Rick A. pretty much did a good job on controlling Artest when he was with the Kings. So I believe this is was a good move for the Rockets in the short run. Since after this season Bill/Ron might be looking for hefty deals which the Rockets may not have much to offer by next season. They'll have a good chance on a run for this year since Bill already knows Rick's system.
In the long run, with Bobby's expiring, and possibility of Donte in the trade youth movement is totally on a roll. Which will be a good sign for us in 2-3 years time on the playoffs. With Bobby around this season, they'll be a good veteran leader so start up the youth movement.
On a side note, I've read in a few Bulls forum some interest on dangling Douby with the possible Miller trade. They see him as a poor man's Ben Gordon.
But amidst all this trade possibilities of Miller and Artest. The winner is still Kenny Thomas. He just opted to continue his contract, Petrie still can't move him, he doesn't need to wear a jersey when going to games, and still get paid almost 8M. What a guy!