What Happened to "Koz"

I turn on KHTK tonight hoping to hear Kings Talk, and Jason Ross is hosting "The Show". I came in late, so I did not hear the explanation, but I noticed that Jim Kozimor has not been on KHTK much as of late. I go to 1140's Website and Koz is wiped and scrubbed completely clean!!!!

Can anybody give me the scoop:confused:
Jason said that changes were made and now his show has the 7 to 9 pm slot.

Koz is still listed for Kings talk tomorrow night, so maybe he will say something.
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What I heard was that Koz will still have Kings talk, he will just not be on as often, just as the show will not be on every night.

I wonder if their priming Koz to be the next radio voice in the event that GG retires? Either that or they are finding the ratings aren't there, or slowly falling off.
A little inside info....

I "know a guy" who "interned" at 1140......Inside info suggests that the station is attempting to get rid of Koz. His contract expires at the end of the year (so I was told), and they are just trying to phase him out.
A little inside info....

I "know a guy" who "interned" at 1140......Inside info suggests that the station is attempting to get rid of Koz. His contract expires at the end of the year (so I was told), and they are just trying to phase him out.
Frank Redd
Jim Crandall
F.P. Santangelo

.......and now the most talented of anybody on that staion in my opinion Jim Koximor. It seems that with the combination of the economy and the Kings Suck, the quality of our local Sports Radio has taken a severe hit.:mad:
A little inside info....

I "know a guy" who "interned" at 1140......Inside info suggests that the station is attempting to get rid of Koz. His contract expires at the end of the year (so I was told), and they are just trying to phase him out.
I'm guessing that you're talking bout the end of 2009? Why would you start phasing a guy out an entire year before his contract expires?

I didn't realize Jim was completely gone either, I always enjoyed listening to him. I figured it was just holidays/bowl games that I didn't hear him.
They better not be eliminating Koz.

They should be phasing out Mike Lamb. I'd rather listen to Grant babble by himself like he used to than hear Mike Lamb.
Man, I can't stand listening to Mike Lamb.
I don't like Grant by himself, or Mike by himself. Mike and Grant compliment each other and it's a much better show with both of them instead of individually.

Unfortunately I don't think we could have a Grant and Koz show. They are poloar opposites and if I remember correctly, they aren't too fond of each other.
They better not be eliminating Koz.

They should be phasing out Mike Lamb. I'd rather listen to Grant babble by himself like he used to than hear Mike Lamb.

yeah i can't stand mike lamb also. i dont mind listening to jim crandell tho. hes pretty good
Didn't Grant and Koz used to have a show?? Or maybe they were on together in between their respective shows?? back in the day??

I know when I got hung up on they were both on air at the time. ;) (VF and 6th know the story!)
Ditching FP was not a "loss of quality".

I did hear Koz on the radio last night, so all is not lost. Sad to hear he might be on the way out at the end of the year though. Hopefully they'll get rid of Mike "Mouth Breather" Lamb instead. Please!
I liked FP and Jim Crandell, Koz I am not so much a fan of. Like someone stated earlier I dont like Grant alone or Mike alone but together they are not too bad.
I think Koz is the best radio personality in Sacramento I hope we do not lose him. I love the guy.

FP?? to quote Pulp Fiction, "not the same ballpark, not the same league, not even the same emmen effen sport". FP was, well gosh, I mean terrible.

Anyway maybe Koz got a big head and annoyed the suits at KHTK who knows... I hope not. I really think he's a pro.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I think Koz is the best radio personality in Sacramento I hope we do not lose him. I love the guy.

FP?? to quote Pulp Fiction, "not the same ballpark, not the same league, not even the same emmen effen sport". FP was, well gosh, I mean terrible.

Anyway maybe Koz got a big head and annoyed the suits at KHTK who knows... I hope not. I really think he's a pro.

Knowing Koz, I can tell you he does not have a big head. He loves what he does on radio and on TV. He is very busy with Comcast. Maybe KHTK doesn't like filling in for him. Maybe they don't like paying him. He's the only one worth what he gets. Grant sure as hell isn't worth whatever they pay him. Blech!
Knowing Koz, I can tell you he does not have a big head. He loves what he does on radio and on TV. He is very busy with Comcast. Maybe KHTK doesn't like filling in for him. Maybe they don't like paying him. He's the only one worth what he gets. Grant sure as hell isn't worth whatever they pay him. Blech!
Having worked with Koz as an intern at KHTK in the spring of 2003, I can honestly say there is not a jealous bone in his body and he certainly does not have a big head. Koz loves what he does and I witnessed it first hand before, during and after his radio shows. The guy you see on TV is exactly the guy he is away from TV/radio. Between him and Grant, only Koz remembered my name and always greeted me with a hello, how are you doing, etc. Of course he does not remember me now but that is OK.

The same goes for Jason Ross (super cool guy and has a real passion for what he does).
I've run into Koz and Sandra at the mall a few times...chasing their kids down. Both always gave me a friendly nod and smile...even if I was wearing Laker gear. ;)


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I don't know a lot about Kayte Christensen, but she doesn't strike me as the type that would openly flirt with a married man on a live, national (for those of us with League Pass) television broadcast.
We've been to several HPL events and never noticed her do anything inappropriate. She is just as friendly with the cast, etc.

Just someone trying to stir s*** up.
So getting back to the original thought, I guess Koz is gone from 1140 with no explanation. :( I know he will probably continue to do Kings Talk, Monarchs Talk and be the Play By Play for Monarchs because all of those belong to Maloof Sports and Entertainment and not 1140.

That is terrible, that station has lost all credibility as far as I am concerned. I hope that ESPN 1320 can ramp up it's local programing, I am ready for a change.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
The fact that no one at KHTK has said anything on or off the record is hard to take unless Koz is getting promotion. But "no news is not good news" (my old comment regarding a new arena too!) as Koz has quite a following here.

My wife and I have come in contact with him several times in out-of-town games and he was very charming and pleasant to talk to, as opposed to some other on air personalities. He even took the time before an Arco on air event to say hello to my wife on my cell phone as I walked by. He was cool!! My spouse loved it too!! Sure hope he stays around. Kayte too as they have great on-air chemistry. :)