Article from S.I. regarding Reke. Shaq showing some love.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
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BTW, do you guys think we can bring Shaq next season for a low contract (I don't think he would expect a big contract at his age) to be a rotation big and a mentor for JT and Spencer?


The Game Thread Dude
BTW, do you guys think we can bring Shaq next season for a low contract (I don't think he would expect a big contract at his age) to be a rotation big and a mentor for JT and Spencer?
As opposed as I would have been to this idea several years ago, I would actually kind of (by kind of, I mean barely) welcome this. Shaq is now the least A-holey of those Lakers and has actually been nice enough to acknowledge the Kings now and again where as Phil and Kobe seem to only mention the Kings when they're talking about hockey.
Granted, as a new fan I don't have those negative feelings towards Shaq that I'm sure a lot of you guys have, but at least this season he was nice to all of our rookies, chatting with Omri in Hebrew, tweeting compliments on Brockman, and saying about Tyreke that he's one of the best in the game today. That should count for something. And I'm sure he could teach Spencer a thing or two about dominating the paint.
My big wish is Shaq goes ahead and gets another ring - at expense of the Lakeside show. Then he retires on top and replaces Chuck Barkley on TNT.

I really am not digging Barkley's incessant potty mouth. Tonight he said A*SS (banned word here) at least a half-dozen times live plus a few "pissed" and "pissed off" expletives. I know they're not necessarily banned words on Cable TV but he just uses them too damn much - damn is ok to say:p His gambling issues, his DUI, and all the other nonsense are not cool - as he might think - with millions of youngsters hanging on his words as they tune in for NBA action.

I've never heard Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith, C-Webb, Magic Johnson or any other respectable guests on the set utter those words even once. I won't say Barkley has no class because he shows he does from time-to-time but he's just as likely to act like a low-class fat arse on TNT - IMO.
Sounds like someone has a crush on Jennings... Didn't Tyreke have 4+ steals too? I remember one of the commentators saying something like that around *halftime* or during the halftime interview. I don't mind a little bias in articles as it is expected, but writing on guys stats and not the others to pump him up is bad form in my opinion.

Check out the article on ESPN that gives rating for the guys from the game in regards to Jennings... "He would get an "A" but he didn't see anyone else on the court and a point guard has to get other guys shots as well as getting their own." Makes those 8 assists mentioned in the first article suspicious!
Shaq would require a high paying low responsibility SAR job that doesn't require traveling with the team, and sometimes allows him to play just in case we make it to the WCF, and guarantees GM or coaching promotions within 2 years. Other than the 10million that would cost it would be a good idea. Shaq wants to play, and if they win a champ in Ohio, he will resign for 3 mill there.
Hughes reason, or part of it, for Jennings, declining numbers after the 55-point game is becasue defenses started focusing on him????? Geez :rolleyes:, Evans got better despite teams focusing on him from the pretty much from the beginning of the season. Pretty weak defense of Jennings, if that's all he can come up with. And I'll be shocked if Jennings ever shares an award with anybody.

That guy called us "Queens" when we were GREAT! I think it smacks him in the face when he has to say something about how good Evans really is. There are just too many reasons for me as a Kings fan to ever consider Shaq on the team. Shaq would never be like a Vlade to this team.....we don't want him. He means every bit as much of a nemesis as Kobe to Kings Fandom everywhere.:cool:


The Game Thread Dude
That guy called us "Queens" when we were GREAT! I think it smacks him in the face when he has to say something about how good Evans really is. There are just too many reasons for me as a Kings fan to ever consider Shaq on the team. Shaq would never be like a Vlade to this team.....we don't want him. He means every bit as much of a nemesis as Kobe to Kings Fandom everywhere.:cool:
Here's the thing. Shaq says those things to be funny and to be Shaq. Kobe say what he says because he's a jack***. And at least Shaq says those things whereas Kobe probably hasn't bothered learning 'Reke's name.
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The thing with Shaq is it's really just who he is, he acts the same way to any team and of course since we were their rivals he was especially "critical" of us. But you can't deny that he is just a personality, some find it entertaining, others find it annoying, but he's not two faced and the biggest thing is he enjoys the game and tries to inject entertainment into it.

Anyway I'm not too worried about the blind jennings fans out there, they don't get a say in who wins ROY. Jennings probably wants the ROY and is just mouthing all that "I don't care I wanna get my team to the playoffs" bull**** because he knows he doesn't stand a chance. If there was someone I'd want competing with reke it'd be steph curry because I really respect the kid, he has a way better attitude than "my ego is bigger than my hair which is bigger than my mouth which is bigger than my brain" jennings.
Hey, I know Shaq has had his memorable run-in's with us in years past, but compared to Kobe...I'd take Shaq ANYDAY!:D And I dont care that Kobe is probably in the Top 2 players in the Universe, I HATE THAT GUY! I know, I know...apples and oranges.:D
Compared to Kobe, I'd take almost anyone anyday. :p
Jennings is a fine young player. He has a nice stroke and he can score when he is open. But he is a one dimensional player at this point in his career. He can't play defense. He isn't able to drive into the lane and finish with authority like 'Reke does. This Soph/Frosh game pretty much sewed up the ROY Trophy for Evans barring injury (Knock on Wood!!!). I think the bitterness you see posted in that ESPN thread is the Jennings backers who were trying to downplay how well Evans played and make it sound like Jennings had a better game than he did. The bottom line is at this point in their careers, Evans is just a better all around player. That might change in a few years, though I dont think it will.

