
sorry I upset so many D Cousins fans. Im not saying he cant be good in terms of putting up numbers either now or eventually. He just doesnt come across a star you build a team around. He has that demeanor thats going to eventually cause problems for coaches with his body language. Weight and so forth. Hes definetly worthy of his #5 pick no question. But i see him like Derrick Coleman. Always had the stats, but wasnt a winner if that makes sense. On paper we all may love him, but the intangibles of doing whats best for the team to succeed, being a leader, not complaining, not worrying about PT, weight all lead me to believe hes more like Benoight Benjamin. Just my opinion. I mean come on, when you look at his mannerisms on the court does he really inspire you to believe he can lead the Kings? I dont. Trade the underachiever. Hes been spoiled all his youth,he has sense of entitlement. Hes got attitude issues. the difference in him is you can see his lifelong coddling hes been given, many players have been , no question. Most just dont wear it on their sleeves like Demarcous. Wasnt he just quoted his only goal is to prove he should have been drafted higher than Favors, how about proving you belong among elite.
I would take the time to respond if I believed that you were a Kings fan, but since you're obviously not, "trade the underachiever" seems like pretty shady advice from someone with an agenda (not that I know what you think you can achieve with these troll statements on a fan board).
He's making an argument, it's not like he's dropping one liners and trying to incite people. I don't see how saying something unpopular here makes him a troll. He seems to be genuine in his opinion.


If I wasnt a Kings fan, I could care less about Cousins. I am and therefor only want to see them be better and grow. I just believe he holds the Kings back from progress.


thanks Vlad, on the other hand I love Tyreke, he cant shoot from the outside yet, but you can see how this guy is a leader and a piece to build around as a two guard. I dont know yet if hes a point guard, but he is worthy of being the face of the franchise.
He's making an argument, it's not like he's dropping one liners and trying to incite people. I don't see how saying something unpopular here makes him a troll. He seems to be genuine in his opinion.
Simply because his arguement makes no sense. Saying things like "sorry, ive seen enough of this guy, he's got Benoit Benjamin written all over him" and "trade the underachiever" about a top 5 pick 13 games into his career simply screems hidden agenda, especially when the NBA is filled with superstars who looked much less promising than DMC in their rookie year. If you've noticed my posts here you would see that I'm not quick with trigger on calling troll, but this is just too blatant.


sorry I upset so many D Cousins fans. Im not saying he cant be good in terms of putting up numbers either now or eventually. He just doesnt come across a star you build a team around. He has that demeanor thats going to eventually cause problems for coaches with his body language. Weight and so forth. Hes definetly worthy of his #5 pick no question. But i see him like Derrick Coleman. Always had the stats, but wasnt a winner if that makes sense. On paper we all may love him, but the intangibles of doing whats best for the team to succeed, being a leader, not complaining, not worrying about PT, weight all lead me to believe hes more like Benoight Benjamin. Just my opinion. I mean come on, when you look at his mannerisms on the court does he really inspire you to believe he can lead the Kings? I dont. Trade the underachiever. Hes been spoiled all his youth,he has sense of entitlement. Hes got attitude issues. the difference in him is you can see his lifelong coddling hes been given, many players have been , no question. Most just dont wear it on their sleeves like Demarcous. Wasnt he just quoted his only goal is to prove he should have been drafted higher than Favors, how about proving you belong among elite.
Right, trade the underachiever 12 games into his career, with 600+ ore games to go, because we KNOW that this is his ceiling. Sorry for the attack, but that is retarded.
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thanks Vlad, on the other hand I love Tyreke, he cant shoot from the outside yet, but you can see how this guy is a leader and a piece to build around as a two guard. I dont know yet if hes a point guard, but he is worthy of being the face of the franchise.
If you can say something insightful, within 10 minutes, about 4 of our players that haven't been all over the media, say Donte, Cisco, Beno, and JT, I'll believe that you are a Kings fan and take back my troll call. You probably have no idea who they are, though.
The whole point of the pick and roll is for one of the two players to get an easy shot. Its a two man play. Its called teamwork. Its not just about the PG getting an open shot. I've said it before and I'll say it again. This team sucks at running the pick and roll, which I might add is the bread and butter play of the NBA. If you can't run that play you might as well forget about playing a halfcourt game.
Damn straight!

