This negativity has to stop!

Are you excited about this season?

  • Yes

    Votes: 71 81.6%
  • No

    Votes: 16 18.4%

  • Total voters


Hall of Famer
I can't believe all the negative comments I'm hearing after a little more than a week of training camp. Is anyone actually excited about this season? I know there are a few of you out there who share the same excitement I do. I'm already seeing numerous complaints about Tyreke playing pg, Kevin not playing defense, Donte not getting enough playing time, Spencer being too soft, not having a backup center, Westphal not knowing how to substitute, Mason being in training camp, as so on.

In my opinion, some complaints are valid, others aren't, and for the most part its too early to be complaining to the degree which I am seeing. Of course this team isn't perfect, its not close to being a contender, but I'm MUCH more excited going into this season compared to last.

So, here's a simple poll. Are you excited about this season or not?
Maybe you should reword your poll. It's possible to be excited about the start of the season even if you don't think we're going to do very well.
I think I can address some of these complaints..

Tyreke was drafted to be a PG, he's going to be a matter what you think. If people cared what all of you thought, they'd be paying you to scout, coach, or consult in the NBA. Everyone who has actually SEEN him play (Since pre-season isn't televised said he already belongs in the NBA, and has an unlimited ceiling.

Kevin is Kevin....can't really defend his lack of defense. It is what it is.

Donte has not been progressing from all accounts I've heard from people that have been present. I also heard Omri is looking good, which means less play time for Donte most likely. I want the best players on the floor, how about you?

Spencer has an ankle sprain. Why risk it in pre-season? Let it rest of for the regular season.

Give Westphal a chance. I don't think the pre-season is the place to judge his substitution patterns. He's putting everybody in every situation he can think of. I'm guessing he's finding out what he has. Hold your comments until somewhere around 41 games into the season. Then your comments about Westphals’ substitution patterns will have more validity.

Mason is having back problems. His contract isn't guaranteed, however he was looking good from what I've heard when he was playing in camp. Why are you worrying about this?

I'm sure I'll get flamed by people who really like to think they know SOOO much more than everyone. To those people I say, in the words of Eddie Murphy; Have a Coke and smile, shut up, and sit down.

Myself, I'm looking forward to the improvement this team can make and to the next year including next off season.
Brand new Team

This is basically a brand new team. Almost half the team is new as well as the coaching staff. They have been practicing but they still do not have enough experience playing together against other NBA teams. They are still learning each others game as well as the new coaches coaching style. In spite of that they still managed to give a playoff team a good run for their money. We have alot of very good players. As time goes I think they can only get better. And I bet they improve alot faster with Kings Fans support. I for one believe they will suprise us this season. (Pleasantly I mean) And I am positive we will not have a repeat of last season. :) I'm dreaming you say? No I have faith in the level of thier willingness to win.


Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Well, the negativity does not, in fact, "have" to stop. You don't have to like it, and there's nothing wrong with looking at things from a positive view, and not liking negativity, but I really don't think you get to decide for this board whether or not it is too early to start complaining.

As for the question you asked in your poll, "excited" would not be a term I would use to describe my own feelings, because I've been watching basketball all summer. I love basketball, men and women, NBA and WNBA, college and pro, and I always enjoy watching a basketball game, much moreso than anything else that will ever be on television. But, I would just say that I'm looking forward to the start of the NBA season, hardly excited.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I'm sure I'll get flamed by people who really like to think they know SOOO much more than everyone. To those people I say, in the words of Eddie Murphy; Have a Coke and smile, shut up, and sit down.
If you think you're being flamed, use the "Report Post" feature underneath the poster's user name. However, comma, please also recognize that just because someone is arguing with you, it doesn't mean that you're being flamed.

And that's not quite what Eddie Murphy actually said, is it? :p
no matter what you think. If people cared what all of you thought, they'd be paying you
They are. They paid out over $40M over the last 2 years in money we didn't spend on tickets.

Arco capacity: 17,317
Average ticket price: $62
2007-8: average attendance 14,150
2008-9: average attendance 12,571

Unsold tickets * $62 = $40.23M


Hall of Famer
Well, the negativity does not, in fact, "have" to stop. You don't have to like it, and there's nothing wrong with looking at things from a positive view, and not liking negativity, but I really don't think you get to decide for this board whether or not it is too early to start complaining.

As for the question you asked in your poll, "excited" would not be a term I would use to describe my own feelings, because I've been watching basketball all summer. I love basketball, men and women, NBA and WNBA, college and pro, and I always enjoy watching a basketball game, much moreso than anything else that will ever be on television. But, I would just say that I'm looking forward to the start of the NBA season, hardly excited.
To start a thread you need an opinion. Therefor, the start of this thread is my opinion. I don't know where you got the idea I was trying to decide whether or not its early enough to complain. I'm just trying to guage how excited fans are about this season, not that it really needs an explanation.
They are. They paid out over $40M over the last 2 years in money we didn't spend on tickets.

