[Grades] Preseason Grades v. Lakers 10/13/10

Who will start at SF against the Clippers next game?

  • Donte Greene

    Votes: 28 57.1%
  • Omri Casspi

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • Antoine Wright

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Marcus Landry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carmelo Anthony

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Mario Elie

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • Santa Claus

    Votes: 9 18.4%

  • Total voters


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Because I, er, hopped a plane to L.A. to catch this one on the hotel tellie. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Greene ( C+ ) -- had a couple of good defensive possessions in the early early going, but otherwise a big fat (ha!) nothing for the first 3/4. Just again was not dynamic, and blame the weight, or the 2nd night of a back to back, whatever. Did not look happy. But slowly lurched to life in the early 4th (facing the Lakers backups rather than Kobe/Artest on the wings may have helped). First he started attacking the basket 1 on 1, drawing fouls and after an 0-3 start finally knocking down some FTs. Then he followed that by being maybe only the second King of the night (Landry the other) to effectively play off of Tyreke's penetration, and splashed in 2 threes off of Reke kickouts as we started to come back. So 3/4 of nothing, and then a quarter that if not great, was at least effective, and helped our comeback. Still can't go higher than a C+ for that kind of thing though.

Landry ( B ) -- the numbers by the end of this one looked good, breakout game quality in fact. But the actual game was somewhat less, and hence the B. Grabbed some rebounds early, although its always unfortunate when you have to note that about your PF like its a surprise. Not effective offensively at all against the Lakers size however. Got overpowered by Caracter on defense and kncoked right back under the hoop. Unable to get anything going against Odom either. Just a struggle. Was even rather rudely involved with Barnes in an attempt to kill a Laker Girl over on the sideline as they ran her over and smashed her head into a table. Hate the Lakers all you like, but there has to be a limit at some point. Scantily clad hotties are off limits. Did at least play a little help defense making up for his stubbiness by sneaking in behind on several Lakers to knock away shots. And got the little layup from Reke on the break just before the halftime buzzer to give us the lead going into the break. And maybe that one play helped turn things for him after half. Not sure whether he figured it out, or the coaches, but after the break, excepting one ugly forced shot to start the 3rd, he largely simplified things and rather than trying to create in the post himself, he just played off of first Reke on the drive and kicks, and then Cousins on nice interior passes. Stepped up to knock down long jumpers on kickouts, and moved to the front of the rim to hit layups off quick interior feeds. And voila, by the end of the night the anemic numbers suddenly sparkle. Had a good tough defensive board inside a minute to go in a 4pt game that could have mattered, but Head wasted the ensuing possession with a brainless quick chuck.

Cousins ( B- ) -- grading DeMarcus is going to be a real challenge in the early going. Not only do I not have a baseline to compare him to, but just a lot of stuff seems to happen to him and around him at all times, both good and bad. He's nothing if not dynamic, and if they would just remove that damn foul limit might be the first player to record a quintuple double (Pts/Rebs/Ast/TO/Fls). Did not look at all prepared to defend Pau Gasol, and showed some very shaky defensive fundamentals while picking up fouls and getting blown by. Did return the favor the other way though, again showing off ridiculous quickness and handle for such a big man. Was quickly in foul trouble though on just silly, unnecessary stuff, and had to sit. Very active attacking inside after returning late in the quarter, but there was lots of slop along with the flashes of talent and by the time he picked up his third foul (again just a sloppy thing) he really hadn't done much, and in particular only had 1 reb, whether it was because Pau was just beating him to the ball, or because he was tired going on the second night of a back to back. Did almost all of his damage after a dramatic return to action down the stretch of the 4th -- dramatic just in that we lost Reke to an ankle injury, and all of a sudden Cuz, who has been ineffective all game, stepped up and took the leadership reins and played well enough to give us a shot to win it. Dropped in several nifty passes to Landry on top of the hoop for easy layins. Hit some long jumpers. Struggling to finish inside with that stuck to the ground problem he has, but chased the rebounds when denied hard all the way out to the 3pt line. Not only a strong rebounder, but a big hustle guy with mobility around the edges (of course all that movement also contributes to the foul problems). On one of those sequences in the last two minutes he outfought two Lakers guards for the ball out there, recovered it, turned, saw the clock running down, and canned a desperation three. Could see he was gassed too. Heaving for breath, bent over holding his jersey. We actually drew up a play for him to shoot a three at the 30 second mark down 5, and that was just unfortunate on many levels. He airballed it. Also ended up as the third option or so taking ANOTHER three heavily contested by Gasol, that was also airballed. Lots of talent and interesting things going on, but its a fail to end up with your 6'11" 270lb+ center taking three threes in the final two minutes of a close game (actually he's only credited with 2, so that Gasol one must have been foot on the line). Maybe, or maybe not, eyebrow raising that he was ineffective in there with Reke, and took over with Reke out as well. No idea if that is a one game thing, or has been a trend. In any case, struggled against the champs, then led a late run that was messy, wild, and dripping with talent. Calling this a B- until I have seen him some more and can judge more fairly.

