Napear v. Martin (merged)

Should Grant Napear be fired by the Kings?

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I don't like that Kevin isn't playing but can we please can Grant already? This guy has been an annoying hack for 93493943 years and to be honest with you I feel like he's one of the reasons fans have been turned off from the Kings over the last few years. The fact that he's a jerk to so many people on his radio show and he's the voice of the Kings make him slightly poisonous IMO because people have a negative feeling toward him personally, then they'll have a negative feeling about a broadcast featuring him.

Amick does a good job in this article IMO, and it's something that has needed to be put out there for a while. The fact that Grant undermines our own players is also negative to the team. Grant thinks he knows a lot about sports but most of what he says just turns into a rant.

I feel like KMart should've been able to let it heal on it's own or try and tough it out, but there's no point in the "voice of the kings" or whatever coming out and dissing our best player whether he disagrees or not, especially when Kevin wanted to play(supposedly). Grant may have his own opinion but I don't think that he should say things like"if he doesn't play tonight then you all can call in and kill him tomorrow" or whatever. He did the same thing to Bobby Jackson and that was wrong. Then he pissed off CWebb before he left and that really bothered me. What do you guys think?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Grant Napear has, over the years, done a lot of dumb things. Generally he's trying to create some kind of controversy to boost his ratings. And, unless I miss my guess, ratings are taken in November and May.

VF21 glances at the calendar...

Grant Napear has, over the years, done a lot of dumb things. Generally he's trying to create some kind of controversy to boost his ratings. And, unless I miss my guess, ratings are taken in November and May.

VF21 glances at the calendar...

lol I didn't know that last fact. But I still think that Grant's attitude and stuff is bad for our fans and our team. I guess this topic is 1. Grant being mad at KMart and 2.(maybe should I have added a poll?) would you miss Grant if he were gone/should he be canned?

I have wanted to see them fire him for a few years now
Grant Napear Publically Called Out (And it is About Time)

While Napear cautioned the listeners to wait and see if Martin played against Atlanta before criticizing him again, Napear added: "If he doesn't play tonight (Wednesday), then go ahead and call up tomorrow and kill him and I have no problem with that."
As it turns out, Martin had suffered the fracture in the first half of his 48-point game against Memphis on Monday, then scored 29 points and grabbed 11 rebounds while playing with the injury against Atlanta on Wednesday.
"That just shows you what type of guy (Napear) is," said Martin, who opted for surgery over wearing a cast but was told he could not play through the injury.
"He didn't know the injury, that I was playing with a broken bone the other night. Nobody knew it was broken. I didn't know it was broken. And just like right now, I want to play. But I can't."
Good for Kevin!! I listened to the show on Wednesday before Atlanta and Thursday after Atlanta and Napear was at his pure "hypocritical best". And he does not come on the air and just flat out says that Kevin is soft. He just uses (and this is using his own words) GUTLESS, going all around "Jerusalem to get to Jericho" covert phrases to "suggest" that Martin is soft and heartless and get the callers all riled up. I think it is straight up punk, and it is not the first time he has done it.

I enjoy Grant Napear as Play by Play, he is absolutely one of the best in the business. But as a KHTK employee he sucks big time and he is a back stabber to those who wont kiss his arse:

He did it to Chris Webber
He did it to Bobby Jackson
He did it to Kozimor
He did it to Marcos Breton
He did it to Sam Amick
He did it to Marty McNeal

and now he has done it to Kevin Martin. Unfortunately the dude gets ratings, and that is the only thing that counts.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Its actually an interesting article on freedom and objectivity of the press vs. responsibility in commentary.

1) On the one hand, this is the same fool that questioned Bobby Jackson's heart right? If I were Kevin I wouldn't lose any sleep over it as regards the wrist.

2) On the other hand after reading that article, which I thought Amick was hinting at yesterday, by far the most offensive statement in the whole thing came from Bobby Jackson, who suggested that Grant should be muzzled in his dual roles and turned into a cheerleader because part of the time he gets paid by the Kings. I remember when the Knicks did that with Marv Albert. It was the ultimate sign of their internal corruption. Unable to field a winning team, they decided to simply try to shutup anybody willing to point out they hadn't and fired their long term world famous play by play guy and hired a bunch of bootlickers as mouthpieces.

3) I am on the fence about the article, since it juxtaposes two sets I have no use for 1) Grant; and 2) apologists, of whom Amick is now clearly aligning himself (perhaps ironic itself given that he has caught flak in the past for being too sensationalistic -- can't help but wonder if he too isn't being muzzled a bit and tryign to get into the good graces of the team by kissing a little butt)

4) Whining about the ankle coverage is still weak. You just never know, but it didn't take Grant Napear to point out that sprained ankles don't normally cause even a fraction of that much problem.
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Already posted:D.