Arco capacity: 17,317
Average ticket price: $62
2007-8: average attendance 14,150
2008-9: average attendance 12,571

Unsold tickets * $62 = $40.23M
I get the point you're trying to convey, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't really work like that. :rolleyes:
I get the point you're trying to convey, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't really work like that. :rolleyes:
Of course it doesn't, although we fans are collectively $40M better off for it.

But, silly though it is, it's not as silly as thinking that the FO doesn't care what we think. After losing an average of $55,000 every single day for 2 years, in ticket sales alone, if they still didn't care what their customers thought, they'd have to be the most idiotic business people since the dawn of time. And I'm sure that they aren't THAT bad.
I'm excited to see all our young guys on the court, as well as Desmond Mason's ascension back to an exciting NBA player...also for the trading deadline to see if Geoff pulls off any deals, i.e.: Kenny Thomas, etc.
I can't believe all the negative comments I'm hearing after a little more than a week of training camp. Is anyone actually excited about this season? I know there are a few of you out there who share the same excitement I do. I'm already seeing numerous complaints about Tyreke playing pg, Kevin not playing defense, Donte not getting enough playing time, Spencer being too soft, not having a backup center, Westphal not knowing how to substitute, Mason being in training camp, as so on.

In my opinion, some complaints are valid, others aren't, and for the most part its too early to be complaining to the degree which I am seeing. Of course this team isn't perfect, its not close to being a contender, but I'm MUCH more excited going into this season compared to last.

So, here's a simple poll. Are you excited about this season or not?
LOL. I cant believe you made a thread titled this. You call it negativity, I call it constructive criticism. Now, if every single person was calling out, Kings suck, death to all kings, damn these guys are crappy as hell, I would agree with you. However, maybe you should listen to the criticisms that the people are throwing out there. Are they right? Or are they unfounded? Just because you apparently feel the need to have a fit with those who choose to be critical of weaknesses, I likewise find it borderline comatose to go, "rah rah," on the sidelines at every single play, and then come up to this board to tell all naysayers, "let's just wait and see."

If everyone would just wait and see, there would be NO discussion. I could make a retort to every single post in this entire site with, "well, why don't we wait and see?" Now how does that help further discussion, or bring any knowledge whatsoever to the fanbase?

If you would like to debate w/me how my points from the game were wrong, please do so. If all you want is to scream that we should leave them alone ala that youtube guy and britney (how many heads did that pass over?), then your opinions are worth as much as this thread you created. Have a good day. :p


Or would you prefer this?

MAN. I love these guys! I can see them winnign it all in 2, maybe 3 years, TOPS. AHHH! Kmart is going to be an all star, AND a HOF. The GOAT said so. Hes on Jordans shoe team too, so he'll probably get 30 a night! Cuz he got 25 last year, so 30 seems reasonable, doesnt it? They said he was working out all offseason too, so hes probably got some more mass for those rebounds! AWESOME

I can see Reke averaging 20/5/9 this season. He's so beastly.

THompson packed on the msucle. He's probably going to do 15-20/12 a game and a couple blocks.

Did you see how Hawes wore that turtleneck? It was probably stretched too tight form the muscles! ZOMG. Spence is gonna get 20/10/5. Check out our new VLADE.

I think well probably do 50 wins this season, get knocked out in first, maybe second round. Then next year, well definitely be right on the cusp of the SHIP. WHOS EXCITED?!?!?!
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
To start a thread you need an opinion. Therefor, the start of this thread is my opinion. I don't know where you got the idea I was trying to decide whether or not its early enough to complain...

In my opinion, some complaints are valid, others aren't, and for the most part its too early to be complaining to the degree which I am seeing. Of course this team isn't perfect, its not close to being a contender, but I'm MUCH more excited going into this season compared to last.

So, here's a simple poll. Are you excited about this season or not?


Super Moderator Emeritus
I can't believe all the negative comments I'm hearing after a little more than a week of training camp. Is anyone actually excited about this season? I know there are a few of you out there who share the same excitement I do. I'm already seeing numerous complaints about Tyreke playing pg, Kevin not playing defense, Donte not getting enough playing time, Spencer being too soft, not having a backup center, Westphal not knowing how to substitute, Mason being in training camp, as so on.

In my opinion, some complaints are valid, others aren't, and for the most part its too early to be complaining to the degree which I am seeing. Of course this team isn't perfect, its not close to being a contender, but I'm MUCH more excited going into this season compared to last.

So, here's a simple poll. Are you excited about this season or not?
A message board is all about negativity and super homers and everything in between. There's a real good way to avoid the stuff you don't want to read - put the people posting it on ignore.
I'm excited.

