Is everyone really looking forward to the upcoming season?

Are you looking forward to the upcoming season?

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He's talking about Plantar Fascitis. If you have never had it, then you have no idea of what you are talking about--if you have, then you "feel" for anyone who does. It makes no difference what condition you are in, your size, your age, etc. Annie.
He's talking about Plantar Fascitis. If you have never had it, then you have no idea of what you are talking about--if you have, then you "feel" for anyone who does. It makes no difference what condition you are in, your size, your age, etc. Annie.
Ya but does that stop him from all exercises. I'm pretty sure their's some exercise out there that doesn't require putting stress on his foot and allows him to stay in decent shape.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Ya but does that stop him from all exercises. I'm pretty sure their's some exercise out there that doesn't require putting stress on his foot and allows him to stay in decent shape.
So where did you earn your doctorate?
You are right--there were exercises! I had it in both feet at the same time and resting of the feet was the main healing remedy prescribed for me. I hated that. Annie.
I'll be unexcited if we go with the same old major minutes line up as last year.

I'm really hoping for this kind of changes, and if they happen, not winning won't be as bad:

  • I really expect to see the acquisitions from this year (Moore/Hawes) take time away from KT/SAR.
  • I think Shareef is an excellent backup PF at this point, and I'd like to see him in that role next year.
  • I'd like to not see KT suited up at all next year.
  • I'd like to see Miller starting at PF, which is where he played for the Kings when they were good.
  • I'd like to see more Williams as a backup PF/C on those nights where Moore/Hawes/Miller are struggling (which I imagine there will be plenty of)
If that kind of "new blood/development" style isn't out there and the Kings are losing alot, I'm going to lose interest pretty quick. Meanwhile, I have hope for the ivory towers in action 8p