Who's gonna be your bandwagon team?

this whole thread should be 're-named', or something...perhaps: 'What OTHER teams will you keep an eye on this season'...instead of using the word 'bandwagon'. That rubs SOME:Dpeople the wrong way. I didnt mean to offend other members after my tyraid...I meant what I said, but at the same time, meant no harm in it, as well.
yeah, i could see how some people might take this thread the wrong way. i'm a fan of the nba and kings. if a great product is out on the floor, how can you not watch it?
We are NOT going to have people questioning other people's fandom around here. Losing is tough enough without that kind of insulting behavior.

As an aside, your post was deleted when somebody took the bait and responded. Best to delete the whole ugly sequence.

Losing real tough, so tough that we should hop on the bandwagon of a team thats good?... Ok, I got it.:rolleyes:

Sue me for taking offense to a thread asking KINGS FANS what team they're going to root for now that their team sucks. pff, Thats BS.
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Cite the post in this thread where somebody said they were going to actually stop rooting for the Kings because they're bad, or inviting Kings Fans to root for other teams instead of the Kings. Then, and only then, will any of your indignation be in any way justified.

Some people can multi-task. It is possible to root for a team without it being to the exclusion of everything else. And it is equally possible for someone to want a team to succeed without them suddenly declaring them to be their new favorite team.

If you can't understand that, it's not the fault of the people who can. We're not in the wrong.
Cite the post in this thread where somebody said they were going to actually stop rooting for the Kings because they're bad, or inviting Kings Fans to root for other teams instead of the Kings. Then, and only then, will any of your indignation be in any way justified.

Some people can multi-task. It is possible to root for a team without it being to the exclusion of everything else. And it is equally possible for someone to want a team to succeed without them suddenly declaring them to be their new favorite team.

If you can't understand that, it's not the fault of the people who can. We're not in the wrong.
How about the OP for starters

Kings suck...No denying it. And we're pretty much stuck with (un)movable pieces until 09 I believe..

Soooo...For those of us who dont like rooting for a team to lose, who's bandwagon are you going to jump on? Portland? Seattle? Celtics?
Whatever dude, say what you want.. I have my opinion, I'm not the only one who feels this way, so lets leave it at that. I never said anyones name or singled anyone out, all I gave was an opinion of the subject.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Oh good, the infamous "I'm not the only one who feels this way" argument.


Of course you're not the only one. And that's about as irrelevant to this discussion as whether or not pigs can fly.

Three moderators have now chimed in on this topic. I think that's really about two more than should have been necessary.

Let's get back to the topic at hand which was, for the most part, a pretty interesting discussion of what other NBA teams people were going to be following or rooting for or paying attention to in addition to the Kings.


Hall of Famer
How about the OP for starters
Way to leave out all the parts of my first post about how I'm a Kings fan til the end ...Jeeze

Anyways...Seems like I stirred up some controversy with this topic haha.

To everyone who understands that it is possible to root for more then one team: Thank you!

To everyone getting all pissy: I apologize for nothing!

To mods: Thank you for trying to keep this topic civil, feel free to lock it if you must, I guess I coulda thought this one through a bit more before posting it :eek:
Bobcats, Rockets, Wizards, Suns.

1) Bobcats: Gerald Wallace and Jason Richardson should be exciting as hell. As HELL! Plus, they're a long shot to make the playoffs, but if they've matured and if Adam Morrison can contribute, they could sneak in in the East. And it would be nice to see MJ build a winner in his hometown.

2) Suns: I'm actually going to allow myself to enjoy them this season. I wasn't fond of them or their coach last season, but for some reason, they'll be one of my "watcher" teams this season. Amare is a stud, perhaps the next all-time great in the League. And Steve Nash should've won the MVP last season, if not the previous two seasons.

3) Wizards: They were primed to put up a fight in the playoffs last season, but Agent Zero got hurt. "The Takeover" was one of the highlights of last season, for me, especially with the Kings sucking the way they did. "The Takeover Reloaded" should be fun to watch. With the exception of Kobe, no one scores like Gilbert Arenas does.

4) Rockets: Here's to hoping Rick Adelman wins a ring and shoves it in the Maloofs' collective face. Mama Maloof included. Double that sentiment if Webber signs with them. Plus, I was never as down on Stevie Franchise as a lot of other people were/are. I hope he makes a comeback to being a top player.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Definitely Houston for the Rick factor. I hope he can get his well-deserved ring. We sure aren't getting one this year at this rate.

Probably the Celtics for obvious reasons as well just to see how that experiment turns out.

Also catch a Sonics and Portland game on occasion to check up on the top 2 picks.

As mentioned by others, I will catch other games as a fan of basketball in general and root for one team or the other as determined on a case-by-case basis.
Bobcats and Trailblazers will be the teams I will follow other than the Kings. They are both teams loaded with young talent that should be exciting to watch, even though they won't get deep into the playoffs. Basically, everything I wish the Kings were right now :(.
Blazers, Celts and whereever Cwebb ends up; although it'll be hard to root for Dallas if that ends up being his destination. :)

Always enjoy watching Phoenix too.
this thread has some very interesting posts. a good read for sure. as for me, i will definitely be following lots of teams this season for various reasons. should be an exciting season for nba fans. teams that intrigue me most would probably be houston (the only texas team i don't despise) and portland for the potentially great bigs they have on their roster. boston will surely be rejuvenated as well. i'm just really pumped to see some good ball. that said, i've never been one to jump on "bandwagons" and love the kings as much as i always have. my loyalty to the team is not decided on how many wins we have during the season or the season before. i just hope we can become relevant again in the future and will enjoy seeing the kids progress for now.
Bobcats, Rockets, Wizards, Suns.

3) Wizards: They were primed to put up a fight in the playoffs last season, but Agent Zero got hurt. "The Takeover" was one of the highlights of last season, for me, especially with the Kings sucking the way they did. "The Takeover Reloaded" should be fun to watch. With the exception of Kobe, no one scores like Gilbert Arenas does.
Good taste son, your the only one who didn't say Bobcats/Portland/Houston, thumbs up for the choice, you know Hibachi is gonna come back with a vengence, ya better believe that.
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