Yeah though, Grant is a gutless tool and I would like to see him canned. He's been doing this for years now and it's getting kind of ridiculous.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I merged the two threads so as not to lose any of the comments.

I voted "Yes" by the way, but I think what should happen is Napear should be given a choice. Continue to be the TV broadcaster for the Kings OR the "Jim Rome wannabe" radio commentator for KHTK. One or the other, but not both.
I absolutely cannot understand why, when the Maloofs were laying people off, we couldn't have unloaded that bozo. Next time the team's in NY, they should not arrange for his flight back.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I just fired off an email to the Kings:

I have been a Kings fan since 1985 and have written to the Kings on several different occasions. This time I am writing to demand that Grant Napear be called on the carpet for his unjustified and ridiculous comments about Kevin Martin.

For far too long, Napear has been allowed to wear two hats at the expense of the Kings. He does the PBP on the TV broadcast and then, putting on his other hat, he pontificates on his radio show about all things Kings, often stabbing players in the back in the process. The same players he has publicly praised and chatted with during the TV broadcasts.

Napear needs to either **** or get off the pot. He needs to either be the TV broadcaster OR the guy with the radio show. He cannot fairly do both, which is obvious by his latest tirades against Kevin Martin.

Kevin Martin puts posteriors in the seats at Arco. He's an excellent player and a very nice young man. He's true to himself and his team.

Grant Napear is neither a player or true to himself or the Kings. He'll say one thing during a TV broadcast and then, the next day, say something completely different and then insult the Kings fans who call him on it.

In today's economy, the Kings need to be employing the people who support their team. If Napear is going to continue to work for the Sacramento Kings, he needs to be loyal to those players who work every night and make his job possible.

I'd rather see Jerry Reynolds and Kayte Christensen do the TV broadcasts and leave Napear to his radio show. At least that way he wouldn't have to keep trying to remember which face he's showing.

I sent it to

If you feel strongly that Napear has overstepped his boundaries, feel free to copy parts of mine or write your own. But I think Kings fans need to be vocal about this.
The fact that he's a jerk to so many people on his radio show and he's the voice of the Kings make him slightly poisonous IMO because people have a negative feeling toward him personally, then they'll have a negative feeling about a broadcast featuring him.
About 5 years ago I was listening to KHTK, when Grant went off on one of his idiotic tirades. At that point, I swore off listening to KHTK as a general rule. Games, and the occasional interview or Carmichael Dave show are all I'll listen to now.

Being a jackass for ratings just doesn't work with a lot of listeners. The guy's a total liability as far as I'm concerned.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
You should have had an option for:

A) dual roles is fine
b) work for Kings only (resign or fired from 1140)
c) work for 1140 only (resign or fired from Kings)
d) pick one or the other, I don't care which, but not both
e) fired from both jobs
Napear is a grade A jerk, so yes he should be fired. I don't know how someone so incompetent and rude can stick around so long in such a position.
I don't really see the issue with the "dual" roles. On his radio show ... he's honest. Sometimes I think he's stupid, sometimes he's spot on, but he is just saying what he is thinking.

When he is on TV, he's a Kings cheerleader. Why would it make you feel better to have a different "cheerleader" on TV? The fact is, whoever is employed by the Kings to be on TV will feed the same positively biased lines.

If e-mailing the Kings so that someone potentially loses their job because you can't tell what "hat" he is wearing makes you feel better ... go for it. I on the other hand don't think it's that hard to figure out.


Hall of Famer
I am not as anti-napear as some around here. Maybe its because I'm also from NY and understand his personality aand the way he can come off sometimes. However, I'm not here to make excuses for the guy.

I don't mind what he says on the radio that much. Sometimes I agree, other times I disagree. For the most part, I just chalk it up to Grant being Grant.

But what I don't respect about him at all is how he can constantly criticize players on the kings on his radio program, and then later that night when announcing games, it sounds like I'm listening to a completely different person. When a player is making the same mistakes in a game that grant bashes him for on his radio program, you here nothing about it during the broadast. He has never sad martin/webber/bjax were soft during an actual broadcast of a game. He actually does the opposite, and showers praise on them. Then the following day to start off his program, he'll start ripping into them. Well grant, where was your negative opinion(or so callled objective opinion) during the game last night???