I am rather sick of seeing opposing teams play pick and rolls on almost EVERY. SINGLE. PLAY. Yet, the Kings might run 10 of them a night, and half-hearted and pathetic excuses for them at that.

I'd like to see some serious improvement in this one area, which IIRC is a basic fundamental key to an NBA offense today.
Why is it so hard to get coaches for the Kings that know how the hell to teach it?
Simply because his arguement makes no sense. Saying things like "sorry, ive seen enough of this guy, he's got Benoit Benjamin written all over him" and "trade the underachiever" about a top 5 pick 13 games into his career simply screems hidden agenda, especially when the NBA is filled with superstars who looked much less promising than DMC in their rookie year. If you've noticed my posts here you would see that I'm not quick with trigger on calling troll, but this is just too blatant.
Who cares what his "agenda" is? He is not breaking any rules and he's not being rude or inappropriate to anyone here, as far as I can tell. His criticisms are bold and out there, but he has just as much right to express his criticisms as any of us do to express ours.
Bigs take about 3 years to develop not 3 months.

If anything we honestly have never had a "great" big man coach
that dosen't help speed the process.
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Hall of Famer
sorry I upset so many D Cousins fans. Im not saying he cant be good in terms of putting up numbers either now or eventually. He just doesnt come across a star you build a team around. He has that demeanor thats going to eventually cause problems for coaches with his body language. Weight and so forth. Hes definetly worthy of his #5 pick no question. But i see him like Derrick Coleman. Always had the stats, but wasnt a winner if that makes sense. On paper we all may love him, but the intangibles of doing whats best for the team to succeed, being a leader, not complaining, not worrying about PT, weight all lead me to believe hes more like Benoight Benjamin. Just my opinion. I mean come on, when you look at his mannerisms on the court does he really inspire you to believe he can lead the Kings? I dont. Trade the underachiever. Hes been spoiled all his youth,he has sense of entitlement. Hes got attitude issues. the difference in him is you can see his lifelong coddling hes been given, many players have been , no question. Most just dont wear it on their sleeves like Demarcous. Wasnt he just quoted his only goal is to prove he should have been drafted higher than Favors, how about proving you belong among elite.
My hope is that I'm not wasting my time responding to you. So let me say this. So far Cousins has been a perfect angel on the court with only one show of emotion that got him a technical. He's been smart by talking to the officials on the sideline and not showing them up on the court. So his so called demeanor hasn't caused any problems as of yet, and until they do, then you have to give him the benefit of the doubt. You compared him to Beniot Benjamin. The only comparison to Benjamin might be their size. Cousins is far more intense and competitive than Benjamin ever dreamed of being. The fact that you referred to his lifelong coddling tells me you know nothing about him. His childhood and early basketball career were far from being coddled. They were quite the opposite. If you really want to know something about him I suggest you do your homework instead of just making up crap.

As for being a leader on the court, well he was certainly one of the leaders at Kentucky, and has shown great promise as someone you can run the offense through in the high and low post. For you to call him an underaccheiver and someone we should get rid of is reason enough for me to call you a troll. Its an idiotic statement that no one on this fourm other than other stupid mindless trolls would agree with. So you have a choice on how you want to be perceived. You can keep posting like this and no one will pay any attention to you. Or you can try and make intelligent posts that are well thought out with facts to back them up. Up to you mi amigo.
Who cares what his "agenda" is? He is not breaking any rules and he's not being rude or inappropriate to anyone here, as far as I can tell. His criticisms are bold and out there, but he has just as much right to express his criticisms as any of us do to express ours.
Of course he has the right to criticize. I don't think any player should be immuned from criticism, and that includes DMC, Tyreke, Omri, Donte, and everyone else. I myself have voiced criticism of Tyreke, for example, and received quite a bit of flack for it. But when his criticism doesn't come from an honest place, I too have the right to call him out on it. I do not believe that he is a Kings fan, and so far he hasn't done anything to prove me wrong. Now, if he said off the bat that he is not a Kings fan, but a fan of another team who is simply following DMC out of curiosity and came to these conclusions, I would still disagree but view it as legitimate discussion. Alternatively, had he said something intelligent about the rest of the team to prove that he actually follows the Kings, I would agree that he is not a troll. He hasn't done either, except for a halfass attempt to make a generic comment about Tyreke, reminiscent of the superficial discussion of him around the league since he joined the Kings, to try and seem as if he follows the Kings. That comment just strengthened my opinion that he is just as much a Kings fan as I am an indiana Pacers fan.