Those people in the ESPN thread that are trashing the announcers of the game for being "up Evans's rear" are just bitter that their guy got outplayed for the second time this year. When the Kings went into Milwaukee and beat the Bucks, Evans outplayed Jennings there too. Since the ROY race is just barely a 2 man race at this point, this latest game by Evans really sealed the deal for the East Coast Reporters who either had not seen Evans or needed to see him play in a high profile game like the Soph/Frosh game to make their final decision. I think Evans had the kind of game that stood out and really changed the minds of those who had not decided up to that point. IMHO Evans outplayed everyone on the court in that game and the MVP really reflects that. It would be difficult now for any other rookies to catch Evans now because of the body of work Evans has put together.

Yet there is still a small contingent of voters (mostly in the Milwaukee metropolitan area) who are still going to vote for Jennings despite the overwhelming evidence that Evans deserves the ROY. They are going to try to influence everyone who reads their article that Evans isn't a Point Guard, that his outside shot is suspect, that he doesn't play under control, and whatever else they can come up with to make Jennings look better. I can't believe how many times they mentioned the 55 point game Jennings had. They have tried in vain to get as much mileage out of that game as they possibly can. But since the rest of the league has now adjusted to Jennings, his scoring output has drastically declined and I dont thing there will be any more 50+ point outbursts from Jennings the rest of the year. On the other hand, Evans has weathered the adjustments that the league has made to his game and he has consistently kept his stats at about the same level as they have been all year. Consistency is a HUGE part of the ROY vote. Anyone can have one good game. But stretch that over an 82 game season and things tend to even out.

On another subject, I cant wait to see how Garcia and Evans play together! Cisco is an unselfish player who will only make Tyreke's life easier because Cisco can bring the ball up and is a great distributor of the ball. Cisco, Martin, and Evans on the floor at the same time might be the magic combination that Westphal is looking for. Cisco is a GLUE player that can hold teams together. Cisco can run the show at the top of the Key and let Kevin and 'Reke do their thing. Then we will see some ball movement and the assists go up! Man I do love the way Cisco plays and I hope he comes back full strength!

A Healthy Cisco could do wonders for the Kings! Lets hope that Cisco comes back strong and leads the turnaround after the Allstar break! Imagine the lineup of Evans, Martin, Cisco, Greene, and JT as your starting lineup? That is a lot of firepower, and a very decent defensive group (Martin being the weakest defender of the group). That would make our bench very potent with Hawes, Casspi, Beno, Sergio, and Noch ! A 9 man rotation that could be very competitive if each player accepts their role! Westphal might have to swap Casspi for Martin if Martin cant keep up offensively, but other than that the coach would have a lot of options to work with! Barring any trades (and I must admit trades are more likely to happen than not...) this is the group PW has. The Addition of a competent post player that is defensively oriented and can get rebounds and play defense against opposing centers would really kick the Kings into high gear!! The puzzle piece missing is that power forward/center that can mix it up under the rim and strengthen the defense. We don't have a player like that on the roster (Brockman is just too darn small... Too Bad...), and it really shows when the Kings go up against teams that have a good front line that can score and rebound. But even with that missing piece for the Kings, I think they can win games with this rotation against most teams. BUT teams with length will give us trouble because the Kings have such a small starting lineup. Unfortunately, that has been the Kings problem for several years now. They are trying to use Zone coverage and double teams to make up for the lack of a good defender in the paint. Unfortunately, most NBA teams have at least one good front court player and that really messes up the Kings defensive sets because of all the switching and double teaming which invariably creates open shots for the other team.
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Jennings wont be able to defend any one cause of his height... he is quick but thats just it he is a chucker

i remember some one saying in the nba draft in 3 years tyreke evans will be the best point guard in this draft... were not yet done with year one and he is already better than all of them.

the guy who could have challenged reke for ROY was curry if he was on the bucks and not with nelly. the boy can shoot..
The Diesel has a loooot of miles on that engine. He's a 15-20 minute a night most nights these days if he's going to last a whole season. Bringing in a guy towards the end of his career like Shaq is wouldn't help us much, and why would he want to go to a rebuilding team? He doesnt' have that kind of time.

Oh and on Fox sports radio Deese, and Moriarty they weren't sure if Tyrekes' name was prounced Tie-Wreak, or Tie-Wreak-E. Moriarty tried to back it up with he had heard it both ways. Who has pronounced the E and the end of Tyrekes' name?? I haven't heard that anywhere.