good game, now lets get back to our goal

i always love beating the lakers, good game to win, but now lets get back to our goal of losing as many games as possible for a top lotty pick.

kevin martin stay out as long as you need

miller maybe you could get in a hunting accident and be out for season.

reggie coach for more losses

just get spencer the ball
i always love beating the lakers, good game to win, but now lets get back to our goal of losing as many games as possible for a top lotty pick.

kevin martin stay out as long as you need

miller maybe you could get in a hunting accident and be out for season.

reggie coach for more losses

just get spencer the ball
Please leave. Anybody who wishes for losses is not a fan. The draft is not the panacea and the class this year is weak.
Can we please please have a thread where we discuss whether "true fans" root for wins or losses?? Pretty please? It's been almost a full week since the last one got closed...


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Sarcasm aside, my contention is with the OP who was hoping on gross incompetence and serious injury. That shouldn't happen, regardless on how you feel about winning/losing. This team is on a youth movement, and losses seem to be following. I don't think we need to cheer on for losses, but accept that they are part of said youth movement. Asking for anything else seems silly.
We're still in #5, and only 10 consecutive losses away from #2.

Just the same, this year's draft is looking pretty shallow and weak. We shoulda chalked up our huge linning streaks last year.
True, that's why we need to get as high of position as possible.
Who exactly do you want? And seriously, do you think one guy is gonna turn this team around as quick as you want it? There's talent on this team right now. And don't say "we," "us" or "our" when referring to the team. Are you employed by them or have some kind of say in the King's operations? Didn't think so.
Who exactly do you want? And seriously, do you think one guy is gonna turn this team around as quick as you want it? There's talent on this team right now. And don't say "we," "us" or "our" when referring to the team. Are you employed by them or have some kind of say in the King's operations? Didn't think so.
Dude, fans often refer to the team they support as "we", "us", or "our". Relax.
If we were to go 4-78 in a season where we are expected crappy and those wins were against the L*kers. I would be a happy camper.
get real kings fans. were not going to win a championship this year. i know there are still some of you out there thinking we can make the playoffs, but we cant! even if we did grab the 8th seed, we would be out 1st or 2nd round. our team is not built for playoffs yet.

i figure if we get a top 3 pick we could address our biggest needs a SOLID PG or a dominant player in the post.

there are 2 players in the draft that i see could fill our needs

pg ricky rubio 6'4'' 180lbs. international player, played on the spain olympic team. only 18 years old! this would be my first choice

pf/c blake griffin 6'10 239lbs.19 years old. i know your thinking, wait we have jt and spence, but this guy is dominant avg 17reb 24pts in college.
Who exactly do you want? And seriously, do you think one guy is gonna turn this team around as quick as you want it?
Local favorites seem to be Griffin and Rubio, with Thabeet discussed as a good option with a slightly later pick. But you can catch up on all that in the Personnel forum.

Nobody thinks that a single player in this next draft will transform the team overnight; realistically, that doesn't happen anymore. Back when nobody got drafted without 3-4 years of college ball, it happened some. But not anymore, the players with high ceilings are all too green when drafted. That doesn't mean, however, that they might not have a huge impact in a couple of years. It's not as if we have a complete set of starters + sixth man who are guaranteed future all-stars. I can't see Beno leading us to a title, and then there are the older players we still need to replace. A third big is mandatory, and Greene has yet to prove that he'll live up to his potential. About the only thing we DON'T need is another SG.

Anyway, hope that you can learn to relax and enjoy the season.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Exactly, and it's lametastic.
Okay, knock it off. If you want to dispute whether or not we should actually tank, that's fine. If you don't agree with the OP, that's fine, too. But it's not up to you to tell people to leave or to attempt to correct their choice of verbage.

Let's keep it about the topic at hand, okay? If you've got a complaint about a particular post or poster, use the "refer a post" option and one of the moderators will review it.



Super Moderator Emeritus
Back to the topic at hand...

I think last night's game is a perfect example of playing a balanced game between kids and vets. Luckily, shots were falling for us that made it look easy but that's not going to happen that often. We'll lose our share without tanking.
get real kings fans. were not going to win a championship this year. i know there are still some of you out there thinking we can make the playoffs, but we cant! even if we did grab the 8th seed, we would be out 1st or 2nd round. our team is not built for playoffs yet.

i figure if we get a top 3 pick we could address our biggest needs a SOLID PG or a dominant player in the post.

there are 2 players in the draft that i see could fill our needs

pg ricky rubio 6'4'' 180lbs. international player, played on the spain olympic team. only 18 years old! this would be my first choice

pf/c blake griffin 6'10 239lbs.19 years old. i know your thinking, wait we have jt and spence, but this guy is dominant avg 17reb 24pts in college.
Never said we we're gonna make the playoffs for one thing. Hoping for your team to lose is simply bad karma.

Rubio is overrated and not quick/strong enough to play in the nba.

Dominating in college means nothing.
Please leave. Anybody who wishes for losses is not a fan. The draft is not the panacea and the class this year is weak.
Get over yourself. You can still be a true fan while at the same time being a realistic one. The reality is that this team is not very good right now. There is some youg talent here, but the operative word is young. Couple the current young talent with another high draft pick or two and a quality FA, then you have built yourself a respectable team that can compete. How do you think teams like ORL, NO, POR, etc. rebuilt into top level teams? With the exact blueprint I just layed out. I'm sure you'll respond that there is no player in this draft that compares to Howard or Paul, but the fact of the matter is you don't know that for sure. And you saying this is such a weak draft class further emphasizes that a higher draft pick would be of much greater value. If you want to keep rooting for a 35-38 win season in which the prize is a late lottery pick then be my guest. Those days are over for me. I used to root for the Kings to win every game back when a 30 win year was considered a success. And yes we have gotten two nice pieces with Hawes and Thompson, but that will not always be the case, especially with a weak draft class as you pointed out. I will continue to root for the kings every night as I have since they arrived in Sacramento, but it definately won't break my heart to see them lose a bunch of games and add ping pong balls along the way as long as they put forth a quality effort and the young guys get a chance to develop.
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The Kings happened to put together a very solid performance. Let's all enjoy it, and especially punking the Lakers like that :). But the Kings are still a lousy team overall and I don't expect the season to suddenly turn around, regardless of what Salmons says about that.