Like i said, sometimes I agree, other times I don't. Sometimes he's right, sometimes he isn't. But please STOP with your varying opinions as you move from one job(radio) to your other(commentator). I don't mind disagreeing with someone, I do it on here all the time, but if you have an opinion than stick to it! Quit acting like a two-faced b****.
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Hall of Famer
I guess I'm going to come down on the not so popular side. We live in a capitolistic society. Freedom of enterprize. And ratings. Grant gets good ratings both on the radio on his afternoon broadcast, and on his play by play broadcast. He didn't make any racial slurs or call anyone names, other than calling some of his call in's idiots. Having listened to the broadcasters for many of the other teams, I can assure you that Grant and Jerry are one of the better one's out there.

All he did, was rightly or wrongly question a players toughness. I find it interesting that some on this fourm that have accused him of being a homer on his broadcasts, now want him fired for being the exact opposite of that. I would also like to point out that what he did wasn't stabbing Martin in the back. When you say what he said about Martin's situation on a 50,000 watt radio station, your stabbing in the front. Your doing it to their face. He still has to get on the airplane with these guys and face them. I'm also not surprised that Amick tried to make a big deal out of it. Grant has hammered the Bee since eternity. He doesn't like them and they don't like him. Enough said.

I'm a big believer in freedom of speech, and there are enough people in this country already trying to squelch others right to say what they believe. I also believe that there are limits and decorum. Such as applied on this very fourm. The Maloof's have every right to call Grant in and ask to temper his statements on his afternoon broadcasts, and Grant has every right to tell them to shove it. Of course he would then suffer the consequences. Its the Maloof's call. Personaly, I wouldn't fire him. I don't always agree with him, but at least he talks sports on his show. He can be caustic at times, but compared to some of those on the east coast, he's pretty tame. To each his own.
My problem with Grant, other than running a boring show, is more the two-faced cowardice than him criticizing the team. I wish he would be more honest and criticize more often. Instead, he takes cheap shots on injured players and backstabs most players on their way out. Yet, when faced with these players up front, he just sits there and grins as a Maloof mouthpiece.

And if I were him and I was choosing between Maloof pet or radio show host, I'd hope he realize he does better as a PR guy than an entertainer.

The funniest bit is that he thinks he is being "old school" with this habit. "I was raised to play till.." yada yada. Any of those old school guys would not put up with his backstabbing. He's not old school, he's just compromised.


Hall of Famer
Grant's dual existence certainly does create an awkward situation to say the least. Don't listen to his show, but I think as a play by play guy he's actually one of the better ones in the entire league.


Hall of Famer
I guess I'm going to come down on the not so popular side. We live in a capitolistic society. Freedom of enterprize. And ratings. Grant gets good ratings both on the radio on his afternoon broadcast, and on his play by play broadcast. He didn't make any racial slurs or call anyone names, other than calling some of his call in's idiots. Having listened to the broadcasters for many of the other teams, I can assure you that Grant and Jerry are one of the better one's out there.

All he did, was rightly or wrongly question a players toughness. I find it interesting that some on this fourm that have accused him of being a homer on his broadcasts, now want him fired for being the exact opposite of that. I would also like to point out that what he did wasn't stabbing Martin in the back. When you say what he said about Martin's situation on a 50,000 watt radio station, your stabbing in the front. Your doing it to their face. He still has to get on the airplane with these guys and face them. I'm also not surprised that Amick tried to make a big deal out of it. Grant has hammered the Bee since eternity. He doesn't like them and they don't like him. Enough said.

I'm a big believer in freedom of speech, and there are enough people in this country already trying to squelch others right to say what they believe. I also believe that there are limits and decorum. Such as applied on this very fourm. The Maloof's have every right to call Grant in and ask to temper his statements on his afternoon broadcasts, and Grant has every right to tell them to shove it. Of course he would then suffer the consequences. Its the Maloof's call. Personaly, I wouldn't fire him. I don't always agree with him, but at least he talks sports on his show. He can be caustic at times, but compared to some of those on the east coast, he's pretty tame. To each his own.
I agree with your take for the most part, and you're right about Grant being tame compared to other radio hosts on the east coast.

Personally, I don't like the way he has one opinion on the radio and a different opinion on tv. If he's going to be blunt and brutally honest, fine, I don't have a problem with that. If he wants to kiss the Maloofs butts, thats fine to. But don't constantly go back and forth between the two. He should either tote the company line, or just be himself and say whats on his mind(which IS what he gets paid to do). I just don't like constantly getting two different versions of the guy. His actual opinions are not what bother me.
Man, how do you criticize a player for being soft when he needs screws surgically inserted into his wrist? I'm sorry but does anyone remember last season? Martin twisted his ankle after a few games. Trying to be the leader and shed the soft label he played on it and it became a severe sprain keeping him out for what 21 games? How much good did that do us and him? I'd prefer we give him time to get healthy and take care of this the right way. Our "dynasty" lol isn't competing for a championship and it's only 5 games into the season. Garcia in my opinion is a crucial part of this team and he's already out. We might as well use this time to develop out youngins. Give Martin a break I feel bad for him I doubt Napear knows what it's like to play with a fractured wrist (and I sure as hell don't think he'd put up 29 and 11.)
In conclusion **** Napear.

