
What is your take?

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I voted for one and two. I'm probably closer to the first, because I don't know what was really offered. It's hard to say if it was garbage or not.


I voted for one and two. I'm probably closer to the first, because I don't know what was really offered. It's hard to say if it was garbage or not.
So where do we go with Ron from here? Can we re-sign him... do we want to re-sign him? He said that money was not an issue becuase he has more than he will ever need. Then he said that he just wanted to play on a team that would content for the title, and has the Knicks on the short list. Not gonna happen in the near future. Now that MB is gone, he says that maybe he could see himself in Sac in the future. Is it just that what he really wants is to be the "go-to" guy?
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Now that Bibby was the one traded it changes Ron-Ron's situation here. He can be the focus because teams can't handle him, he's too strong. I hope we sign him or extend him or whatever. His agent has already said that the fact he wasn't moved has changed his stance on being here. His daughter is doing better, he's playing his butt off, its a contract year and all those things are coming together for Ron. He might just be a King for the next few years. I just hope he doesn't explode or something kooky, he still has that ability right below the surface it seems.
Here's what Wikipedia has listed in it's first two sentences as CONTROVERSY in the bio for Ron Artest:

"In spite of his abilities, Artest has been the subject of much controversy. During his rookie season with the Chicago Bulls, he was subject to criticism for applying for a job at Circuit City, just to get an employee discount. He once attended an Indiana Pacers practice in a bath robe."

So prior to the brawl at Auburn Hill, Michigan, Artest was the ultimate NBA bad boy (before him it was Dennis Rodman!) because he wanted a job a Circuit City, wore a bath robe (once!) to practice and got into to it with Pacer's Coach Rick Carlisle a few times over some missed practices. Of course, they list in detail all his various legal problems, but there are times you would almost assume the dude's a multiple violent felon, hardened ex-con, and probably one-strike away getting sentenced to life in prison:eek:
Wikipedia is user editable and therefore, crap. It does list some truth, but it is left up to personal opinion which is never a good thing when it's trying to be used as a resource, or as factual accounts.. That leaves Wikipedia being an unreliable source.
If someone threw a beer at you, there likely wouldn't be near the danger of setting off a major riot, that could have gotten out of control and had people, including innocent bystanders, get seriously hurt. Maybe you also didn't notice the terror and tears on the faces of children near that brawl. Yeah, that's my idea of a man...terrifying children and risking people's lives.:rolleyes: It was stupid, indefensible and showed a complete lack of mature control.
Children being terrified is a side effect and not Artest's fault. Every action has a reaction. It could be argued the terror on those children's faces was caused by the man who threw the beer. Had the beer never been thrown that whole incident would have never happened.

A riot started, because they were Detroit fans who didn't like Artest to start with, and went to the aid of another Pistons fan. Possibly that section had season ticketholders that knew each other for 10 years, so the natural thing would be to help your friend out, especially against someone you don't like to start with.

The fan that threw the beer was an a-hole that figured he'd throw a beer on Artest, Artest would keep walking, and the fan and his fans would have a good laugh. WRONG! He bit off more than he could chew. I'm not saying Artest's reacton was perfect, but let's not forget who and what started the entire event.

I look at that incident and it immitates life/sports perfectly. The person who pushes first never is the one blamed or penalized. It's the person that pushes back or punches back that is penalized and at fault.
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I voted for one and two. I'm probably closer to the first, because I don't know what was really offered. It's hard to say if it was garbage or not.
Geoff Petrie didn't think it was worth it, and that's all that really matters. It's his decision, and whether any of us knew what was offered or not, Geoff knows a lot more than any of us, and most likely sees and a much bigger picture than we do.
Now that Bibby was the one traded it changes Ron-Ron's situation here. He can be the focus because teams can't handle him, he's too strong. I hope we sign him or extend him or whatever. His agent has already said that the fact he wasn't moved has changed his stance on being here. His daughter is doing better, he's playing his butt off, its a contract year and all those things are coming together for Ron. He might just be a King for the next few years. I just hope he doesn't explode or something kooky, he still has that ability right below the surface it seems.
I wouldn't mind what another board memeber stated. 2 years, 10 million, with some very strong language about his behavior and termination of the contract. On the other hand, I'd love to see John Salmons back in a starting roll that he flourished in.
Geoff Petrie didn't think it was worth it, and that's all that really matters. It's his decision, and whether any of us knew what was offered or not, Geoff knows a lot more than any of us, and most likely sees and a much bigger picture than we do.
that's a given around here, but if we always brought up this point, there'd be no personnel discussion on this board! :p

as far as the brawl goes, artest certainly didn't help the situation. it sucked all-around, and the beer chucker is a culprit, but artest escalated it and is therefore also responsible. if you want to trace that whole sequence of events to its root, you can look to the needlessly hard foul that artest gave to wallace, which in turn caused the shoving match (wallace escalating), ron going to lie on the scorers' table (ron escalating, and stupidly so), and then the infamous beer cup (stupid guy escalating). i only care about artest in this situation because he is the one who is now in a kings jersey.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
wait, 2 years, 5 mil per year??? :confused:
Must've meant two years, $10M per. Even that's not terribly likely. The $11-13M range and 4-5 years would really be more reasonable, and as long as he doesn't blow up, a bargain (compare RunNGun's list above).

