Brockman to the Bucks?

Do the Kings want Morrison OR Douby?
No and No. As was stated by alot of people after Porn Stash's workout with us in Vegas last week, it didnt go very good, and we weren't that impressed...wasn't what we were looking for, and he wanted a good chunk of change, believe it or not...even as much as he sucks. And I DOUBT Douby will be coming back at all, he'll probably go to an Eastern Conference team if he does, but he's under contract overseas now anyway.


Hall of Famer
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but we're getting Darnell Jackson in return also. Not sure what we would want with Jackson.

Bucks are close to acquiring Jon Brockman in sign and trade with Kings for Darnell Jackson and a future 2nd round pick, league source says. -Wojnarowski Twitter
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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but we're getting Darnell Jackson in return also. Not sure what we would want with Jackson.

Bucks are close to acquiring Jon Brockman in sign and trade with Kings for Darnell Jackson and a future 2nd round pick, league source says. -Wojnarowski Twitter
Jackson was mentioned in the updated OP.

I'm thinking that he either waves (a towel) or gets waived. Can't see him getting any PT.
No and No. As was stated by alot of people after Porn Stash's workout with us in Vegas last week, it didnt go very good, and we weren't that impressed...wasn't what we were looking for, and he wanted a good chunk of change, believe it or not...even as much as he sucks. And I DOUBT Douby will be coming back at all, he'll probably go to an Eastern Conference team if he does, but he's under contract overseas now anyway.
Heard the same about Stach's workout from Jason Jones on Twitter as well. Basically, the sentiment was "...uh...can you do anything else other than shoot?" Apparently the answer that was surmised was "Nope." Continuing the off-topicness, hope we sign Christmas or Thompson, because they both impressed me the most out of the guards, though that wasn't hard to do considering their competition at the position.

I also agree that this was a bit of a weird deal for both parties in regard to Brock and tbe Kings. He'll likely be fulfilling the same role he did here in Sac, with about the same amount of minutes. Sanders has shown that he's more polished than many had thought going into the draft, so I must echo the sentiment of not being sure what the benefit here is for Brockman. Best of luck either way -- he deserves some appreciation in the form of PT.


The Game Thread Dude
Heard the same about Stach's workout from Jason Jones on Twitter as well. Basically, the sentiment was "...uh...can you do anything else other than shoot?" Apparently the answer that was surmised was "Nope." Continuing the off-topicness, hope we sign Christmas or Thompson, because they both impressed me the most out of the guards, though that wasn't hard to do considering their competition at the position.

I also agree that this was a bit of a weird deal for both parties in regard to Brock and tbe Kings. He'll likely be fulfilling the same role he did here in Sac, with about the same amount of minutes. Sanders has shown that he's more polished than many had thought going into the draft, so I must echo the sentiment of not being sure what the benefit here is for Brockman. Best of luck either way -- he deserves some appreciation in the form of PT.
As strange as it sounds, the Bucks bug men are nowhere near as talented as ours are with the exception of Bogut. Brock has a big chance to get something done over there in Wisconsin
As strange as it sounds, the Bucks bug men are nowhere near as talented as ours are with the exception of Bogut. Brock has a big chance to get something done over there in Wisconsin
If we're talking about this year's Kings frontline, absolutely, no comparison. But if we're looking at this year's Bucks frontline (Bogut, Mbah a Moute, D. Gooden, Sanders and Ilyasova) versus last season's Kings frontline (which featured Thompson and, uh....Hawes and, uh...who else? Oh yeah, Sean May and Kenny Thomas), Milwaulkee absolutely features the more talented and scrappy lineup. They all offer size advantages over Brock, and the rebounding disparity is going to be hard to prove on a regular basis to justify Brockman's defensive liability, especially for a defensive minded coach like Skiles. Of course, Skiles is someone who values hard workers like Brockman, so hopefully he gets his chance -- but I was just saying that his opportunities to shine this season on the Bucks likely won't outnumber his opportunities with the Kings last season.
Selfishly, we all wanted Brockman to stay, but if you really do wish him the best, then this is what is best for him. On our team, he just would not get the minutes and although we would all love to have him as a practice, a few minutes here and there guy, he can be more than that and IMO develop into a very nice role player. I would bet that this was a mutual trade without any animocity as the organization wanted Brockman the best and he just couldn't provide much for us.
Selfishly, we all wanted Brockman to stay, but if you really do wish him the best, then this is what is best for him. On our team, he just would not get the minutes and although we would all love to have him as a practice, a few minutes here and there guy, he can be more than that and IMO develop into a very nice role player. I would bet that this was a mutual trade without any animocity as the organization wanted Brockman the best and he just couldn't provide much for us.
I agree.

