Kings Select in the 2008 NBA DRAFT??

Ehh you need good players in the 1st place. I'm more confident DJ will become a really good player. Hardin I dunno. We really need a good PG also though. So that's where Augustin comes in because he can pass, shoot, drive, he can do pretty much anything on offense. He's going to be a tremendous player, or atleast a pretty good one with the skills and quickness he has. Hardin could be a bust. I'm pretty sure Augustin will be picked higher anyway. But I want to deal Bibby to a team for a 1st, maybe Cleveland, and we get our 2 picks that way so we can have them both.
I would also love to get another 1st rd pick,can the Cavs trade their pick this year? Im not sure but i guess they traded their last yrs pic..
We'll find out how tall he really is at the combine. I don't really care. I've already stated that the only pt I would take over him is Rose, and were not going to be in a position to pick him. I have no problem using our pick on a pt guard. I just think that if there's a big available at our pick that we need to take him. Of couse I'm refering to someone we really like.

Did anyone see the stanford game. I'm more and more impressed with the Lopez twins. Brook plays great defense and rebounds well . He's more athletic than I thought. He's starting to rise on my wish list...
Not really, hee is a pretty poor rebounder and I think the reason why is he has very bad hands. Pretty good offensive player, but not too much of a shotblocker. They have him listed as a Rasho type of player on and that sounds somewhat right. I would almost say he may have a little Kwame Brown in there as well.


Hall of Famer
Not really, hee is a pretty poor rebounder and I think the reason why is he has very bad hands. Pretty good offensive player, but not too much of a shotblocker. They have him listed as a Rasho type of player on and that sounds somewhat right. I would almost say he may have a little Kwame Brown in there as well.
Sackey, have you ever seen Brook play? He was in the running last year as the pac ten defensive player of the year, and is considered one of the top candidates this year. He had 12 blocks in one game last year. Granted he only averaged 6 boards a game last year, but he did it in about 24 minutes a game. On top of that he went into the season last year recovering from back surgery and was never quite healthy all year.
If he has a fault, its on the offensive side. He's a very inconsistant passer. Especially out of the double team. He's finally back on the team after his accadamic suspension.
I would also love to get another 1st rd pick,can the Cavs trade their pick this year? Im not sure but i guess they traded their last yrs pic..

Yeah, they can make that trade. You're just not allowed to trade 2 future consecutive 1st rounders I think.

edit: I really like Ty Lawson. I was a bit dissapointed in his play at the beginning of the season(I think that was when he was coming back from a sprained ankle though, don't remember) but he has really turned it on lately. He's right there with Augustin behind Rose as far as PGs go IMO. He has a ton of potential.
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I am def not a fan of his. I would rather have Blake.
Been able to catch some of his games this year, and he has got the talent.. But he has a coach who wont play him as much as other coaches play their freshmen. That's really the only problem I see.

When the kid gets minutes he produces.
Caught another game with Kevin Love.. Wow.. This guy rebounds. VERY smart player as well. He and Hawes will play well together imo and give us many MANY good years of smart BBall. Love is one hell of a rebounder in one of the toughest conferences.

Another player who caught me eye stat wise is Jason Thompson. Against good teams he produces although his team doesn't always win. I am sure I will be able to see him in the NCAA Tournament.

I am not really upset over not being able to pick in the top 5-10 this year. the only thing that worries me is if Love is not projected in the top 15 will he play another year of College? At least Thompson is a Senior. And is only 22 so not a huge deal. He also fills a rebounding need, and can score outside of 10 feet. Has good hands, and good length. I sure want a PF that wont fumble the basketball when passed to him.
Caught another game with Kevin Love.. Wow.. This guy rebounds. VERY smart player as well. He and Hawes will play well together imo and give us many MANY good years of smart BBall. Love is one hell of a rebounder in one of the toughest conferences.

Another player who caught me eye stat wise is Jason Thompson. Against good teams he produces although his team doesn't always win. I am sure I will be able to see him in the NCAA Tournament.

I am not really upset over not being able to pick in the top 5-10 this year. the only thing that worries me is if Love is not projected in the top 15 will he play another year of College? At least Thompson is a Senior. And is only 22 so not a huge deal. He also fills a rebounding need, and can score outside of 10 feet. Has good hands, and good length. I sure want a PF that wont fumble the basketball when passed to him.

We'll probably get the 10th pick again like last year.

I'm on the Darrel Arthur or Jared Bayless bandwagon.
Caught another game with Kevin Love.. Wow.. This guy rebounds. VERY smart player as well. He and Hawes will play well together imo and give us many MANY good years of smart BBall. Love is one hell of a rebounder in one of the toughest conferences.
If Love drops 20 pounds i think he could be a very good player. The problem is at his current weight he will be one of the slowest players in league.

