Grades v. Sonics 02/06

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Well ain't I just the lucky charm?

As I missed the last couple much better results, in lieu of a theme I'm just going to present all three grades (from the last three games) at once for each guy. Note that the second game (vs. Chicago) was watched in a basement common room while taking numerous phone calls, so notes are brief and impressions may have been flawed.

Ron Artest
Game 1 (NOH): 40min 24pts (11-22FG 0-0FT) 5reb 2ast 3stl 1blk 2TO
Grade: (A-) -- played an enormous first half, and gee, against Peja who would have thunk? But also got to abuse the woeful David West as well. Just dominated on offense, and helped shut everything down inside. Reduced the Hornets to jumpshooting. Cooled in the third, and it hurt us, but did come back to get the gimme at the buzzer to pushing it back to 14 after the Hornets fell asleep on the inbouds pass. Meanwhile Peja woke up and exploded on us for 25pts (Peja is not that player anymore and averages about 15ppg this season). But most of it was through a ridiculous 7-13 from 3pt range which is hard for a defender to do much about given Peja's range. Peja did his polite late disappearing act thing though as the Hornets came stoming back, so Ron got to keep the game ball.
Game 2 (CHI): 38min 28pts (10-20FG 5-6FT) 6reb 2ast 0stl 1blk 2TO
Grade: (A-) Scored 28pts on 50% shooting and yet found himself only the second best King on a night when Wilt the Hick suddenly manifested (which still should have left him feeling better than Keivn, who scored 26 on 75% shooting and was only the third best player). Came alive late in the second quarter to play Brad's wingman, and was still helping in the third, but began to falter late. He and Brad created a lot of Kevin's early offense in this one -- our problem was our inability to stop the worst ofensive team in the NBA, not our own scoring.
Game 3 (SEA): 40min 20pts (9-22FG 1-4FT) 3reb 4ast 3stl 0blk 4TO
Grade: (B-) -- this was a tough one to grade. In the first half Ron was quite good on both ends, and as it turns out his quite goodness was the only thing bouying us up from a homecourt blowout. On the other hand, once he went cold in the second half (a recurring problem of late) we were dead, and part of it might have been because Ron's early activity helped freeze his teammates. Of course that is going too easy on those teammates -- Kevin and Mike in particular were just horrid and looked like they barely cared. Nonetheless, the feeling lingers --- Ron made this about himself. While he was going well, we hung in. When he cooled, he kept firing + missing and there was nobody else interested in being part of Ron's game.

Mikki Moore
Game 1 (NOH): 27min 10pts (4-5FG 2-2FT) 7reb 1ast 0stl 3blk 1TO
Grade: (A-) -- in the first half a couple of inside finishes and one ridiculous scream/flex dunk (at least I think it was a flex, hard tell with those arms), but more importantly continued right from where he left off last game on defense. Flying around inside and blocking and distracting various Hornets, especially his man David West who was exposed in all his undersized jump shooting non-defense playing no-way-do-I-deserve-to-be-an-All-Star-before-Baron_David glory. Not as effective after the break as West got going and Mikki, well looked like Mikki Moore matched against an All Star.
Game 2 (CHI): 25min 5pts (2-2FG 1-1FT) 2reb 0ast 0stl 1blk 1TO
Grade: ( C ) ineffective first half, and outperformed by fellow skinny hair man Noah. Had a little burst in the early third, but generally very poor numbers, and gave us nothing at all on the glass. Did earn what grade he did for again, for the third night in a row, helping on defense. Foul trouble, always an issue, was prohibitive this time and led to him fouling out well before the stretch run.

Game 3 (SEA): 34min 10pts (4-9FG 2-3FT) 9reb 2ast 1stl 0blk 1TO
Grade: (C) -- got the start at center in place of Brad, and racked up the minutes you would expect of a starting center. Nor do the numbers look terrible -- 10pts 9rebs is ok. But really not that terribly effective and I think exposed a bit in his Mikki Mooreness -- can be an effective roleplayer playing off of people, but put in the position to be the anchor...well, he's just not. Other than a couple of the normal dunks where he seemed to be fitfully trying to get himself, and us, going, he was largely invisible as the Sonics had few problems scoring inside.

