Kings Select in the 2008 NBA DRAFT??

May be a tad too early to talk about high-end draft picks, despite the fact that we're heading in that direction and the inevitable names of "Derrick Rose", "OJ Mayo", "Beasley" and such will be dropped frequently as the season progresses. But Ibaka? High risk high reward type guy. Sort of like Seattle's big men--Mouhamed Sene and Johan Petro. Will block some shots. Will possess a nice touch and shooting stroke in practice situations. But the question is--can that translate to an NBA court, where the competition is umpteenth times tougher? Or will he be heaped with foul trouble, be too skinny to bang with the bigs, or brick all his open mid-rangers?

In other words, it's a bit premature to talk about the prospect, when we don't know what the prospect's made of, just yet.


Hall of Famer
I beleive that Hardin is going to be a very good player. He plays center for Cal, but I believe he'll be a PF in the NBA. Very athletic and is improving his game. I also think he has a bigger upside than some of the other PF's projected ahead of him.
Hardin is a beast in the middle. I was pumped when he pulled his name out of the draft and returned to Cal for 1 more year.

He is athletic enough to play both the center position and the PF position. He is a great defender, and can block shots with ease. He also loves to rip down enormous dunks on the opposing teams, which is something I've missed ever since Web left.
I think he will be in the lottery top 10. I got the hook up at cal and am going to usc and ucla games this year. I want to see Love vs Hardin. I think pretty high of him.
I really like him as well. Went to Berkeley, for starters ;)...but it's really his physical profile that intrigues me. He's made long strides since his freshman year when he proved to be very raw; but now, he's actually showing nice rebounding and shotblocking prowess. Offensively, he's still a bit raw and he's got to keep away from the injury bug that caused him to miss parts of last season, but his potential is what keeps me alert about him. He's got, arguably the same body as Dwight Howard; strength and mobility rolled into one, and the athleticism to get up and dominate over NBA players when he polishes up his game and shows a more aggressive mentality. He's still sort of a high risk, high reward type prospect at this point, as you never know whether you're going to get a Dwight Howard or a Jamal Sampson, with little in between. But all signs are that he's going to improve and form a nice inside-outside tandem with fellow Berk soph Ryan Anderson, so I think he's going to do well and have the potential to elevate himself into lotto territory. He'd be a nice fit for the Kings simply due to his physical profile fitting the current NBA big man and then some, but as of now he's not really a lotto player--a mid to late 1st round perhaps, but he'll need to prove it on the court this season before further judgment can be made.
I really like him as well. Went to Berkeley, for starters ;)...but it's really his physical profile that intrigues me. He's made long strides since his freshman year when he proved to be very raw; but now, he's actually showing nice rebounding and shotblocking prowess. Offensively, he's still a bit raw and he's got to keep away from the injury bug that caused him to miss parts of last season, but his potential is what keeps me alert about him. He's got, arguably the same body as Dwight Howard; strength and mobility rolled into one, and the athleticism to get up and dominate over NBA players when he polishes up his game and shows a more aggressive mentality. He's still sort of a high risk, high reward type prospect at this point, as you never know whether you're going to get a Dwight Howard or a Jamal Sampson, with little in between. But all signs are that he's going to improve and form a nice inside-outside tandem with fellow Berk soph Ryan Anderson, so I think he's going to do well and have the potential to elevate himself into lotto territory. He'd be a nice fit for the Kings simply due to his physical profile fitting the current NBA big man and then some, but as of now he's not really a lotto player--a mid to late 1st round perhaps, but he'll need to prove it on the court this season before further judgment can be made.
That injury caused him to miss almost the entire season....That is the primary reason that he returned to Cal, so that he can improve his draft stock. My little brother is a current student at Cal, and he says that it looks like Hardin is on a mission out there on the court this year.
I am good friends with a editor. he thinks he will explode this year in the draft. top 15 maybe top 10.

If he does and just say we get the 10th pick kevin love on the board. I may consider it. could very well be a POOR mans Dwight Howard.

remember hes a legit 6'11", and pretty darn athletic. also hes def worth getting a 2nd pick if hes falls.
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I am good friends with a editor. he thinks he will explode this year in the draft. top 15 maybe top 10.

If he does and just say we get the 10th pick kevin love on the board. I may consider it. could very well be a POOR mans Dwight Howard.

remember hes a legit 6'11", and pretty darn athletic. also hes def worth getting a 2nd pick if hes falls.

Yeah I'd take the guy on this team for sure. He compliments Spencer's skillset so we can put him at PF and he's got insane potential. Could end up being like Jermaine O'neal IMO. Actually athletically he reminds me of him or Dwight also the most. I'd take him over Kevin Love.

2008 Kings if Petrie can pull off some freakin miracles:

Derrick Rose
Kevin Martin
Ron Artest
Devon Hardin
Spencer Hawes
I'd take him over Kevin Love.
Me too. Love's really good, but he's slow. We already have more than enough guys who can't outrun Roy Hibbert. Heck, I'd rather take a chance on the Thabeet project and let Hawes play PF, if it came to that. Or Darrell Arthur, if Petrie could pull out a total miracle...
Decided to make a thread for the guy since he's putting up some INSANE stats. Definitely would take him as our PF for the future. His latest game: 28/22/1 block.

He's averaging like 20 rebounds per game. That's absolutely insane lol. Here's his actual averages:

30/20/2blocks. That's crazy.

He's a very special player, but he'll be going in the top 3 without a doubt, we won't be picking there unless GP decides that we need to build through the draft and trades Ron and/or Mike, preferably for picks (even a low pick) and an expiring or young unprovens (all we will get). As fas as I can see, GP is quite happy have us win in or around 35-40 wins, not enough for POs (which none of us should want) but enough to screw us out of a potential star.
It completely baffles me of how much of a mess we're in. We're completely mediocre, wouldn't actually be surprised if we had a resurgence when Mike gets back and ended up with the same or lower pick then last years. :eek:

If Collison is still around when we're picking and everyone we want is gone, I'd love to nab him. He has all-star potential, lightning fast, very good athleticism, excellent defender, good passer and leader and an improving shot, not to mention a very good handle. PG of the future if we could get him.
We're completely mediocre, wouldn't actually be surprised if we had a resurgence when Mike gets back and ended up with the same or lower pick then last years. :eek:
I think Artest and bibby have a good chance of being traded thus giving us a chance at a high pick.

As time goes on Miami and Cleveland may get desperate and finally give us what we want in return, Miami is already getting desperate.