
Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
I've decided I want to keep this thread open for two seasons so we can all monitor his progress or lack thereof. Lets keep track of all the forthcoming issues. Mods, I respectfully ask we sticky this thread?
You think you're going to get your own personal vendetta against a Kings player STICKIED? Good luck with that one.


Hall of Famer
I take it there's a controversy about whether Cousins will or will not be a good player in the NBA...:)

Here's what I want to see from Cousins over the next year. The Kings schedule is going to get much much tougher from here on out. There are going to be long road trips, back to backs, and a lot of losing. This is going to be tougher than anything he has experienced in his young career. He probably thought it was tough in Summer League for that short stint when he was playing back to back to back. Well, he ain't seen nothing yet. He's going to be running the gauntlet. And there is not going to be nearly the down time and coaching time from here to the end of the season. I want to see Cousins withstand the storm. I want to see him compete despite the losing, despite being incredibly tired (especially because he's still overweight). I want to see him maintain his composure and fight through it all. Grace under pressure and under strain.
That's what I want to see from Cousins.

Then during the offseason I don't want to hear a peep from him about his off-season conditioning program and about hiring a trainer. A want him to do it.
He should come into camp in incredible shape next year. If he's a serious competitor, that's what he's going to do. If he's not, we'll know, and there will be reason to worry.
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where is everyone??? come on.... ok i was only kidding, he's the best player ever and hes a great pick, the Kings will be champs with him..........................................................not
where is everyone??? come on.... ok i was only kidding, he's the best player ever and hes a great pick, the Kings will be champs with him..........................................................not
Just when I had gained some respect for your opinion with the reasons you like the kings, you post this kinda junk. You do realize half the people here have put you on IGNORE don't you?... as in, they can't see you anymore?. You are picking fights here dude.
If you think that perception is reality, then you truely are an idiot. Perception is the tool of propaganda.

Perception is not reality! It can be, but far too often, make that most often, its very far from reality. Perception is what someone else wants you to believe. Magic is all about perception and has nothing to do with reality. All too often, politics is only perception and has nothing to do with reality. So frankly I don't give a tinkers damm what your silly perception is. Because everything you post is just that, silly. Your perception is based on preconcieved notions. You discard the fact that he's only played 15 games as irrelevant. 15 games and his career is already settled in your mind. You don't need anymore information than that. Boy! I wish all of us were as smart as you are. Tell me, what has he done so far to make himself a cancer? Please don't use getting kicked out of practice. Because that happens all the time across the NBA. As Jerry Reynolds stated on the Rise Guys, Danny Ainge was kicked out of practice several times. Just how, in 15 games has he let anyone down? What are these major events that you've seen? How do you know what it is I want him to live up to?

I watched him play 24 times last year. I spent hours doing research on him through newspaper articles by the local rags and even the campus newspaper. I watched him play in two highschool all star games, and managed to find a couple of highschool games on the internet to watch.. And frankly, to have you come in and just discard everyone else's opinion including my own, without doing any research of you own and just watching 15 games tells me everything I need to know about you. You don't really care. Because if you cared, you would still be pulling for Cousins to succeed despite any reservations you might have. Because fans that truely care about their team will always hope everything works out, even when it looks like it might not. Because if it doesn't, it hurts the team. And no fan wants that.

Its one thing to be critical of a player. To point out his failings and what he needs to work on. Its fine to be upset that he got kicked out of practice. And to be critical of him for that. But you go beyond that. In your mind he has no chance of succeeding. He's already a bust and a failure. All this after just 15 games. What a joke. This I know. Your getting far too much attention, and you don't deserve it. Goodbye!
Great post, was about to post something nearly identical till I scrolled down and read this. Spot on.

And I agree with you, I officially wash my hands of this discussion. Everything reasonable that can be said, has been said to this particular poster.
My only combative posts are about DMC in simple response to someone else. Its an opinion, just like yours ,only opposite.What I love about the Kings is their cap room, the fact they have 1 player and half of another one. They have whats called long term upside if they play their cards right. If they have two top 8 picks next year we could be the next coming of OKC ,along with an overpayment to M Gasol in free agency. Of course that entails trading DMC and Landry to get that second 1st rounder. SO that goes back to playing your cards right. Something along the lines of DMC,Landry to Hou for Hill and filler,pick. They need bigs in lieu of Yao and would be dumb enough to fall for it.
This is what you're not getting. Your opinion is not opposite to anyone. If it was opposite that would mean that someone made a claim that Cousins will be a perenial all-star and multiple-time MVP. Nobody is making that claim, because it would be just as stupid to say that as it is to say that he is a bust after 15 games. What everyone is saying is that it is waaaaay to early to tell what will become of him, and it would be unspeakably stupid of any franchise to give up on someone with his potential just because he has some maturity issues at age 20 (which so far aren't nearly as bad as some of his critics were claiming).
where is everyone??? come on.... ok i was only kidding, he's the best player ever and hes a great pick, the Kings will be champs with him..........................................................not
Where is everyone? People stopped responding to stupid posts, that's why they all left. Post smarter and people will actually be willing to talk to you again.