Jerryd Bayless is going to be a top 5 pick when its all said and done. He has a fantastic overall offensive game, and his passing skills are underrated. I honestly cant see why Rose is being touted as the better prospect.

Michael Beasley looks impressive but i doubt hes gonna be a dominate pf. I think he could be a good "tweener" pf allot like a david west or an Antwan Jamison. Hes a talented offensive player but from what i have seen hes going to have very little impact on the defensive end. Not sure if thats what I'm looking for if i have the first pick in this years draft.

This draft has some depth at both the pf and pg positions, which could help this team fill some holes and get a quality player in the second half of the lottery.
I think the kings are playing to be a none playoff/lottery team. watch we get the 15th pick. if this is the case I say Devon Hardin! like I have been saying.

I am coming around a little bit to Arthur though...
I think the kings are playing to be a none playoff/lottery team. watch we get the 15th pick. if this is the case I say Devon Hardin! like I have been saying.

I am coming around a little bit to Arthur though...
No way to Hardin. This guy has no offense. Heck, if we want a 21+ year old who will give us 10/10 max than take him.. Love is a better player than Hardin and Love is only 18.
We dont need offense!! we have it we need rebounds, blocks, defense!!

I like love, and would want to hear K LLLOVVVVVEEEEEEEEE....but he has knee problems and is overweight.

Hawes also has history of knee problems in we really need two white dudes with knee peoblems that are not athletic?

Devon is a freak athlete and can get better at offense he had 17pts on stanford. cal has crappy coaches. bring him here with brad, hawes and mikki and I think he would be fine. he already is a more polished jwill.


Hall of Famer
I like Hardin, as I've said in the past. I'm surprised that no one has brought up Brook Lopez. I'm of the opinion that he is hands down the best big man in the draft. I'm not counting Beasley into that equation, as we have no chance at him anyway.

Hardin could do nothing to stop Lopez in the Cal Stanford game in the second half. Brook simply dominated. This kid is a legit 7 feet. He's very skilled offensively and a very good shot blocker. He has a huge wingspan and the widest shoulders I've seen in a while. He weighs 250 pounds and looks lean. He could easily carry another 20 pounds. The thing I like about him is that he always seems to be under control.

Unfortunaly, other people are seeing the same thing I'am and he's moving up the draft board rapidly. He may play himself out of our draft position.


Hall of Famer
I think the kings are playing to be a none playoff/lottery team. watch we get the 15th pick. if this is the case I say Devon Hardin! like I have been saying.

I am coming around a little bit to Arthur though...

My vote still goes to Hardin. Arthur needs to learn how to rebound.

Say we trade down for an extra pick or something? And get....Joey Dorsey!
Dudes beastly


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I've only seen three USC games this year because they're hardly ever on TV and you have to pay some stupid subscription price to watch games on the school website, but here's what I've noticed so far about OJ Mayo, particularly after Saturday's game against Arizona State (which I attended in person).

His strongest quality right now is his on-the-ball defense. He really gave Derrick Rose problems earlier this year and he was flat-out man-handling ASU's point guard the three or four times he was asked to guard him. He keeps his arms up all the time and at 6'4" he's got as long a wingspan as any point guard in the NBA. Twice in five minutes he ripped the ball out at half-court for an open layup. He moves around picks quickly and anticipates passes well enough to get a hand on a lot of them.

He's playing mostly SG this year so he doesn't get much chance to bring the ball up, not to mention USC's offensive game is so inept that it doesn't even really matter who brings the ball up because they just pass around the perimeter anyway. There's only a few chances when you really get a chance to see what Mayo can do as a playmaker, but so far I've been very impressed. Taj Gibson is a good defensive player but he's got particularly terrible hands for catching passes. Mayo will fire the ball inside a couple times a game for what should be an easy layup but the ball will be bobbled and lost out of bounds. He's racked up a number of turnovers this way that are more the result of his teammates than poor decision making. And keep in mind this is from the SG position. He's not being asked to run plays most of the time, but his court vision is good enough that he finds open teammates with passes anyway.

It's hard to judge Mayo's ball handling from the USC games because he rarely holds onto the ball for more than a couple seconds. When he does make a move he can definitely lose defenders, but more often than not he passes the ball instead of taking advantage with a drive. I don't know why this is, but considering he made a name for himself with his ball handling ability as early as junior high, I suspect it's how he's been asked to play. I trust the skill is there because I've seen it in brief flashes. He broke free for dunks twice in the ASU game and it was evident you were looking at an NBA player. But those moments are so few and far between that it's hard to say if the effort is lacking or the desire. It's a legitimate criticism at this point that he doesn't look like he wants to take over games. Maybe that will change later in the season when the games mean more. There hasn't been much evidence of a killer instinct so far at USC.