Wright ( C+ ) -- was paired with Greene off the start to contend with the Artest/Kobe duo, and given that Kobe was trying to out-awful Tyreke in the early going maybe it worked. Of course on the other hand Ron Ron was unconscious and largely carrying the Lakers in the early game, and overpowered Wright when matched with him, so maybe not. And those periods of the game made you realize how much we miss Beno (or more precisely and critically here, Beno and Cisco). Without them our guard lineup was Reke and the scrubs, and while it was Wright we only scored 20 in the early going and 12 in the third, and could have desperately used a second ballhandler/creater who was not 5'11" (Pooh) or a chuck and ducker (Head). Then again maybe it wasn't Wright's fault at all, as in the early going his deadeye shooting (you read that right) was what was keeping us afloat. Canned two early threes, and knocked down another J in the early third. Things were not as pretty when he actually tried to dribble the ball as opposed to waiting for kick passes, nor when we ran so completely out of options in the 4th that we were actually running plays intentionally setting up our new "shooter" for three point bricks. Overall, whatever his effect on our offense, you probably can't be too unhappy with this game from an Antoine Wright. You might be unhappy that it is in fact Antoine Wright out there, but if he is going to be, this was decent. Outcored Kobe 8-7 in fact. A+?

Evans ( C ) -- looked almost too hyped early, making errors of overagression, not having as easy a time of getting by Fisher as you would think, unable to get things to fall, kept getting called for travels and charges (seemed oddly out of control on his drives, which he rarely is), and guys weren't helping by blowing his point blank assists. First hit was a jumper again. Tried to drive the baseline late in the quarter and ran into Chatacter and just stopped. Looked a lot better after returning late in the half. and immediately led us on a run attacking the hoop and getting out on the break. Began to really get back on the defenisve glass too, and kept at it the rest of the way. Nice open court dump pass to Landry to give us the lead just before half, but before the last play seemed reluctant to pass on the break, and was picking up charges and wild plays because of it. Was more under control in the third, but chucking up too many long jumpers to prove he had it maybe. Looked like he was settling, and the offense died again. In fact what you really saw was with all the guys out how dependent we were on Reke, and how erratic he was as that support in this game. Started aggressive but too aggressive, amateurishly ragged. We struggled to score. In the second came back and took control as he can and we went on a run and took the lead going into half. In the third, maybe overcompensated for the ragged over penteration of the first quarter, and became a jumpshooter, and an inaccurate one at that, and the offense died again. And then in the late 3rd and 4th perhaps adjusted again and began to solve the Lakers puzzle with a series of drive and kicks that were finally knocked down by Donte and Landry. The Lakers weren't going to let him drive, the improved jumper didn't look so improved this time out, and he finally figured out that the way to crack the defense was to drive, draw the attention, and then kick it. Was interrupted mid-revelation as he came up limping after a drive in the middle of the quarter and had to go to the bench. May have been the ankle again, which is getting worrisome, expecially given how he plays. Supposedly day to day. So overall, not a good game for Reke, and peppered with some troubling spots of selfishness, but had two bursts of inspiration in the 2nd quarter attacking, and then the 4th quarter driving and kicking. Not a total wipeout, and I guess we'll just call the struggles to maintain tone the normal preseason stuff that needs to be worked out.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat

Thompson ( B- ) -- sloppy start, but began to control the glass along with Cousins as the first quarter went along. Of course helped that Gasol and Artest were out. Nice turnaround move after returning in the early 2nd for Cousins, and some nice boardwork before half as well. Like a number of the kings only had the one stretch of effective play, and did little after half. Sloppy and racked up 4 TOs in only 18min. Picked up another technical for complaining at the end of the third. I like this rule if for no other reason it may finally teach Jason to just shut the hell up. Who cares about the refs. Just play the game. Not sure if the T pissed off Coach, or if Jason was just a victim of circumstance -- namely Landry playing well, and Cousins coming on late. But either way, it ended his night and he did not play in the 4th that I can recall.