If, as I've read here, Artest already expects to have some form of good behavior clause in his next contract, what's the risk? If he behaves, you have one of the most dynamic two-way players in the game at a really good price. If he screws up, you exercise the behavior clause. It's practically no-lose.

The only question is whether a team built around Artest/Martin is just enough to keep us picking in the high-teens/low-twenties without any real chance at a title until we land that coveted free agent. Then again, maybe we build a great support team through the draft, land that coveted free agent in the summer of 2010, and have 2-3 shots at a championship with a lineup something like (Collison)/Martin/Artest/(FA)/Hawes with Udrih/Garcia/Salmons/Shelden off the bench. That's lots of players in their prime in the 2010-2013 region, with only one FA lure. I'm beginning to like it...
Children being terrified is a side effect and not Artest's fault. Every action has a reaction. It could be argued the terror on those children's faces was caused by the man who threw the beer. Had the beer never been thrown that whole incident would have never happened.

A riot started, because they were Detroit fans who didn't like Artest to start with, and went to the aid of another Pistons fan. Possibly that section had season ticketholders that knew each other for 10 years, so the natural thing would be to help your friend out, especially against someone you don't like to start with.

The fan that threw the beer was an a-hole that figured he'd throw a beer on Artest, Artest would keep walking, and the fan and his fans would have a good laugh. WRONG! He bit off more than he could chew. I'm not saying Artest's reacton was perfect, but let's not forget who and what started the entire event.

I look at that incident and it immitates life/sports perfectly. The person who pushes first never is the one blamed or penalized. It's the person that pushes back or punches back that is penalized and at fault.
Where did I say the guy throwing the beer wasn't responsible? He most certainly was and he was penalized. He was an ***hole. Being a jerk back is an immature reaction. If Ron had let it go, the only one that would have looked like a jerk would have been the guy throwing the beer and there would have been far less chance of it escalating. There's no defending anybody involved, including Ron. Remember, too, Ron went after the wrong guy.
Wikipedia is user editable and therefore, crap. It does list some truth, but it is left up to personal opinion which is never a good thing when it's trying to be used as a resource, or as factual accounts.. That leaves Wikipedia being an unreliable source.
It's been pointed out here before Wikipedia has some problems, but not to the extent you characterize it ("crap") since it's routinely corrected where needed by users. But that's not the point, as what they put up and what I said about Ron Artest comes from multiple, credible sources.
If Ron had let it go, the only one that would have looked like a jerk would have been the guy throwing the beer and there would have been far less chance of it escalating.
and we wouldn't have artest on the team, thereby eliminating the need for this poll and the countless threads that are going to pop up this offseason surrounding artest.

thanks a lot, beer guy! :mad:
for a dose of irony, im reading this thread and I hear the TV in the other room say

"...suspended from the NBA"

walk over, and see its Juwanna Man. He is talking to his agent, Juwanna says

"Earn your money, get on the horn, shop me around to the other teams."

"That's pretty much how I spent my entire day. Talked to every single team. No one wants you. You know why? You're a head case. Nobody wants you.

Not even the Clippers."


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
So because you make alot of money. you would just let ppl throw **** at you?? Wow you guys need some moral standards.

call it what you will somebody throws beer in my face and 90% of heterosexual men your getting your *** handed to you.
I love the opinion that if you have no self control and fly off the handle at any percieved insult you are a "real man". What a crock.

And letting people throw things at you means you are less of a man? So baseball players getting paid millions of dollars taking a ball in the ribs to get on base, for instance, aren't "real men"?


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
And, by the way, it was a flimsy plastic cup of beer. Not a dangerous weapon. Not a threat to anyone. Not worth losing a year's salary over because you lost your cool. That's just stupid, not "manly".
Glad Petrie didn't take garbage in return. I had a feeling there might have been another player involved which we would have been attached to for a couple years.

I have a feeling he is going to opt out even though he says he isn't, because let's face it. We will not offer him an extension this year, and he will think he is underpaid (which he is). Kings will be at about 52mil next season if Artest is off the books.

If I knew I was worth 10+mil a year, and was making 8.5 I would opt out too. Especially when the team you can opt out from was trying to trade me since Feb of 2007.
RE: the beer incident...

He should know what he can and can't do. He's not the first NBA player to have beer thrown at him, yet he was the first player to be suspended for a year because of how he retaliated... That's got to say something about his character...

