I don't see anyone scapegoating Ron. I see a discussion about why Ron should or shouldn't be the centerpiece of this team. His negatives and his positives are going to be addressed in that type of discussion.
This is NOT a discussion about how awful Ron Artest is. I don't think it's resorted to that. But if you want to know if someone thinks we should build around him, and their answer is no, you should be ready to hear why not. Judging from the poll results, you're going to be wading through a lot of negatives.
And the fact of the matter is that, while Ron is good and talented, he's not a centerpiece type of player. Some are saying that if you put him next to a superstar, he'd defer and you'd see more team basketball from him. If that's the case, then he's not the type of player that you want to build around; he's a complimentary player. There's nothing wrong with that. He has his merits, but he isn't the type of all-star talent that you build a contender around. Not by any means.
Another thing that you have to take into consideration is his personality. And if you expect to sit in on a discussion about whether Ron should be the centerpiece of a team and not have his "issues" brought up, you have another thing coming. It matters that he's had problems in the past; some of them are bigger than others, and some are made out to be bigger than they really are, but they all matter.
And the only reason this is a topic for conversation, I think, is because if Ron doesn't opt out, the Kings are going to have a decision to make regarding whether to keep him around or not. If he is our most talented player, isn't the time to wonder whether or not he's "centerpiece material"? And just because the majority don't think he is doesn't mean he's being scapegoated for the fact that the Kings aren't competitive.