Brad Miller
Game 1 (NOH): 39min 22pts (7-13FG 7-11FT) 14reb 4ast 1stl 1blk 1TO
Grade: (A-) -- and this was the bad game from the Brad in the last week. Continued right on from where he left off last game, and he and Ron again were the engines in the first half explosion. Was going right over the back of Tyson Chandler, who really didn't look terribly enthusiastic about resisting the unstoppable hick. Brad slowed after the break though, and Chandler began to become a major factor with his Mikki Moore offensive game (i.e. run to rim, let teammate (Paul) hit you in chest wiht ball, dunk ball).
Game 2 (CHI): 39min 22pts (5-16FG 12-15FT) 20reb 4ast 4stl 2blk 2TO
Grade: ( A+ ) Ridiculous. We had one guy score 28, another 26, and neither one was on remotely the same planet as our best player. Most of our recent push has been Brad and Ron, and here they were again kicking butt and taking names (while we as a team actually played a poor game). Had an excellent first half passingwise -- Brad was so on that we should have maybe divvied up Kevin's points by about half and given them to Brad. Scrapped and scrapped and scrapped on the boards again -- almost funny these last few gameshow ridiculously active Brad has been. Just every play attacking, bouncing around. Just for kicks several times timed Noah's unsophisticated layup attempts for blocks. The guy shot 5-16 from the field, and I looked at that, and was legitimately tempted to go down to A. But you know what? Reminded me of when Webb would occasionaly have a shooting night like that. Did not matter. Brad shot 5-16, but he imposed his will on the game in every other aspect, dominated the game again. Now as a rule Brad's previous exertions of will have centered around getting another beer from the fridge, but he was simply out of the world feeling it again. Just two games ago he had his career game, and I said it was safe to say it would be his only 20-20 game. Well...
Game 3 (SEA): N/A
Grade: (N/A) -- see? this is what happens when you remove a nightly 20/20 Hall of Fame center from your lineup.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat

Kevin Martin
Game 1 (NOH): 39min 22pts (7-15FG 4-6FT) 1reb 3ast 0stl 0blk 3TO
Grade: ( B ) -- started off hot and scored easily, but still kind of an afterthought given the carnage laid on the Hornets by Brad and Ron. Remained active, but largely grew quiet until popping up to hit an important jumper late as the Hornets were moving into position to steal it down the stretch. One of those one dimensional games, which I think are often an indication of how well Kevin is or is not playing. He is a scorer first and last, and that is always the last thing thing to go. But when he's really feeling it, the other less natural stuff gets added in as well. Tonight, it was just the points playing #3 man to the Brad/Ron tandem.
Game 2 (CHI): 35min 26pts (8-12FG 8-8FT) 4reb 1ast 0stl 0blk 1TO
Grade: ( A- ) Ah...Kevin finally being allowed to settle into his natural role as the third scorer beside a superstar duo. The duo of Brad Miller and Ron Artest. :eek: Was our only offensive weapon going early, and most of his hits were the high percentage easy ones -- leak outs, back cuts, open threes. Got into a little chippy lovefest with Ben Gordon in the third after he gave him a shove out of bounds, and Gordon, not appreciating came back to stick the ball in his chest. And Kevin kind of disappeared after that -- not really suggesting the two things were connected, but Gordon got stronger and really came on firing up bombs, and Kevin...that was just kind of it for whatever reason. Missed several shots down the stretch, but also came up with a three that helped stave off defeat. Got 26pts but was actually our worst player on the floor tonight. Of course that's because we actually only had three players in uniform, and even 3 on 5 they all kicked various degrees of butt. Kevin just less than either Brad or Ron.

Game 3 (SEA): 30min 5pts (1-10FG 2-2FT) 6reb 1ast 0stl 0blk 0TO
Grade: ( F ) -- just atrocious. Can I just end with that? This was as completely lifeless and soulless a performance as you are ever going to see out of Kevin, lacking even that one little burst which will normally get him to 12 or 14 or whatever on these sorts of nights. But seriously did not look like he wanted to be out there, and was incredibly passive right from the start of the game. And sure, maybe Ron was dominating the ball. He wasn't dominating the ball THAT much. Even when Kevin got it as often as not he just passed it off, or when he did try to score he either threw up a feeble jumper or got his drives stripped or blocked. No idea how much, if any, was him pouting about the way the offense was being run, and how much was just him spontaneously turning into Eric Piatowski, but did not look like there was much of any effort out there tonight, let alone questions of him being cold or not.

