Realistically: Who do you think we go for in FA?

Another player with post skills would be great im sure we all agree on that. On the other side of that is one basic foundation of improving a roster, upgrading role players. Ime Udoka is a solid player but what about signing Ray Allen. Imagine Tyreke getting to the paint and dishing to Ray Allen.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Another player with post skills would be great im sure we all agree on that. On the other side of that is one basic foundation of improving a roster, upgrading role players. Ime Udoka is a solid player but what about signing Ray Allen. Imagine Tyreke getting to the paint and dishing to Ray Allen.

That's...I don't even know where to begin. A roleplayer's value is in being a roleplayer. Normally that mean playing defense, staying out of the way, and hitting shots when the ball finally does come to you. do all the little things, the dirty work, stay out of the way of the stars while they do their thing. Ray Allen is just an old washed up star. He's not an upgrade at all for a roleplayer's role.

People keep looking at that SG position as someplace that needs help, but I don't think that's necessarily true. SGs are a dime a dozen, and we have a bunhc of people who can play the spot. I have mentioend before that the guys who play next to the league's greatest backcourt stars are very frequently blatant roleplayers. 10ppg guys at most. We need a consistent frontcourt stud much more than even more backcourt bodies.
First off its obvious a front court presence is the priority why do you think we have been pulling our hair out for the last 5 years but the man is a hell of a weapon to have in the rotation. GREAT shooters are always important because it makes the game so much easier by opening up the paint for slashers and bigs to work. If we can be lucky enough to get the 3 spot and Draft Cousins it could all tie together well.

BTW this part "Ray Allen is just an old washed up star. He's not an upgrade at all for a roleplayer's role." is not true in any manner.
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I have been talking about this for some time. Because of our cap space, we could literally acquire ANYONE, even if that players isn't a FA. Check this, LAL, NO cap whatsoever, could literally use a team with cap or work with Cle. or Toronto if the player so chooses, to work up a sign and trade. If that doesn't work Sac could easily facilitate a sign and trade and get a cluster of players. Hopefully we Offer Rudy Gay more than the Grizzles can stomach, and draft a big or like someone was saying TRADE the pick for PROVEN talent. Who said absolutely no MAX players over 30?!?! moronic statement because the last oh so 30 NBA champions had near max players over 30....HELLO ANYONE HOME???
I have been talking about this for some time. Because of our cap space, we could literally acquire ANYONE, even if that players isn't a FA. Check this, LAL, NO cap whatsoever, could literally use a team with cap or work with Cle. or Toronto if the player so chooses, to work up a sign and trade. If that doesn't work Sac could easily facilitate a sign and trade and get a cluster of players. Hopefully we Offer Rudy Gay more than the Grizzles can stomach, and draft a big or like someone was saying TRADE the pick for PROVEN talent. Who said absolutely no MAX players over 30?!?! moronic statement because the last oh so 30 NBA champions had near max players over 30....HELLO ANYONE HOME???
But we would be far from contending. Adding someone over 30 doesn't make sense unless you're are willing to eliminate the entire roster Like Boston did. What good can come from adding a player of that age when everyone else isn't ready to contend along with him? It wouldn't make sense for that particular player or us.

And as far as Rudy Gay goes? Absolutely not. Talk about ball dominant. The guy sometimes crosses the delicate line of being ball dominant, to flat out chucker, and he would be an awful fit with Tyreke and this young team. No thanks. Especially for the kind of money you're talking about.
My ideal way to improve this team via free agency does not involve looking at one of the big time stud free agents, unless its Lebron:D

Bosh is not worth it. I will ppl I talk to didn't think I was so crazy but he's just not worth the hype of over paying for this cat. Realistically we will be over paying for him as we are rebuilding currently and for some reason it's known around the league Sacto isn't the place to be. So with all things considered we will be putting all our money into a 20/10 guy who is baby crap soft. Toronto has a good team around him to that's the funniest part about all the Bosh hype, they just need more than this season to Gel. Once you get past Lebron and Wade this class is over hyped IMO, I just really hope GP resists the urge to over pay on one of these bigs who really will not add that much to our team in terms of wins.

What GP should do is like somebody said a few posts ago, upgrade our roleplayers and save the money for maybe a splashy trade or something. We could sign a backup PG for insurance if Beno or Reke gets injured, Steve Blake maybe? See if Utah is willing to match a offer for Fesenko he's coming around slowly but surely.

