Bobcats want Miller? (ESPN)

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
The hold on Douby applies to the end of the 2010 season. Douby has one more year on his contract after this year, but its a team option, which the Kings have already declined to pick up. So the hold after th 2010 season is a moot point. I merely used it as an example of what would have been, had the Kings picked up his option year.

As it stands right now, Brads contract will be gone after the 2010 season along with KT, SAR (regardless of injury), Moore, Douby, Williams, BJax, and Brown. The Kings will be somewhere around 20 to 23 million dollars under the cap, depending on the rise of the cap and what other moves they might do.
Aha. Despite the fact that you said 2010, I had 2009 in my head, probably because I was hung up on Douby being out after this year.


A couple of days ago, a rumor surfaced that Gerald Wallace would be headed to Sacramento in exchange for Brad Miller. However, word out of Charlotte is that Larry Brown isn’t all that interested in the Kings’ big man.

But that’s not going to stop Sacramento from exploring some other options for Miller. He’s at the top of their trading list right now, not only because he’s got $23 million left on his deal (including this season and ‘09-10). But his production is down across the board, and the Spencer Hawes/Jason Thompson combo deserves minutes.

So with Charlotte off the table, what are some possible destinations for Miller?

* Portland

Though Geoff Petrie would probably prefer to deal with Eastern Conference teams, and Kevin Pritchard is nowhere near ready to give up on Greg Oden, this could work. Miller has a couple of good years left, and his passing instincts would benefit Brandon Roy, Travis Outlaw, and Rudy Fernandez.

Would a package that included Jerryd Bayless, Joel Przybilla and a pick be enough for Sacramento?

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member


Would a package that included Jerryd Bayless, Joel Przybilla and a pick be enough for Sacramento?
Umm, yes? I've been advocating the P&K (pick and kid) for Miller as our best-case scenario. I don't imagine getting any kids that have as much potential and fit our needs as well as Bayless.

I'm just not sure Portland would ever offer that package. I guess with their roster stacked as it is with young guys they're not really in need of a mid-20s pick, and Przybilla is expendable...not sure they're ready to part with Bayless though.


Hall of Famer
bloom said:
Would a package that included Jerryd Bayless, Joel Przybilla and a pick be enough for Sacramento?
Well, first off let me say that I would do that trade in a heartbeat. However, I don't know why Portland would do it. Przybilla is playing at a very high level right now. So high that its been hard for Oden to get significant minutes. I mean, they have a nice problem to have. You might be able to pry Bayless from the for the right price, but I don't think Miller would be part of that.

But hey, if you can make that trade happen, I'm with you 100%, as there is no 110% of anything.
If we can get Bayless and Przybilla for Miller there is no way we could turn that down. It should be a no-brainer and the article even mentions Portland throwing in a pick to make it work. As much as I wish a deal of this nature was on the table I just can't envision it.
Oddly enough, I was reading this article and the comments afterwards and it looks as if most of the people commenting after this article value Miller a lot more than I do.
I know that he has value and it would be great to get a lot of value out of him via a trade, but since we got so little out of the Bibby trade I think my expectations are a bit low.
I just want to get Hawes moved over to his natural Center position as soon as possible, and think it would really benefit the team to get JT to start along-side him at the PF position so they can start learning how to best play together.