Just for fun: The Book of Sherman

46. It's never too late for a late season MVP-push. And it'll be indubitable that you're most valuable if every point scored by your team was scored by you.


Super Moderator Emeritus
47. If you have the same name as a wise person from the Old Testament, you can do anything you want. You don't have to play team ball, especially in the closing quarters of games.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
47. If you have the same name as a wise person from the Old Testament, you can do anything you want. You don't have to play team ball, especially in the closing quarters of games.
Now two players came to King Will Solomon and stood before him. One of them said, "My King, this man and I play on the same team. During a timeout, the coach took us aside and drew up a play for us. I was to set a screen for him, and he was to pass the ball to me when I rolled to the basket. We were alone, there was no one in the huddle but the two of us. During the play I set the screen, but he did not pass the ball to me, instead he took the shot for himself."

The other player said, "No, the play was drawn up for ME to shoot the ball after coming off the screen. If there were anyone else in the huddle they would verify it."

But the first player insisted, "No! The play was drawn up for you to pass to ME." And so they argued before King Solomon.

The King said, "This one says, 'The play was drawn up for me', while that one says, 'No! The play was drawn up for me!' but there is no evidence as to who is telling the truth." Then King Solomon said, "Bring me a shot clock and a ball." So they brought a shot clock and a ball for the King. He then gave an order: "Begin the shot clock. Now run the play again. This time, both of you set a staggered double screen for me, and I will shoot instead."

The man who was originally to set the screen was concerned with the shot clock, and said, "Yes, let King Solomon take the shot, and quickly. Please do not let the shot clock run out!"

But the man who was to come off of the screen said, "No! I would rather let the shot clock run out than allow someone else to shoot the ball!"

When the assistant coaches saw these proceedings, they held King Solomon in awe and lauded him because they saw that he had determined who was truly the team player and who was a selfish ballhog. But King Solomon, coming off his staggered double screen, was too busy shooting the ball to hear their praise, or care.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
48. After missing a FG attempt the first priority is to locate an official to complain to about the no-call. Only after being threatened with a technical foul should you locate your defensive assignment.

49. Big men about to enter free agency or the final year on their contract should take every opportunity to display their "point forward" skills. Remember to take that extra dribble before attempting that extra pass. Your big contract depends on it.

50. Guards: Guarding is merely a suggestion, your primary assignment of pointing or shooting should be followed at all times. The big guys can "do the dirty work".

55. After building up a strong reputation, complain about playing time. Your teammates will appreciate it.
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So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
56. If your defensive assignment beats you across center court, hang back and set up for the fast break or the 3/4 court entry pass after the made basket.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
61. Its going to be a hell of a lot easier for them to replace the coach next season than move your bad contract.

62. When all else fails, ask your self "WWKTD" - What would Kenny Thomas do? Seek his wisdom at half time and during timeouts.

67. After drug test load up on steroids and weed. No way you'll be tested again soon.

68. If you make a mistake, pretend that you don't speak the ref's language.

69. To capture the love and attention of young fans, present yourself like a pro wrestler.
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69. when nate rob dunks over you turn around....you dont want your face in his uhhmmmmm....

70. BE brave and TACKLE the problems in your way... its better to piledrive em to make sure.....
73. It is not goal tending to touch the ball while it is still above the cylinder. Remember, you are preparing to be the star player on the 2012 olympic team.


Super Moderator Emeritus
75. When your team is being pummelled by a team nearly as bad as you are, don't even pretend to go near the paint. You might get injured. Stand at the perimeter and chuck bricks at the hoop ... over and over and over.
77. a fast break doesnt mean how fast you can take a break! RUN!!!!!

78. A coach loves getting his 2000 dollar dolce suit all wet in gatorade! so do it!

79. during back to back games dont bother taking a shower after the first game.. it saves energy,water and helps you on Defense just remember keep your hands UP all the time