I live in the OC and close to Anaheim...

Bottom line is, people here really DO like basketball. That being said, even though they say this will bring 3 teams to LA, people who don't live in LA want NOTHING to do with it. L.A. is a garbage town. Orange County is ok. I live in the beach cities, so it's chill.

The reason the Kings would be successful here is because, even though LA has two teams and is only 30 miles away, 30 miles in LA traffic = 2 hours. The whole OC would easily go to Kings games and probably damn near sell out. These beach dwellers get behind the Ducks pretty well and I imagine they'd support a basketball team a lot.

Plus, a lot of people from So Cal (myself included) HATE the Lakers.

Just wanted to give my perspective. Sucks for the city of Sacramento though. It'll really hurt them a lot.
I live in Anaheim. I feel i'm right in the middle of this staying or going campaign. I don't know all the financial aspects of it, but I do know this city will be able to support another team, fan-wise.

I feel like people don't undersand that Orange County and L.A. are two completely different counties.

Trust me, my friends parents who've spent a majority of their life living here in Anaheim, never leave the county. They're huge Angel fans and despise the Dogders, like many Angel fans do. But i'm not going to base my assumption off of a few people. But in my 3 years of living in Anaheim, I can tell sports teams here can be supported and loved separately from any LA team. And I know many, many many many people ready to jump on this Kings team if they move here, just because they're going to be in their city.

I go to school here at Cal State Fullerton, and it's being talked a lot about by my peers both in classrooms and at work, and it seems almost all of them (with the exception of two) are cool having the Kings here.

I on the other hand, feel like I'm the only one who's in-between on this forum. I would love Sacramento to keep the team, I just can't see them anywhere else right now. But if IT happens, I would just like you guys to know that there's a Sacramento Kings fan ready in Anaheim. And theres many more waiting to join us.
Posted that at 11:11 AM, haha crazy, just saying.
If the Kings move to OC, I will remain a fan. I've been rooting for them too long, there's no way I wouldn't. You're very lucky to have them if they do - I hope you will take care of them unlike we did here in Sacramento.
Bottom line is, people here really DO like basketball. That being said, even though they say this will bring 3 teams to LA, people who don't live in LA want NOTHING to do with it. L.A. is a garbage town. Orange County is ok. I live in the beach cities, so it's chill.

The reason the Kings would be successful here is because, even though LA has two teams and is only 30 miles away, 30 miles in LA traffic = 2 hours. The whole OC would easily go to Kings games and probably damn near sell out. These beach dwellers get behind the Ducks pretty well and I imagine they'd support a basketball team a lot.

Plus, a lot of people from So Cal (myself included) HATE the Lakers.

Just wanted to give my perspective. Sucks for the city of Sacramento though. It'll really hurt them a lot.
I l ive in Ladera Ranch and don't really agree with your perspective at all. Transplants like myself are not Laker fans. To the extent that there are NBA fans around here, they seem to be Laker fans. They certainly are not Clipper fans. There aren't a lot of fans here, but all you need is some of them going some of the time, and they will be supported in the seats to an average of 16,000+ per night. Plus the OC corps will line up to sponsor and support the team. All that said, I still don't expect them to be big here. At least not for many years.

I do agree that people in the OC would go to the games. Imagine all the kids that want to go and their parents constantly tell them no due to the hassle of getting up to Staples. I am going to an L.A. Kings game on 3/21 with a buddy of mine at Staples. I am planning on being downtown and getting a bite by about 5 p.m. just to avoid as much of the hassle as I can. And leaving downtown between 10:30 and 11 p.m. will still be a hassle, especially if I plan on using the 4-level to get back. And this does suck for Sac.
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Hall of Famer
The more I hear form a small number of people, OC sounds like a good place for the Kings to go. There is the natural animosity towards LA and that will help a lot especially if Dalembert and Cousins kick the crap out of Bynum and Pao and the aging legs of the Lakers give way to the youth of the Kings.

