Kings Select in the 2008 NBA DRAFT??

cmon man......I am a big Kmart fan, but I think Salmons with artest, garcia and even brad will step up. the kings are on fire. I want to see Hawes vs Kaman that will be a good test for spencer. I am still waiting for douby to get that three going also. we will need more mins from him.
Spencer is gonna get push around by Kaman, he just ain't strong yet. As for douby, this is going to be his time to show since kevin is out. Hopefully he does show some fire cause im beggining to wonder why we didn't pick either rondo or farmar.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I wouldn't go that far. :rolleyes:

Rose was being passive more than he was getting shut down.
Half the time Rose couldn't even get the ball, and when he did get it he would try to drive, get nowhere, and have to give it up (sometimes to the other team). It looked like a total lock down to me. He was being passive because he couldn't do what he wanted to do.
I really like Joey Dorsey. He's a beast, not polished at all on the offensive end but a very good defender, rebounder and shot blocker. Good athleticism and huge body and arms. He reminds me of a poor mans Dwight Howard. If he's still available with our 2nd rounder (doubt he will be) I hope and pray that we take him.

I'd still take Rose over Mayo, he has all the abilities to be a star and even though he didn't have a good game against USC the potential is there for everyone to see. Beasley is beastin' it up. No complaining if we take him.

Unfortunately it's far more realistic for us to be discussing players that will likely go in the 8 - 12 range. :(
I really like Joey Dorsey. He's a beast, not polished at all on the offensive end but a very good defender, rebounder and shot blocker. Good athleticism and huge body and arms. He reminds me of a poor mans Dwight Howard. If he's still available with our 2nd rounder (doubt he will be) I hope and pray that we take him.

I'd still take Rose over Mayo, he has all the abilities to be a star and even though he didn't have a good game against USC the potential is there for everyone to see. Beasley is beastin' it up. No complaining if we take him.

Unfortunately it's far more realistic for us to be discussing players that will likely go in the 8 - 12 range. :(

I dunno about that. We're absolutely terrible on the road and we're missing our starting backcourt for the next month and a half.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
He's not a better defender than Rondo.

Anyway I think Rose did okay in the 2nd half, Mayo was terrible then. He played worse IMO with 6/20 shooting.
Did you watch the game or just look at the stats? Mayo jacked up some dumb shots at the end of the game trying to get SC back in it which hurts his percentage, but Mayo definitely had the better game mostly because of his defense. He wasn't hitting his shots either, but unlike Rose he was able to create enough space to get his shot off whenever he wanted. The shots just weren't dropping most of the time. He also had several really nice passes for open layups that his teammates missed (see 28% shooting by SC). I only remember seeing Rose get by Mayo on the perimeter once the whole game. And Mayo also directly forced at least three turnovers by Rose (that I remember).

I'm not saying Mayo is the better pro player, but from what I saw his defense is underrated and right now at least, that makes him a better overall player than Rose. Rose has the killer speed, but he doesn't have the maturity to control a game yet. He looked frazzled most of the game.
Did you watch the game or just look at the stats? Mayo jacked up some dumb shots at the end of the game trying to get SC back in it which hurts his percentage, but Mayo definitely had the better game mostly because of his defense. He wasn't hitting his shots either, but unlike Rose he was able to create enough space to get his shot off whenever he wanted. The shots just weren't dropping most of the time. He also had several really nice passes for open layups that his teammates missed (see 28% shooting by SC). I only remember seeing Rose get by Mayo on the perimeter once the whole game. And Mayo also directly forced at least three turnovers by Rose (that I remember).

I'm not saying Mayo is the better pro player, but from what I saw his defense is underrated and right now at least, that makes him a better overall player than Rose. Rose has the killer speed, but he doesn't have the maturity to control a game yet. He looked frazzled most of the game.
Agree here. Before, I had favored Rose over Mayo because the rap was that Rose was the better distributor and Mayo more of a shoot-first PG. But to be a distributor, you have to show poise and handle pressure, and I agree Rose looked frazzled most of the game. I didn't know Mayo had that defensive side to him, and I'll be paying close attention when Pac-10 play starts next month to see if he can keep it does. If he does, then he has to get the edge. For as we've seen with Beno vs. Bibby, staying in front of your man and playing even just a lick of defense goes a long way from your PG.


Hall of Famer
If your looking for a pure pt then you still have to go with Rose. He is just a freshman. All great highschool players who were used to just dominating everyone they played against have a game or two when they run into someone thats as good as they are. Usually one of the two gets flustered. Its just one game.
However, in one of my earlier posts I mentioned that I was distrubed by Rose's, sometimes, lack of aggression. He's going to have to bump it up a notch. Right now if I had to choose a pt I think I would take Bayless. Say what you want about him being more of shoot first pt, the guy is a winner. I'm very impressed with him. He'll probably play himself out of our reach.