Mike Bibby
Game 1 (NOH): 39min 15pts (7-18FG 0-1FT) 6reb 7ast 2stl 0blk 1TO
Grade: ( B ) -- unable to keep Paul from going where he wanted to the tune of 19 assists, but helped run the team under compelte control in the first half. Scoring and passing and working off of Brad and Ron. That this might have been as much about the Brad/Ron excellence as Mike was shown when Beno came in, and the story was exactly the same. Not as effective after the break.
Game 2 (CHI): 30min 4pts (1-9FG 2-3FT) 1reb 7ast 4stl 0blk 4TO
Grade: ( D ) played a fugly first half and was thoroughly dominated by Kirk Hinrich. Racked up some steal numbers, although not sure how. Had some poor tunrovers, and I think this might have been one of those games -- Mike was an afterthought in the face of Brad/Ron/Kevin, and whatever ability Mike had to thrive as an afterthought in the Webber/Peja/Vlade years has long since been forgotten.

Game 3 (SEA): 29min 10pts (4-15FG 2-2FT) 5reb 3ast 2stl 0blk 2TO
Grade: ( D- ) -- Could easily have been two Fs in one game, and I can't remember last time that was true of two major guys. But Mike's suck was a little different than Kevin's, in at least you were aware he was out there. Problem was that you wished he wasn't. Missed and missed and missed some more, and many of them shots that he can hit, has hit. Worse yet, and of course a significant factor in this grade, was Earl Watson going Oscar Robertson on us and putting forth what just had to be the most dominant performance of his six year career by dropping a triple double on us -- 23pts 10eb 10ast on 75% shooting. Oh my. Mike and Ron appear to be taking diametrically opposed approaches to being traded/imminent free agentdom, with Ron putting up huge numbers to either support the trade or convince us not to trade him, and Mike continuing his trade value spiral to the tune of 12.7pts 4.1rebs 4.9ast on 38% shooting so far.

The Rest (just Sonics game)

Salmons ( D+ ) -- don't know what happened here. John started off the game looking pretty good, and I was prepared for the standard starter/bencher dichotomy with him. But then it started to go south, and not only did Salmons start missing shots, but he started just settling for jumper after (missed) jumper. Which was odd given the complete lack of interior intimidators on the Sonics frontline. I mean Kurt Thomas might splat you every once in a while, but Salmons has finished consistently against much tougher frontlines.
Cisco ( B ) -- one of the few guys bringing effort out there, and saved several hoops with defensive plays around the rim. Knocked down several threes, but you could see him really searching/forcing. With the rest of the machine broken, Cisco trying to create on his own was shaky and only sporadically effective. Was almost all we had as we began to collpase however.
Douby ( C- ) -- got the backup PG minutes in place of Beno and still wasn't much of a PG. Splashed in two threes, but that was about the extent of his contributions as he was only 1-7 from inside the arc.
Hawes ( B+ ) -- one of the few times this season Spenser managed to get extended minutes, and he generally performed pretty well. Likely in fact his second best perfromance of the season. Finally showed us some sustained bursts of post play, some of it nifty, sokme of it rushed and amateurish. Had a size advanatage against most of the Sonics blown up PF front line, and was aggressive in using it. Made some defensive mistakes, and paid for it with shots in his face and dumb fouls. Chucked up and bricked the obligatory Brian Cook Memorial three pointer, but did not fall in love with being a wussy jumpeshooter this time, and while he did not control the game, was an active and skilled hustle player.
Williams ( B ) -- came in and immediately grabbed a rebound, but it was Justin Williams, offensive goliath who left the impression this time. Looked much smoother on that end than we have seen him.
Jones ( INC ) -- just in for a couple of minutes of garbagetime. He was sucha useful little player a month aga, but I think the minutes strain has strained Reggie's confidence in him. Otherwise seems like somebody maybe you would have tried while searching for energy.