PS. Nicely done VF!
From the Bee comments:

"I bet all the people dissing Grant and defending Kevin are the same people who've never been to another arena and still argue Arco is "fine." Grant is abrasive but honest. Marin keeps proving he's not tough enough for pro sports. He's like a guy who can throw a football for a perfect 50 yard pass but one sack and he's out for the year. Kevin Martin has great skill and zero toughness."

Have to agree
From the Bee comments:

"I bet all the people dissing Grant and defending Kevin are the same people who've never been to another arena and still argue Arco is "fine." Grant is abrasive but honest. Marin keeps proving he's not tough enough for pro sports. He's like a guy who can throw a football for a perfect 50 yard pass but one sack and he's out for the year. Kevin Martin has great skill and zero toughness."

Have to agree
You know you say these things whilst sitting on a comfy couch at home. His wrist requires surgical repair. How are you supposed to tough that out? Is it smart to do so? That fracture could turn into a break. Why should he push it. We're not going anywhere this season. If he wasn't tough enough for this league how does he manage to score 30.6 ppg and go to the line more than almost any other player? You need to look at the facts.


Hall of Famer
From the Bee comments:

"I bet all the people dissing Grant and defending Kevin are the same people who've never been to another arena and still argue Arco is "fine." Grant is abrasive but honest. Marin keeps proving he's not tough enough for pro sports. He's like a guy who can throw a football for a perfect 50 yard pass but one sack and he's out for the year. Kevin Martin has great skill and zero toughness."

Have to agree
You agree Kevin has "zero toughness"? Thats a completely rediculous comment to make(and not objective at all). He did just put up 29/11 with a fractured wrist right? That doesn't equate to zero toughness. Neither does playing on a bum ankle for the majority of last year. We can argue about how bad the ankle was, although Kevin is the only one who trully knows the answer. But playing on the injured ankle did require some degree of toughness. No?

Kevin is definately injury prone, mixed with some bad luck. But to say he has zero toughness and has proven he isn't tough enough for pro sports is a little bit of a stretch, even for the most biased fan.
It seems to me that the Kings coverage is largely "soft."

Rarely, are players called out and difficult questions ask of anyone in the organization let alone the players. I think it's largely a function of a one team town and one paper(Bee) trying to cover the team. Jim Crandall on channel 40 is the only one I can think of that will on occasion ask a hard questions.

If this was N.Y. or Philly Martin would have gotten killed by the media over his ankle "injury." The perceived love affair that Sacramento had with the team unfortunately extended to the media. Maybe they were afraid of getting shut out if they asked the hard questions.

A-hole or not I'm glad someone's not afraid to talk about these things. Now, if only the questions were directed a little farther up the chain from time to time I would really read the paper...
You agree Kevin has "zero toughness"? Thats a completely rediculous comment to make(and not objective at all). He did just put up 29/11 with a fractured wrist right? That doesn't equate to zero toughness. Neither does playing on a bum ankle for the majority of last year. We can argue about how bad the ankle was, although Kevin is the only one who trully knows the answer. But playing on the injured ankle did require some degree of toughness. No?

Kevin is definately injury prone, mixed with some bad luck. But to say he has zero toughness and has proven he isn't tough enough for pro sports is a little bit of a stretch, even for the most biased fan.
Amen, finally someone with some sense. This really shouldn't be a question of toughness at all. It's common sense. The question is:

Does Martin play through the pain and risk injuring himself even further requiring more time off all in a vein attempt of getting us 3 more wins?
Does he have surgery (which sucks btw) and get this fixed the right way so he can come back 100%
amen, Finally Someone With Some Sense. This Really Shouldn't Be A Question Of Toughness At All. It's Common Sense. The Question Is:

Does Martin Play Through The Pain And Risk Injuring Himself Even Further Requiring More Time Off All In A Vein Attempt Of Getting Us 3 More Wins?
Does He Have Surgery (which Sucks Btw) And Get This Fixed The Right Way So He Can Come Back 100% then Get Injured Again A Month Later
And you know this because how again? This has nothing to do with potential injuries you made up, this has to do with a real one. Dude has a fractured wrist. Not sure of your knowledge of sports medicine but you don't play on fractures. Bone bruises maybe but fractures lead to breaks. Are you suggesting Martin play on a fractured wrist? That 2 month recovery time from the fracture will turn to a 4 month recovery time for a break (look at our own Francisco Garcia.) Like you said, he's injury prone why push it?