Wayne Chism?

I have been lurking throughout Summer League and have read every shred written about Wayne on this site. Does Brockman getting traded mean Wayne's chances improved?

I am really disappointed he played so badly last night, you could tell he knew how much that game meant and he was pressing. Did his performance last night negatively affect him?

What are his chances of making the team? What are the chances he gets a training camp invite?

Any questions you have for me I can answer too, I've seen every game he has ever played at UT.

Chism was a good college player at Tennessee. He was the main player on that Volunteers team that was one of the better teams in the SEC. But watching Chism in the Summer League, it seems like he is going to have trouble guarding bigger 4's and I think he is too slow to guard the 3's in summer league, so I dont think he will be able to guard the 3 position even in training camp. He showed a nice shot from inside 15', and he was very quick around the rim. Chism also was a very good defensive rebounder, but didnt get very many offensive rebounds and didnt make himself available on the offensive end for interior passes or cuts to the rim. In all, I'd much rather have Brockman than Chism because of Brockman's toughness and defense. Chism is not strong enough yet to play the 4, and is not quick enough to play the 3. He is a true TWEENER at this point. I think Chism will eventually be a good player. I think Brockman would have helped the Kings THIS year. I sure hope that Petrie has a plan for acquiring a backup 2 and a point guard to back up Beno. The Kings have a nice looking group of young players with Tyreke, Boogie, Greene, Casspi, Whiteside and Beno. That looks like a nice core group that will hopefully grow together into a solid unit. The team is under the salary cap and have a lot of flexibility going into this season. After the dust settles from this free agency free for all summer, next summer should be more exciting for the Kings and Petrie will have money to improve the team once he sees where the team needs the most help.
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I think you are vastly under rating his defense. He has been guarding elite NBA draft picks for years and holding his own. He has extraordinary defensive footwork for someone his size and he is tough as nails.
When would he play? I like Chism, and think he'd be a steal at what he's probably going to sign for, but he'd be behind Landry, JT and Whiteside, so he probably wouldn't even get garbage time unless someone were injured.

If only he were a combo guard.


Hall of Famer
I'd much rather have Chsim on our roster as an 11th or 12th man than Darnell Jackson. Chism could be a rotation player down the road. I don't see a future in the nba for Jackson. I still ca't believe Petrie didn't get a guard in return.
I love Wayne and we'll have yet another roster spot open once we waive Darnell Jackson so maybe. But really, I would rather have the cap space. We're too deep at PF and C and he'll just end up leaving in a year like Brockman.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I love Wayne and we'll have yet another roster spot open once we waive Darnell Jackson so maybe. But really, I would rather have the cap space. We're too deep at PF and C and he'll just end up leaving in a year like Brockman.
we can't have the cap space. We both have to spend just to get to the league minimum in salary, and have to fill 3 roster spots to get to the league minimum in roster spots. So there is no saving capspace or whatnot until we've signed three more guys for something like a minimum of $3-$4mil.
Chism was a good college player at Tennessee. He was the main player on that Volunteers team that was one of the better teams in the SEC. But watching Chism in the Summer League, it seems like he is going to have trouble guarding bigger 4's and I think he is too slow to guard the 3's in summer league, so I dont think he will be able to guard the 3 position even in training camp. He showed a nice shot from inside 15', and he was very quick around the rim. Chism also was a very good defensive rebounder, but didnt get very many offensive rebounds and didnt make himself available on the offensive end for interior passes or cuts to the rim. In all, I'd much rather have Brockman than Chism because of Brockman's toughness and defense. Chism is not strong enough yet to play the 4, and is not quick enough to play the 3. He is a true TWEENER at this point. I think Chism will eventually be a good player. I think Brockman would have helped the Kings THIS year. I sure hope that Petrie has a plan for acquiring a backup 2 and a point guard to back up Beno. The Kings have a nice looking group of young players with Tyreke, Boogie, Greene, Casspi, Whiteside and Beno. That looks like a nice core group that will hopefully grow together into a solid unit. The team is under the salary cap and have a lot of flexibility going into this season. After the dust settles from this free agency free for all summer, next summer should be more exciting for the Kings and Petrie will have money to improve the team once he sees where the team needs the most help.
It doesn't seem like we are talking about the same Chism here. The Chism I saw has plenty quickness to guard 3. He's able to stay in front of guys Casspi can't. He's stronger than all the bigs we have except for maybe Cousins. Talking about tweener, he's 2 inches taller than Brockman and has much longer wingspan. Brockman is only 6'7". That's SG, SF height except he has quickness of center.
I was skeptical when SL began but I grew to like him the best of the undrafted guys. He was fundamentally sound, hustles big time and always did a good job of positioning himself for rebounds and defense. The other players always seem to be out of position especially Whiteside. I also love a 6'9" 250 lbs guys who can shoot treys.
i would like to have chism on our roster but like everyone has said, he would be buried on the bench, we definitely need to shift our focus on finding a serviceable point guard
It doesn't seem like we are talking about the same Chism here. The Chism I saw has plenty quickness to guard 3. He's able to stay in front of guys Casspi can't. He's stronger than all the bigs we have except for maybe Cousins. Talking about tweener, he's 2 inches taller than Brockman and has much longer wingspan. Brockman is only 6'7". That's SG, SF height except he has quickness of center.
Brockman measured 6'7 w/o shoes, and Chism measured 6'7.5 w/o shoes.
It doesn't seem like we are talking about the same Chism here. The Chism I saw has plenty quickness to guard 3. He's able to stay in front of guys Casspi can't. He's stronger than all the bigs we have except for maybe Cousins. Talking about tweener, he's 2 inches taller than Brockman and has much longer wingspan. Brockman is only 6'7". That's SG, SF height except he has quickness of center.
Now the Quickness We will have to differ on. I saw him beat to the basket on at least 4 occasions in just one game. He is just too big to be quick enough to cover the smaller 3's But I do like his quickness at the Power Forward position. I think he is going to be a really effective Forward, and since Petrie decided to ship off Brockman, I dont see why Petrie would not keep him. But I would still Much rather have Brockman. He was a good energy guy who did the dirtywork. Those guys are hard to come by as well. Brockman was good for solid rebounding and the ocasional garbage hoop. But his toughness on defense was better than Chism's defense is now IMHO.

