if they propose moving the arena elsewhere.
Don't underestimate the political clout of business owners in Sacramento. I'm kind of wondering who is paying for the billboards. Business owner(s) would be my guess.
It is a long way from being a real deal, but I'm tired of hearing from people all the reasons it can't ever happen. What a lazy, deafetist attitude. If people want to get something done, its almost always possible. Its just that it takes a lot more energy, commitment and creativity to come up with solutions than it does to shoot every idea down.
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