Anyone who went to the open practice last Saturday night has to be excited. Maybe not for our chances at a playoff spot but for improvement in athleticism and toughness. We haven't seen this in years. To me as long is the team is exciting and is giving 100% I will enjoy watching them play. We are young and I am excited to watch them grow as a team and maybe in two years after more good drafts we can watch the kings in the playoffs. I'm excited to watch Tyreke muscle smaller point guards and excited that maybe Brockman can nock Kobe on his butt when he takes it to the basket. Teams will feel pain when Jon knocks them down. When was the last time we saw that? I also like Mario Ellie and Truck Robinson as our assistant coaches. Both may soon be head coaches in the NBA.
To start a thread you need an opinion. Therefor, the start of this thread is my opinion. I don't know where you got the idea I was trying to decide whether or not its early enough to complain. I'm just trying to guage how excited fans are about this season, not that it really needs an explanation.
IMO, it's too early to start complaining about the complaining.


Hall of Famer
LOL. I cant believe you made a thread titled this. You call it negativity, I call it constructive criticism. Now, if every single person was calling out, Kings suck, death to all kings, damn these guys are crappy as hell, I would agree with you. However, maybe you should listen to the criticisms that the people are throwing out there. Are they right? Or are they unfounded? Just because you apparently feel the need to have a fit with those who choose to be critical of weaknesses, I likewise find it borderline comatose to go, "rah rah," on the sidelines at every single play, and then come up to this board to tell all naysayers, "let's just wait and see."

If everyone would just wait and see, there would be NO discussion. I could make a retort to every single post in this entire site with, "well, why don't we wait and see?" Now how does that help further discussion, or bring any knowledge whatsoever to the fanbase?

If you would like to debate w/me how my points from the game were wrong, please do so. If all you want is to scream that we should leave them alone ala that youtube guy and britney (how many heads did that pass over?), then your opinions are worth as much as this thread you created. Have a good day. :p


Or would you prefer this?

MAN. I love these guys! I can see them winnign it all in 2, maybe 3 years, TOPS. AHHH! Kmart is going to be an all star, AND a HOF. The GOAT said so. Hes on Jordans shoe team too, so he'll probably get 30 a night! Cuz he got 25 last year, so 30 seems reasonable, doesnt it? They said he was working out all offseason too, so hes probably got some more mass for those rebounds! AWESOME

I can see Reke averaging 20/5/9 this season. He's so beastly.

THompson packed on the msucle. He's probably going to do 15-20/12 a game and a couple blocks.

Did you see how Hawes wore that turtleneck? It was probably stretched too tight form the muscles! ZOMG. Spence is gonna get 20/10/5. Check out our new VLADE.

I think well probably do 50 wins this season, get knocked out in first, maybe second round. Then next year, well definitely be right on the cusp of the SHIP. WHOS EXCITED?!?!?!
A little over the top me thinks, but hey, your entitled to your opinion. I sort of take umbarage with the premise of the thread, because just how do you define negativity. As you said, there is constructive criticism. I'm a glass half full person myself, however, I've criticized Greene, Beno, Martin's defense, etc. So I think its fair to criticize individuals when its warranted. To be honest, if we didn't have differing opinions, it would get boring around here.

There are at times though, when criticisims that aren't specific and way too general that just appear to be agenda driven. Like, the whole team just sucks and there's absolutely nothing to be optimistic about. There's probably no harsher critic on this fourm than Bricky. But, he will give credit when due, and he's able to seperate out whats good from the bad. Now I may not agree with him all the time, but he retains his credibility with me because of that. Call me old school, but I think credibility is important if you want people to read what you write with the hope of convincing them of your point of view.

One last point. I'm one of those that says we need to wait and see. Because in reality, we really don't have any choice do we. But because I say that, it doesn't mean you can't discuss what you saw and give your opinion. The two thoughts aren't exclusive of one another. And by the way, I agree with constructive criticism. There's also destructive criticism, and thats where agenda's can come into play. Personally I don't think you have an agenda. I think your just frustrated. Cervesa's and deep breathing will help. An ocean view doesn't hurt either..:rolleyes:
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I'm definitely excited, i believe we have turned the corner.

I just hope everyone gives Wesphal and the team for that fact, a chance to prove themselves & not just bring out the pitchforks at the first sign of trouble. This team only won 17 games last year and we are starting from a very low point, but I'm hoping by xmas time, the team is starting to mesh and hopefully the results will start to improve (both in the Win/Loss column and in crowd attendance).
Of course I am excited for this season. But why can't I complain when they do something stupid like DNPing a developing kid and STARTing a rotting vet? - in the same game mind you. Preseason game 2 or not, that is just dumb.
A little over the top me thinks, but hey, your entitled to your opinion. I sort of take umbarage with the premise of the thread, because just how do you define negativity. As you said, there is constructive criticism. I'm a glass half full person myself, however, I've criticized Greene, Beno, Martin's defense, etc. So I think its fair to criticize individuals when its warranted. To be honest, if we didn't have differing opinions, it would get boring around here.