Hall of Famer
Cuz needs to get in better shape, and gain a lot of experience, then he's going to beast. A halfway competant coach wouldnt hurt either.

He's not doing great right now, but he's still outperforming every other big from last years draft. And he's shown flashes of his rediculous potential. I'm kinda sorry I missed his 22/8 in 22 minutes against the Pacers, apparently that was good stuff.


Hall of Famer
the problem with you as you stated youve invested all this time in watching,reading analyzing the guy last year.Basically youve raised him in your mind as if he's one of your own. He's your child basically, you coddle him and teach him and allow him to make mistakes, youre more forgiving. It goes back to my point about objectivity, you dont have it my friend, he's your blood. Of course you will always stick up for him. his past year and this years first 15 games are plenty to make a judgement on him, not as a player mind you but as a teammate,a leader, a winner. I told you before the guy could avg good numbers eventually but he wont lead you to a title. Put him on OKC for example, look at that franchise, the players all love each other, hang together, win together and they are kids as well, youngest team inthe league. They win and i guarantee you if he somehow was drafted there he would be kicked off that team or traded, over never drafted if given the chance, because he doesnt fit in with winners. He may get his numbers one day but is that all you care about, numbers at the expense of winning. I want to root for a winning team on and of the court . DMC doesnt have the makeup for that. You can live in your fantasy world about him him being mad at himself, what a joke, that tells me you havent watched this years games, he's mad at the ref, coach teammates for not getting him the ball or some bs foul call. He's a me first cancer that will eventually make the Kings regret that pick.
I'm sorry! Were you talking to me? I can no longer hear you...Bye bye clueless....


This is what you're not getting. Your opinion is not opposite to anyone. If it was opposite that would mean that someone made a claim that Cousins will be a perenial all-star and multiple-time MVP. Nobody is making that claim, because it would be just as stupid to say that as it is to say that he is a bust after 15 games. What everyone is saying is that it is waaaaay to early to tell what will become of him, and it would be unspeakably stupid of any franchise to give up on someone with his potential just because he has some maturity issues at age 20 (which so far aren't nearly as bad as some of his critics were claiming).
opposite= me saying he's a bust and you not, pretty simple


Hall of Famer
Alright, I have watched this go on quite long enough. You need another plank and to quit playing the provocateur lest I begin to doubt your sincerity in wanting to add anything to this board.
I no longer have a clue what he's saying since I've put him on my ignore list. But he's lucky I'm not the moderator... Don't envy your job..


Hall of Famer
Haha, hello double double against Dallas. Maybe YOU are wrong bud! Guess it's time to start shutting your trap before it writes a check you can't cash.
It is pretty funny how Nbafan completely disappeared after Cousins 20/8 and 17/11 preformances. That's what trolls do, only to reappear when it helps their agenda.


congrats to DMC for looking good on paper. I wont bore you and disect his games. Im sure you saw them. But he's just proving my point. Ive always said he could put up numbers but ive also said he will end up like Zach Randolph, great numbers but no wins. That was my point to begin with before some of you got so personal. I stand by my thoughts and after two years you will see my point, hence the "sticky" recommendation of this thread. You certainly are pinning your comments off one or two games. Great. Its not about his games, its about who he is as a leader,winner,teammate as ive said a zillion times. Like I said give it two years. Id rather have another top 5 pick in June.
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congrats to DMC for looking good on paper. I wont bore you and disect his games. Im sure you saw them. But he's just proving my point. Ive always said he could put up numbers but ive also said he will end up like Zach Randolph, great numbers but no wins. That was my point to begin with before some of you got so personal. I stand by my thoughts and after two years you will see my point, hence the "sticky" recommendation of this thread. You certainly are pinning your comments off one or two games. Great. Its not about his games, its about who he is as a leader,winner,teammate as ive said a zillion times. Like I said give it two years.Good luck with that. Id rather have another top 5 pick in June.
You have a far different take on Cousins than I do. I see a guy who hates to lose and generally when you have a player with as much talent as Cousins has that hates to lose, the results are pretty good. He seems like the type of player who once he becomes established, won't hesitate to chew out his teammates, ala Kobe, when they're not giving enough effort. Which is a good thing. You need a guy who will hold his teammates accountable. I just hope all the losing this year doesn't mess with his head and stifle his natural competitiveness.


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Staff member
congrats to DMC for looking good on paper. I wont bore you and disect his games. Im sure you saw them. But he's just proving my point. Ive always said he could put up numbers but ive also said he will end up like Zach Randolph, great numbers but no wins. That was my point to begin with before some of you got so personal. I stand by my thoughts and after two years you will see my point, hence the "sticky" recommendation of this thread. You certainly are pinning your comments off one or two games. Great. Its not about his games, its about who he is as a leader,winner,teammate as ive said a zillion times. Like I said give it two years. Id rather have another top 5 pick in June.
Yeah, because you can really tell that his career will be like that based on his first 20± games on a bad team. :rolleyes: