Arco Consessions

So at last nights game I got a chicken sandwich. It was about 25-30% smaller than before. The chicken finger basket I saw was alot smaller than before. Insteand of an oval dish it was almost round and the chicken fingers were about half the size. Also, the dyers ice cream is now gone. They still have the soft server, but the cone is super small.

Oh, you had to ask for the brown cardboard type food tray to get one.

Anyone else notice any other changes?
I just bought a Round Table slice, didn't really look at the rest. How are their nachos? They'll have gone too far if they reduce the nachos to just some chips and cheese. Good nachos are fast becoming just a rumor.
It would be awesome in a new arena to have some franchises like a subway or something, so there'd be another option besides crappy junk food that I won't eat.
i got some nachos when i was at the orlando game. the little bit of cheese sauce they give you compared to all the chips you get is a joke.

so i went back to ask for some more cheese after i ran out, and they wanted to charge me $3 just to refill that little tray. i couldn't believe it.


It would be awesome in a new arena to have some franchises like a subway or something, so there'd be another option besides crappy junk food that I won't eat.
SOME PEOPLE don't understand that this would be a perk of a new arena (not to mention a great way to add some jobs to the area). Aint that right, section101?
SOME PEOPLE don't understand that this would be a perk of a new arena (not to mention a great way to add some jobs to the area). Aint that right, section101?
Ya, there is only so much they can do with the food there. I had to go up to the top to get my legends T-Shirt. I couldn't believe how small the food section was up there. I forgot how small and limited it was.


Ya, there is only so much they can do with the food there. I had to go up to the top to get my legends T-Shirt. I couldn't believe how small the food section was up there. I forgot how small and limited it was.
Dude, those concessions at the top are PATHETIC!!! Seriously. The only reason to even get any kind of food up there is in the Lounge. What a joke!!! It'd be nice having a Subway, a Quizno's, a Roundtable, heck even like a Rubikon mini-pub would be SICK!!!!
I've had their tri-tip and its really good. Also, their tacos along with the taco salad is pretty good too. They do have the turkey wrap, I forgot what location tho. That's about all of their food I eat. Oh yea, they have the popcorn stand in section 117, that's pretty good as well.


Hall of Famer
You guys probably wouldn't be complaining about the nachos and some of the other stuff they sell if you new all the crap that was in it. That stuff they sell at concession stands is barely real food. Seriously, eat somewhere else before the game. I don't know how anyone eats the **** they serve at stadiums. You probably wouldn't if you new what went on behind the scenes in terms of preperation and cleanliness.

I honestly don't feel bad for anyone that doesn't get the supersized versions americans are used to. With all the health concerns related to obesity in this country, they shouldn't sell any of that crap at sports venues. Only in america do we complain about not getting enough greasy, processed, barely healthy enough to be called legal, cheese, on a plate of chips that could feed 4 people. I'm sure I pissed someone off with this post.;)
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Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
The garlic fries are still there...right? They'd better be, or you might have to put me on seppuku watch.
"Next week on 'Bleeding Heart Culinary Corner...'"

I keed I keed. Actually I have trouble getting down 800 calories a day. It wasn't the quantity I wanted it was the quality. I like all the beans and chili and salsa and olives etc. If I can only eat a few bites I want them to taste good! :)


It would be awesome in a new arena to have some franchises like a subway or something, so there'd be another option besides crappy junk food that I won't eat.
why the heck would we want cheap nasty sandwiches from subway? there's a reason a footlong is only 5 dollars..i prefer quality like togos..
You guys probably wouldn't be complaining about the nachos and some of the other stuff they sell if you new all the crap that was in it. That stuff they sell at concession stands is barely real food. Seriously, eat somewhere else before the game. I don't know how anyone eats the **** they serve at stadiums. You probably wouldn't if you new what went on behind the scenes in terms of preperation and cleanliness.

I honestly don't feel bad for anyone that doesn't get the supersized versions americans are used to. With all the health concerns related to obesity in this country, they shouldn't sell any of that crap at sports venues. Only in america do we complain about not getting enough greasy, processed, barely healthy enough to be called legal, cheese, on a plate of chips that could feed 4 people. I'm sure I pissed someone off with this post.;)
amen, eating all that garbage will kill you.. i prefer to save all that money for a beer
"Next week on 'Bleeding Heart Culinary Corner...'"

I keed I keed. Actually I have trouble getting down 800 calories a day. It wasn't the quantity I wanted it was the quality. I like all the beans and chili and salsa and olives etc. If I can only eat a few bites I want them to taste good! :)
Why 800 calories? I consume about 1800 a day and maintain right at about 150 lbs.

I started to complain about the prices / portions at the arena, then I realized, "Crap, has to be like 1400 calories right here. That's right about at the 100 calorie / dollar thing I go by." In the end I shrugged it off, gained a pound, and called it a good night.
Well, seeing as how this thread is going off topic anyways ...

Im going to brag about something. If anyone here ever decides to see a game at Gillette Stadium ( home of the Patriots and Revolution ) There is a place inside the stadium called Freeport Fryer. A large order of Chicken strips and fries is $8. A small order of Chicken Strips and fries is $4. The large comes with 6 strips and the small comes with 3, but if you order 2 smalls instead of a large you get 6 strips and 2 fries. Sweet.
So at last nights game I got a chicken sandwich. It was about 25-30% smaller than before. The chicken finger basket I saw was alot smaller than before. Insteand of an oval dish it was almost round and the chicken fingers were about half the size. Also, the dyers ice cream is now gone. They still have the soft server, but the cone is super small.

Oh, you had to ask for the brown cardboard type food tray to get one.

Anyone else notice any other changes?
Yes, I've eaten a Kingsdog for dinner there for half the home games since 1985. The last two games were the first times they did not serve the hot dog with a paper wrapper, this time just the cardboard boat. I askedthe server about it and he said 'yeah, no more'. Simple, no big deal but I found it useful. And thanks to your post I think I now understand why the ice cream my son bought me was different -- not as good.
Yes, I've eaten a Kingsdog for dinner there for half the home games since 1985. The last two games were the first times they did not serve the hot dog with a paper wrapper, this time just the cardboard boat. I askedthe server about it and he said 'yeah, no more'. Simple, no big deal but I found it useful. And thanks to your post I think I now understand why the ice cream my son bought me was different -- not as good.
This is the point of the post. They are cutting back even more. If you thought it was overpriced before it's even worse now for what you get.

Just be aware if your planing to eat at a game you may not get what you had in the past.

I think in the long run they are going to lose consession sales. Personally, I will use up my voucher money and free buffet tickets, but will be eatting before the games after that point.
As a season ticket holder we were e-mail a while ago about Arco bringing in a new company from Chicago to run all the concessions.

That must be what is behind all the downsizing on food sizes, the ice cream changing to Baskin Robbins, and the Hotdog supplier seems to have changed also.

Definitely eat before getting to the arena, as it looks like the food is going downhill.
garlic Fries - well since the garlic fries stand started doing corn dogs, wings have not gotten a good order of garlic fries, getting hard to get them fresh and hot (only time they are good) after 15 min under the lamp they come out hard and cold. I guess have to time it just right? If the basket is empty get in line?

Taco salad is still da bomb, lots of carmitas, sour cream and guac
still very yummy!!!

Ditto on the Tri tip, always drop 1 or 2 bucks in the tip pile in front of the carver guy, always get a nice tall stack of tri tip, throw the hot horsh radish on, very good

My Beef!!! - Some jerk in the front office thought he was making brownie points saving maybe 2 cents on the newer smaller cardboard food carrier.

Sucker is so small wont fit any of the plates right, and if you dare to try to carry two large sodas Forget a bout it! holes too small and too close together

Holy Crap! spend $25.50 on two tri-tips and two sodas and dont have a decent way to carry them up to seats or eat in your lap!