Watched Hendrix vs Hibbert tonight. Ugly game that was too guard orientated. I want to like Hibbert. The anouncers did nothing but praise him alnight long. I just don't see it. He has slow reaction time. Doesn't jump or react to the ball quickly enough. His offense is improved ( not tonight ), but I don't know how that will relate to the NBA. I can't really say that Hendrix out played him. Thats like comparing apples to oranges. He definitely had a better game. Hendrix doesn't seem to have great leaping ability, and I wasn't impressed with his lateral quickness. Good rebounder and his offense is pretty good. I just wonder about his defense. Too early to call..
We need to get another pick, somewhere in the 15-20 range, for Bibby. At least a couple of Lawson, Collison, Hendrix, Hardin and Augustin will be available then. Houston, Cleveland, and the Lakers would all fit the bill, though there's the risk that with Mike they'll take off and end up picking somewhere between 20-25.
Half the time Rose couldn't even get the ball, and when he did get it he would try to drive, get nowhere, and have to give it up (sometimes to the other team). It looked like a total lock down to me. He was being passive because he couldn't do what he wanted to do.
Half the time? No. That happened briefly in the first half, and every time he touched the ball he quickly gave it up without trying to drive. Eventually, when he started trying to drive, he was able to collapse the D, opening up the pass and the pullback jumper. Unfortunately, USC was playing good team D and the pass was occasionally stolen or deflected.

USC seemed to have several guys that had good length. Driving the hoop was a challenge all night long, and when Rose finally started taking the challenge head-on he looked fine.

You don't have to agree, but I saw what I saw. And shut down implies something else IMO. He was hindered, not shut-down, and it was only temporary. He ended up with 10 boards, 4 assists, 3 steals and 1 block on the night so he was contributing. And he had some key points late in the 2nd half.
why do we need a wing player? why? we need a pf or a pg. not a 6'7" dude.
Richard Hendrix: not only does he have a classic name, but he is a beasticle.

Currently, Hedrix is #4 in the nation in rebounds at 12.3 RPG. Oh, and you like a shotblocker do you? Well Hendrix is swatting 2.6 BPG. He is a PF and is not 6'7"...Hendrix is 6'9", 255 lb. And he is not just a defensive specialist. He is averaging 21.1 PPG and is now in his junior year.

If you look at his statistics, he is undoubtedly improving. More pts, more rebs, more blks, you name it - he is improving. The only place where he is getting worse is FT shooting. But if we want a big that can rebound and shotblock, then we are going to be stuck with a guy that can't shoot FTs.

I still like Hardin because of his height, but if we can swoop up Hendrix later in the 1st round, we could get a great impact player off the bench with the ceiling to start at PF. Hendrix sure does make a good case over Hardin. I'll take both. :D

I have not had the chance to see this guy play a whole game, something which I plan to do this year. Someone has noted that he doesn't have the best lateral speed, which leads me to believe if he did, then he would swat even more blocks/game. I also look forward to seeing if his length and athleticism are adequate for our needs.


Hall of Famer
Richard Hendrix: not only does he have a classic name, but he is a beasticle.

Currently, Hedrix is #4 in the nation in rebounds at 12.3 RPG. Oh, and you like a shotblocker do you? Well Hendrix is swatting 2.6 BPG. He is a PF and is not 6'7"...Hendrix is 6'9", 255 lb. And he is not just a defensive specialist. He is averaging 21.1 PPG and is now in his junior year.

If you look at his statistics, he is undoubtedly improving. More pts, more rebs, more blks, you name it - he is improving. The only place where he is getting worse is FT shooting. But if we want a big that can rebound and shotblock, then we are going to be stuck with a guy that can't shoot FTs.

I still like Hardin because of his height, but if we can swoop up Hendrix later in the 1st round, we could get a great impact player off the bench with the ceiling to start at PF. Hendrix sure does make a good case over Hardin. I'll take both. :D

I have not had the chance to see this guy play a whole game, something which I plan to do this year. Someone has noted that he doesn't have the best lateral speed, which leads me to believe if he did, then he would swat even more blocks/game. I also look forward to seeing if his length and athleticism are adequate for our needs.
I've watched him play twice. I like him. He just wouldn't be my first choice. I had no idea what his stats were. I like to watch a player before I look at stats, if possible. Thay way I'm not influenced either way. He's a big body and gets most of his rebounds by blocking out and being in the right place. He appears athletic, but not in the J. Williams mode. Offensively, he's pretty much a post player right now. Doesn't mean he can't develope an outside game. Someone said the he reminded them of Corliss. Not a bad analogy. He's bigger and taller than Corliss, but their games at this stage are similar.
Currently, Hedrix is #4 in the nation in rebounds at 12.3 RPG. Oh, and you like a shotblocker do you? Well Hendrix is swatting 2.6 BPG. He is a PF and is not 6'7"...Hendrix is 6'9", 255 lb. And he is not just a defensive specialist. He is averaging 21.1 PPG and is now in his junior year.
Everywhere I look hes height is posted 6'8". which he usually trans late into 6'7ish.

what teams has he played?

