Knowing what you know now...

Who would you pick now?

  • I would still pick Rubio

    Votes: 26 36.1%
  • I would still pick Evans

    Votes: 29 40.3%
  • My pick has changed to Rubio

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My pick has changed to Evans

    Votes: 17 23.6%

  • Total voters
If you had to go back to draft day, who would you pick with #4- Rubio or Tyreke Evans?

My vote was originally Ricky Rubio on draft day, but now I prefer that we have Tyreke Evans.
A little earlier for this, although I'm really warming to 'Reke. I just want to see how he does with the other four starts and how his adjustment to PG develops first.
Still Ricky, but not complaining.

If you had to go back to draft day, who would you pick with #4- Rubio or Tyreke Evans?

My vote was originally Ricky Rubio on draft day, but now I prefer that we have Tyreke Evans.
I love Tyreke and he's going to be a star. I like his size, athletisism and his ability to get to the basket, his ability to rebound from the point guard position and his ability to play and guard two positions.
I love Ricky's BB IQ, his passing ability and his uncanny knack to see the whole foor. His ability to defend is underrated. Has played in league with "men" since he was 14. Played very well against the USA in the Olympics.
My coin flip goes to Rubio because other than toghness he brings more of the star quality that the Kings really need in Sactown.
That being said, I'm not going to lose any sleep about coming out of the draft with Evans. Rubio was my 1st pick, Evans was my 2nd. Thank God we didn't end up with Thabeet.
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This one is really hard for me. I wanted Rubio on our team sooooo badly.

That being said, I would have to say that Evens is going to be the better player in the long run. Rubio is going to be one of the best PGs in the league, but Evens will be the better all around player of the two.....IMO.
Thank God we didn't end up with Thabeet.
Thabeet's SL team defensively shut down their opponents, winning all of their games, and 3/4 of them by blowout margins, while their opponents shot a collective 99 of 279 (35.5%). The Kings, on the other hand, won 1 of 5, while their opponents shot 160 of 350 (45.7%). Thank God that we won't bore the fans by closing down the lane like Memphis will be doing.


i would go with rubio.... he was my one and only pick, i knew he would be there and he was.we just didnt take him, we needed a player like him but we passed on him. though getting sergio softens the blow of missing out on him, kinda.... i watched a lot of blazers games last season and sergio is a smart player, he sees the floor really well and makes great passes. i wanted rubio because he can do the same thing and would be our starter without question. sergio really shouldnt be competeing for the starting spot. he is the best pg on our team....

and with all of the trades that have gone through since the draft we couldve built a contender without giving up our core players. but if sergio and martin can develop a good rapport on the court i wont complain. after watching sergio and rudy play together in portland i can tell that if he and martin find that connection nartin will take his game to the next level. we're just gonna need a lot of backdoor cuts and screens for martin to get open just like rudy. which he already does but we just didnt have a pg who could get him the ball.

but yeah.... rubio all the way. we are gonna need some more athletic players on the team. we need some real finishers for sergio.


OK, please share your trade ideas that would build the Kings inot a contender.


ive done it more than enough times... im usre most around here are tired of my trade ideas because they involve other players besides thompson and hawes starting... that or for some reason no one wants to trade nocioni because he's the toughest player on a 17 win team.
What exactly do we know now, the summer league? Get back to me at the halfway point of the season and then I think everyone can have a more informative opinion on Rubio vs. Evans.
I trust Petrie's decision...

But I think I still would have picked Rubio or Flynn...

Tyreke looks really good. But we already have a big scorer, we need a leader and some one to create plays...Rubio and Flynn are more that type of player than Evans...

That being said, Evans is going to be a star, and I'm pumped to have him. I hope he can develop more as a PG because right now he's definitely more of a 2 than a 1.
I've always wanted Evans over Rubio. Rubio is/was all hype...

And about comparing the two, well lets try until Rubio actually is in the NBA...but by then Evans will be a 3 year vet and Rubio a rookie...So lets compare them 6 years down the road...
I trust Petrie's decision...

But I think I still would have picked Rubio or Flynn...

Tyreke looks really good. But we already have a big scorer, we need a leader and some one to create plays...Rubio and Flynn are more that type of player than Evans...

