and with the #1 pick in the 2009 NBA draft the Kings select...

But I think the fact that one of Oden's legs is longer than the other probably should have been paid more attention to. But he seems like he's a good guy and I hope he has a better season next year.
Can't that be solved with specially made shoes or is it more complicated than that?
It depends on how long it went unnoticed and what other problems developed because of it. I knew an olympic skier from Austria, who broke his leg as a kid. The two leg bones didn't grew equally afterwards, and he ended up having hip and spine problems.

He had to drop off the olympic team because of his back, and it wasn't until several yrs later that a doctor here in the States discovered the cause of his problems. Besides the shoe lifts, he need a lot of work to correct the damage to his back.
My right leg is slightly longer than my left. I was blessed with great speed, so I was on the track team and I played baseball at a high level. The difference in the length of my legs never seemed to affect my performance. To be honest, I never even noticed anything being wrong until I was around 45 years of age. I started having pain in my right hip. I just chalked it up to all the abuse I had put my body through.

A few years later when I was also having pain in both knee's, I went to a orthopedic sports doctor. While I was there primarily for my knee's I mentioned the pain in my hip. X-ray's showed that my right hip had turned inward due to my one leg being shorter than the other. I was told that the situation could have been helped by shoes that would have equalized the length, but it was too late at this point.

The difference between my right leg and my left was not very much, but the end result was pretty dramatic. However, it never once affected my play during that period of my life. I can't speak for Oden, and I'm sure the team is aware of the problem and everything that can be done is being done.

By the way, I should point out that the problem with my knee's, was in no way related to my leg problem. It was just the result of the pounding one endures over the years of thinking your invincible.
Well Rubio has declared for the draft. Pray that we get the first pick in the draft. Its time for good fortune to smile on the Kings....
So you think they take him over Griffin? My gut tells me (maybe wishful thinking on my part) that the Kings wouldn't pick Griffin if they had the #1 pick and if Rubio wasn't in this draft.
So you think they take him over Griffin? My gut tells me (maybe wishful thinking on my part) that the Kings wouldn't pick Griffin if they had the #1 pick and if Rubio wasn't in this draft.
Oh, really. Over 90% of the NBA mock drafts have it Griffin #1 and Rubio #2 or vice versa. I saw only a couple that had Thabeet or Wall and that was before Thabeet declared and of course Wall has not declared and probably won't.

I think Kings very well might take Rubio over Griffin, but would put it at about 60-40 they take the collegiate Sooner phenom. If Rubio was not in the draft I'm 100% sure they'd take Griffin. Conversely, if Rubio were in the draft and Griffin were not I'd say it would be about 90% they'd take the Spanish phenom instead of a Thabeet or someone else.
Those of you who want Rubio better pray for the 2nd pick. I doubt Petrie will pick Rubio number 1 nor will he trade down to get Rubio.
He better not. Can you imagine had the Bulls traded down for Michael Beasley because they already have a PG?

Forget the trading down thing! If we're lucky enough to land the #1 pick, thank the Basketball God and pick the best player! That's all there is to it.
Oh well since you doubt it I better get on my knees and start praying right now.
I wouldn't be surprised if Petrie picked Rubio number 1 though. He seems like the ultimate Petrie type player. I'll be happy with either Griffin or Rubio. Rubio fits the Kings better, but Griffin is the safer pick.
He better not. Can you imagine had the Bulls traded down for Michael Beasley because they already have a PG?

Forget the trading down thing! If we're lucky enough to land the #1 pick, thank the Basketball God and pick the best player! That's all there is to it.
Problem is we don't know who the best player is yet. From the consensus it looks like Griffin is the best player available, but even the consensus could often times be wrong. Hopefully Petrie will make the right choice xD
Here's the deal. If we get the first pick in the draft, were the cats meow. We can do whatever we want. Pick Griffin. Pick Rubio. Made a trade with the number two team if they really want Griffin and aquire another pick or the rights to another player etc. So pray we get the first pick, or, at worst the second pick. We can speculate all we want, but until we know where were going to draft, its like shooting arrows into the air.
He better not. Can you imagine had the Bulls traded down for Michael Beasley because they already have a PG?

Forget the trading down thing! If we're lucky enough to land the #1 pick, thank the Basketball God and pick the best player! That's all there is to it.
i understand your argument...but what you said could be an argument for rubio. picking the pg over the pf, what if griffin becomes next years' beasley and rubio becomes as good as rose? will we be that team that chose the 09 beasley over rose?
He better not. Can you imagine had the Bulls traded down for Michael Beasley because they already have a PG?