Casspi ( C- ) -- smothered by Artest upon entering, when Lakers tried to guard him with Blake, we went right to him in the post + he drew the foul, missed the FTs though. Hit a three in the early second, but otherwise not much in the first half. Not able to hit threes on kickouts. Finally got back to the line late with a determined drive and multiple follow attempts. Not very effective though, and gave way to Greene in the 4th when Donte came up with his little run.

Jackson ( C ) -- was having to guard Gasol a lot, which was unfortunate, but at least held his position and made Gasol shoot turnarounds. Stepped all the way out near the three point line for a long jumper on a Reke drive and kick for his only points.

Jeter ( C ) -- not much early, but nice drive and quick pullup to draw the foul from the trailing defender, used quickness to repeatedly free himself from Blake. Struggled after returning in the third. No effect on defense.

Head ( D+ ) -- first stood out for an awful 8 seconds of dribbling for the off balance challenged three after entering. Did little else the rest of the half individually, but seemed to work well with Reke when Tyreke returned to the game. Had a nasty tendency to dribble dribble and dribble around before finally making a decision. Pointless dribbling too as he isn't that skilled and wasn't getting anywhere or posing any threat. Selfishness and decisionmaking problems, but hey, had the highest +/- ont eh team so he was the magic sauce right? Pulled up for a dumb too quick forced three at the 40 second mark with us down 4. Never had a chance, our only rebounder under the hoop was Jeter. Walked on the desperation three point attempt at the end buzzer. You can ignore the 4 steals stat. A couple of open court pickups as the Lakers started getting loose with the ball but hardly dominant defense.
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Hall of Famer
In the third quarter Cousins touched the ball three times. Tyreke, nor any of the other perimiter players made any effort to utilize him in the post. On one of the few times he actually got the ball in the post, early in the third quarter, he turned the ball over trying an over his shoulder pass to a cutting Tyreke on an obvious miscommunication between the two of them.

If you could go back and rewatch the game, you'd notice that Cousins was the only Kings player that Gasol had trouble scoring on. Cousins actually did a fair job on him considering how crafty Gasol is. By the way, Gasol is Cousins favorite player in the NBA, so I think he knows his game. Of course knowing it and stoping it are two different things.

For the most part there was little sharing of the ball. There was a lot of selfish play. Oddly enough, Cousins was one of the more willing passers, but didn't get much of a chance until the fourth quarter when Tyreke went out of the game. I thought Tyeke played a pretty selfish game himself at times, with little effort at to set anyone up. When someone did make an effort to get the ball into the post it too often resulted in a turnover. Apparently the bounce pass is a forgotten art. I thought Wright did a good job defending Kobe. I don't know if Wright is that good, or if Kobe just isn't up to snuff yet. I suspect the latter. Too many heat checks by Wright, who thinks hitting a couple of shots in a row means he's on fire. On Head? No comment! Pooh shows promise, but he made a couple of very bad passes. Landry played well for the most part, and was probably the most consistent player on the floor, that was able to stay on the floor.

Watching Tyeke's shot in this game, it appeared to me that he was once again falling away from the basket. I also don't like the way he kicks his leg out on the shot. Its as though he went back and watched film of himself in highschool and decided to replicate it. Hardly a textbook image..


Hall of Famer
Regarding Reke's jumper, I don't know why he decided to fall back again in this game. He was doing just fine up to this point, I know it's not the Lakers defense, but that doesn't matter, you shoot the same unless you have to fade back with a taller defender or wing span. I loved how Carl Landry played, constantly scoring in the post, being aggressive. I don't know why it took so long for Cousins to get going, I guess the team didn't want to feed him the rock very much.
I don't know why they weren't getting the ball into cousins early on. He was getting position. But donte was one of the main ones who'd refuse to set up him and they kept swinging the ball around the perimeter. Reminded me of a college game.
My wife hadn't seen a Kings game in a long, long time. Watching this one, she commented that our ball movement was atrocious, that the Lakers were playing more like the old Kings than the Kings were. We sat there and watched as, again and again, someone brought the ball up the floor, then either shot, turned it over, or passed it to someone who shot it. I could have counted on my fingers the plays which involved two or more successful passes.

