[Grades] Grades v. Pacers 11/30/10

Choose your 5 starters for the month of December (choose 5):

  • Dalembert

    Votes: 58 71.6%
  • Cousins

    Votes: 31 38.3%
  • Thompson

    Votes: 67 82.7%
  • Landry

    Votes: 5 6.2%
  • Greene

    Votes: 73 90.1%
  • Casspi

    Votes: 6 7.4%
  • Garcia

    Votes: 35 43.2%
  • Udrih

    Votes: 28 34.6%
  • Head

    Votes: 19 23.5%
  • Evans

    Votes: 77 95.1%

  • Total voters


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Man oh man. Everytime things start looking better something else pops up. This time it was the same good half/ugly half split we had against Chicago -- and again somebody better check the lockers to make sure Muss isn't hiding inside of one with his kool aid -- and us getting kicked right where it hurts -- our two best defenders were matched on their two best offensive players, and their guys won that battle.

Theme tonight will be: Funny Stuff I Ran Into Around the Internet This Summer

Official Boxscore

Greene ( C- ) -- part of the story of what went wrong with this one, started off the game again giving us the consistent Donte Greene defensive glue buy he has been giving since moving into the starting lineup. Was hustling -- made a great hustle play diving in the open court to knock a ball oiff of Hansbrough's leg, scoring inside, moving the ball. This constant stream of losses has obscured some long stretches of good basketball we've been playing, but we started off this one again playing the right way, and Donte was a solid part of that. Trouble came however in the shape of the second quarter, as Donte was subbed in mirroring Granger, and our most effective forward defender simply got beat by a star player. Just lost control of Granger, and it became a determining turn in this game. Wasn't the sort of lazy defense that led to those big nights against us by Beasley, Gay etc. Donte was right on him..adn yet unable to stop him. And combined with Granger asserting himself on the other end of the quart, Donte just largely disappeared from the game and was replaced for most of the second half by Casspi, Cisco, and anybody else we could throw out there, none of whom were ablet o make any more of a dent. Just have to mark Donte down here -- when you get wazed at a position 37-6 that has a tendency to determine a game -- but I didn't feel Donte really played that poorly so much as Granger just played great and Donte simply could not stop him.

Some Helpful Advice From A Forest Ranger After My Own Heart

Thompson ( B- ) -- and again, another member of our defensive unit who started the game off well, played his role in the first half, then fell down coming out of halftime, and was largely relegated to the bench therafter. Makes grading hard. Was being aggressive isnide and drawing fouls on the Pacers' scrubby PFs in the early going, and had several really aggressive finishes off of Reke pentration in the mid second. Things were going long swimmingly, and then halftime came along again, and that I have to say has to be one of the most frustrating things about this young season -- we have played a LOT of good halves of basketball, but never together. Its easier to say you suck when you just don't do anything ever, but here we're going along, Jason is banging in the middle, its a well played tied game at half, and boom, what the hell happened? Very little after half for JT, and was repalced and pinned ot the bench by Landry as we went to the all offense crew to try to make up the ground and close the gap that blew up in the first 6 minutes of the third.

No Evidence, No Conviction! Specializing in expungements... Classy eh? I have been assured by the friend who sent this to me that this is a legitimate legal ad by a dude who advertises himself as "the gangsta's lawyer." In 1977 the Supreme Court made a terrible error handing down a decision called Bates v. State Bar that established the principle that lawyers could advertise their services -- to someone today that seems a given, but before that time lawyers considered such activity gauche and demeaning, and the state bars beleived good lawyers' reps spread through word of mouth, not cheesy TV spots. The Supremes took action in the name of free speech, but I have long felt that it was a dubious victory as clowns like this have dragged the profession's rep through the mud ever since.