And I hope Brockman grows a couple of inches and not just be complacent on just banging bodies at the paint for the sake of rebounds and defense. Mr. Brockman, you need to show your meanness on offense too. Otherwise, you will forever be that very good player at the end of the roster list.
About the emergency big man: normal balance on a 12 man roster would be 5 bigs 7 littles. We have our 5 bigs -- Daly, Cousins, Thompson, Landry, Whiteside -- and right now we have 5 "littles" (Reke, Beno, Cisco, Omri, Donte). So with Brockman or without we already needed to sign 2 more "littles", and Brockman's spot was always just going to be the 13th man to reach the league minimum roster size. That 13th man can be pretty much anything -- big, little, who knows. We didn't move him to be able to take a 13th man who was a little -- we haven't even found our 6th and 7th littles yet, let alone our 8th.
Yes, but I'm pretty sure that 13th man is going to be a minimum salary player. I'm pretty sure the 6th and 7th littles are going to be min, or close to that as well. I just think they are in cost cutting mode extraordinaire. That, and they see those five bigs as friggin awesome like we all do. I just think if they are going fishing, they'd rather fish from the "littles" pond. Since we've caught the bigs we are going to be playing with for at least this year.
Yeah, I'm sad about this too. Its probably the best option for Brockman though... more money and maybe a little more playing time on the Bucks. I'm sure arco will give him a crazy loud cheer when he enters the game against us. The second round pick is also alot better than nothing.... who knows, we could end up with the next Dejuan Blair or another Whiteside.
IMO, Brockman is a necessary piece to this team. He's the grindstone. He's the guy who is a constant reminder to the more gifted players that they better bring it every night, because here's this guy who can take it to you and show you up if you don't. He's a character/work ethic presence that a young and talented team needs, because if there isn't those guys to check them, you could end up with a jailblazer team: full of talent, but wasted on immature guys with little work ethic and professionalism. Talent isn't everything, and the Kings better not learn that lesson the hard way.
I think we are trying to do the right thing by Brockman (ie the same thing we did with Songaila) but I think we will miss him more than we realise. He is a GREAT role model to have on the ream regardless of whether he plays or not. His work ethic, character and style of play is exactly the sort of thing you want on a young team. Cousins would have learned a hell of a lot just going up against Brockman in practice.

I am sad to see Brockness monster go. From a selfish point of view, this is our first wrong move of the summer and one that will see us lose a lot of the intangibles.
IMO, Brockman is a necessary piece to this team. He's the grindstone. He's the guy who is a constant reminder to the more gifted players that they better bring it every night, because here's this guy who can take it to you and show you up if you don't. He's a character/work ethic presence that a young and talented team needs, because if there isn't those guys to check them, you could end up with a jailblazer team: full of talent, but wasted on immature guys with little work ethic and professionalism. Talent isn't everything, and the Kings better not learn that lesson the hard way.
I agree with you that Brockman is this guy, that he's great for that, and a great presence on any team. But our leader is that way also, except he is gifted. Tyreke (other than one speeding incident) is a VERY hard worker, very mature, very dedicated, and brings it absolutely every game. The guys on your team who are like that don't necessarily have to be the 12th men. I don't see this team having those kinds of issues.
IMO, Brockman is a necessary piece to this team. He's the grindstone. He's the guy who is a constant reminder to the more gifted players that they better bring it every night, because here's this guy who can take it to you and show you up if you don't. He's a character/work ethic presence that a young and talented team needs, because if there isn't those guys to check them, you could end up with a jailblazer team: full of talent, but wasted on immature guys with little work ethic and professionalism. Talent isn't everything, and the Kings better not learn that lesson the hard way.
That's a possibility but what about the OCThunder?


