Kings @ Bulls Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
Kings quickly started a 3 game losing streak going on 4 when we visit the Bulls tomorrow. King are 19 games below .500 with more than half season to go. We trail Wizards by half game for the 2nd worst record in the NBA and we have the second worst road record with 2-16. After the game tomorrow, Kings will go home for 3 games in 4 days trying to win a game in January. Kings are 2-6 in the 2nd night of the back to back winning both of those games on the road.
Piksi's pow(d)er rankings

Excellent chances for a high draft pick are a sign that we are reaching the main goal of the season. The problem is in how we are getting there

Playoffs - why not.
Kenny Something is getting worse every day. He figured out perfect solution. He actually put Kenny Thomas back in uniform and gave him some minutes. It must have been some amazing epiphany. Of all voices that he can hear in his head - the one telling him to put Kenny Thomas back in the rotation is the craziest ever. Since when is KT solution for anything ? Who knows - maybe SAR has - never mind.
Kenny Thomas delivered too. He was perfect in 24 minutes. Perfect for a 8-27 team going nowhere enjoying the status quo. On second thought - we don't need any young players as we aren't rebuilding anyways. Plenty of veterans available out there. 'Toine might be busy for a while but he is young enough too and he can shoot threes. He can't make any of them but he can shoot them. It is not realistic to give KT another MLE in couple of years time because I am not sure he would take such a pay cut.
John Salmons would be a great pickup for any euroleague team. They would all play for him and with a little luck - his team could make top 16. For something more it would require passing and good decision making which he has never heard of anyways. John Salmons would be incapable of playing second fiddle to Michael Jordan let alone Kevin Martin.
How bad are we - Kevin could average 40 pts per game and we would still have very similar record. i would actually be okay with trading him if that is the price to pay to get rid of bad contracts. It will take a while until we get competitive again. It will take a while (at least 3-4 years ). By then Kevin will be another overpaid, injury prone player. On the other hand - he might become a new Mitch Richmond. Kevin would make an excellent second or third fiddle on a good team with enough defense to cover holes.
The 2nd half meltdown showed us that Kenny Something does have the kool aid recipe used by his predecessors. Nets had enough from being abused by Kevin and changed things in the 2nd half which was really mean since Kings apparently did not expect that. Kings never tried to make Simmons, Lopez or one legged Harris beat them because that would require strategy and defensive scheme which we don't use. We got outrebounded by 15 and lost despite Nets missing 15 FTs and having 10 more turnovers. Kevin by himself outscored the 5 starters which isn't hard bu...

TDM went to Yi as predicted

LW-VC went to Lopez who only had 1-7 against out front line

RA&1 award went to Najera. He used to beat us up literally.

JHA went to Salmons who sucked big time

MIkki went to B.B. When You get outscored by Mikki and Kenny in the same game - well

SAR-Metuselah award went to SAR - just in case that we see him play tomorrow night:p

WTF moment og the gme - KT comeback
Bulls are next and in the similar situation as the Nets. Bunch of injured players on a 3 game losing streak with 10-5 home record resting at home waiting for an opponent ideal to boost the confidence considering they lost to Wolves at home on Saturday. Kings will be tired playing 4 game in 5 nights and since we don't use any fresh, young legse - we are screwed.
Kevin - it is okay to score in the 2nd half too
Beno - fake
Brad - why is he still here ?
Salmons - go away
Mikki - brilliant

Hawes - get well soon
Thompson - okay
rest - mateen
Bulls desperstely need a victim which will offer little or no resistance playing without Gooden and Deng. I expect Rose to get TDM. Larry H will get the LW-VC. Winable game for a decent team with the decent coach which ain't us.
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According to ESPN...

The result was the sixth loss in seven games for the Bulls, who have struggled to overcome the absence of Luol Deng, Drew Gooden and Kirk Hinrich to injuries. Chicago is allowing 106.0 points during its last seven contests.
Rest here..

Soo... No Deng, Gooden, or Hinrich... sounds like the Piston game last week.

Which basically means we will compete for 3 quarters and then draw T's, commit silly fouls and watch easy rebounds bounce over our heads and lose by like 10.
Masochism must be a Kings fan requirement. When the Kings were really good, we had our hearts broken. is like volunteering to get teeth drilled without novocaine. :eek:
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