Who cares what his "agenda" is? He is not breaking any rules and he's not being rude or inappropriate to anyone here, as far as I can tell. His criticisms are bold and out there, but he has just as much right to express his criticisms as any of us do to express ours.
Oh come the **** on! His criticisms are not BOLD or OUT THERE, they are plain retarded and stupid!!! He has a right yes, but that does not mean that he is not going to get blasted for posting something that is so utterly asinine and stupid and totally uncalled for 12 games into a 20 year old's career. He has an agenda and it is to rile up some Kings fans, and while you are over there defending him he is laughing down his sleeve at how gullible folks can be. In fact, I'm laughing at how gullible you are being and have been for I don't know how long.


Please. Moronic.


If you can say something insightful, within 10 minutes, about 4 of our players that haven't been all over the media, say Donte, Cisco, Beno, and JT, I'll believe that you are a Kings fan and take back my troll call. You probably have no idea who they are, though.
Beno- cant believe Minn let him go when they did, thought he was good as a Spur. Jackpot pickup.
JT-Dont understand why he lost his position, had upside, is servicable, dedicated to being a "player" dont hear crap about him complaining, Glad ATL turned down the trade
Omri-good team guy, keeper,not a starter, but important role player off bench for a good team.
Dalembert-Salary dump aquisition only, no real plans to keep him next year unless he resigns for 3-4 million
Garcia-just not sold on him long term, i know he has nice shot at times, but get beats easily on D, not worth the money.
Hassan-like him, want to see his potential. lots of upside w/o the franchise expectations of Demarcus
Greene- I dont know, reminds me of Darrel Arthur. Dont know yet.Glad hes starting
Westphaul-Not long term coach, short term-will be relieved after contract, good for young team however with no expectations for playoffs.
Brockman-Favorite player from last year, excellent husltler,team guy all the way, crowd pleaser with work ethic, sad to see him go. Glad he got paid-deserves it
could go on and on, not sure what im proving here, fact is peices arent there yet. D Cousins in my opinion only is not a long term solution for success for the Kings thats all, Im absolutely a Kings fan and am not trying for schock value here. My only beef of this team is him, thats all. Im older and have seen many players play in this league for 30 years. Ive seen his type before and when I do see him he just has that me first vs team first persona. I think before thi syear or next at the latest when he gets benched and then complains that we will all hear about it from him.Its not the type of trait i want on the Kings. just wait, hes a chemistry killer. hope im wrong.



here read this , i just found this when someone said i didnt know what i was talking about. This explains him perfectly, and why I dont think he can be a true leader from within the locker room and have it translate to success for the Kings longterm. No ones saying he cant produce, but its the intangibles that this article clearly state that will prevent him from being who you all want him to be. If you have no expectations of a #5 pick being a all-star, team leader, a fixture in the starting five,team player, motivator then hes your man. I expect something different from a 5 longterm. He's a nut you wont be able to count on like you need to.



here read this , i just found this when someone said i didnt know what i was talking about. This explains him perfectly, and why I dont think he can be a true leader from within the locker room and have it translate to success for the Kings longterm. No ones saying he cant produce, but its the intangibles that this article clearly state that will prevent him from being who you all want him to be. If you have no expectations of a #5 pick being a all-star, team leader, a fixture in the starting five,team player, motivator then hes your man. I expect something different from a 5 longterm. He's a nut you wont be able to count on like you need to.
Major tool-age. So you are basing your opinion of Cousins on what some wack-a-mole sportswriter wrote after DeMarcus took a blatant knee to the side of his head and gave dude a forearm shiver sending the message that he is not someone to play with, he will defend himself? This idiot states that DMC could derail Kentucky's championship run and even AFTER he doesn't and in fact is a model citizen and AFTER he has gone a dozen games in the NBA without blowing up on anybody on the court here you are being a giant ....