It's great that we only lost by a few points in Staples, but that was a completely fugly game for us. I hope that the rest of the season looks nothing like it.
Unfortunately, it looks like Westphal hasn't yet been able to get the most out of this group of non-passing personnel.

Looking up and down the roster, we all knew that going into the season that ball movement would be a problem (look at Asst + Asst to TO ratios). And it likely will be all season - we don't have many passers on this team. But you certainly hope things get better, for preseason or not, this offense is ugly...
Head ( D+ ) -- first stood out for an awful 8 seconds of dribbling for the off balance challenged three after entering. Did little else the rest of the half individually, but seemed to work well with Reke when Tyreke returned to the game. Had a nasty tendency to dribble dribble and dribble around before finally making a decision. Pointless dribbling too as he isn't that skilled and wasn't getting anywhere or posing any threat. Selfishness and decisionmaking problems, but hey, had the highest +/- ont eh team so he was the magic sauce right? Pulled up for a dumb too quick forced three at the 40 second mark with us down 4. Never had a chance, our only rebounder under the hoop was Jeter. Walked on the desperation three point attempt at the end buzzer. You can ignore the 4 steals stat. A couple of open court pickups as the Lakers started getting loose with the ball but hardly dominant defense.
DMC quickly got on him about that stupid shot, because the only player within ten feet of him was Steve Blake, who was fronting him. Throw the ball in to DMC and it's an easy two, maybe a three-point play if Blake fouls, and now it's a game. Instead, he shoots a "J-DUB on stupid pills" pull up three pointer, bricks badly, and ruins the comeback.

Then, DMC gets dressed down by Westphal for cutting into his dumb teammate on the floor. I don't like Luther Head.


DMC quickly got on him about that stupid shot, because the only player within ten feet of him was Steve Blake, who was fronting him. Throw the ball in to DMC and it's an easy two, maybe a three-point play if Blake fouls, and now it's a game. Instead, he shoots a "J-DUB on stupid pills" pull up three pointer, bricks badly, and ruins the comeback.

Then, DMC gets dressed down by Westphal for cutting into his dumb teammate on the floor. I don't like Luther Head.
Can we say that maybe his head wasn't in the game last night? <rimshot>
Picking a SF for the Kings is like trying to decide which candidate for Governor of California to vote for:)

I chose Casspi, only because he is rebounding the ball.



I just watched the video of Barnes and Landry hurting the cheerleader. WOW!!! That was some dirty *** **** by Barnes. He has Landry's arm and then throws Landry into the girl/table. I hate the Lakers but now with Matt Barnes on their team I wanna kill that whole goddamn squad!!!!!

edit: I meant on the basketball court, of course ;)

And Barnes is a traitor for going to the lakers and proclaiming that he 'always dreamed of playing for the lakers'.
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I don't recall Barnes being a ************* ******* ********* when he was a King, he seemed fine at the time, and I was sorry to see him go. But people change. Apparently he has.

Here's Ashley (pre-injury), the dancer whose head got the worse of the deal.


I don't recall Barnes being a ************* ******* ********* when he was a King, he seemed fine at the time, and I was sorry to see him go. But people change. Apparently he has.

Here's Ashley (pre-injury), the dancer whose head got the worse of the deal.
The brunette is the cute one.


