Kings @ Grizzlies Game Thread

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After the trade deadline analysis

Jason Thompson - 17 pts 9 rebounds

Amare' (Pirate) Stoudamire - 0 pts 0 rebounds for the rest of the season...

Anybody still want Amare'?
Anybody else notice how Kevin is now taking leadership charge in breaks after timeouts to have usually have the last word in huddle and then call out... One, Two, as team yells - Break! Nice leadership from... not the kid... but the man:)
I wonder if there was a leadership type conflict with Miller and maybe he always bowed out due to respect to him? Hopefully K-Mart keeps it up though and realizes this is his team now to lead (Like he has said he wants to do).

Donte is a rookie people, he's a great shooter who hasn't gotten many minutes this year... yes he does chuck it and he needs to learn to take the -right- shots, but that will come with more play time honestly and so will the rest of his game. I just hope his performance tonight earns him more playing time for the rest of the season...


Super Moderator Emeritus
He said "leadership type conflict"...

I think Nighthawk1 is saying that Martin deferred to Miller because of veteran status and tenure, so to speak, and didn't step on his toes and become a vocal leader out of deference to Miller.

I think we can stop bashing Brad now. He's left the building.
I hope one of the young guys that has leadership qualities steps up now that most of the vets are gone. It's probably hard for someone new to step it up when you got 10+ year vets on the team.
He said "leadership type conflict"...

I think Nighthawk1 is saying that Martin deferred to Miller because of veteran status and tenure, so to speak, and didn't step on his toes and become a vocal leader out of deference to Miller.

I think we can stop bashing Brad now. He's left the building.
You said what I meant a lot better then I said it... It's pretty common in sports to be honest, even if you're there to be the leader you usually hold back out of respect for the guys who have been there longer. Only time will tell if this was the case really
Just came back from being out all day, so glad that we won an away game! Feels like a long time since our last road win. Good to see our young guns playing some good minutes.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
After the trade deadline analysis

Jason Thompson - 17 pts 9 rebounds

Amare' (Pirate) Stoudamire - 0 pts 0 rebounds for the rest of the season...

Anybody still want Amare'?

Actually yes -- Amare would be perfect right now. We'd be guaranteed of having a 20+pt PF coming in next year while zeroin in on one of the top picks in this draft to play alongside him. Amare's injury makes him MORE attrtactive from where I am sitting. A major concern I had was that he was going to come in, cost us what he cost us, and then cost us draft position as well.
Good to see Greene get some minutes tonight! This is why I was so disappointed to trade for a SF that has a TERRIBLE contract in Noci...I want Greene to get more minutes and eventually start at SF! Gonna be hard to do that when we are paying Garcia/Noci major $$$ (MLE+), and long term deals to boot...
Yeah Amare's injury was an eye and I don't think it is something that will be recurring like a knee or a back. We would get 1st-4th pick and still have Amare for next year.


Actually yes -- Amare would be perfect right now. We'd be guaranteed of having a 20+pt PF coming in next year while zeroin in on one of the top picks in this draft to play alongside him. Amare's injury makes him MORE attrtactive from where I am sitting. A major concern I had was that he was going to come in, cost us what he cost us, and then cost us draft position as well.
thats what i was thinking...
A pretty nice woss. I just hope this team doesn't turn it around enough to start winning a significant amount of games. I know that sounds bad to say, but I don't want us to get an 8'th or 9'th pick. This team needs a top 3 pick, and hopefully Blake Griffin.
A pretty nice woss. I just hope this team doesn't turn it around enough to start winning a significant amount of games. I know that sounds bad to say, but I don't want us to get an 8'th or 9'th pick. This team needs a top 3 pick, and hopefully Blake Griffin.
The only reason I actually want Blake Griffin is for a trade. I mean, what are the other options? You can't have him and JT sharing time because those are the 2 best developing players. You can't trade JT away because who knows if Griffin will be that much, if any, better than JT. He has to attract lots of attention and I'm thinking we could get some good stuff out of him in a trade.
The only reason I actually want Blake Griffin is for a trade. I mean, what are the other options? You can't have him and JT sharing time because those are the 2 best developing players. You can't trade JT away because who knows if Griffin will be that much, if any, better than JT. He has to attract lots of attention and I'm thinking we could get some good stuff out of him in a trade.

New starting lineup in 2010...

PG - Ramon Sessions
SG - Kevin Martin
SF - Danny Granger
PF - Jason Thompson
C - Spencer Hawes

That isnt a playoff team.
With a good bench Im not so sure it isnt...Danny Granger is putting up 25 ppg 5 rpg and 4 apg. Combine that with Kevin's 20+ ppg, Thompsons and Hawes improved numbers due to development and Ramon Sessions who as a starter is playing out of his mind so far and I think this might be a playoff team...especially with some of the lower tear seeds starting to age and fall out of contention. Plus, our goal isn't to be a playoff team next year, its to make sure we got a solid young core to contend in a few years...and that team seems to fit that agenda. This is all coming from my head of course and is 100% sure not to happen in reality so I should probably just shut up about it.
Or something like Griffin + the first round pick that Sac gets from Houston, for Jeff Green and OKC's first rounder... Griffin's a popular local, and their bigs are either old or Robert Swift, so it'd make sense for them. There are a lot of ways to go with trading this year's #1 pick.

Unless your FO is so bad at selecting talent that it's done with a dartboard, earlier is always going to be better. Use it or trade it.
Or something like Griffin + the first round pick that Sac gets from Houston, for Jeff Green and OKC's first rounder... Griffin's a popular local, and their bigs are either old or Robert Swift, so it'd make sense for them. There are a lot of ways to go with trading this year's #1 pick.

Unless your FO is so bad at selecting talent that it's done with a dartboard, earlier is always going to be better. Use it or trade it.
Yeah that's what I originally thought we should do... the Danny Granger thing is more of wishful thinking than it is an actual Yeah but either Jeff Greene and OKC's first or Al Thorton and the Clipps first would do it for me...
Blake Griffin has the potential to be one of the league's best big men in a league where good big men are few and far between. I don't care if there's a log-jam. Jason Thompson or Spencer Hawes just aren't worth a player of Blake Griffin's caliber. Plus, Griffin can play C and Thompson can play the 4. Hawes isn't good enough to merit a starting position in this league anyways.
Blake Griffin has the potential to be one of the league's best big men in a league where good big men are few and far between. I don't care if there's a log-jam. Jason Thompson or Spencer Hawes just aren't worth a player of Blake Griffin's caliber. Plus, Griffin can play C and Thompson can play the 4. Hawes isn't good enough to merit a starting position in this league anyways.
Umm, no he really can't. He's 6'7"-6'9" and would every center could go right over him. Yao Ming would be almost a foot taller than him... But I do agree that Hawes isn't good enough to get a starting position in this league. That's why if we get Blake Griffin I would want Blake+Hawes to NJ for Brook Lopez+1st rounder.
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