Tell me something. If you are scrambling for a loose ball and someone blatantly throws a knee to your head, are you gonna grab the side of your head and curl up like a little ***** like your name is Ben Rapist-turder or are you gonna be a MAN and stand up for yourself. Cuz one of those reactions is straight p***y and one is the reaction of someone I wanna go to war with. Are you a p***y or a soldier? Cuz DMC is a soldier and folks wanna go to war with a soldier. Never back down. Afraid of nobody.

You are bringing up old sh*t that is no longer relevant. GROW. UP.
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Oh come the **** on! His criticisms are not BOLD or OUT THERE, they are plain retarded and stupid!!! He has a right yes, but that does not mean that he is not going to get blasted for posting something that is so utterly asinine and stupid and totally uncalled for 12 games into a 20 year old's career. He has an agenda and it is to rile up some Kings fans, and while you are over there defending him he is laughing down his sleeve at how gullible folks can be. In fact, I'm laughing at how gullible you are being and have been for I don't know how long.


Please. Moronic.
I'm merely defending him from being called a troll, because I don't think that it's appropriate. I have nothing against blasting what he's saying, but just because his opinion may be dumb, that doesn't mean it should be considered as inciting. If you don't like his argument, then ignore him or engage him in debate. That's what civil people do.


I'm merely defending him from being called a troll, because I don't think that it's appropriate. I have nothing against blasting what he's saying, but just because his opinion may be dumb, that doesn't mean it should be considered as inciting. If you don't like his argument, then ignore him or engage him in debate. That's what civil people do.
I'm not civil lol. I'm a flame thrower.
Major tool-age. So you are basing your opinion of Cousins on what some wack-a-mole sportswriter wrote after DeMarcus took a blatant knee to the side of his head and gave dude a forearm shiver sending the message that he is not someone to play with, he will defend himself? This idiot states that DMC could derail Kentucky's championship run and even AFTER he doesn't and in fact is a model citizen and AFTER he has gone a dozen games in the NBA without blowing up on anybody on the court here you are being a giant douche.

Tell me something. If you are scrambling for a loose ball and someone blatantly throws a knee to your head, are you gonna grab the side of your head and curl up like a little ***** like your name is Ben Rapist-turder or are you gonna be a MAN and stand up for yourself. Cuz one of those reactions is straight p***y and one is the reaction of someone I wanna go to war with. Are you a p***y or a soldier? Cuz DMC is a soldier and folks wanna go to war with a soldier. Never back down. Afraid of nobody.

You are bringing up old sh*t that is no longer relevant. GROW. UP.
You brought up a rapist, poop twice, genitals, and genital cleansing fluid and ended the post with "Grow Up".
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Hall of Famer
The biggest troll on this forum, to the best of my knowledge, is King07. All he ever does is stop by game threads and bash Tyreke, bash the Kings, and try to get a reaction out of everyone.

Don't know why he hasn't been bannd yet.I'm sure tonight will be more of the same.


He's a loose cannon, a hothead, its inevitable that it will show up sometime. He's on his best behavior for obvious reasons. He's Zach Randolph reincarnated, just a little bigger. Same rep, same attitude issues, doesnt or hasnt always got along with teammates,coaches,the law. Zach looks nice on paper doesnt he?? 20/10 , but hes a loser, nobody wants him, cant lead a team. You wont see him gather all his teammates around to huddle to get going. Hes a Me first player, scores at will inside ,rebounds like beast. But cant make anyone else better, 0 leadership, not a winner. I know all you dudes are just dying for this guy to be a hero, the #5 pick, the hoopla ,the "potential" blah blah blah. Its not him folks, your setting yourselves up for a big disapointment. He'll throw a headband in the stands or jersey in disgust after being pulled before dec 31st