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
IMO, Brockman is a necessary piece to this team. He's the grindstone. He's the guy who is a constant reminder to the more gifted players that they better bring it every night, because here's this guy who can take it to you and show you up if you don't. He's a character/work ethic presence that a young and talented team needs, because if there isn't those guys to check them, you could end up with a jailblazer team: full of talent, but wasted on immature guys with little work ethic and professionalism. Talent isn't everything, and the Kings better not learn that lesson the hard way.
I totally agree with you but I think it is unfair to expect a guy to be that guy without any honest chance of cracking the regular rotation, maybe even in garbage time which depending on how JT/Landry play would be where Whiteside is relegated for the next season or two. I hate to lose him but at least we are doing right by him and possibly when it comes time for other players to re-sign no matter how big or small their role they will know that we do right by our guys and re-sign with us.


Hall of Famer
I wont lose any sleep over this but I did like his effort he showed on the court but on the other hand he is not a very skilled player.

So in terms of signed players we have 11:

Evans, Beno, Sloan, Garcia, Casspi, Greene, Cousins, Dalembert, Landry, Thompson, Whiteside.

It will be intresting how GP fills out this roster.
I know they just signed the guy, but they should cut their losses with Sloan. He showed me absolutely nothing in summer league. It seems like in every game I saw guards better than Sloan.
I know they just signed the guy, but they should cut their losses with Sloan. He showed me absolutely nothing in summer league. It seems like in every game I saw guards better than Sloan.
Let's not go crazy on Sloan... he is an undrafted rookie and summer league is not a real good barometer of how a player will turn out. Let's see how he does after some Kings team practices with his actual coach and teammates.
Sloan's contract is non-guaranteed, so it's no loss if he doesn't pan out. He didn't show anything to recommend him or explain why the front office was high on him, but I'd guess he'll at least get a camp invite.
I totally agree with you but I think it is unfair to expect a guy to be that guy without any honest chance of cracking the regular rotation, maybe even in garbage time which depending on how JT/Landry play would be where Whiteside is relegated for the next season or two. I hate to lose him but at least we are doing right by him and possibly when it comes time for other players to re-sign no matter how big or small their role they will know that we do right by our guys and re-sign with us.
Problem with your point is that he will be in that same situation no matter where he goes in the NBA. He will always be coming off the bench, and will always be competing for time in the rotation. Players like him get moved around and get inconsistent time no matter where they are.

And I disagree with the team that he should automatically be at the end of the bench. IMO, he deserves time if he earns it. If he can contribute something and play better than other guys, including JT or Whiteside, then IMO he should get in the game. I don't think that just because Whiteside is a project means he should automatically get time. If the kings let Sam D go next season, there will plenty of minutes for Whiteside.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Problem with your point is that he will be in that same situation no matter where he goes in the NBA. He will always be coming off the bench, and will always be competing for time in the rotation. Players like him get moved around and get inconsistent time no matter where they are.

And I disagree with the team that he should automatically be at the end of the bench. IMO, he deserves time if he earns it. If he can contribute something and play better than other guys, including JT or Whiteside, then IMO he should get in the game. I don't think that just because Whiteside is a project means he should automatically get time. If the kings let Sam D go next season, there will plenty of minutes for Whiteside.
Barring injuries there were just zero minutes for Brockman next year. And I do mean zero. If we never had an injury, he might not play a single NBA minute for us. He's a nice deep roleplayer, but we are ridiculously stacked. There is no hole to plug him into. Landry pl;ayed 37 min a game after coming over. Thompson averaged 32 min a game. Dalembert played 26 min a game. Cousins is a Top 5 pick and is going to play 20+ easy. That's before we even get to Whiteside, who you obviously give the garbage minutes because of his huge upside, or Donte at 6'11" when we feel like smallballing.