And Really, .5 inches one way or another isn't exactly a significant difference.
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Now the Quickness We will have to differ on. I saw him beat to the basket on at least 4 occasions in just one game. He is just too big to be quick enough to cover the smaller 3's But I do like his quickness at the Power Forward position. I think he is going to be a really effective Forward, and since Petrie decided to ship off Brockman, I dont see why Petrie would not keep him. But I would still Much rather have Brockman. He was a good energy guy who did the dirtywork. Those guys are hard to come by as well. Brockman was good for solid rebounding and the ocasional garbage hoop. But his toughness on defense was better than Chism's defense is now IMHO.

And Really, .5 inches one way or another isn't exactly a significant difference.
9"-7"=2". How did you come up with .5"? You add in several more inches advantage on wingspan and leaping ability and you have a pretty sizeable difference in reach.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Chsim really didn't do well against the threes on that last day. He looks like a pure undersized 4, and had the game of one too. But he was a competent professional 4. Nothing exciting, but he had all the elements and pretty much knew how to use them. Post game, face up J, rebounding, pretty well built. Not a shotblocker of course at the NBA level, but if you just wanted to keep around an emergency big in case of injuries you could do worse. Now if you could just do something about the ridiculous headband thing you might have something.
This is insane if we get Chism after letting go of Brockman. Of course it is a different story if the reason for letting go of Brockman is to give him the chance to be personally better in terms of career.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
. Of course it is a different story if the reason for letting go of Brockman is to give him the chance to be personally better in terms of career.
I think its pretty obvious that has to be it. Since he is not under contract for us, he pretty much had to bring this Milwaulkee thing to us I would think.
Chism or no Chism, Brockness wasn't going to find a spot anyhow. PW has got 3 power forwards (Whiteside, Thompson and Landry) and with Cousins and SD being monster rebounders, there is really no room for Brockness. I really don't see room for Chism here either. When we drafted Whiteside over a 2 guard that was the end of Brockness.