I'll root for that. :)


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I don't really care who likes the Kings if they move to OC, talking about it like it would/could be a good thing while they are still in Sac and have a loyal base of local fans and fans with local ties is just like taking a pee on our heads and telling us its raining.
I don't really care who likes the Kings if they move to OC, talking about it like it would/could be a good thing while they are still in Sac and have a loyal base of local fans and fans with local ties is just like taking a pee on our heads and telling us its raining.
^^^This. I don't care one bit if you can and will support the team. Makes absolutely 0 difference to me. I for one will not be a fan of the team if they bail. I'm a fan of the Sacramento Kings. They're viability in Anaheim makes no difference to me in regard to this issue.
^^^This. I don't care one bit if you can and will support the team. Makes absolutely 0 difference to me. I for one will not be a fan of the team if they bail. I'm a fan of the Sacramento Kings. They're viability in Anaheim makes no difference to me in regard to this issue.
Maybe he does not care about wheather you will follow the Kings if they leave(which I hope they don't). Stop being rude.
Sacramento is responsible for the pain and anguish we are all feeling. Stay or leave, Sacramento has shown it's true colors and they are not King's Purple. That isn't to say there aren't many incredibly loyal fans, but the majority of Sac residents and voters have shown they think Fairy Tale Town is all their city needs to stay attractive in an increasingly competitive world market.
I lived in Sacramento for nearly 20 years and don't miss it one little bit. If the Kings leave, Sacramento will be just another place to stop for gas on the way to someplace real.
Maybe he does not care about wheather you will follow the Kings if they leave(which I hope they don't). Stop being rude.
I don't think it's rude at all. Many who live here are feeling like this right now. It's some of those fans who don't live here that don't seem to understand why we are unhappy. That can be viewed as rude too.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Maybe he does not care about wheather you will follow the Kings if they leave(which I hope they don't). Stop being rude.
What's rude is coming to this forum and saying "It would be great if they moved to <my town>". It is just plain incredibly disrespectful to a vast majority of the current fan base. If they move to your town you'll have the rest of your life to talk about how great it is with other people who give a <pick your expletive>.
Maybe he does not care about wheather you will follow the Kings if they leave(which I hope they don't). Stop being rude.
If he didn't care why would he be here posting on this forum trying to convince Kings fans it isn't all bad if they move to Anaheim? Sorry, but the premise to this post is rude. There is no silver lining. I'm not going to hold hands with Anaheim residents and sing Koombaya as we all root for "our" team in their city.
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What's rude is coming to this forum and saying "It would be great if they moved to <my town>". It is just plain incredibly disrespectful to a vast majority of the current fan base. If they move to your town you'll have the rest of your life to talk about how great it is with other people who give a <pick your expletive>.
He was giving his prespective being in OC. Again so people who are not from Sacramento can not comment on the what is happening to Kings? BTW he was not being rude or disrespectful. When someone is i will say it like i did with the other poster bashing Sacramento
If he didn't care why would he be here posting on this forum trying to convince Kings fans it isn't all bad if they move to Anaheim? Sorry, but the premise to this post is rude. There is no silver lining. I'm not going to hold hands with Anaheim residents and sing Koombaya as we all root for "our" team in their city.

He was not convincing anyone. He was just giving his perspective.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
He was giving his prespective being in OC. Again so people who are not from Sacramento can not comment on the what is happening to Kings? BTW he was not being rude or disrespectful. When someone is i will say it like i did with the other poster bashing Sacramento
Ok, maybe rude isn't the right word, it is insensitive to the mood of the majority of the posters on this forum. It's tacky. It's not the right time.
I was born and raised in former Yugoslavia, lived 10 years in UK and 11 in Chicago. Moved to North San Diego County few months ago. Never been to Sacramento in my life. No connection to Sacramento whatsoever except for the Kings. IF the Kings were to move they'd be dead to me. I'd probably start rooting for Clippers and anyone who is playing against Team-formerly-known-as-Sacramento-Kings on that day (yes, even Lakers). If they move I'd be happy if Evans and DMC walk after their rookie contracts expire. I'd be a text-book "jilted lover", hell hath no fury etc. etc. "hater".