Dalembert ( C+ ) -- here was part two of the problem that began to spin things out of control for us. Daly once again did his work on the glass -- he dominates the boards so easily sometimes it makes you wonder why its so much work for the other guys. But just as our best perimeter defender got flat out beat by their best perimeter offender, our best interior defnder, our defensive anchor, found a man he could not intimidate on defense. All thoise shots Daly can normally erases he could not get to, and the huge (literally) advantage of being 7'2" made all the difference for Hibbert as he was able to pin Daly depp, and then turn and go over him without Dalembert's length seeming to bother him in the least. Might be the first time we've seen somebody overwhelm Daly with pure size -- previously his linitations seems mostly quickness related. While unquestionably the bigger problems for us were on the other side of the court again, I felt that Indiana's ability to directly attack our two best defenders in Donte and Daly, and score over them, sort of cracked us and forced us to scramble and play the game differently than we wanted to play it. The difference with Hibbert is that Cousins came in and actually played him better than Daly, and of course attacked him and got him into foul trouble on the other end, which Daly could not do. Left in the late third with wht was reported as a knee something or the other? Since I have not heard anything since I hope its nothing serious. So, not going to ignore 12 rebounds in 22 min, but our defensive anchor became unmoored in this one.

This is a picture of the bathroom in a real 5 star hotel in Queenstown, New Zealand, who decided they wanted to spice up the act of going to the little boys room. I kid you not.

Head ( C- ) -- I have basically no notes about Luther's early minutes because there was basically nothing noteworthy about them. I think here is a good time to again point out that when Tyreke is up on his toes and dominating action, Luther just fades into nothingness, and that was the story in the first half. Defense was fine, but none of the fun moments of his first few starts, and again left you wondering a bit if his 15minutes of fame might be up. After the break he suddenly loomed large, but whether that was a good thing or not is open to question. Basically while everybody else opened the second half invisible, Luther went the other way, became overactive, started taking a distressing number of our shots, and when he did not make them, fueled the Pacers fastbreak. Still provided us with almost our only scoring during that stretch, but makes you wodner if he was not at least as much the cause of the lack of ball movement and lack of other scoring as the solution. In any case Beno came in and continued his hot play from the first half, and that was it for Luther's night.
Anybody know what a Rube Goldberg machine is? They are clever and fun amazingly complex systems set up in falling dominoes fashion, often made out of common everyday type items. This one was used in this band's music video, and might be the best I have ever seen. Watch it. Really damn clever.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Evans ( C- ) -- there has developed a rather oversimplified line of argument that Tyreke has just been sucking. But that's not really ture. Against Chicago, he was very good for a half, and then completely fell off after half. And agian here tonight, he actually WAS good for a half, and then agai, second half rolls around and its just bye bye. Pain flaring up? Not adjusting to adjustments? Mentally sloppy? Fatigue surrounding his illness? Its just so hard to tell, especially with Reke given his stoicism. Let this be Cisco and we'd know exactly what was going on, If he had an owie he'd be down on the floor rolling arund calling for a stretcher. If he was frustrated he would be scowling and barking. But with Reke...its just hard to know. Reke came out in this one aggressive on all fronts, and the inability to sustain is more mysterious to me than if he jsut really was terrible all game long. But in the early going here he was just on a power trip, as the Pacers start Dunleavy and thus had no way to hide Collison from him, and he was just playing bully ball, in the post, on the drive. There was nothing subtle about it. Once he saw Collison sliding across the middle and it was like waving a red flag in front of a bull, as Reke just put his head down and slammed into him to get to the line. He was racking up a ton of assists too with penetration part way and then dump off passes to guys on all sides -- think he had 7 before half. But even while all this was going on there was slop around the edges. The smattering of jumpers mixed in were reasonable, but given that he wasn't hitting any of them, too much. And there were hints of sloppy play with some early carry calls. Still he was playing well in the first half, and actually a threat for a triple doble on the night. And then halftime comes, we come back out, and its all gone again. And THAT is the real mystery right now. Struggled along with everybody else in the third and just sort of conceded lead guard duties to Head, which isn't great. And turnovers after half killed us. In fact after struggling to avoid turnovers in the 4th backed off and just started letting Beno and Cousins try to win it -- there is awareness there, and maybe shaken confidence. Did a reasonable job trying to contain the bigger Granger late in the game, but that's a tough matchup.