Hall of Famer
I thought Chism played pretty well for the most part. He's more skilled offensively than Brockman and is a decent to good rebounder. He measures just under 6'9" in shoes, so he's in the Landry/Milsap catagorey. I'm not sure why someone wouldn't think he's not strong enough to play PF. The guy is a walking muscle. I know, I saw him up close and personal. Let me put it this way. If Chism is too small and weak to play PF, then we should just let Landry go right now. Whether we sign him or not, I have no idea. But Brockman's departure certainly opens the door. I don't Jackson will have anything to do with it one way or the other. I believe his contract isn't guaranteed, so he could just be released. I'm sure the only thing the Kings wanted out of the deal was the second round pick.
I think Chism will end up somewhere in the league and I wouldn't be surprised if he's gotten an offer from Europe. I think his ability to stretch the floor as a PF would be valuable to playoff teams. It is unfortunate that a team like the Kings, who are suddenly stuffed up front, end up with a bunch of disappointing SL guards and the one bright spot is at a position already logjammed. (The 3/4)


Hall of Famer
well we are 5 deep in the frontcourt with Donte Greene being an emergency PF himself. Not sure of the reasoning behind having a 6th when he will never see the floor.
well we are 5 deep in the frontcourt with Donte Greene being an emergency PF himself. Not sure of the reasoning behind having a 6th when he will never see the floor.
I think Chism has several things going for him.
1. Focal player on a prime time college program playing against elite competition
2. Showed well in SL
3. Good basketball fundamental
4. Has the physical tools: strength of power forward with shooting ability of SF.
5. Developed offensive game
6. Plays hard on defense and can rebound

He gives us the luxury of playing all out physical defense with deep front line. I think PW will expect guys to give it 100% on defense and if they get tired or foul out, there's another servicable guy on the bench who can plug in.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I think Chism has several things going for him.
1. Focal player on a prime time college program playing against elite competition
2. Showed well in SL
3. Good basketball fundamental
4. Has the physical tools: strength of power forward with shooting ability of SF.
5. Developed offensive game
6. Plays hard on defense and can rebound

He gives us the luxury of playing all out physical defense with deep front line. I think PW will expect guys to give it 100% on defense and if they get tired or foul out, there's another servicable guy on the bench who can plug in.
Barring injuries one thing Chism would never be is on the active roster. If we bring him in, he's pure practice squad injury insurance.
Barring injuries one thing Chism would never be is on the active roster. If we bring him in, he's pure practice squad injury insurance.
In other words he is our replacement for Brockman...maybe not as good but just a big body to have on the roster for practice squad and occasional minutes should we have some injuries to the frontcourt.

As I see it, Chism will be fighting for a inactive roster spot with the the dude we got from Bucks for Brockman, what ever his name is!


Hall of Famer
Chism has an offer from a european team sitting on the table, which he'll take if he doesn't get an offer from an NBA team. For the Kings he's nothing more than a luxury in the present. A young guy that does have some talent, and who might develop enough in the future to have some value. For instance. What if, after this season both Dalembert and Landry walk. Chism might be a handy insurance piece to have around. If he doesn't pan out, its not a great finanical loss. In the meantime, he's good practice fodder.
Chism has an offer from a european team sitting on the table, which he'll take if he doesn't get an offer from an NBA team. For the Kings he's nothing more than a luxury in the present. A young guy that does have some talent, and who might develop enough in the future to have some value. For instance. What if, after this season both Dalembert and Landry walk. Chism might be a handy insurance piece to have around. If he doesn't pan out, its not a great finanical loss. In the meantime, he's good practice fodder.
He has to decide if he wants to take the offer or go to the kings training camp.

here is the article, sorry, don't know how to link or I would....


I say go for it man, the Euro money will be there whenever, go for it...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Tough call for him. I did not know he had bombed out of New Jersey's camp -- he looked good for us until the final day and I assumed that he might get offers from several teams. If its just us though, and coming into camp absolutely knowing you are behind 5 other bigs, that's a tough deal if somebody in Europe has plopped a significant sum down in front of you. He might make the team, but almost surely just as a 13th man, and he would be vulnerable to being dropped at any point. On the other hand its the prverbial foot in the door. If I were him though I would be thinking anybody but the Kings.
I think New Jersey is just a bunch of lunatics rather than Wayne getting cut after 2 days. Total scrubs make summer league teams. For them to cut him so soon it shows they're either crazy or he didn't fit into what they were trying to do, not that he wasn't good enough to play for them in Orlando.