Once we know our spot in the draft and with our cap room, we should def look at making a bunch of deals to get this team going in the right direction rather than over spending on one guy who really won't be worth all the work of getting him to sign.
I think we target Anthony Morrow and Tyrus THomas in FA. Draft a big in the lotto and back-up PG in the 2nd round. THen hold out hope that we can transfer some of those assets into a legit star via trade over the next two years.

New roster:

C: Hawes, Lotto pick, THompson
PF: Landry, (THomas), Brockman
SF: Casspi, Greene, Nocioni
SG: Garcia, (Morrow)
PG: Evans, Udrih, 2nd rounder

Your 2010-2011 Sacramento Kings.
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I can see the Kings looking for Manu Ginobili.

He would be a perfect pick next to Evans : he is versatile, can play the point and is a very good defender.
Actually, playing alongside Evans would not be very different for him than playing with Tony Parker because I think they have a very similar game. Obviously, Parker is quicker and Evans is stronger but they both are scoring point guards who like to drive inside.

He is a proven winner (3 NBA titles, 1 Olympics, 1 World championship, 1 Euroleague) and could bring the experience the young Kings need.

He is quite old and obviously not in his prime anymore but he is playing well lately and I could definitively see him playing 2 more seasons, around 25 minutes a game, helping our youngs.

I'm not sure if the Spurs would let him go but, given his age, the Kings could sign him for a relatively cheap price and would still have enough money to try signing a big FA.
I am not saying Ginobili must be the main FA we are coveting but that he would be a nice addition to the team.
I can see the Kings looking for Manu Ginobili.

He would be a perfect pick next to Evans : he is versatile, can play the point and is a very good defender.
Actually, playing alongside Evans would not be very different for him than playing with Tony Parker because I think they have a very similar game. Obviously, Parker is quicker and Evans is stronger but they both are scoring point guards who like to drive inside.

He is a proven winner (3 NBA titles, 1 Olympics, 1 World championship, 1 Euroleague) and could bring the experience the young Kings need.

He is quite old and obviously not in his prime anymore but he is playing well lately and I could definitively see him playing 2 more seasons, around 25 minutes a game, helping our youngs.

I'm not sure if the Spurs would let him go but, given his age, the Kings could sign him for a relatively cheap price and would still have enough money to try signing a big FA.
I am not saying Ginobili must be the main FA we are coveting but that he would be a nice addition to the team.
No. Wrong direction. Players like him who have made their mark, won rings, gotten big contracts, etc., they don't have the emotional drive to be part of a young building team. To come to a whole new place and start over... no.
As far as more under the radar players, I wouldn't mind seeing us go after Steve Blake (vet backup who can shoot, play D and doesn't need the ball), Ian Mahimi (young big, who has shown flashes) or Jordan Farmar (Triangle is a terrible fit, but I think would be better in a more open O, scoring off the bench). Obviously these would be small deals. But could help us improve.
How We Spend Our Money

I kind of see us prioritizing the available bigs this way:

(1) Chris Bosh - We make a max offer even though our chances our slim.

(2) David Lee - We make less than max offer and try to get best bang for the buck.

(3) Tyrus Thomas - As RFA, we could try to steal him away from Bobcats.

(4) Carlos Boozer - I think he would cost a ton, and is not a big upgrade over Landry. Boozer is better, but worth 10-12 million? Heck, no.

(5) Amare - Explosive scorer, not sure about his longevity or how he helps chemistry. Also kind of black hole, and probably doesn't want to be here.

The way I size it up, David Lee is best value, and best possibility. I would expect something to pan out, as we are one of 7 or 8 teams with real cap space. But if you break it down, the legitimate FA players available would who provide real upgrade to our talent base are fairly slim pickings. I still expect Petrie to get creative and make something happen that will take us to the next level.
The more I think about it, the more ok I am with us not getting one of the major stars. I think there are so many young talented players on this team that are only going to continue to grow and a few of them (Tyreke obviously, but also Donte, etc) will be major studs. The more I think about it, I think what we need really is a super stud defensive big. Hate to say it, but I think Brickmiester is right here. Get us a friggin monster defender in the paint. Make JT an energy guy off the bench. Landry continues to grow and becomes a go to post scorer (love that guy's game). Pick up a few more role players (although Beno's performance this year really has shown last year to be a fluke and due to "extenuating circumstances", so he looks like he could be real good going forward, still fairly young), keep Cisco, keep Brock, keep Dorsey, I do think Hawes is slowly but surely improving and getting more consistent and will pan out, (pretty sure he'll hit the weights this summer, and it would be a nice token gesture to show up at summer league), get us an Okafor, draft a Cousins or some such, grab a Steve Blake or some such... I think we're lookin at a team. Or... I could be completely wrong and we'll sign Bosh (don't see us getting Amare or Boozer). Now if we could only trade Noc for an expiring at some point or package him to get a defensive big...
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The "amare is not worth it" posts are laughable.