The wishing for losses thing will take care of itself.
Get over yourself. You can still be a true fan while at the same time being a realistic one. The reality is that this team is not very good right now. There is some youg talent here, but the operative word is young. Couple the current young talent with another high draft pick or two and a quality FA, then you have built yourself a respectable team that can complete. How do you think teams like ORL, NO, POR, etc. rebuilt into top level teams? With the exact blueprint I just layed out. I'm sure you'll respond that there is no player in this draft that compares to Howard or Paul, but the fact of the matter is you don't know that for sure. And like you said, in such a weak draft class a higher draft pick would be of much higher value. If you want to keep rooting for a 35-38 win season in which the prize is a late lottery pick then be my guest. And yes we have gotten two nice pieces with Hawes and Thompson, but that will not always be the case, especially with a weak draft class as you pointed out. I will continue to root for the kings every night as I have since they arrived in Sacramento, but it definatley won't break my heart to see them lose a bunch of games and add ping pong balls as long as they put forth a quality effort and the young guys get a chance to develop.
I don't mind the losses, I just don't see the point in wishing for them to lose.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This win only becomes a signficant concern if it slows the wheels of the rebuild. I.e. if it leads to other wins, or causes the front office, in typical sloth fashion to use it as yet excuse #1738 not to clear the reminaing vets. Saving Reggie's job = eh...figure he's gone after the year anyway, so I don't need him fired for the moment as long as he plays the kids. But as long as the goofy Maloofs aren't hopping around convinced we are a contender, this is probably harmless. We aren't going to lose them all, and if you are going to spot in a win or two, might as well be the Lakers (and especially in a game to avoid our all time Arco losing streak).

I'll get more serious about the need for us to lose games after the new years. Right now we are doing a good enough job ourselves. My biggest fears remain based on a mistrust of our front office, after years of chasing their #8 seed boondoggle. Best thing for us is to bomb out so badly in the early season that even they have to abandon that hope -- then we can get in a good solid rebuild for the second half. Lots of kids. Trade the vets. Prepare for the draft. But as long as the front office can delude themselves with false hope, you have to worry about how they will play it.
I agree; great win, great opponent, great timing--as Salmons eloquently put it, if we were in that situation, this would be the type of win where you can look back and say, "that was what catapulted us to success." But again, that's a two-way sword sort of statement--in this game, we relied more or less on our big guns (Salmons-Garcia-BJax) and for the most part, Bobby Brown, Hawes and Thompson weren't as dynamic as they were in previous games. The unit that led us to success in this game, perhaps with the exception of Garcia, probably won't be here in the long term--so while it's great to talk about winning, especially against the Lakers, hopefully it's the younger unit that carries out the damage next time--that bodes better for the future. For the short term though, great win, but let's hope that the front office doesn't get any delusions of grandeur and think that this team is "ready"--at this point we can use the momentum to perhaps blindside a couple more winning teams and thus appease the veterans, but ideally hoping the kids have better games as well
*shake my head* at these 'fans' rooting for the team to lose, are you kidding me? do you people who want them to lose actually watch the games? do you get excited when the other team scores baskets and clap?
Just as the word "lottery" means, it is gambling when you want the team to lose just to have that high lottery pick on this upcoming draft. There is just no guarantee that who and what we will have ( on a high pick in the coming draft ) will turn this team into an elite team. I'd rather actively develop this current roster by teaching them how to win games now while we wait for the right opportunity.

Maybe if there is a sure set of players the likes of Oden, Howard, Garnet, Kobe, or Chris Paul then I'll gamble on losing as many games as we can and risk developing that culture of losing.

Have anyone heard of the names of top 3 pick players Olowakandi and Kwame Brown?

IMO, the best way to get that remaining piece in our rebuilding is the free agency where you get exactly the kind of player/finished product that we need.

Did we not just win against the Lakers and a few weeks back against the Hornets with our best player not playing?

What does that tell us?

Is this current roster ( if complete and healthy ) really that bad and without hope?
*shake my head* at these 'fans' rooting for the team to lose, are you kidding me? do you people who want them to lose actually watch the games? do you get excited when the other team scores baskets and clap?
*Shake my head* at fans who can't look at the big picture. Rebuilding generally takes a couple rough years to achieve. Unless of course Petrie pulls another Webber deal out of his arse. Of course as fans we want our team to win every game, but sometimes you have look at the reality of the situation and see that a year or two or three in the toilet is sometimes necessary. Go talk to some POR fans. I wonder if you would have questioned SA's fans when they were hoping that the Spurs would continue to lose in order to get a crack at Tim Duncan back in 98'? How foolish of them. As long as the Kings play hard and entertaining I could really care less how many games they win this year because they are not winning a title or even going to sniff the playoffs this year. It doesn't make you any less of a fan to accept the reality of things. I am anticipating this year and next year to be pretty rough, and by 2010 with 2 high lottery picks, a notable FA or 2 and the maturation of our youngsters we will be back in the thick of things.