Hey, everyone. Sorry about the delay. I've been out of town the last few days, and didn't think the draft would happen so quickly! But I'm here now, so let's get the show on the road.
Jespher, nice pick with Vedder. I was considering him for lead vox for my Roaring 90s last summer, but ultimately went with Cobain. Judging by the last band standing thread, that may have cost me some votes...
Anyways, without further adieu, my first pick:
Bob Marley, lead vocals and rhythm guitar.
While I waited several rounds to pick the front man last year, this year I'm looking to establish my band's identity right off the bat. And no one's better suited for that than Marley, the quintessential face of reggae and the perfect lead for my band, which will be featuring a summer vibe as it's already over 100 in Sacramento. Marley is more than just a singer, songwriter, musician or guitarist--he embodies a philosophy and mindset as well. His music is pleasing to the ear, fun to dance to, but often also carries an important political message. I look forward to building a top notch backing band around him, many of whom will be stars in their own right.