Maybe we should continue to hover around the bottom rung bc apparently our fans are too good to pay anyone but Lebron or Bosh.
#53 really think we are set with Beno as starting SG? I'd beg to differ. Beno as combo guard off the bench? Yes. Starting off guard on elite team? No way.
I am more thinking Cisco as a starter and Beno as a combo guard off the bench. Cisco as a role playing starter is absolutely good enough for and elite team with Beno coming off the bench as a combo guard.
Id REALLY like to see Brendan Haywood in a Kings uniform. Hes exactly what this team needs. No hes not going to be a long term fit. Yes we could use his help for a few years.
Dont forget the draft, for all this talk of cisco and beno with reke i do believe we'll add another guard to those ranks with our pick and persue our big man issues through FA
The "amare is not worth it" posts are laughable.

Maybe we should continue to hover around the bottom rung bc apparently our fans are too good to pay anyone but Lebron or Bosh.
The age, injury, production issues would all come into play. He's coming off knee injuries, eye injuries, etc. sure he's been injury free but you just never know when your gonna be dealing with maxing this guy out.

If I didn't firmly believe that any of the FA big we get we'd have to over pay higher than say a Chicago, NY or NJ I would be all about Amare more so than Bosh. But I think he only really has a few athletically gifted years left in him and after that we are left with a shell of a PF stuck to the ground, shooting jumpers and getting paid way too much for it.
The way I size it up, David Lee is best value, and best possibility. I would expect something to pan out, as we are one of 7 or 8 teams with real cap space. But if you break it down, the legitimate FA players available would who provide real upgrade to our talent base are fairly slim pickings. I still expect Petrie to get creative and make something happen that will take us to the next level.

BLAH, I don't get the David Lee infatuation. If we give him a big deal to sign here I'll vomit. Lee doesn't really do anything more than Landry can so I don't see it. Plays little to no D and is in a contract year, no thanks.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
BLAH, I don't get the David Lee infatuation. If we give him a big deal to sign here I'll vomit. Lee doesn't really do anything more than Landry can so I don't see it. Plays little to no D and is in a contract year, no thanks.
It can certainly be questioned whether David Lee would be worth the money he's going to command when we have Landry in the bag for $3M, but to say he doesn't do anything more than Landry isn't very accurate. Lee is grabbing 4 more rebounds (per 36 minutes) this year, and has consistently been a much better rebounder than Landry. He's also a significantly better passer than Landry (3.5 vs. 1.0 assists per 36). Landry's a slightly more efficient shooter, but only has scored 1 point per 36 more than Lee this year. And using the defensive stats (DRtg, Defensive Win Shares) they look pretty equivalent, with Lee having the edge this year.

Lee probably isn't a better value than Landry, but he's probably a better player. Having both doesn't make a lot of sense, so I'm not in the "sign David Lee" camp, but I don't think Lee needs to be put down as a player. He's good.
The age, injury, production issues would all come into play. He's coming off knee injuries, eye injuries, etc. sure he's been injury free but you just never know when your gonna be dealing with maxing this guy out.

If I didn't firmly believe that any of the FA big we get we'd have to over pay higher than say a Chicago, NY or NJ I would be all about Amare more so than Bosh. But I think he only really has a few athletically gifted years left in him and after that we are left with a shell of a PF stuck to the ground, shooting jumpers and getting paid way too much for it.
Good points! The problem is there are only a few players who you can max out and know they will produce for years barring freak injury. Besides Lebron, Bosh, & Wade there are no sure things.

We obviously need to upgrade the team, we're either gonna have to take on some risk (Amare, Boozer) or overpay players (Gay, Lee, Thomas), possibly both. It's either that or sit back and watch everyone else improve.

You can pretty much kiss this franchise goodbye if nothing is done this offseason and we have a few more seasons like this (W-L and attendance)


Hall of Famer
I think its fun to speculate about who we might go after. But until we know who we aquire in the draft, its hard to know in what direction the team will be looking. If we were to luck out and get Turner in the draft, I doubt we'll be looking at any SG's or PGs in freeagency. On the other hand if we were to draft Cousins or Aldrich, or even Whiteside, then I think our search for a big man might end. If we were to get Cousins or Adrich, then I would be an advocate of trying to aquire Joe Johnson.