Garnett to the Celtics (merged)


Hall of Famer
Forget the Celtics, this could actually make the T-Wolves relevant again in a few years. Garnett is as good as gone anyway. If they've got Al Jefferson and Corey Brewer and Rajon Rondo and all that cap space back from Ratliff's contract, that's a heck of a foundation to build off of. Meanwhile the Celtics become the next Miami. They'll compete for a few more years, probably win a championship, and then they'll be back at square one again. I don't know, I think it's got to be more rewarding winning a championship with players you've developed instead of going out and selling off your future to buy one. I liked what the Celtics were doing until that stupid Ray Allen trade. In three years Jeff Green will be better than Ray Allen and he'll be playing for another 10 years once Allen retires.
It's interesting. The Celts have a two-year window to win a championship. That's it. If I had to bet, they won't do it. And then they are back to square 1. Minnesota just became much better in my opinion. The West got even tougher, if that's possible.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I will say I am glad this happened with my second favorite team during an obvious down time for my favorite team. I may reconsider my stance on League Pass now. Still I only like this from the standpoint of a team that was the winningest team in the league that has been mired in nearly 20 years of average to downright suck. They built up a great young nucleus of players and all they needed was to find the one player to step up and take them to the promised land, if they found a young one they could have potentially been set for years.

Now they have a small window. That's cool, Celts fans need this, especially in a town where the Pats and Red Sox have completely taken over. I moved outta Boston for good almost 10 years ago and even then the city was rapidly losing interest despite the false blip of hope Ricky Pitino gave. My biggest worry now is at coach, this team is too good to waste a year on with a lousy coach or even a mediocre one.
It's interesting. The Celts have a two-year window to win a championship. That's it. If I had to bet, they won't do it. And then they are back to square 1. Minnesota just became much better in my opinion. The West got even tougher, if that's possible.
but which is the better scenario, the two year window now in a depleted eastern conference, or a 4-5 year window in the future when the east may be competitive?

i think the chances are better now, with the lack of competition in the east and three proven commodities, than to play it safe on kids who may never live up to their potential/get injured.
It's interesting. The Celts have a two-year window to win a championship. That's it. If I had to bet, they won't do it. And then they are back to square 1. Minnesota just became much better in my opinion. The West got even tougher, if that's possible.
Much better to live today than to save for tomorrow in the nba, anyways thats what the celtics were doing till now.

That is a really good team and a safe bet for the nba finals, I am really happy about that aspect as well and any team that doesnt have the espn poster boy in the finals I am happy with and definitely a team that has been down for a long time with so much heritage behind the organization I am all for them to win a couple.

Even after two years if Ray allen had to leave due to retirement or whatever they can easily re up the guard spot with another quality player. IMO Ray was not a super star, he was a good shooter and there are quite a few who can do that (like Kevin Martin etc ) who can be had for not that much of a big price. They can depend on Pierce and KG to carry the load and let a couple of shooters spread the floor with a center doing the dirty work.

I am happy that KG is finally in a place where he has a team that can win that ring, minnesota just wasted his time there with McHale fighting for the worst gm award every year. He is really a very good player on and off the court and he deserves a ring.

The only negative I see with the team is that there is no leader who will say that this is my team and will carry the team on his shoulders in crunch time, all three of them had that chance many times in the playoffs and they all failed, in fact i would say that they all deferred to lesser players to get that win and not sure if that would get it done. Maybe with the refs being under scrutiny next year it may not matter whether the star has the ball or not as I expect much tighter calls and importantly even calls and no superstar treatment on both ends of the floor.
Minny now has 17 gauranteed contracts for this upcoming season :eek:

9 of them play the 1, 2 & 3 and the other 8 are PF/C and those 8 really suck except for Jefferson.
Cpt. McHale is allready on it. they bought out Hudson today... Anyone want a second set of braids?
It's interesting. The Celts have a two-year window to win a championship. That's it. If I had to bet, they won't do it. And then they are back to square 1. Minnesota just became much better in my opinion. The West got even tougher, if that's possible.
Garnet only has 2 yesrs on the monster contract so it's very liekly that the Celts have a HUGE amount of cap space comming off in 2 years... sort of like the Kings... :(
Ooops my bad... thats what I get for nt reading past the first paragraph. Well then yup, Boston's fate is more or less tied to Garnet's longgevity. Of course they love thier hoops in Bean town so the fan base could make a late contract buy out worth swollwing.
Ooops my bad... thats what I get for nt reading past the first paragraph. Well then yup, Boston's fate is more or less tied to Garnet's longgevity. Of course they love thier hoops in Bean town so the fan base could make a late contract buy out worth swollwing.

Garnett kind of strikes me as a Malone type of player as far as longevity/durability goes. I can see him playing well until he's 36 or 37 for sure.
I suppose I'm happy for Garnett in so much that he was traded.