Enough is enough. Major sports are not just business. All of the major sports are heavily subsidized by their communities, and they're exempt from many regulations that all other businesses are subject to (they're basically legal monopolies). So, fine, it's your team, your league, you can do as you please. Move the team if you want to. I'll take my business elsewhere too. And curse on you/pox on your house and all that.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I knew there had to be a good reason I always liked you bozzwell. Haven't seen you around in a while, wish you were posting under more pleasant circumstances.
I don't really care who likes the Kings if they move to OC, talking about it like it would/could be a good thing while they are still in Sac and have a loyal base of local fans and fans with local ties is just like taking a pee on our heads and telling us its raining.

Cosigned, feel like telling the OP to GFY right now.
He was giving his prespective being in OC. Again so people who are not from Sacramento can not comment on the what is happening to Kings? BTW he was not being rude or disrespectful. When someone is i will say it like i did with the other poster bashing Sacramento
I very much agree, the OP was not rude in any way shape or form. This is kingsfans.com NOT SACRAMENTOONLYkingsfans.com - and I was born and raised and still live here in Sacramento. Que sera sera.
I knew there had to be a good reason I always liked you bozzwell. Haven't seen you around in a while, wish you were posting under more pleasant circumstances.
Thanks pdx. I'm still reading kf.com almost every day. Watching Kings every game and loving Evans and DMC. Just took a longer then planned break from posting.
I'm not angry at the OP. I just feel that, until the official announcement, people could exercise a little sensitivity to the Sacramento-based fans. I feel a little like I have relatives arguing over my assets before I'm dead.

Everybody knows there's an inheritance, but can't wait until I breathe my last breathe to tell me how happy they are I'm dying and they're just tickled pink about the good news for them.
I'm not angry at the OP. I just feel that, until the official announcement, people could exercise a little sensitivity to the Sacramento-based fans. I feel a little like I have relatives arguing over my assets before I'm dead.

Everybody knows there's an inheritance, but can't wait until I breathe my last breathe to tell me how happy they are I'm dying and they're just tickled pink about the good news for them.
I know I was not refering to you.But Bmiller's Go **** Yourself is totally uncalled for. I know you are hurting like a lot of fans so I understand. But when other members act the way they did; it is not right.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I'm not angry at the OP. I just feel that, until the official announcement, people could exercise a little sensitivity to the Sacramento-based fans. I feel a little like I have relatives arguing over my assets before I'm dead.

Everybody knows there's an inheritance, but can't wait until I breathe my last breathe to tell me how happy they are I'm dying and they're just tickled pink about the good news for them.
I really can't think of a more fitting analogy.
Imagine your in a long relationship with the woman/man of your dreams, but things go south and she/he leaves for somebody else, then the new boyfriend/girlfriend calls you to say "dont worry, im a good person and ill take care of her/him", its just not something you wanna hear.

You have to understand where some of us are coming from, we are maybe losing the only real team we have ever had, the team some of us live for, its heart breaking, and if we lose them we will be a bit bitter, no matter whos fault it is, its just in our nature.

This is the closest we have ever gotten to losing this team, its very scary and a very touchy subject, so even though your intentions are good, its hard to see that with the way some of us are taking it.

Just my two cents.
Imagine your in a long relationship with the woman/man of your dreams, but things go south and she/he leaves for somebody else, then the new boyfriend/girlfriend calls you to say "dont worry, im a good person and ill take care of her/him", its just not something you wanna hear.

You have to understand where some of us are coming from, we are maybe losing the only real team we have ever had, the team some of us live for, its heart breaking, and if we lose them we will be a bit bitter, no matter whos fault it is, its just in our nature.

This is the closest we have ever gotten to losing this team, its very scary and a very touchy subject, so even though your intentions are good, its hard to see that with the way some of us are taking it.

Just my two cents.
Exactly. I'm surprised at just how many folks don't seem to look at it like that, though. i would have thought that would have been the most common reaction but it's not. There seems to be a good number of people who seem to take comfort in the idea that OC would embrace our team. Why the hell it would matter to any Sacramento Kings what happens with the team once they leave, I cannot fathom. I personally don't give a rat's patoot whether the OC embrace the team or not. OC and the Maloofs can suck it as far as I'm concerned.