If you say you would have done the same if you were an NBA player, than you would be the second player suspended for a year, and I would be sitting on this forum calling you a headcase too..
RE: the beer incident...

He should know what he can and can't do. He's not the first NBA player to have beer thrown at him, yet he was the first player to be suspended for a year because of how he retaliated... That's got to say something about his character...

If you say you would have done the same if you were an NBA player, than you would be the second player suspended for a year, and I would be sitting on this forum calling you a headcase too..

I'm glad we didn't take Barry/Elson deal or whatever other trash was being offered. I don't like the idea of making a trade just for the sake of making a trade. Nothing came along that Petrie liked, so we still have Ron. Thats fine with me. I'm happy he wasn't traded.


Hall of Famer
I love the opinion that if you have no self control and fly off the handle at any percieved insult you are a "real man". What a crock.

And letting people throw things at you means you are less of a man? So baseball players getting paid millions of dollars taking a ball in the ribs to get on base, for instance, aren't "real men"?

Yeah because no baseball player has ever charged the mound after getting hit.:rolleyes:

Look you react how you want to. I am saying 90% of men would react the same way. that leaves the other 10% You may be in the other 10% whatever I don't care I was simply saying in the begining that I don't hold that against him. Your opinion is he shouldn't have done that. So because its your opinion you think its right. No need to come down on me because of my opionion. I am not going to change my mind becaue you THINK your right.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Yeah because no baseball player has ever charged the mound after getting hit.:rolleyes:

Look you react how you want to. I am saying 90% of men would react the same way. that leaves the other 10% You may be in the other 10% whatever I don't care I was simply saying in the begining that I don't hold that against him. Your opinion is he shouldn't have done that. So because its your opinion you think its right. No need to come down on me because of my opionion. I am not going to change my mind becaue you THINK your right.
You tossing the same fictional statistic over and over doesn't make it true. If you can't prove your 90% assertion, let it go. And I think we both know you can't prove it. You talk about Warhawk coming down on you but you've pulled a statistic out of the air and are using it for the foundation of your argument when it's specious at best.

And the baseball analogy goes further to proving his point rather than yours. Think of all the baseball games you've seen where a pitcher has either hit or brushed back a batter. Now, how many times have you ACTUALLY seen said batter charge the mound? It's NOWHERE near 90% and it's actually much less of an offense than what Artest did. He didn't charge someone who was standing in front of him with no one in between. He went up INTO THE STANDS.


Hall of Famer
that a little different VF. players get hit in baseball by accident sometimes. and it is also part of the game. Getting beer tossed in your face is not part of the game. and yes I asked 10 friends of mine what would they do and they said they would hit the guy all of them said they would that is 100% i gave 90% as a gift. I just honestly don't see somebody just saying "hey dude you threw beer in my fact, oh well have a nice night i got to go clean up."


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
that a little different VF. players get hit in baseball by accident sometimes. and it is also part of the game. Getting beer tossed in your face is not part of the game. and yes I asked 10 friends of mine what would they do and they said they would hit the guy all of them said they would that is 100% i gave 90% as a gift. I just honestly don't see somebody just saying "hey dude you threw beer in my fact, oh well have a nice night i got to go clean up."
Part of the game or not, your quote was "So because you make alot of money. you would just let ppl throw **** at you??" The answer for many is yes (including all baseball players, since players do get hit with pitches), especailly if it is not dangerous, which in this case (a plastic cup of beer) it is not.

Heck, I've sat in a dunking booth before. Ever played dodgeball as a kid? I played all the time in gradeschool and never decked a guy because he threw a ball at me.

So you asked 10 "friends" and that's where you get your #s? Nice.

There is also a big difference between being an NBA star that gets a beer thrown on them (during a scrum you were involved in with a player from the local team) and having some guy throw a beer at you on the street or in a bar. If you are a professional, you have to be smarter than reacting the way Ron-Ron did.


Hall of Famer
Why even bother with the dodgeball and dunking booth stuff that is the game. someone said it happens all the time. Since we are coming down on my stats I would like evidence of this happening all the time.
Though Entity's statistics are made up and complete speculation, I'm guessing they would be close to spot on. Heightened levels of adrenaline leads to a flood of testosterone being released in the male's (and to a lesser extent female's) blood flow. Testosterone levels also increase when one is physically exerting oneself.

Its a well-known fact that raised testosterone makes a person more aggressive, competitive, and violent in nature.

Ron Artest had played 3.5 quarters of a game. Had been involved in a small tussle already, and then got hit with a beer in the face. I'm not trying to make excuses for what he did, but what he did do is what a vast majority (whether its 90% or not) of other people would do in the same situation.

Looking at it from the situation you are in now, sitting behind a computer, rested, and unconfronted, is invalid.
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