From on Richard Hendrix:

Weaknesses: Has a huge base with incredibly thick and strong legs, however his strength and thickness also limits his quickness … Undersized at the power forward position at 6-7 and a half, lacks great length and struggles to get shots over longer defenders … Lacks great foot speed, which limits his offensive ability, defensively and rebounding the ball out of position as well as in transition … Should work to increase his free throw percentage considering how often he gets to the line, but has shown improvement … Should look to improve upon his mid range jump shot, which shows potential … Lacks the explosiveness and size to be a real factor as a shot blocker …

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I've watched him play twice. I like him. He just wouldn't be my first choice. I had no idea what his stats were. I like to watch a player before I look at stats, if possible. Thay way I'm not influenced either way. He's a big body and gets most of his rebounds by blocking out and being in the right place. He appears athletic, but not in the J. Williams mode. Offensively, he's pretty much a post player right now. Doesn't mean he can't develope an outside game. Someone said the he reminded them of Corliss. Not a bad analogy. He's bigger and taller than Corliss, but their games at this stage are similar.
I wouldn't pick him that high up either. If we can find a way to get another pick, and it's late in the first round or early in the second round, I would swoop him up. Either way, a guy to keep an eye on as the year progresses.
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Hendrix sure does make a good case over Hardin
Wow, I dont know about these either. Devon is a bigger body, was avg 14rbds, be a great legit shot blocker. hes 6'11"-6'10".

if ron stays....when do you play Hendrix?? over Salmons and garcia?

garcia is a ok shot blocker also. we already have ron, kmart, salmons, k9 that are 6'7ish....I would rather have a guard or a true pf/center.

and if I had to pick ANOTHER 6'7ish guy I would take Davon Jefferson.
Wow, I dont know about these either. Devon is a bigger body, was avg 14rbds, be a great legit shot blocker. hes 6'11"-6'10".

if ron stays....when do you play Hendrix?? over Salmons and garcia?

garcia is a ok shot blocker also. we already have ron, kmart, salmons, k9 that are 6'7ish....I would rather have a guard or a true pf/center.

and if I had to pick ANOTHER 6'7ish guy I would take Davon Jefferson.
I've already stated that I like DeVon more because of his height.

The reason why I said he makes a good case over Hardin is because:

1. He blocks more shots (2.6 vs. 2.3)

That is a marginal increase, but DeVon is a senior and Hendrix is a junior. When DeVon was a junior he averaged 1.9, so relatively speaking, Hendrix is ahead.

2. He rebounds about the same (12.3 vs. 13.0)

Of course Hendrix gets some more playing time, so DeVon is clearly a better rebounder. But then again you go back to DeVon's junior year and he averaged only 8.3 RPG. A huge jump this year for DeVon, and I am a believer in his talent, but where DeVon uses his length to grab boards, Hendrix uses his strength.

3. He scores much more (21.1 vs. 10.8)

Obviously the relative systems come into play here, but Hendrix is leading his team in scoring. He is their #1 guy, he gets #1 attention, and he still manhandles kids. Hendrix is taking roughly twice as many shots as Hardin, but is scoring at a higher clip - (60.8% vs. 53.5%).

4. He has played tougher competition.

Hendrix has played against two ranked teams - Texas A&M and Georgetown, whereas Hardin hasn't played 1 ranked team this year. I look forward to seeing how Hardin does against Kansas St. (vs. Beasley), UCLA and Oregon.

5. He is a banger.

Hendrix is known for his strength, and I can't think of anything we need more than a true big man that will throw his body around in the paint. A guy that will crush opposing PG's if they try to enter our paint. Hardin is 3-4 inches taller than Hendrix, but weighs 20 lbs. less. I think Hendrix is like a hybrid between Skinner/Corliss. Undersized height, tremendous strength, and finishes around the hoop.

So when you boil it all down, Hendrix does make a good case...or at least I do. :D The scouts have Hardin going later in the 1st round and Hendrix going early in the 2nd round. There is good reason for that - mainly that Hardin has more potential in the NBA in their eyes. If Hendrix is lacking the speed and length to be a good NBA shotblocker then he at least has a knack for it given his production. And we need a guy like that. A guy with a nose for gettin down n' dirty. I'm not talking about Hendrix as our future starting PF, but more as a quality producer off the bench. I think he has a ceiling of a starting PF, but that is a different discussion.