Theus ( ) --
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Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I was at the game and couldn't follow why Martin wasn't moving at all. Looked scared to shoot and passed immediately. Just standing around. Almost like something was wrong tonight....
C-Webb had a personal chef living at or near his Granite Bay home when he was on the Kings - paying him around $50,000 annual for his services. I can't imagine Chris ever got near a greasy spoon or dangerous knife in his sink!
Yeah THAT was never or STILL never will happen, C-Webb aint doing no damn household chores any time soon.:D Now, 'Mr. Mom' Brad Miller on the other hand...:p
I was at the game and couldn't follow why Martin wasn't moving at all. Looked scared to shoot and passed immediately. Just standing around. Almost like something was wrong tonight....
It almost looked like he was sick or something, because he was just flat. Although he's played sick before and done well. Or he was pissed that he only got to touch the ball about 3 times in the entire first half and so when they gave it to him in the second half, it was like "so now you pass me the ball!?!" and passed it off.

Just one ugly game all around.
I read an article in the Bee this morning and John Salmons was quoted saying something like they thought they could turn the switch off/on. Ummm....John, you guys aren't that good. :rolleyes:


Hall of Famer
There is a lot of fku going around the NBA. Might explain some people's lack of energy.

The loss of Brad was crucial. Bibby and Martin are shooters and depend on Brad; Bibby less than Martin. Salmons depends on an open paint so he can slash to the basket but the defenders were not pulled out to honor Brad's outside shooting and the paint was jammed. Durant went out on Kevin and this seemed to throw him off.

Hawes probably should have played more to do his Brad impersonation. Hawes looked comfortable. Can't remember what Williams did as he was not noticeable.

Defense was absolutely absent which takes me back to the idea that maybe more than Beno were sick.

I didn't see Artest as trying to dominate. In fact, he passed up so many shots in the 2nd half it ticked me off. As the only guy playing basktball, he should have dominated and didn't. This was the one game tailor made for his ability to "destroy" the offense by taking over the offense and he didn't do it.

I thought he got his first half points in the flow of the offense but then I'm old and my glasses need changing. He's a low post thug and if he is supposed to completely do away with his major physical advantage to satisfy the fans, then trade him tomorrow.
ONe of the few recent games where I thought Thues did a poor job coaching. Hawes should have received many moer minutes.
Hawes probably should have played more to do his Brad impersonation. Hawes looked comfortable. Can't remember what Williams did as he was not noticeable.
Both Hawes and Williams played well, although Hawes couldn't get many more minutes since he made like a rookie and got into foul trouble.

Hawes: 10 points (50% shooting, 100% FT) 6 boards, 1 TO, 4 PF in 17 minutes.
Williams: 6 points (100% shooting, 50% FT) and 2 boards in 8 minutes.

Mikki got his usual 34 minutes, leaving 37 (48 * 2 - (34+17+8)) minutes when we were playing smallball, mostly getting beaten up in the process.

Interestingly, Hawes, Williams, Jones and Douby all had positive +/- scores; the starters all had scores that were between -11 and -19; Garcia was at -2. So, in retrospect, it looks like Theus should have left the kids in more, even if it meant Hawes' fouling out. Probably wouldn't have won us the game, but it might have been closer.


Hall of Famer
Both Hawes and Williams played well, although Hawes couldn't get many more minutes since he made like a rookie and got into foul trouble.

Hawes: 10 points (50% shooting, 100% FT) 6 boards, 1 TO, 4 PF in 17 minutes.
Williams: 6 points (100% shooting, 50% FT) and 2 boards in 8 minutes.

Mikki got his usual 34 minutes, leaving 37 (48 * 2 - (34+17+8)) minutes when we were playing smallball, mostly getting beaten up in the process.

Interestingly, Hawes, Williams, Jones and Douby all had positive +/- scores; the starters all had scores that were between -11 and -19; Garcia was at -2. So, in retrospect, it looks like Theus should have left the kids in more, even if it meant Hawes' fouling out. Probably wouldn't have won us the game, but it might have been closer.
I probably was watching Hawes more as I think he will be a major part of our future. The only thing I remember about Williams is a bobbled pass.

Maybe we'll see more of both. Unfortunately I see some parts of Williams' game as being a deficit for the team and Hawes is generally positive in all aspects. He has been much better at rebounding and getting his big body in the way of shooters than I expected.

Hawes is going to be a lot like Brad when it come to shooting, rebounding, and blocked shots but far better with post moves. I hope he picks up the passing skills. If all that comes to fruition, we have a major cog in our rebuilding. Finding a center is not easy hence their high salaries.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Thanks, but felt this game wasn't worth the effort of grades as no one picked up the slack for missing Brad and Beno. Guess they got too comfortable with them as to pickup slack without them.
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