This was posted to Manu Ginobili's twitter account the day after former teammate, and countrymate, Francisco Oberto announced he was hanging them up with the note: Ayer en privada pero emotiva ceremonia, fue retirada la #7 de @obricio7 en el GinoDome. La oficial no estaba a mano... (roughly translated, in a private but emotional ceremony, Oberto's #7 jersey was retired in the GinoDome)


Cousins ( A- ) -- in what was probably a critical game for him, given all the alleged offcourt stuff that could easily have seen him slink his way toward the end of the bench, he stepped up and had perhaps his best game of the season. He was in early in this one as Daly was unable to stop Hibbert, so we said why not get the offense in the game. And looked good form the beginning, in control against the big shotblocker, and was moving on defense if still terminally unable to challenge anybody up high. Nice drive and slam down the right side as well. And when he returned in the lat ethird after we had once again just inexplicably given the game away, he teamed with Beno for a long strong stretch where he really punished the Pacers inside and led us on amini-comback ton respectability at least. came inand gave us an offensive lift in the late thrid to make up some ground. Made some great hustle plays on the ground as well, another one of those nifty dropoff passes to a cutting Beno, and just in general was doing it all as our goto guy. eveything tat is except avoid foul trouble, as he once again, good game or bad, got his requisite 5 fouls in less than 24 minutes and had to miss a critical chunk of crunchtime because oft as we came up short yet again. As an aside, he is leading the league in fouls this year, and doing it while playing half a game. I'm not sure I've ever seen it this bad, and even more remarkable, if he keeps it up, we have a chance here to have a player lead the leage in fouls for the third time in 4 years (Mikki, Jason, now Cousins). In fact Jason was on pace to lead it for a second time last year until he was benched. I would hazard a guess that no other franchise has ever acheived that distinction, and in particualr not with three different players. So kudos to us.
Eva Mendes Sex Tape! Woot!

Udrih ( A- ) -- a few days after that inexplicable mess against Chicago, Beno too had the big bounceback game, and in fact for a long time here was working on basketball's version of a perfect game (hadn't missed a shot from anywhere), on offense at least. Found his spot to start and dropped it cleanly, and worked well with Reke in the sedcond, playing off the ball and catching in rhythm and attacking. Defense in the early 2nd was awful, but hustled on defense in the final few minutes making several good husitle plays. Came back in late in the thrid and picked up right where he left off with his scoring, and this time worked well with Cousins as the main guy. Went cold down the stretch to earn the minus, and you can tell from the 1 assist that the genius of this game was that he was not fighting with Reke or Cousins over the ball, but rather was doing a really nice job of playing off of them, and had a hugely efficent night because of it. See guys? Its not that hard really.
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This sig is a virus, since I am not so technically advanced, it's a manual virus. If you can see this message that means you've got the virus, so please delete all the files on your hard drive yourself and forward this message to everyone you know!
Moderator signature from a technical support forum

Cisco ( C- ) -- came back from an apparently competence sapping illness and jsut fumbled the ball all over the court in the first half, was slow to react to a jumpball tip from Cousins that ended up bouncing out of bounds, and just generally empty minutes in the 2nd. Did a better job of guarding Granger in the early 4th than had any of our other players. Made a bad pass turnover at the 2:45 mark that really hurt us, but tried to make up for it by hitting a big three with 1:30 to go to cut it to 6 and keep us theoretically wihtin range. Far removed from those impact games to start the season however.
This is an oldy but a goodie from last year that seems appropriate given our current situation. Just sub in the word "Kings" for Clippers and there you go.

Casspi ( D ) -- brought on as another one of the oh hell, why not substitutions wiht our main defenders unable to slow the main weapons of the Pacers, and did neither better nor worse guarding Granger. But did nothing else on the other end to make it a worthwhile move, went 0-5 on the night, missed multiple threes in the 4th when we really need them, and generally not a good outing.

Lamdry ( B- ) -- body language in the first half was quite bad, as he has looked far from the happy camper about returning to bench excellence. Came in and missed his frist shot, then got a flagrant call on a foul to stop a Pacers layup. Nothing else in an emoty first half stint, and was reduced to a jumpshoter with Cousins in the post (a dynamic from early in the season). Back in early in the 3rd with things spiraling. Offensively not doing much but did come up with a big leaping into the air two handed blocked shot. Some good work on the offensive glass late in the game as our former #2 weapon and #1 post guy very much took a back seat as a rolpelayer, and a reasonably effective one, down the stretch.

