This negativity has to stop!

Are you excited about this season?

  • Yes

    Votes: 71 81.6%
  • No

    Votes: 16 18.4%

  • Total voters

Or would you prefer this?

MAN. I love these guys! I can see them winnign it all in 2, maybe 3 years, TOPS. AHHH! Kmart is going to be an all star, AND a HOF. The GOAT said so. Hes on Jordans shoe team too, so he'll probably get 30 a night! Cuz he got 25 last year, so 30 seems reasonable, doesnt it? They said he was working out all offseason too, so hes probably got some more mass for those rebounds! AWESOME

I can see Reke averaging 20/5/9 this season. He's so beastly.

THompson packed on the msucle. He's probably going to do 15-20/12 a game and a couple blocks.

Did you see how Hawes wore that turtleneck? It was probably stretched too tight form the muscles! ZOMG. Spence is gonna get 20/10/5. Check out our new VLADE.

I think well probably do 50 wins this season, get knocked out in first, maybe second round. Then next year, well definitely be right on the cusp of the SHIP. WHOS EXCITED?!?!?!
haha, thanks for the laugh. funny thing is there is a lot of this kind of thing that goes on around here, maybe not quite as bad, but...

I guess I fall in the negative nancy category. I'm excited about the season, but am not expecting anything. this team still has A LOT of issues.
I am excited to see what my shiny new contributor tag looks like
I think it looks great, Venom! :D

I appreciate those who give constructive criticism, if its cogent and well thought out. There are certainly people here who know a ton more about basketball than me and I've learned a lot from them.

Then there are the posts that are just rants about how bad everything is. Not particularly helpful or elucidating. But I understand that some people just want to vent their personal frustrations.

I actually tend to be a pessimist. So I always have to work a little harder to find the positives. :) I am always excited by every new season, though. Hopefully, that won't get trampled out of me too early in the season. ;)
I dont think we've 'turned the corner' on losing, but I think by mid-season we'll be playing more like a team, and that's exciting...I think we've turned the corner to about 31 wins and being a competitive team, which is a hell of alot more exciting than 17 wins and prozac kool-aid.
haha, thanks for the laugh. funny thing is there is a lot of this kind of thing that goes on around here, maybe not quite as bad, but...

I guess I fall in the negative nancy category. I'm excited about the season, but am not expecting anything. this team still has A LOT of issues.
Indeed! I could see Hugo averaging more like 14/5/5, and Thompson needs to keep his *** out of foul trouble or his *** will be averaging about 9/4 this year. I think we'll win a handfull of games this year that we lost last year, though. We'll probably end up with around the 7th or 8th lottery pick in the draft which should hopefully net us someone of value in our rebuilding...maybe Donatas Motiejunas or Derrick Favors.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
I am excited to see what my shiny new contributor tag looks like
Thanks for your contribution! It helps keep up and running as the #1 Sacramento Kings Internet community...negativity, super homers and all!!!



Hall of Famer
I'm extremely negative, pessimistic, irritable, and hateful regarding one very important thing - not being able to see the pre-season games on TV. THAT SUCKS!:D Other than that, I'm happy and optimistic because this team has finally hit bottom and is now on the way up. Of course, many are ticked because of the past and the poor record and the holes on the team yadda yadda yadda, but to hell with the past. I'm not watching the history channel when I turn on the Kings games. We have a young, athletic team. That's what I've been waiting for. Now it's here. Now we get to see them grow, both individually and as a team. Of course this team is not going to be a cohesive machine with few turnovers and many assists. Of course, they aren't going to have a defense that locks down opponents. Of course they will have ups and downs, with more downs, but that's the fun part - to watch them make their mistakes, learn from their mistakes, and get better.
It's not negativity as much as it's honesty. This team could set a record in futility. The roster doesn't add up to anything but assembled parts that don't work together, the best player is a pure scorer, the 'future' is playing out of position, the team drafts two offensive bigs and then doesn't get someone to feed them the ball, the bench is full of potential and already established malcontents, and overall the team is younger but less talented than the previous year in which they were already the worst team in the league.