Hall of Famer
Cousins ( B- ) -- grading DeMarcus is going to be a real challenge in the early going. Not only do I not have a baseline to compare him to, but just a lot of stuff seems to happen to him and around him at all times, both good and bad. He's nothing if not dynamic, and if they would just remove that damn foul limit might be the first player to record a quintuple double (Pts/Rebs/Ast/TO/Fls). Did not look at all prepared to defend Pau Gasol, and showed some very shaky defensive fundamentals while picking up fouls and getting blown by. Did return the favor the other way though, again showing off ridiculous quickness and handle for such a big man. Was quickly in foul trouble though on just silly, unnecessary stuff, and had to sit. Very active attacking inside after returning late in the quarter, but there was lots of slop along with the flashes of talent and by the time he picked up his third foul (again just a sloppy thing) he really hadn't done much, and in particular only had 1 reb, whether it was because Pau was just beating him to the ball, or because he was tired going on the second night of a back to back. Did almost all of his damage after a dramatic return to action down the stretch of the 4th -- dramatic just in that we lost Reke to an ankle injury, and all of a sudden Cuz, who has been ineffective all game, stepped up and took the leadership reins and played well enough to give us a shot to win it. Dropped in several nifty passes to Landry on top of the hoop for easy layins. Hit some long jumpers. Struggling to finish inside with that stuck to the ground problem he has, but chased the rebounds when denied hard all the way out to the 3pt line. Not only a strong rebounder, but a big hustle guy with mobility around the edges (of course all that movement also contributes to the foul problems). On one of those sequences in the last two minutes he outfought two Lakers guards for the ball out there, recovered it, turned, saw the clock running down, and canned a desperation three. Could see he was gassed too. Heaving for breath, bent over holding his jersey. We actually drew up a play for him to shoot a three at the 30 second mark down 5, and that was just unfortunate on many levels. He airballed it. Also ended up as the third option or so taking ANOTHER three heavily contested by Gasol, that was also airballed. Lots of talent and interesting things going on, but its a fail to end up with your 6'11" 270lb+ center taking three threes in the final two minutes of a close game (actually he's only credited with 2, so that Gasol one must have been foot on the line). Maybe, or maybe not, eyebrow raising that he was ineffective in there with Reke, and took over with Reke out as well. No idea if that is a one game thing, or has been a trend. In any case, struggled against the champs, then led a late run that was messy, wild, and dripping with talent. Calling this a B- until I have seen him some more and can judge more fairly.
It looks like Cousins is going to be a no-show on the second of back to backs for quite a while. And it would seem like the long road trips would affect him even more than others who are in shape.


Hall of Famer
By "no-show," do you mean he won't play well, or do you mean he won't play at all?
I meant that he wouldn't play well. But now that you mention it, I wonder if he's going to play far fewer minutes in those second game back to back situations. First, because Westphal might not play him as much because Cousins is tired. Second, because Cousins will end up getting more fouls just because of fatigue, and Westphal won't have a choice but to play him less.

Cousins lack of NBA playing shape is going to be much more a factor in the outcome of games now that Dalembert is out. It's going to translate into poorer play than would happen if he were in shape, more fouls than would happen if he were in shape, and it will put more pressure on Thompson to stay out of foul trouble because he's the center backup. We could easily see the third string whathisname play many minutes at center until Dalembert gets back.:D


The Game Thread Dude
It looks like Cousins is going to be a no-show on the second of back to backs for quite a while. And it would seem like the long road trips would affect him even more than others who are in shape.
IF 15/10 is a no show then what would Demarcus's showing up be? 30/20?


If by 'no-show' you mean 14 and 10 on 40% shooting, then we could do much worse (see-Hawes, Spencer).
DMC had issues running the floor in this game, but I wouldn't call it a no-show. The passing was a no-show. Cousins should have had enough touches to get 20 as Gasol was actually having some trouble with defending him.

I hope there's better on the court chemistry between Reke and DMC by season's start. Right now it is still tunnel vision Evans.

Offense needs Beno something mean.


Hall of Famer
DMC had issues running the floor in this game, but I wouldn't call it a no-show. The passing was a no-show. Cousins should have had enough touches to get 20 as Gasol was actually having some trouble with defending him.

I hope there's better on the court chemistry between Reke and DMC by season's start. Right now it is still tunnel vision Evans.

Offense needs Beno something mean.
Read the post. I wasn't referencing him to being a no-show in the Lakers game.


Hall of Famer
RE Cousins stamina: Yes, it will be an issue for sure. It def. will hurt us on the defensive end if Coach Westphal doesn't give him a significant amount of rest and not play him 35+ minutes right away. He needs to give him 20 or 25 min. and just let him ease his way into the flow of the game and the speed of it compared to college. I guess he will only improve by getting plenty of minutes and burning off that body fat and increasing his conditioning by the months.
I know I’m late…I know it’s only pre-season and this is the time to make mistakes and yes, we are a young team but seriously, I love how these guys are buddy buddy off the court but I hope it translates on it as well. There is virtually no passing and I really hope this is just one of the those things that will eventually come together, because I see a special unit and I’m not that interested in seeing one-on-one (the whole season) with these guys. And I hope Paul W. isn’t either.

Also, we got Demarcus for a reason, why is everybody ignoring him. They wanted a big man and they’re not using him. Cousins is also a great passer, I’m sure he wont hesitate to throw it back out if there’s nothing there in the middle.

I'm excited for more games and I can't wait to see how we jell as a team.