Jackson ( INC ) -- several short stints filling in behind JT when Landry looked like he was...let's avoid the term pouting and jsut say unfocused. During one of them got fouled in a rebound scrum and split a pair.
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Hall of Famer
Cousins had a strong performance, we stopped going to him though when he came back in. Beno regained his shot again, atleast for this game. Everybody else is just ehh...the most disappointing is how bad Tyreke looks and how the ball stops when he and Head are in.
I think that the kings will get better as the year progresses, so the opposite of last year. The reason i say this is because, the kings can usually play at least two great quarters of basketball but then they have a really bad quarter and cant catch up again. So, i think its mostly an issue of consistency right now. Also props to cousins. His body language was so much better today and even after the lost game he kept his poise which is something i have not seen this year from him. Glad to see it. Go Kings!
I didn't watch the game, but I'm glad to see Cousins rebounded (maybe Brick will confirm) and I like where Westphal is going with this lineup. Hopefully this unit will work (until Cousins' game gets to the point we can't keep him out of the starting five). These aren't last year's Pacers.
"I'm mad and I'm frustrated about losing," Cousins said of being dismissed from practice for unspecified disciplinary actions by head coach Paul Westphal. "My own opinion is I think different strategies should be used in the game. But I was playing selfish and it (the practice incident) was a good lesson for me. I learned from that."
We all are, Boogie, we all are.
Oh, what a mess!
Good to see Cousins come back (from the practice fiasco) to play well.
Good to see Beno have a great shooting night.
Tyreke continues to digress in his sophomore season.
Does this Kings team have a low basketball IQ? I'm thinkin.
Cousins - A.

Everyone else - Boo.
Nice myopia there.

I guess Beno shouldn't have missed those 3 out of 12 and shoulda scored 30 for ya to get an approval rating, huh?

Looking forward to seeing Brick's grades savage "blackhole", "airball" JT for his 0 assists tonight, and multiple rebounding and defensive mistakes.

I was shocked by Cisco's attempted alley-oop pass to DMC - that had to be the worst attempt I've ever seen on a professional bball court.
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the thing about tyreke that scares me.

its not that his points arent there. its not his rebounding. its not anything that shows up on the stat sheet.

Its his decision making. its his turnovers. basketball IQ is something u have or dont have. theres not an off-on switch. His jumper can improve. but....
I think it's time we start listening to the signs that Tyreke is giving us on the court and let him rest his body. I can't even imagine what it would be like playing on BOTH a busted ankle and plantar fasciitis. I've had both at one time or another in my life playing sports, but never at the same time. And I wouldn't wish plantar fasciitis on any athlete. You wonder why he's missing point blank layups and free-throws (alongside his still lazy jumper), and those who are crying wolf about his regression have to understand that his body has what's obviously a weak base to work off of currently.

The Kings need to give him at least a week to rest up and to clear his head, lest we run our horse into the ground less than 20 games into the season. He's not helping anyone as he's playing currently out there. The turnovers late in the game today killed any chance of the comeback.
the thing about tyreke that scares me.

its not that his points arent there. its not his rebounding. its not anything that shows up on the stat sheet.

Its his decision making. its his turnovers. basketball IQ is something u have or dont have. theres not an off-on switch. His jumper can improve. but....
What are you talking about!? Basketball IQ isn't a natural gift. Basketball IQ is gained with experience. Some guys learn faster than others. Kobe Bryant was such a stupid player when he first came in the league. So was Scottie Pippen. So was Gary Payton. I think some of you expected the world of him this year and are butt hurt he hasn't been that good this year. I'm not worried. It's only year 2.
What are you talking about!? Basketball IQ isn't a natural gift. Basketball IQ is gained with experience. Some guys learn faster than others. Kobe Bryant was such a stupid player when he first came in the league. So was Scottie Pippen. So was Gary Payton. I think some of you expected the world of him this year and are butt hurt he hasn't been that good this year. I'm not worried. It's only year 2.
You sir have never played any organized team sport.
I believe Tyreke WILL be fine. But at the moment he isn't fine and us playing him like he is fine, and him playing like he is fine is resulting in the team's play being not so fine.
When healthy Tyreke is just about unstoppable. I would suggest limiting his minutes and let others bring the ball up. AND making sure Garcia, Head or Greene pull the tougher defensive assignments. Right now Tyreke's got a bad foot and the team needs to protect it. My starters for Dec would be:


With this 4 and 12 start its all about teaching the team how to play together.