I think it's pretty fair to say that Mayo won't have any problem with his outside shooting. In the games that I have seen his form looks good but the results have been mixed. Good against ASU and UCLA, not so good against Memphis. Three games isn't enough to really evaluate consistent shooting, so I'm relying a bit more here on reputation. He's the team's leading 3pt shooter anyway and he shoots the technical foul free throws as well.

After the last game, I'm a lot higher on Mayo than I have been. I can see why his stock is slipping -- he doesn't show nearly the willingness to take over and dominate games that his reputation would suggest, and that's what people look for in lottery picks. At times he looks like the most unselfish player out there, which can be frustrating when the team is struggling because he clearly has the skills to dominate if he wanted to.

I think the biggest question with Mayo is whether he can make it as an NBA point guard. From what I've seen, he has all the skills to be successful there, certainly defensively. He'll be a pain for any guard to play against. And that's the one area where he's shown the most consistency. He's shown good court vision, ball handling ability (in brief moments), and outside shooting touch as well so I think the biggest question is whether he has the personality to play the point guard position. As I mentioned before, USC's offensive system is awful so I don't expect he'll really learn to effectively run a team there. Some would say his high school career left little to prove in that area anyway. He's a lot more mature than people give him credit for and definitely a team player. He doesn't have the blazing speed that seems to be more and more important in the NBA, but he's got size to compensate (think Chauncey Billups). I would feel pretty confident drafting OJ Mayo as the point guard of the future if he's still available.

(Note - I'm probably a little biased towards Mayo anyway concerning the USC connection, so you can adjust your opinions accordingly. For what it's worth I think Taj Gibson might be a nice second round pickup as a defensive role player. He comes up with a lot of rebounds that he shouldn't and despite the bad hands shows a surprisingly good touch on the midrange shot. He dominated Brandon Wright in their Sweet-16 game last year before getting in foul trouble. Davon Jefferson is still something of an enigma at this point. I think he needs another year in college personally, but if he ever puts it all together he could be a very good NBA player as well. Not a star, but a consistent starter. He does a little bit of everything. Scoring, rebounding, blocking shots. Gets caught out of position too much on defense though.)
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I dont think we will be lucky enough to get a top 3 pick. I do think we can get a 4-12. I think if we get 4-6 we need to try and get Blake Griffin then if he is off the board Gordon or Bayless.

Gordon would be bpa (more of a sg, kinda reminds me of baron davis only a better scorer.), Griffin is a freak of naturem (quicker not as strong yet boozer.) Bayless also quick, good passer tall.
Blake Griffin isn't entering this years draft, he's in next years draft.


Love vs. Hardin

Did anyone watch Love vs. Hardin when they played head-to-head? Even though it is still early in his career Love outperformed Hardin (19 points and 14 rebounds with Hardin 8 points and 8 rebounds). While I also have questions at this point if Love will be a good pro (size and speed possible issues) the bigger concern is that I do not believe Hardin is that good, no real offense. In fact Ryan Anderson maybe better than Hardin in the pro game. While all this is speculation and we will see in the next 3 years or so, I do not believe that Hardin offers us any more than our current backup Justin Williams.
Just thought it'd be interesting to note that the Kings have been scouting Jason Thompson lately. Good rebounder, great passer for a big man, has a nice offensive game, though is an average athlete and needs to improve his intensity.


Hall of Famer
Just thought it'd be interesting to note that the Kings have been scouting Jason Thompson lately. Good rebounder, great passer for a big man, has a nice offensive game, though is an average athlete and needs to improve his intensity.
I have to be honest with you. I haven't seen him play. He's certainly on my list, but up to now, all I can do is quote what others have said about him. He's actually been listed as a better than average athlete, depending on which site you go to. He sounds intriging on paper. He plays in a weak conference, but reports say that he has played well against good competition when he has had the chance.

I'm still pulling for Brook Lopez, but I think our chances are starting to fade.
Just thought it'd be interesting to note that the Kings have been scouting Jason Thompson lately. Good rebounder, great passer for a big man, has a nice offensive game, though is an average athlete and needs to improve his intensity.

I totally agree with you! I was trying to find a article on him, from rivals. but I cant anymore. he abused Michael Beasly, and Beasly himself talked Thompson up. he will be drafted around 15ish....atleast if the draft was today. he would be real nice. I am a fan. I honestly could see him in a kings uni.