There are at times though, when criticisims that aren't specific and way too general that just appear to be agenda driven. Like, the whole team just sucks and there's absolutely nothing to be optimistic about. There's probably no harsher critic on this fourm than Bricky. But, he will give credit when due, and he's able to seperate out whats good from the bad. Now I may not agree with him all the time, but he retains his credibility with me because of that. Call me old school, but I think credibility is important if you want people to read what you write with the hope of convincing them of your point of view.

One last point. I'm one of those that says we need to wait and see. Because in reality, we really don't have any choice do we. But because I say that, it doesn't mean you can't discuss what you saw and give your opinion. The two thoughts aren't exclusive of one another. And by the way, I agree with constructive criticism. There's also destructive criticism, and thats where agenda's can come into play. Personally I don't think you have an agenda. I think your just frustrated. Cervesa's and deep breathing will help. An ocean view doesn't hurt either..:rolleyes:
Oh, definitely over the top. No bones about it there. I'm a... "I see that your glass is half full, but rather than sit and pat you on the head for the half fullness of your glass, I'm going to tell you how you can get that glass completely full" kind of guy.

As for general criticism, I did address that, and I do agree it is out of place, and does us no good. Basically troll feeding, which I feel this thread is also. I will also agree with your statement of credibility. Where I fail is that I cannot remain as objective when I see ludicrous statements (or threads) made.

You are right. They are not mutually exclusive. I am speaking to the posts that offer only that as a parting. It ends conversation, always sends threads into a tangent, and doesn't do a thing for us. Now, obviously all we can do is wait, as this team is young and without much time together. That doesn't change what I see on the court. We are always waiting for the next development, but I see no reason why we must dilute our criticism with the "wait and see." I thought that the criticism I leveled was actually things that should have been rudimentary to players of this caliber. And yes, I am frustrated by what I see.

Then I come on here, and see the soma guy tell us to kill the negativity and hush up. I left my ocean view down south for Norcal, but your post has given me some cathartic relief.
Am I excited? Yes, I am! Very much!

Do I like everything? No, I do not. I am negative about many things.

So, you do not have to be only positive to be excited about the start of the season. I think it is Ok to have some anger and criticality among fans. It shows that people still have a lot of passion and care about the team. I do not wanna read only supportive Utopian posts. We should support the team but we do not have to support things that hurt it.


Hall of Famer
LOL. I cant believe you made a thread titled this. You call it negativity, I call it constructive criticism. Now, if every single person was calling out, Kings suck, death to all kings, damn these guys are crappy as hell, I would agree with you. However, maybe you should listen to the criticisms that the people are throwing out there. Are they right? Or are they unfounded? Just because you apparently feel the need to have a fit with those who choose to be critical of weaknesses, I likewise find it borderline comatose to go, "rah rah," on the sidelines at every single play, and then come up to this board to tell all naysayers, "let's just wait and see."
Looks like I struck a nerve. I constantly listen to the criticims on this forum, and often participate in debate. I have a very good understanding of how kings fans feel. I'm surprised you got the impression I was throwing a fit. I was being partly sarcastic with the title, and pointing out a lot of the criticisms I have heard. I understand where the criticism is coming from, and I enjoy debating the Kings. But the point I was trying to get across is that there seems to be a lot more criticizing going on rather than talking about the positives going into the season. I understand this team weaknesses, I'm just surprised a lot of fans are dwelling on them going into the season.

I don't know what you meant with your rah rah comment, but if you have 3 rookies, 2 second yr players, and a 3rd yr player, yeah you do have to wait and see what type of players they will develop into. Patience is part of rebuilding, you should know that.

I'm all for discussion. I'm all for discussing the strengths and weaknesses of this team. But we have to wait and see if Tyreke can play the point. Wait and see if Jt and Hawes will continue to develop. Wait and see if Brockmans height will have a negative effect at the nba level. Wait and see if Donte will snap out of his funk and start contributing. You get the point. Did you really think I meant wait and see and don't talk or don't have a discussion?

All fans criticize. Its part of being a fan. My MAIN point was that personally, I'm surprised at the overall amount of criticism and negativity lately in relation to talking about the positives going into the season. I'm completely aware of where this team needs to improve, and I will be a very fustrated fan if things haven't improved a few months into the season. But this team has a lot of new pieces, and new coaching staff, and it will take time to gel. The "this negativity has to stop" title was more of a personal observation of the level of criticism I've heard lately, not an attempt to get people to stop talking.

Im somewhat annoyed with the excessive negativity only because I think there is now alot to look forward to. Im very excited to watch Evans develop. Im very excited to be able to watch mens basketball period.