Ellis Can't Play with Curry?



Look again, AM27. The sarcasm isn't that subtle.


i know that... if someone had been serious i wouldve quoted that person. but there is someone out there who would want him so i said what i said. like when optimusrhyme mentioned his martin for ellis swap. oddly enough ellis could play with evans a lot better than he could with curry.
Is Ellis changing his tune.

And you know what? Ellis, who at first wasn't crazy about the notion, seems to be coming around to the idea.

"You can't take anything away from him," Ellis said of Curry. "He can shoot, pass, defend, all of that. He's got the whole package. ... He's better than I thought he was."
"Anybody that plays with Curry is going to be a beneficiary of a lot of looks," Nelson said. "He sees the court. That's why I probably can't keep he and Monta off the floor together. I think that combination, even though it will get hurt occasionally, is still going to be a good one. And don't forget there are two sides of the court. They have to match up with us as well."

Most, if not all, of Curry's nine assists were fairly unremarkable -- just a guard finding the open man without any hesitation. But that's a departure from what the Warriors did a lot of a year ago, which was putting the ball in Stephen Jackson's erratic hands and letting him go to work.

"He helps me and Jack a lot," Ellis said. "He takes pressure off of us ... He can draw defenders and he can pass. He can make the game easier for both of us."
source: http://nba.fanhouse.com/2009/10/05/ellis-on-stephen-curry-hes-better-than-i-thought-he-was/#cont

Do we also need to get Beno on a moped? Or is that taking this too far?
That's bad...plus it all depends on the type of contract that Beno signed.


i watched the lakers/warriors preseason game last night.... ellis is so right about not being able to play with curry... but curry is such a good player that i honestly think that the warriors should try to find a player that can play with curry. he is good.... he just cant guard a full sized sg.... and neither can ellis. they could work well offensively but defensively bigger guards will just post them up.

i see why the warriors didnt want to trade curry for amare. though amare wouldve made the warriors a much better team, i understand why they didnt do it. now that i think about it curry would have the same problem on the suns unless he was supposed to be nash's replacement. curry and barbosa are the same type of player, curry might become a better player in the end but the suns would be tiny and would be even worse on defense.

the crazy thing is that tyreke evans is the exact player that both curry and ellis would need to play next to because he is big enough to guard the sg position and is a good ballhandler. the rookie/sophmore game should be a lot of fun this year.
i watched the lakers/warriors preseason game last night.... ellis is so right about not being able to play with curry... but curry is such a good player that i honestly think that the warriors should try to find a player that can play with curry. he is good.... he just cant guard a full sized sg.... and neither can ellis. they could work well offensively but defensively bigger guards will just post them up.

i see why the warriors didnt want to trade curry for amare. though amare wouldve made the warriors a much better team, i understand why they didnt do it. now that i think about it curry would have the same problem on the suns unless he was supposed to be nash's replacement. curry and barbosa are the same type of player, curry might become a better player in the end but the suns would be tiny and would be even worse on defense.

the crazy thing is that tyreke evans is the exact player that both curry and ellis would need to play next to because he is big enough to guard the sg position and is a good ballhandler. the rookie/sophmore game should be a lot of fun this year.
I think you're spot on. Hard to argue with the warriors selecting curry from a talent perspective, but I'm not sure it's going to work long term with a curry/ellis backcourt.
That's why it's a good idea not to tell everything you think to the media in the first place, especially if its negative. :rolleyes:
I totally agree, but it would have been nice if he actually tried playing with him before he started to spew out negative remarks.
Any game in which Monta isn't scoring is a game which you are 100% not going to win. Beno can win without scoring. He won a championship without playing. Point, match.
I feel bad for the young guys playing for the Warriors.

The Monta Ellis Situation: It’s not about Curry, it’s about the Warriors’ non-trade on draft night

I keep hearing this, more and more pointedly: Monta Ellis has no pressing issue with Stephen Curry, personally or professionally.

The problem, as it has been for many months, is between Ellis and his understandably skeptical view of team management, its tangled motivations, its odd behavior, and the Ellis grievance that is still alive over the suspension and $3M fine for his scooter accident.

-New info: GM Larry Riley actually flew out to Memphis not just once, but TWICE last off-season to talk things over with Ellis. We already knew about one of them; I just heard about the second Riley trip, this time with special assistant Calbert Cheaney in tow.

Oh, there are Don Nelson’s overall manipulations to factor into this, too. On most teams, that would be a huge deal. On the Warriors, a screwy coach who has the players quietly questioning every move and substitution… that’s just a sidelight.

Most pointedly, according to several NBA sources with close ties to both the Warriors and Ellis, the most recent flare-up started last summer, before the draft.

That’s when Riley and Nelson flew out to Memphis to meet with Ellis and (NEW INFO) led him to believe that they would probably trade their No. 1 pick for an established big man. [. . .]
Read the rest http://blogs.mercurynews.com/kawaka...-its-about-warriors-non-trade-on-draft-night/
My best guess? Incriminating pictures that might or might not involve key people within the Warriors organization and farm animals.

Should be someone's signature.

On a serious note, can anybody else figure this out, honestly? He had ONE good season when his coaching style consisted of a bunch of fast guys that ran up and down the court and shot. He had the perfect personel and made it work. Since then, he's run this team into the ground. I just don't understand how a professional franchise can allow itself to be ruined. So many good players, this team can rebuild in a flash if it wanted to trade/retool.