Cousins has talent, but he is to big of a risk. This team does not have the veterans to control him. I would much rather trade down with Detorit for the 7th pick and Prince and draft Monroe at 7. Monroe is the best passer in the draft and reminds me alot of Brad Miller who if you remember the first two years here was awesome for us. I just dont trust Cousins to stay on the straight and narrow. With that being said whatever Petrie does i.e. trade the pick or draft cousins,favors,monroe whatever he does I am ok with it because other than Douby Petrie over the last ten years has shown he and his staff are good at drafting college talent.
first to call Whiteside a bust...

Depends what you expect. Whiteside has absolutely no chance to be a franchise player, and he more than likely will never be an all-star. But he's a great athlete with great physical tools. He could be a game changer defensively if he puts on weight and learns from a good coaching staff. Again, when is the last time you saw a guy with his size and athleticism who has been useless in the NBA? He'd be the first.

I won't be overly angry with Monroe as our choice, it's more got to do with the fact that we may pass Cousins to get him. Monroe is a very good player, although he obviously doesn't fit our team perfectly. Cousins does.
I'm a little surprised at you fnordius. Don't you think something like being called Bi-Polar should be based on substance of some kind. Its one thing to take his bad rep and run with it, if thats what someone is inclined to do. At least there's been a few incidents to substantiate that he's had some problems. But to just throw Bi-Polar out there for the hell of it, because its the TDOS is just plain wrong in my opinion. Whats just fun speculation to some on this fourm, ends up being fact to others.

I'll admit that my life was almost ruined by a false rumor many years ago, and so I'm a little touchy in that regard. :cool:
Most years we speculate about things like whether Oden's or Hawes' knees will hold up, this is really no different. There's nothing blameworthy about being bipolar!

Now, as far as SAYING that he's bipolar, nobody here has done that. Bill Ingram of Hoopsworld said, "There are rumors that he's bi-polar, and that wouldn't surprise me a bit. He makes Ron Artest look very, very sane." OK? That's just an opinion, and not a diagnosis from a qualified professional. Orton's comments were also just personal opinions -- that he's "unpredictable" and "might hurt somebody," not a diagnosis. Aran Smith (nbadraft) reported that an unnamed NBA scout texted him about Cousins' "mental issues" and "bigtime meds," but we don't know what basis the scout may have had for saying that, or whether the scout had ulterior motives. But it's not as if anyone will ever go on the record with a diagnosis in a case like this -- lawsuits, fines, and terms in federal prison are strong incentives to respect medical privacy -- so there will never be proof unless Cousins volunteers the information.

To reiterate:
to just throw Bi-Polar out there for the hell of it, because its the TDOS
Nobody's doing that. Bill Ingram brought up rumors of bipolar disorder, we're just pondering what's been said.

Whats just fun speculation to some on this fourm, ends up being fact to others.
I hope that this won't happen, since we have no definite facts, and the potential for litigation ensures that we will not have any.


Hall of Famer
Calapari said Cousins worked hard for him. He's his coach, so he should know. Calapari admitted that Cousins was out of shape coming out of highschool, but worked hard to get into shape. If Calapari's word isn't good enough then I don't know what to tell people.
That's very good to know. I'd take Calipari's word.
I generally take the player's coach's word with a grain of salt. Not saying what he is saying isn't true, but they're obviously going to glow about their players.
Cousins has talent, but he is to big of a risk. This team does not have the veterans to control him. I would much rather trade down with Detorit for the 7th pick and Prince and draft Monroe at 7. Monroe is the best passer in the draft and reminds me alot of Brad Miller who if you remember the first two years here was awesome for us. I just dont trust Cousins to stay on the straight and narrow. With that being said whatever Petrie does i.e. trade the pick or draft cousins,favors,monroe whatever he does I am ok with it because other than Douby Petrie over the last ten years has shown he and his staff are good at drafting college talent.
I think you have to look at overall talent and potenial when going into a draft, and then consider any red flags. When I look at cousins, his ceiling is through the roof. He could easily end up being the best player in this draft and a top 3 center in the NBA. I think his low side is that he becomes a sold starting center averaging around 15/10 every year.

When I look at Monroe, I think his ceiling is becoming a solid NBA starter. I don't think there is an all-star appearance in his future. His low side is becoming a very good back-up center IMO.