Looking at this as us losing out on something ON the court is the wrong thing to worry about. The Sacramento Kings, our Sacramento Kings, literally have the deepest frontcourt in the NBA now. No team has less use for a Jon Brockman on the court than we do. But off the court he'll be missed. As a fan favorite he will be missed. I wondered when we traded Hawes whetehr that could have any effect on him resigning. Still don't know on that one, but drafting two hgihly touted bigs to go wiht it just changed the whole landscape for him. When he was a major contributor for us our frontcourt was maybe 1 1/2 players deep on any given night -- JT and Hawes, and then nothing. We added Landry last year, which alreayd squeezed him. Upgraded dependability with Hawes --> Dalembert. Effectively replaced Kenny Thomas and Sean May with DeMarcus Cousins and Hassan Whiteside. And now its not even the same team as the one where he had a role.
Meanwhile, general manager John Hammond declined to comment on a rumor of a trade between the Bucks and Sacremento Kings that would send forward Darnell Jackson and a second-round draft choice to Sacramento for forward Jon Brockman.

Yahoo Sports reported that the Bucks and Kings had agreed to the Brockman-Jackson deal. The Associated Press, citing two sources with knowledge of the talks, reported that discussions between the Bucks and Kings were under way but had not been completed.

So maybe not a done deal yet?

Reading comments on the Article Bucks fans Love Idea of getting Brockness

Maybe GP is holding out for a player that will really help us?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
if they give us delfino or CDR instead of darnell jackson they can keep their second rounder. either of those two would solve our lack or guards problem.
Yeah, but for Brockman?

This whole sign and trade incident has shown that Jon actually does have a little value around the league, that people did notice. But I have a hard time seeing them notice to the tune of a full fledged rotation level player.
I agree Delfino, CDR a real stretch that we would get one of their rotation backups

But maybe Dobson? At least he might be a player we could actually use?
Nooooo...I seriously hope that this isn’t a done deal yet and we come to our senses and keep him…I love Jon and what he brings to our team and hopefully he’ll be in a Kings uniform next year.

If he leaves then I really can see us missing him. I know he didn’t get that many chances last year but he has the attitude that is vital for all teams to have.
According to Milaukee reports, Kings get the 2nd rounder in 2011, which could be either the Bucks' own or the Bulls' pick. Brockman gets three years guaranteed, which explains even more why he's there and not here.
According to Milaukee reports, Kings get the 2nd rounder in 2011, which could be either the Bucks' own or the Bulls' pick. Brockman gets three years guaranteed, which explains even more why he's there and not here.
Well isn't three years the minimum in a sign and trade? But three years of Brockness makes me jealous on one hand, relieved on the other... either way, I am happy for Brockman.
Well isn't three years the minimum in a sign and trade?
Yes, but the second and third years don't have to be guaranteed, which they apparantly are in this case. Good for him, I'm just saying that if that's what he was looking for and able to get elsewhere, there's no way the Kings were going to match that.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Yes, but the second and third years don't have to be guaranteed, which they apparantly are in this case. Good for him, I'm just saying that if that's what he was looking for and able to get elsewhere, there's no way the Kings were going to match that.
Still, it's a bit weird. There wasn't actually any matching involved. He wasn't signed to an offer sheet by Milwaukee, because they couldn't - they don't have any capspace. I figure, the Bucks must have gone to Brockman's agent with the proposed trade in mind - use Jackson's unguaranteed contract as trade salary in a Brockman sign-and-trade. Now, they couldn't actually force the Kings' hand (since they couldn't sign him to an offer sheet) but the Kings, upon being informed of the proposal, must have felt they had to do what was best for Jon financially. Still, the Kings held all the cards here, and man, I would have liked to have squeezed Hobson out of it, even it it meant Hobson instead of the 2011 second-rounder. (A bird in the hand, you know...)

Anyhow, I kind of doubt that any other team had that sort of interest in Brockman, or they'd have signed him to an offer sheet. I also kind of doubt that Brockman's PT is going to be much better in Milwaukee than it would have been here. If it is, somebody among the Bogut/Gooden/Sanders/Ilyasova/Mbah a Moute group is going to get left out. Between Bogut, Ilyasova, and Mbah a Moute, there were 6000 of the Bucks' 8000 frontcourt minutes eaten up. Add Sanders and Gooden, and where's there time for Jon? Sure, you can slide Mbah a Moute over to the 3 a bit, but with Maggette, Salmons, and Delfino on the wing, it's a bit impacted as well. Don't get me wrong, every team has players that want more minutes, but it's not likely Milwaukee is a situation where Jon is going to be pulling down more minutes than he would have here. So it's got to be all about us giving him a chance to earn more $.