You keep talking about Hendrix as if he is a SF. Stop doing that please. Just because he isn't 6'10" or higher doesn't mean he doesn't qualify as a PF. He is 255 lbs. and that to me is a PF. Where he will lack the height and athleticism of many NBA PF's, he will make up by physically overpowering guys. Again, Hendrix would be a solid late 1st round/early 2nd round pick for us no matter who we get with our first pick (hopefully Rose :D).
Devon doesnt need to score Ryan Anderson handles it for the most part. I would rather get a true power foward and a pg then a tweener and?

Hendrix is also avg 7 more mins a game than Hardin....which hardin could have more rebounds and blocks. hendrix whole career he has avg more mins than Hardin.

Where he will lack the height and athleticism of many NBA PF's
is this not a current problem with the kings, so.....what you are saying is pair him with hawes....hmm...Hardin is a freak of nature athlete....that alone is worth the pick... If we get a later 1st round pick i would personaly take Hardin and DJ augustin. the point guard i want is Bayless but...just say we get a 15 on pick....Hardin, 2nd round a pg.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Half the time? No. That happened briefly in the first half, and every time he touched the ball he quickly gave it up without trying to drive. Eventually, when he started trying to drive, he was able to collapse the D, opening up the pass and the pullback jumper. Unfortunately, USC was playing good team D and the pass was occasionally stolen or deflected.

USC seemed to have several guys that had good length. Driving the hoop was a challenge all night long, and when Rose finally started taking the challenge head-on he looked fine.

You don't have to agree, but I saw what I saw. And shut down implies something else IMO. He was hindered, not shut-down, and it was only temporary. He ended up with 10 boards, 4 assists, 3 steals and 1 block on the night so he was contributing. And he had some key points late in the 2nd half.
He was hardly a factor in this game coming in as the teams second leading scorer. I think that means he was shutdown. He made 3 shots in the second half and none in the first half. I suppose you could call his 3 free throws in overtime (one on an intentional foul) clutch if you really wanted to, but I really think that's a stretch. "Occasionally stolen or deflected" also seems inaccurate to me considering he had 5 turnovers and 4 assists. It would be more accurate to say his passes were stolen or deflected almost as much as they actually found their target (unless you count safe passes around the perimeter, but it doesn't sound like that's what you meant). As for the 10 boards...USC shot 28%. Yeah he was pulling down his fair share of rebounds but you have to admit, that stat has as much to do with USC's poor shooting as anything Rose did out there. It wasn't like it was all Mayo's doing (though I think he played the biggest role), but Rose was ineffective out there as a floor leader or as a scorer. It's just one game, not that big of a deal, but this was the first time I'd seen either of them play so I was just offering my insight.

Mayo had a chance to take this game for SC but he was ineffective down the stretch himself and took a couple dumb shots when his team needed him the most (including a lob from way behind the NBA 3pt line). His decision making could have been better as well, but his defense was consistent right to the end and that counts for a lot to me.
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I predict that Kings get a pick in the 15-20 range. Furthermore, noone mentioned in this thread will be available and GP will pick some crazy guy that like 2 guys see coming a month out. And he will be great after a few years.
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He picked a good looking prospect in hawes...

even if we get a 15-20 hardin should be around there.

I have already stated who he will pick......"Nicolas Batum".

he reminds me of a longer Shawn Marion, from Europe with a huge wingspan, a safe "petrie pick".

I have said this from day 1, this is truly who I think he will pick.
He picked a good looking prospect in hawes...

even if we get a 15-20 hardin should be around there.

I have already stated who he will pick......"Nicolas Batum".

he reminds me of a longer Shawn Marion, from Europe with a huge wingspan, a safe "petrie pick".

I have said this from day 1, this is truly who I think he will pick.

No complaints from me if we take Batum (as long as it's not with a top 4 pick - although it depends on who declares). He has superstar potential. Excellent athlete, great length, good shooter and a very good leader. Has enormous potential. Just because he's from Europe doesn't change that. If he was playing NCAA ball people would be talking about him as a top 6 prospect in the draft.
Everywhere I look hes height is posted 6'8". which he usually trans late into 6'7ish.

what teams has he played?

From on Richard Hendrix:

Weaknesses: Has a huge base with incredibly thick and strong legs, however his strength and thickness also limits his quickness … Undersized at the power forward position at 6-7 and a half, lacks great length and struggles to get shots over longer defenders … Lacks great foot speed, which limits his offensive ability, defensively and rebounding the ball out of position as well as in transition … Should work to increase his free throw percentage considering how often he gets to the line, but has shown improvement … Should look to improve upon his mid range jump shot, which shows potential … Lacks the explosiveness and size to be a real factor as a shot blocker …

Pass pt II :p trade the pick if we have to pick another undersized PF. we got a surplus of those things ;)