Hall of Famer
You sir have never played any organized team sport.
In some respects he's right. Your not born with a basketball in one hand and a playbook in the other. Its like any other sport. You absorb it over a long period of time. I started playing baseball when I was 5 years old. By the time I reached 18, I was pretty damm good. However, I do think that some people have a natural inclination for a sport, and just pick it up faster than others. I also think that some have more passion and are more dedicated. As Ken Venturi the great golfer once said. The more I practice, the luckier I get.

I also think that you have to love the sport your playing and that you have fun playing it. Just being 7 foot doesn't make you a basketball player. You do have to have a feel for the game, and the natural talent. And then you have to be able to conform all that into team play. Many times with people that are inferior to you. One of the biggest ingredients is experience. You just can't judge players on their first few years in the league by any other measure other than improvement. As long as their making improvements, small though they may seem, you still don't know what the finished product is going to be like. Steve Nash is a perfect example. He didn't resemble the Nash we know today until his fifth year in the league.

When you look at a player like Thabeet, its easy to make a blanket statement and say that he has no basketball IQ. And to some extent, you would be right. But nothing is black and white the way everyone wants to be. Thabeet never even touched a basketball until his junior year of highschool. So you had a 7 foot kid that was fairly athletic with zero knowledge of baskeball now being put on the court. He's already 10 years behind kids from the playground that started playing when they were 6 or 7 years old. And now he's on the same court with those kids. So naturally he's going to look bad by comparison. Does that mean he'll never catch up? Maybe! But it does mean you have to give him the time to find out. Which at times is painful to watch.
the thing about tyreke that scares me.

its not that his points arent there. its not his rebounding. its not anything that shows up on the stat sheet.

Its his decision making. its his turnovers. basketball IQ is something u have or dont have. theres not an off-on switch. His jumper can improve. but....
His turnovers weren't the effect of poor decision making. The two in the first quarter were both procedural (a travel and a carry), and in the second half, they were all the result of him mishandling the ball. He wasn't throwing the ball away, which you would assume from looking at the box score and seeing 6 turnovers. I'm not too worried about his decision making when it comes to turnovers. I'm much more worried about his poor shot selection here lately.

No Evidence, No Conviction! Specializing in expungements... Classy eh? I have been assured by the friend who sent this to me that this is a legitimate legal ad by a dude who advertises himself as "the gangsta's lawyer." In 1977 the Supreme Court made a terrible error handing down a decision called Bates v. State Bar that established the principle that lawyers could advertise their services -- to someone today that seems a given, but before that time lawyers considered such activity gauche and demeaning, and the state bars beleived good lawyers' reps spread through word of mouth, not cheesy TV spots. The Supremes took action in the name of free speech, but I have long felt that it was a dubious victory as clowns like this have dragged the profession's rep through the mud ever since.
Hmmm... wonder if he hires any summer interns?
What are you talking about!? Basketball IQ isn't a natural gift. Basketball IQ is gained with experience. Some guys learn faster than others. Kobe Bryant was such a stupid player when he first came in the league. So was Scottie Pippen. So was Gary Payton. I think some of you expected the world of him this year and are butt hurt he hasn't been that good this year. I'm not worried. It's only year 2.
I think you're a little wrong and a little right. You say basketball IQ is not a natural gift and that some learn faster than others. Well, for some, their instincts allow them to play as if they had been playing for years beyond their actual experience. What is that? An unnatural gift? I would consider that to be a natural gift. You're right that everyone learns at a different rate, of course. But then, that's why so many players have a short career in pro sports, right? They are unable to learn enough to improve their game. I would suggest that Duane Causwell never improved his basketball IQ - even after 11 years in the league.
Great I just realized that were facing a really angry Lakers team next. 4 straight losses and I highly doubt they want to lose a 5th in a row...sigh
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