That being said, Evans is going to be a star, and I'm pumped to have him. I hope he can develop more as a PG because right now he's definitely more of a 2 than a 1.
We also need someone who can create for himself and beat his opponent off the dribble. We have lacked the "closer" in our team. Someone you throw the ball to when the game is on the line and let him do the work. In Evans we potentially have that.

We weren't going to address our needs with 1 player. Evans addresses some of our needs but not all, just as Rubio and Flynn would address some needs but not all.
My pick would have been Rubio. If the Kings had selected Rubio then I would have been a season ticket holder again.
so you would go get seasons tickets for a point guard who can't defend cant shoot very well all he does is pass and looks good on youtube clips get real the guy probably be decent but kings need someone you can stop the other teams point guards and evens shows signs that he can do this. Being a kings fan last year was hard cause i was sick seeing the other teams point guard take us apart and it would seem we finally fixed this issue with a big defesive point but all you rubio fans would rather see fancy passing then wins.
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I always want to rely on the moto - In Petrie We Trust. I wanted Rubio but I have to assume after we scouted him, looked at potential mess of his buyout and then stacking him up overall with Evans, there was not enough reason to go with the Spanish sensation. So we got the Memphis Tiger sensation and Sergio. Meaning, we ignored the fannies in the seats upside, the purest of pure PG route, the European media focus, and Ricky mania taking over Sactown. Tyreke has a lot of potential, but we'd be saying the same thing about Flynn at this point. I still can't belive the T-Wolves got both Ricky and Jonny! I still worry a bit about the baggage that Evans brings from the very tragic incident where he was at the wheel and some lingering questions about his "real attitude." Hey, I'm a Kings fan who is always optimistic but rather jadded after almost a quater century of watching this franchise sputter way more than inspire.
The Evans vs Rubio debate gets started all over again. But oh well it's the offseason, we don't have anything better to talk about anyway. Wouldn't it be nice if Rubio would just come over this year and we can see them go toe to toe against each other? That would be sweet. And we could then settle this crap once and for all. I think it'll be like a "grown *** man" going against a boy, but that's my opinion.


Hall of Famer
Rubio would have a couple highlight assists that will make Evans look silly.

Evans meanwhile will notch a triple double.

I'm happy with Reke. I dunno if he'll ever be a PG for us, but I'm pretty sure he's going to be a friggin beast.


Super Moderator Emeritus
The Evans vs Rubio debate gets started all over again. But oh well it's the offseason, we don't have anything better to talk about anyway. Wouldn't it be nice if Rubio would just come over this year and we can see them go toe to toe against each other? That would be sweet. And we could then settle this crap once and for all. I think it'll be like a "grown *** man" going against a boy, but that's my opinion.
Actually it was mentioned right after the first poll that we'd be revisiting the discussion once things had settled down a bit. I just regret him not making it a public poll so we could see who had changed their minds and who hadn't.

As far as the debate getting started all over again, this is nothing. The Webber-Peja debates raged for years.

so you would go get seasons tickets for a point guard who can't defend cant shoot very well all he does is pass and looks good on youtube clips get real the guy probably be decent but kings need someone you can stop the other teams point guards and evens shows signs that he can do this. Being a kings fan last year was hard cause i was sick seeing the other teams point guard take us apart and it would seem we finally fixed this issue with a big defesive point but all you rubio cry babies would rather see fancy passing then wins.
Wow, you really know Rubio!!! I guess you have seen at least 50 games with him!!! Impressive!!

..... but, to be completely honest, something tells me that you have no idea what you are talking about.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, here's the deal... We aren't going to relive the Webber-Peja type sniping that went on before.

If you want to discuss the post, feel free. No problem. BUT if you start sniping at the poster, making comments about him/her instead of the post, it's just not gonna fly.

Each person on this forum is entitled to his/her opinion just as each person is entitled to agree or disagree with that opinion. The point is you can agree or disagree and still keep the discussion civil. We've been doing it around here for a very long time, so we know it can be done.
Wow, you really know Rubio!!! I guess you have seen at least 50 games with him!!! Impressive!!