Hall of Famer
He's a loose cannon, a hothead, its inevitable that it will show up sometime. He's on his best behavior for obvious reasons. He's Zach Randolph reincarnated, just a little bigger. Same rep, same attitude issues, doesnt or hasnt always got along with teammates,coaches,the law. Zach looks nice on paper doesnt he?? 20/10 , but hes a loser, nobody wants him, cant lead a team. You wont see him gather all his teammates around to huddle to get going. Hes a Me first player, scores at will inside ,rebounds like beast. But cant make anyone else better, 0 leadership, not a winner. I know all you dudes are just dying for this guy to be a hero, the #5 pick, the hoopla ,the "potential" blah blah blah. Its not him folks, your setting yourselves up for a big disapointment. He'll throw a headband in the stands or jersey in disgust after being pulled before dec 31st
Yeah, you're either a troll, or an idiot.


Hall of Famer

here read this , i just found this when someone said i didnt know what i was talking about. This explains him perfectly, and why I dont think he can be a true leader from within the locker room and have it translate to success for the Kings longterm. No ones saying he cant produce, but its the intangibles that this article clearly state that will prevent him from being who you all want him to be. If you have no expectations of a #5 pick being a all-star, team leader, a fixture in the starting five,team player, motivator then hes your man. I expect something different from a 5 longterm. He's a nut you wont be able to count on like you need to.
If your basing your opinion solely on that one story then I can see why you believe what you believe. Unfortunately there's a lot more than that to read. As previously posted, if you had seen the game, which I did. Cousins was on the floor fighting for the ball. He and another player both had their hands on the ball and it likely would have been a jump ball. The other player then threw his knee right into the side of Cousins head, and Cousins promptly delivered a forearm to the other players chin. As usual the ref's only saw the elbow Cousins threw.

I was one of Cousins biggest supporters last year and no one wanted the Kings to draft him more than I did. I watched him play 24 times last season including the NCAA tournament games. I read countless articles on him from the university newspaper to the local rags and countless internet blogs. I will admit I'm retired and I have the time. But believe me when I say your wrong about him. Good news doesn't make for great headlines. Bad news does! So it was popular for a lot of internet bloggers that never saw Cousins play a game, to jump on the bandwagon. He's had to deal with this crap ever since his sophmore year in highschool. His family isn't rich and they come from a small southern town. The problem when your big and only a teenager, is that everyone expects you to act like a man because you happen to look like one. Instead of being coddled, he's had to overcome adversity, and to some extent, hatred, that was based on perceptions that wern't true.

So maybe you can understand why he might have thin skin, when if, for a large part of your childhood your being wrongly attacked. Let me give you an example. After one of the games last year on another campus, the fans had come on to the floor as they're prone to do in college. Cousins had packed up his bag from the bench and walked into the locker room. Patrick Patterson, his teammate followed in the direction of the lockerroom a few minutes later. As he neared the tunnel a fan came running toward him and Patterson not knowing what the fans intentions were, stiff armed him as he got too close. The headlines the next day read DeMarcus Cousins hits fan while leaving the floor. Later, when they looked at the film of the incident they realized they had made a mistake. But you know what. Months later people were still talking about Cousins hitting a fan after the game. This is the kind of crap he's had to put up with. Rumors and made up lies.

