Hmm. I had the privilege of sitting next to the most boorish "road" fan I have ever seen at a sporting event, and very close to the worst I've seen period (though the way a "home" A's fan treated my White Sox fan friend at the Coliseum was on par). He was obnoxious all night, but once it became clear the Celtics were likely to win, things got ugly. Loud mockery with the vilest of hurtful intent slung at anything he could grasp on to, ranging from our record, to our upcoming lottery pick, to fans starting to leave with 90 seconds left in the game and the outcome all but certain, to, most notably, our arena situation. I'm sorry, but when a fan of the other team comes in to your house and starts mocking you because your team might leave town, it's basically unacceptable.
I was nice, though. Since his (quiet) fiancee clearly recognized what was going to happen after their halftime beer run and rearranged the seating so that she was between us, I didn't turn to her and give her my sympathies that she was stuck with such a jerk. At least she made a minimal effort.
Still, Boston and its fans lost a LOT of goodwill from me last night. Like, basically all of it. Never been to a Lakers game at ARCO, but I don't think that Laker fans could get any WORSE than this guy.