..... but, to be completely honest, something tells me that you have no idea what you are talking about.
How many times have you watched him or seen him non youtube? i see an 18 year old kid who is gonna take a lot of time to develope. evens needs to develope also but he has more game at this time then rubio and thats what the kings need is somebody who can step in and play now, not in 3 years. but then again we really won't know who is better until at least 3 or 4 years. I think i'm just agervated because these post keep poping up we got evans accept and if your a ture kings fan support him not the player we didn't draft.
How many times have you watched him or seen him non youtube? i see an 18 year old kid who is gonna take a lot of time to develope. evens needs to develope also but he has more game at this time then rubio and thats what the kings need is somebody who can step in and play now, not in 3 years. but then again we really won't know who is better until at least 3 or 4 years. I think i'm just agervated because these post keep poping up we got evans accept and if your a ture kings fan support him not the player we didn't draft.
I like NBA and Euroleague equally and therefore I watch a lot of European basketball and find it very entertaining.

How many Rubio's games have I watched? About 15-17 full games and he was very impressive. Does it mean that he will be a superstar in NBA? I do not know. All I know is that he's been successful on each and every level of basketball so far with all his limitations and it says something. He is the only prospect from the draft that is proven on serious proffy level (BJ failed). Again, it does not garantee his NBA success and we do not know when he will be able to contribute but you can say it about any other prospect. Even sure things like Odens are not real sure things.

Most people in here never watched him but, man, they know everything about him and have million reasons why he is gonna fail.
He can't jump, can't run, can't shoot, can't defend .... Sometimes I think that may be he has never played basketball or existed. With all he-can'ts, this guy has beaten a lot of guys who can run, can shoot, can jump, can defend. He even was decent in China last year despite the fact that he was only 17 and injured.

If you like Evans - great!! I personally hope that Tyreke will become a superstar and wish him and my team only the best but bashing Rubio won't make Evans a better player/prospect or make other people like him more. Life will answer our questions.
It was Griffin or Thabeet for me - months before the draft.

Thabeet or Rubio - weeks before the draft.

Evans a few days before the draft, especially because it became clear to me the Kid has more upsides than the other players who seemed over-hyped.

Now that we got him, I am willing to wait for him to develop. That is - even as long as the Lakers fans had waited for Kobe to develop into the Superstar that he is right now.

Maybe 3-4 years?
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I voted Rubio..

I wanted him originally, and less than one month after the draft, my mind has not changed. I love Reke's game and am excited about what he is going to do. However, SL games have not been enough to make me change my mind. There's no basis for it.

Ask again come mid year.
Which in reality may be another 2 years until Rubio comes over.....and I doubt folks are going to stop talking about our pick until then. ;)
I'd hope it thins out a lot, though. This subject's been beaten to death, we'll be buying trick or treat candy before there's any new facts to think about, and then we'll still only be learning a little about half of the equation. Discussing it more might teach something to a sociologist studying crowd behavior, or to MS&E's PR department. But it won't resolve anything related to basketball. Some people will keep asserting that they're right, but they can't convince anyone, because they have no facts to back up their argument. So it will go around in endless circles.

That was why my earlier reply to this thread was kind of off topic. There's nothing left to say about Evans/Rubio right now.


Hall of Famer
I know this debate will never end until Rubio meets Evans in a real NBA game and one of them dominates the other. Or who knows, both have good games. As for now, there's really nothing more to go on than there was just after the draft. Evans has had the advantage of being seen playing in the summer league, while Rubio tries to get out of his contract.

Don't get me wrong. Its great that Evans looked good, but its just summer league. A lot of players have looked good in summer league and followed with less than stellar seasons. If Rubio ends up not getting out of his contract and plays two more years in Europe, then advantage us. I suspose the debate then will be whether we should have taken Flynn instead of Evans..:cool:


I know this debate will never end until Rubio meets Evans in a real NBA game and one of them dominates the other. Or who knows, both have good games. As for now, there's really nothing more to go on than there was just after the draft. Evans has had the advantage of being seen playing in the summer league, while Rubio tries to get out of his contract.

Don't get me wrong. Its great that Evans looked good, but its just summer league. A lot of players have looked good in summer league and followed with less than stellar seasons. If Rubio ends up not getting out of his contract and plays two more years in Europe, then advantage us. I suspose the debate then will be whether we should have taken Flynn instead of Evans..:cool:
the real losers in this whole situation may be the okc thunder... they needed a sg with some pg skills to make up for westbrooks lack of pg skills and evans would have been the perfect player for them. i thought they were going to pick him and leave rubio for us but it didnt happen...