I'm not saying this kid is an angel. He has a temper and in the past, rightly or wrongly, he's had a short fuse. But so far he done a good job of keeping it under control, and he deserves credit for that. Its time for the rumors to stop. Its time to judge him on what he's doing now, and forget what preceded it. He's a sacramento King, and his legacy starts now. To do otherwise wouldn't be fair to him or the team.
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Yeah I hope Cousins can improve as well. After last nights performance, I'm not too pleased with him thus far. He's always turning the ball over. I swear it seemed like he turned the ball over against the Hornets ATLEAST 7 times. It seemed like almost every other time he had the ball he was either dishing it off to the other team, or forcing the most ridiculous Michael Jordan like shots... I get mad when I see Dalembert going to the bench... I want that to change!
he's a loose cannon, a hothead, its inevitable that it will show up sometime. He's on his best behavior for obvious reasons. He's zach randolph reincarnated, just a little bigger. Same rep, same attitude issues, doesnt or hasnt always got along with teammates,coaches,the law. Zach looks nice on paper doesnt he?? 20/10 , but hes a loser, nobody wants him, cant lead a team. You wont see him gather all his teammates around to huddle to get going. Hes a me first player, scores at will inside ,rebounds like beast. But cant make anyone else better, 0 leadership, not a winner. I know all you dudes are just dying for this guy to be a hero, the #5 pick, the hoopla ,the "potential" blah blah blah. Its not him folks, your setting yourselves up for a big disapointment. He'll throw a headband in the stands or jersey in disgust after being pulled before dec 31st
This is too ridiculous. Giving an obvious troll any liberal cred or sympathy... really, there has to be reality. .. nbaFans agenda is blatantly transparent... his presence is very suspect. We are not in the mood dude, its cheap and low class..... leave us and root for whoever you did in Oct of 2010............. 18 posts ago
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Hall of Famer

Something wrong here! Were starting to agree on too many things. :D There's no doubt that the post is very congested at times, making it near impossibe for a post player to get anything done. We don't spread the floor enough, and even when we do, like last night, the other team dares us to shoot from out there.

Right now most teams are setting up their defense to keep Tyreke out of the post. Unfortunately that defense also makes it difficult for Cousins in the post. Teams are daring Tyreke to shoot from the outside, and until he starts hitting those shots, nothing is going to change.

I'd like to mention something else here. Tyreke and Beno both seem to have tunnel vision when running the pick and roll. Both seem to think that the entire point of the pick and roll is to create a shot for just them. On four occasions in the last game, and these were the only one's that I noticed. Three times Cousins came out and set a high pick. Twice for Evans and once for Beno. On all three occasions he rolled to the basket and on two of those occasions he was wide open with no one within 5 feet of him under the basket and on the other occasion if he had been passed to while heading to the basket he could have certainly beat the defense. On all three occasions he wasn't even looked at, much less passed to. On a night where points are hard to come by one would think you'd take advantage of these situations. The other time Greene set a pick for Beno and rolled to the basket. He also would have had an easy basket if Beno had just passed him the ball.

The whole point of the pick and roll is for one of the two players to get an easy shot. Its a two man play. Its called teamwork. Its not just about the PG getting an open shot. I've said it before and I'll say it again. This team sucks at running the pick and roll, which I might add is the bread and butter play of the NBA. If you can't run that play you might as well forget about playing a halfcourt game.
Not going to disagree (too bad:eek:). This is stuff I'm sure Westphal and his staff sees, and no doubt are pointing it out to the players. I've been seeing improvement over the last three games. At least the ball isn't being dribbled nearly as much, with a few cases the ball never even touched the floor (my oh my). Hopefully, by the All-Star break they will get some of these obvious indadequacies remedied. They won't be scoring 120 points per game anytime soon, but they should slowly crawl to be a better offensive team.

I think you mentioned the big elephant in the room - Tyreke's outside shot. That's going to be a pretty big albatross around the neck of this offense until he gets it down. It's hard to run a great pick and roll if the guy running it is no threat to pull up with the jumper after using the screen. Have you ever seen Tyreke do a pull up jumper off the pick and roll? (Not a rhetorical question).

My biggest frustration with this team by far has not been what's gone on during the season so far. It's what went on during the off-season. I am very unhappy with what went on during the offseason. Players coming in out of shape. Tyreke hiring himself as his own shooting coach and having this stupid leg-kick on his shooting form. (I wonder why when he shoots he comes up short so often?:rolleyes:) Garcia, the veteran, doing the same dumbass move on his shooting form. (What was he thinking - that he was going to get style points?:rolleyes:) We're seeing the results of that "work" during the offseason right before our very eyes. THAT's what irks me.