The question then becomes are the red flags big enough to pass on the greater talent for the lessor? I don't even think it is a consideration. But that is just my 2 cents.
The Kings have not made up their mind at No. 5, but a well positioned league source is telling me that they continue to lean toward DeMarcus Cousins with the pick. While there isn’t totally unanimity in the Kings’ war room, that’s where the consensus lies. Greg Monroe is still in the conversation and a trade isn’t out of the realm of possibility but if the draft were to happen tonight, Cousins would be the man.
From that article:

Sacramento is probably never going to be a top of the list destination for free agents in this league, no matter how good the team is. It’s just hard to get top players to commit here by their own free will when the market is so small. So the way you have to acquire star players is by drafting intelligently and taking calculated risks when you possess high picks in the draft. This is exactly what the Kings are doing here for the second year in a row. With Tyreke Evans already kicking in the door of stardom, DeMarcus Cousins seems to exist to do the same for this team in an area closer to the basket. With these two picks over the last three years, you’re now more than halfway towards acquiring three star players to lead a playoff team.
That got me to thinking- that's probably correct and the Kings front office knows it. Mostly what has been said about Cousins is that he is immature and needs extra attention. If a team is willing to give him that attention and time to grow then they'll have a fine player. Since this is most likely the only way we can procure a player of this caliber I'm thinking we will draft him and plan to work with him closely for a couple of years. Sacramento will be the team to give this guy the situation he requires.
From the above article:

Sacramento is probably never going to be a top of the list destination for free agents in this league, no matter how good the team is. It’s just hard to get top players to commit here by their own free will when the market is so small.
Geez, we're a smaller market, but not that small (19th). Teams in markets smaller than Sacramento:

Orlando, Portland, Charlotte, Milwaukee, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, New Orleans, Memphis, Oklahoma City, Indiana.

Teams in markets just ahead of Sacramento:

Phoenix (14), Minneapolis-St. Paul (15), Cleveland (16), Miami (17), Denver (18)

Obviously, some of those cities have other attractions, but his comment makes it sound like Sacramento is a miniscule market. :rolleyes:
From the above article:

Geez, we're a smaller market, but not that small (19th). Teams in markets smaller than Sacramento:

Orlando, Portland, Charlotte, Milwaukee, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, New Orleans, Memphis, Oklahoma City, Indiana.

Teams in markets just ahead of Sacramento:

Phoenix (14), Minneapolis-St. Paul (15), Cleveland (16), Miami (17), Denver (18)

Obviously, some of those cities have other attractions, but his comment makes it sound like Sacramento is a miniscule market. :rolleyes:
I think it's more that we live in the shadow of other NBA teams in CA, and the fact that we were SO bad for so long.
From that article:

That got me to thinking- that's probably correct and the Kings front office knows it. Mostly what has been said about Cousins is that he is immature and needs extra attention. If a team is willing to give him that attention and time to grow then they'll have a fine player. Since this is most likely the only way we can procure a player of this caliber I'm thinking we will draft him and plan to work with him closely for a couple of years. Sacramento will be the team to give this guy the situation he requires.
That's the best idea take the big risk on this guy which isn't that big of a risk considering this is all probably over blown anyways. What's honestly the worst that this guy can do out there if he's really crazy? I can see him channeling all his aggression on the court, if he acts like a baby and gets t'ed up a lot fine I'm sure he will grow out of it most of these guys do.
From the above article:

Geez, we're a smaller market, but not that small (19th). Teams in markets smaller than Sacramento:

Orlando, Portland, Charlotte, Milwaukee, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, New Orleans, Memphis, Oklahoma City, Indiana.

Teams in markets just ahead of Sacramento:

Phoenix (14), Minneapolis-St. Paul (15), Cleveland (16), Miami (17), Denver (18)

Obviously, some of those cities have other attractions, but his comment makes it sound like Sacramento is a miniscule market. :rolleyes:
Size of market is in the mix, but it's not the deciding factor. Maybe for a LeBron who needs his large market to feed where his real money comes from. But we have seen draft picks wanting to be here over the years.

The money is the primary factor along with the team of guys they will play with. If anything the Kings are down because of the losing. Turn that around with good strong drafts and the second tier star free agents will give serious consideration to playing here.

It's in California and the weather is good. I think fans make a bigger deal of it than players.
That's the best idea take the big risk on this guy which isn't that big of a risk considering this is all probably over blown anyways. What's honestly the worst that this guy can do out there if he's really crazy? I can see him channeling all his aggression on the court, if he acts like a baby and gets t'ed up a lot fine I'm sure he will grow out of it most of these guys do.
Well everyone keeps bringing up Derrick Coleman too. In retrospect I am sure the Nets would prefer Gary Payton, but minus that the next guys were Abdul-Rauf, Dennis Scott, Kendall Gill, Felton Spencer, and Bo Kimble.

So even in this worst case scenario Coleman was the 2nd best pick for the Nets by a long shot. Other than Payton, they would easily take the chance again.

That aside, the Coleman example is even a poor one. He had problems with alcohol and off the court stuff. I think Cousins, could be a lot more like a Rasheed Wallace, who has been a longstanding pain in the ***, but also a very good player on a lot of very good teams.