Kings @ Bulls Game Thread

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Well JT is officially back on the NBA radar... had over 30min tonight!
I'd like to see JT start and have Hawes as the first big off the bench. If Kenny Natt made this lineup happen i'd be very stoked.
I'd take it one step further. I'd actually like to see Thompson and Hawes start in the front court, and let Miller and Co. come off the bench. But I strongly suspect that's not gonna happen...

If I could coach the Kings right now, you'd be seeing a lot more time for the kids with the veterans knowing full well they're there more as mentors than anything else. A total commitment to the future is the only thing IMHO that makes any sense whatsoever...


Hall of Famer
Methinks Miller is going to get the start and big minutes until Petrie finds him a new team.

I see no reason for Moore to get minutes though, he is what he is and no amount of showcasing is going to help us trade him...Dude should be behind KT on the depth chart.
It sucks it's such a weak class...

Hope Petrie or the Maloof's can scout Rubio and hint that we want him in some way. I would do whatever is legal to get that kid to the draft.
If I could coach the Kings right now, you'd be seeing a lot more time for the kids with the veterans knowing full well they're there more as mentors than anything else.
Well, maybe it's time yet again for "a different voice" at the top to quote Geoff Petrie. I nominate Vlade Divac as new head coach of the Sacramento Kings with Chris Webber assistant head coach. Did Kings so-called "brain trust" really think Natt's different voice was going to make the difference? Clearly, it's been flat out inaudible as a struggling team turns ever closer to NBA laughing stock. I agree with earlier poster in this thread that said Theus and even Muss teams were more entertaining than this garbage. I really believe either of those coaches with Kings full roster as was on the floor tonight would have won this game against a floundering Bulls team:mad:
IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHO COACHES US! My god when will some of you get that? This different voice crap needs to stop. Yes Kenny Natt isnt very good but this roster is AWFUL... period.:mad:


Super Moderator Emeritus
IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHO COACHES US! My god when will some of you get that? This different voice crap needs to stop. Yes Kenny Natt isnt very good but this roster is AWFUL... period.:mad:
True...but don't strain your voice trying to get some to believe you.

Reggie Theus was dismissed for a variety of reasons. If you look at who was sent packing with him, I think you have a bit of insight into what might have been going on behind the scenes...
We aren't a team right now. We're a bunch of miscellaneous pieces to about three different puzzles. Until/unless we can get the pieces for ONE picture, we're going to continue to see this kind of problem.

Rebuilding isn't pretty.
It's always darkest before the dawn.
If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

There are lots of platitudes we could use, and most likely will before this turns around.

We aren't going to win games. We'll be lucky if we're on the receiving end of teams who LOSE games. There's a big and significant difference even though the stats may look the same.

People really need to figure out whether they want to see wins right now or if they want to watch our team struggle through the worst time in franchise history with the hope that things will, in fact, turn around once we get rid of some deadwood contracts and players who simply do not/will not fit...

It's not for the faint of heart.


Hall of Famer
Call me skeptical.
Call me angry.
Call me whatever...

But I contest that we are even 'rebuilding' right now. We have like 3 young miscellaneous untested decent at best (currently) players in Thompson, Hawes, and apparently we still have Greene.
And then we have Kevin Martin.

I mean, outside of Cisco the rest of our roster is 100% unacceptable for a rebuild.
AND we continue to play those people in FRONT of the only people remotely useful in a rebuild.

Just because we SUCK worse then ever, it doesn't mean we are rebuilding. Were we 'rebuilding' with our glorious early 90's years?
We just SUCK.

Until the front office does something otherwise Im still convinced they are living in the past and praying for something outworldly from the basketball Gods to happen.

:mad: and :(....
Kings = Epic Fail.

Well theres a daft pick to look forward too.. but wheres the talent to pick from? Why cant the Kings have a record like this when theres a draft to look forward to like there was in 03?
Kings = Epic Fail.

Well theres a daft pick to look forward too.. but wheres the talent to pick from? Why cant the Kings have a record like this when theres a draft to look forward to like there was in 03?
Success sometimes cannot be measured. It is arguable that the kings are sustained within their means, for the time being.


Hall of Famer
I dunno SLAB,

I think JT could turn out to be a pretty good player. He's a great rebounder, and is showing improvement in defense. Spencer is young and has a great upside. Donte....has a funny webshow.

All the vets are the real problem. I'm sure there is attempts at deals to move them, but none of the pieces (outside of Salmons, and MAYBE Miller) are that attractive.

It kinda begs the question as to how good a talent evaluator Petrie is when it comes to FA signings...Cause he hasnt really made a good one in some time now...

...Which makes me worry about where our 2010 money is going to go.

But it isnt too dreary.
It kinda begs the question as to how good a talent evaluator Petrie is when it comes to FA signings...Cause he hasnt really made a good one in some time now...

...Which makes me worry about where our 2010 money is going to go.

But it isnt too dreary.
And when is the last time the Kings had any cap room to sign a really good FA? One heckuva a long time ago.
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All the vets are the real problem. I'm sure there is attempts at deals to move them, but none of the pieces (outside of Salmons, and MAYBE Miller) are that attractive.

It kinda begs the question as to how good a talent evaluator Petrie is when it comes to FA signings...Cause he hasnt really made a good one in some time now...

...Which makes me worry about where our 2010 money is going to go.

But it isnt too dreary.
Yeah, we have resigned a couple of our own, but our last few outside, multi-year signings have been:

Bobby Brown - Good signing for little money, at the very least a young player with potential

Moore - Eh, not a good signing, but a 3 year placeholder

Salmons - Talent wise, great signing. However, his attitude can trump his talent, which is too bad.

Shareef - Talent wise was a bargain, then his knees gave out. Petrie doesn't get a pass because the knee issue was known, but can't criticize his eye for talent here. To me Shareef was our last "win now" move with Salmons being the first "for the future" signing.

I think Petrie needs to cool it on the MLEs, but his eye for free agent talent has still been pretty keen. Like Kennadog mentioned, we haven't had any real money since we signed Vlade.


Hall of Famer
But part of that problem (the lack of big money)...Is all the MLEs he hands out.

I know he's waiting until 2010 to make a splash, but so is the rest of the league..

...I feel like we'd be better off waiting until 2011 and stealing Durant away from the Thunder :p
But part of that problem (the lack of big money)...Is all the MLEs he hands out.

I know he's waiting until 2010 to make a splash, but so is the rest of the league..

...I feel like we'd be better off waiting until 2011 and stealing Durant away from the Thunder :p
I partially agree on the MLEs, but even taking all of those away we wouldn't be under the cap by more than a MLE.

I'd love Durant too, although with the team option we are looking at 2112 :(
I'd take it one step further. I'd actually like to see Thompson and Hawes start in the front court, and let Miller and Co. come off the bench. But I strongly suspect that's not gonna happen...

If I could coach the Kings right now, you'd be seeing a lot more time for the kids with the veterans knowing full well they're there more as mentors than anything else. A total commitment to the future is the only thing IMHO that makes any sense whatsoever...
I'm with you...I think it's a mistake that Spencer and Jason don't get quality minutes together. I just don't understand why Natt doesn't do this. When they are playing together I like their chemistry and I love to see how well they can eventually grow together...And if we ever get to that point, we should let Spencer play the Center position while Jason plays PF.
Tell you what, i better not see Greene traded or cut before we give him a chance. I think he can be a special scorer but to get their he needs to get some damn floor time. I hate Natt!
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