Hall of Famer
It's not negativity as much as it's honesty. This team could set a record in futility. The roster doesn't add up to anything but assembled parts that don't work together, the best player is a pure scorer, the 'future' is playing out of position, the team drafts two offensive bigs and then doesn't get someone to feed them the ball, the bench is full of potential and already established malcontents, and overall the team is younger but less talented than the previous year in which they were already the worst team in the league.
Your right! Whats the point of playing the games? We should just forfeit all 82 of them. We Suck! With a capital S. Hawes sucksl, Thompson sucks, Martin sucks. Get rid of them. Lets get Duncan and Garnett and Kobe. Lets hire Jackson to coach. Come on Petrie, you can do this. Get off your duff and get to work. This is terrible! I'm going outside and eating worms.

With a beer chaser of course!:p
Your right! Whats the point of playing the games? We should just forfeit all 82 of them. We Suck! With a capital S. Hawes sucksl, Thompson sucks, Martin sucks. Get rid of them. Lets get Duncan and Garnett and Kobe. Lets hire Jackson to coach. Come on Petrie, you can do this. Get off your duff and get to work. This is terrible! I'm going outside and eating worms.

With a beer chaser of course!:p
Swishhh isn't saying forfeit all 82 games, in fact what he did say all rings pretty much true. As true as it may be though, its not as bad as it sounds... however for us to be the next Portland Trailblazers were going to need a bit of luck when it comes to Thompson and Evans. If they can turn into orr Roy and Aldrige then we are in a better position than the Blazers were when they starting making noise. If it doesn't turn out like that, then its going to be quite a while before were talking post season again.
It's not negativity as much as it's honesty. This team could set a record in futility. The roster doesn't add up to anything but assembled parts that don't work together, the best player is a pure scorer, the 'future' is playing out of position, the team drafts two offensive bigs and then doesn't get someone to feed them the ball, the bench is full of potential and already established malcontents, and overall the team is younger but less talented than the previous year in which they were already the worst team in the league.
Your post is the perfect example of why this thread was started in the first place. Thanks for showing up and posting all these pessimism/negativities on top of the fact we are not certain on a lot of things. You just made starting this thread well justified. :p
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Hall of Famer
Swishhh isn't saying forfeit all 82 games, in fact what he did say all rings pretty much true. As true as it may be though, its not as bad as it sounds... however for us to be the next Portland Trailblazers were going to need a bit of luck when it comes to Thompson and Evans. If they can turn into orr Roy and Aldrige then we are in a better position than the Blazers were when they starting making noise. If it doesn't turn out like that, then its going to be quite a while before were talking post season again.
Sorry! All this negitivity just got to me and I lost my head. I almost commited suicide, but decided to post instead. After reading his post I just felt like there was no hope left. What was the point of going on. But after one beer and a slice of pizza, hey, I'm as good as new....;)
It's not negativity as much as it's honesty. This team could set a record in futility. The roster doesn't add up to anything but assembled parts that don't work together, the best player is a pure scorer, the 'future' is playing out of position, the team drafts two offensive bigs and then doesn't get someone to feed them the ball, the bench is full of potential and already established malcontents, and overall the team is younger but less talented than the previous year in which they were already the worst team in the league.

I'm not sure it will work or not but I can hope. Like Brick, I'm interested in this season.

Can Martin still dominate in scoring and play with the new guys?
Can Tyreke play the PG and show he's worth the 4th pick?
Are Hawes and JT better than they were last year and show more signs of improvement?
Can coach shape this team together?

I got lots of questions and very interested in seeing the results. However your honesty are more like answers that you've already decided on.
I havent had anything to complain about just yet because League Pass wasnt available for me to watch the first two preseason games. :)

I think it's finally set up so I'll get to see the Lakers game on Thursday. Then I'll be able to complain. j/k. I'm just going into this season looking for improvement from our younger players. I'm still excited for things to get started though. I love hoops season!