However, this won't work out well these mega deals rarely do. Nothing more profound to say than that.
Kevin Garnett > Tim Duncan

TD's got 4 rings over KG, you say? That's because

KG's T-Wolves supporting cast over the years <<<<< TD's Spurs teammates

Here's a guy that drops 22, 12 and 5 on a yearly basis and he did that in the West against guys like Yao, Dirk, Duncan, Gasol, Brand, Amare, Webber(in his prime as a King) etc... Now he's in a significantly weaker conference with not only one, but two all-stars on the wing that will absolutely kill you if not guarded properly. Look what he did in the West when he had Cassell and Sprewell, who are both half the players Ray Allen and Pierce are. That Wolves team was one Cassell injury away from beating the Lakers in the WCF. And now he's in the East! Not only are they contenders, but they're a lock to make the finals baring any major injury. No team in the East matches-up against those three guys. None. I don't care about depth, starters win championships. And I don't care if they put my grandmother at the point or my dad's uncle Bobby Joe with his wooden leg in the post, that team is still raping the East next year if no one gets seriously hurt.

The Kings will always be first in my heart. But every year I root for a contender to go all the way and I've never wanted, appart from the Kings, for a team to win as bad as I want Boston to go all the way next year with those 3 guys.

I officially anounce that Chaps is jumping on the Boston Celtics bandwagon.
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Kevin Garnett > The Kings will always be first in my heart. But every year I root for a contender to go all the way and I've never wanted, appart from the Kings, for a team to win as bad as I want Boston to go all the way next year with those 3 guys.

I officially anounce that Chaps is jumping on the Boston Celtics bandwagon.
Hmmm...I hear what you're saying, but I can't say I can really pull for a Boston team with more banners than I can count. I don't care how long its been since their last championship, Celtics fans have been blessed over the years. Not to mentioned recent good fortune in other sports. I'm intriged to watch this team play, but by no means am I going to treat them like the feel good story of season.
I can see this team going far sometime in the near future, but i really can't see them making the Finals NEXT season. i think people are already forgetting about the Cavs, who made it there this past season, and Bulls (my favorite team besides the Kings), who already have good chemistry and good defensive players at every position. Barring injuries, I think the Bulls will be coming out of the east next season, not the Celtics
They have more than two years because the Celtics signed Garnett to a three year extension after his remaining two years are up.
However, the three years of that extension are at significantly lower amounts than the two years remaining. So they will get a little cap relief. They'll still be over the cap, but not by as much.
Hmmm...I hear what you're saying, but I can't say I can really pull for a Boston team with more banners than I can count. I don't care how long its been since their last championship, Celtics fans have been blessed over the years. Not to mentioned recent good fortune in other sports. I'm intriged to watch this team play, but by no means am I going to treat them like the feel good story of season.

I understand completely what you mean. But personnaly, I'm cheering much more for the 3 veteran all-stars that for the first time in their career are put in a position to win a ring, than the organisation itself.
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Hall of Famer
but which is the better scenario, the two year window now in a depleted eastern conference, or a 4-5 year window in the future when the east may be competitive?

i think the chances are better now, with the lack of competition in the east and three proven commodities, than to play it safe on kids who may never live up to their potential/get injured.
Since you brought up injuries, the Celts have a much bigger chance of their big 3 getting injured than a younger team. That's one of the reasons why I don't see them getting a championship.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Since you brought up injuries, the Celts have a much bigger chance of their big 3 getting injured than a younger team. That's one of the reasons why I don't see them getting a championship.
Their Big Three have been some of the most durable stars in the game. They may be getting older, but this is not Webb, Shaq and TMac.
Their Big Three have been some of the most durable stars in the game. They may be getting older, but this is not Webb, Shaq and TMac.
Hopefully this works better than the last superstar triad (Olajuwon, Drexler, Barkley) or later (Olajuwon, Barkley, Pippen)

Age kicked our *** back then and eventually it'll catch up with them too. However, the Rockets only had 1 really good year with the big 3 (and should have made the finals if not for a Karl Malone bearhug moving pick[/rant]

I'll give them 3 years before their big 3 hits the wall. And the lack of depth murdered us back in the day, and the Celtics have even less than the Rockets had. They may make it to the finals, but the West will still dominate.


Hall of Famer
Their Big Three have been some of the most durable stars in the game. They may be getting older, but this is not Webb, Shaq and TMac.
Age is huge in injury probability. I'd like to see what the correlation is. I'd bet that after age 30 there is an upward spike in that graph. And one of their big three was out most of last year with an injury. It's always interesting to me how suddenly wear, tear, and injury take down older players a notch. Peja, Jackson, Bibby, Miller, Webber, all have been taken down a notch because of injuries. We'll see. I don't see an NBA championship for the Celts, but they will sell tickets.