Kevin martin traded to rockets

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Kings get Carl Landry, Joey Dorsey and Larry Hughes' expiring contract . . . all just filed to Link coming momentarily

no david lee or picks or jefferies(thank god!) hes going to houston.

I'm ok with that. We didnt' take back any bad contracts. That's really the most important part if we weren't geting someone like Lee.
So are we better off or did we roll over?...
I'm so confused, will someone please break this down for me.
How much money is coming off the books for us as of right now?
I don't get it. How does that help us out? Wouldn't we just be better off letting McGrady expire as he is a larger expiring than Hughes?
It basically gets us Landry... a player that we can actually use.

And the Maloofs get to free up Martin's long term $. That along with our other expirings is enough money for a big name in the off season if they choose to spend the money.
Correct me if I'm wrong here but Doesn't T-Mac's expiring worth 23 million? Now, we get Landry, Dorsey, and a total of 25 million (checked their salaries) in expiring contracts by KT, Hughes, and Hilton Armstrong?

Did we got more cap space by keeping KT or less?
A part of me is dissapointed. Jeffries contract isn't that bad, and if it were up
to me I would have taken on his contract if it got me a pick and Jordan Hill. Instead Houston got that package.. Good for them I guess.


I think there is much more here and the reason GP hasn't traded KT is because someone else called for his contract.
I think they should be in nice shape cap wise. We sent out Kmart's long term contract valued at 10.1 million this year and took back 3.8 million between Landry and Dorsey. Getting Hughes on the books until summer means little and it expires. We still have KT coming off the books and now Hughes and saved over 6 million on trading Kmart.


I think that the team is in great shape they need to buy out KT and Noc or try to trade both for a crap player with a high priced expiring contract. If they can shed those 2 contracts then this team is ready to go into the future feeling good about themselves.
Wait what?!...
Thats all we got from New York? WTF Petrie!!!!!
We were never part of that deal because we didn't want to take on Jeffries salary.

Here's what we are left with, Landry, and about $20M in cap space. Landry's not only a very good player on a cheap deal, but a nice potential trade chip as well.

That gives us a few options:
1) We have the space to sign a max guy. Obviously we're not the first choice right now, but if we get a little lotto luck??....we might have a chip in the game. We have so many different assets now that we could possibly entice a team like Toronto into a S&T that other teams couldn't.
2) Sign a solid piece like David Lee to a nice deal. Still should have cap space.
3) Send our lotto pick to Minny for Jefferson.
4) Rent out the cap space in 2010 to different parties to acquire picks and young assets.
5) Do basically nothing with the cap space. Maloofs do this mostly to save money. This is the worst case scenario, but even if this is all motivated by the Maloofs to hold down could still work in our favor. Having a low payroll with your 6 best players (Evans, '10 lotto, Casspi, Greene, Hawes, Thompson) could put us in a very nice position for whatever the new collective bargaining agreement will bring.

All in all I say its an easy win.


Hall of Famer
Here's a list of what will come off the books, either now, by trade or at the end of the season.

K. Thomas: $8,801,198.00
Armstrong: $2,801,198.00
Sergio: $1,892,035.00
Hughes: $13,655,268.00
May: $825,497.00
Udoka: $902,693.00

That adds up to a grand total of $28,851,691.00. Thats not chump change. So we ended up trading Martin for Landry, who is a very good player and Dorsey who possibly has potential and a ton of cap space. Houston ended up gaining a first round pick in 2012. Big deal! If New York is sucessful in what they want to do, that pick could be down around 24 or 25. Plus they had to take Jefferies salary. I'd rather have the cap space this offseason than a pick in 2012 for some unknown player picking from an unkown spot.

This is a very good trade for the Kings. Not to mention that the roster is more balanced now. Yeah, I know Hughes is a SG, but his stay in Sac will be a short one.
Here's a list of what will come off the books, either now, by trade or at the end of the season.

K. Thomas: $8,801,198.00
Armstrong: $2,801,198.00
Sergio: $1,892,035.00
Hughes: $13,655,268.00
May: $825,497.00
Udoka: $902,693.00

That adds up to a grand total of $28,851,691.00. Thats not chump change. So we ended up trading Martin for Landry, who is a very good player and Dorsey who possibly has potential and a ton of cap space. Houston ended up gaining a first round pick in 2012. Big deal! If New York is sucessful in what they want to do, that pick could be down around 24 or 25. Plus they had to take Jefferies salary. I'd rather have the cap space this offseason than a pick in 2012 for some unknown player picking from an unkown spot.

This is a very good trade for the Kings. Not to mention that the roster is more balanced now. Yeah, I know Hughes is a SG, but his stay in Sac will be a short one.
Really dont like the trade at all.
We have added another tweener on a team with a great recent history of tweeners and cap space for a GM how has been aweful with Free Agents. I find it unfortunate that we were not able to get any picks nor get rid of any of Petrie's crap contract with as much talent as is with Martin.

I really do think this is a failure, especially in light of what Houston was able to get.
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