Forget the trading down thing! If we're lucky enough to land the #1 pick, thank the Basketball God and pick the best player! That's all there is to it.
The draft just doesn't work like that. The Bulls didn't trade down because they thought Rose was the better player who would have a bigger impact at their team (so far they were right). Hinrich had dropped off considerabley and wasn't getting any younger...all the more reason to draft Rose. They had a choice to bench or get rid of a older declining PG and Draft a new PG or get rid of a young rising PF and draft a new PF... We are faced with pretty much the same situation except the "experts" have Blake Griffin being the overall better player right now, which I don't necessarily dissagree with, but I think Rubio or another PG is just the better fit for us.
The draft just doesn't work like that. The Bulls didn't trade down because they thought Rose was the better player who would have a bigger impact at their team (so far they were right). Hinrich had dropped off considerabley and wasn't getting any younger...all the more reason to draft Rose. They had a choice to bench or get rid of a older declining PG and Draft a new PG or get rid of a young rising PF and draft a new PF... We are faced with pretty much the same situation except the "experts" have Blake Griffin being the overall better player right now, which I don't necessarily dissagree with, but I think Rubio or another PG is just the better fit for us.

Having seen Rose play every game this year, he is an amazing talent. Having said that, he has not shown the same flashes the Paul/Deron have shown. He doesn't have the vision of paul or the shooting of Deron. There will always be that question about his ceiling. His athleticism is off the charts, and he is the perfect size and body build for that position. The decision to draft him over Beasely is still argued in many circles in Chicago. Did you see what Beasely did in the 3 games at the end of the season when he was starting? The guy is a supreme talent. Remember, he put up similar stats to Durant in college. His knock is his heart and defense. He ever finds those, he will light up the leauge. It's not a question, it's fact.

Rose was given the reins to a young athletic team, and he put up decent stats. He won the ROY solely by not losing it. Yes, he had a great first game vs the Cs, but Rondo is TORCHING him, and you can make a case that if his defense was better than average, Bulls would be up 2-0. The PG is supposed to iniate the offense, not be the end result. This is especially true with the Bulls, who have me-first players that cannot create their own offense (Ben Gordon excluded). Rose's athleticism will carry him so far until he becomes the great distributor. He has still not found the medium between being a scorer and being a distributor. He can't turn it on and off yet. It's not a given that he ever will because he does not have that killer instinct yet. But, he's a rookie, and he has time. I'm very happy with what I've seen so far, but he needs to show a lot more to cement that #1 draft pick and justify it. Given that Vinny is his coach though, I give all the credit to Rose for what he's done so far.
I thought the rule was the player had to be a year removed from his graduating class. Unless I'm mistaken Walls has yet to graduate, so i believe he would be denied eligibility for the draft.
Thats true. I'm still interested why he would be considered eligible. I know its not age because Mayo was 19 when he graduate high school, not really pertinent to this draft or Walls but still interesting.
Thats true. I'm still interested why he would be considered eligible. I know its not age because Mayo was 19 when he graduate high school, not really pertinent to this draft or Walls but still interesting.
You have to be 19 and one year removed from your graduating class. Wall is a 5th year senior so some have speculated that he might be eligible for the draft, Mayo was actually int he same situation as well. We don't really know if he's actually eligible or if this is a true loophole because it hasn't really been challenged yet.
You have to be 19 and one year removed from your graduating class. Wall is a 5th year senior so some have speculated that he might be eligible for the draft, Mayo was actually int he same situation as well. We don't really know if he's actually eligible or if this is a true loophole because it hasn't really been challenged yet.
He is not-post graduate (last year's class was not his "graduating class"), so it appears this year is his graduating class, making him not eligible until next year. Wall himself said he is not a post-graduate 5th year.
He is not-post graduate (last year's class was not his "graduating class"), so it appears this year is his graduating class, making him not eligible until next year. Wall himself said he is not a post-graduate 5th year.
The rule states that he would have to be one year removed from his graduating class or, one year removed from the year his class would have graduated. Which was obviously put in for those that for some reason couldn't graduate and then dropped out.
So the loophole, if there is one, is what if he decides to forget school and just apply for the draft. Whereas he still doesn't have a diploma, and his original graduating class graduated over a year ago, is he elligible? Hell if I know, but that seems to be the point of contention.:confused:
The rule states that he would have to be one year removed from his graduating class or, one year removed from the year his class would have graduated. Which was obviously put in for those that for some reason couldn't graduate and then dropped out.
So the loophole, if there is one, is what if he decides to forget school and just apply for the draft. Whereas he still doesn't have a diploma, and his original graduating class graduated over a year ago, is he elligible? Hell if I know, but that seems to be the point of contention.:confused:
Last year's class is not his original graduating class, because he was apparently not eligible to graduate with them. You can't be considered a part of that graduating class, if you were not eligible to graduate at the same time as them. If it took me 6 years to be eligible to graduate from college, my graduating class would be the one graduating in that 6th year, not the one eligible to graduate two years ealrier than me. That's why he's not considered a "post-graduate" 5th year student.