Garnett to the Celtics (merged)

Enough basketballs to go around?
There will be enough basketballs to go around, all 3 will most likely get most of the shots for the Celtics and are not known as kobe Bryants of the World. KG is known as one of most unselfish players in the league and he also played with Cassel and Spewell. Allen was part of the big 3 in Mil which also included G. Robison and Cassel and also played with R. Lewis in seattle. Paul played with Walker, Payton, and Wally. All 3 of these guys have played with past allstars i see no reason they can't coexit. And If teams like Suns, New Jersey, and SA could get their stars shots i don't see why the the Celtics can't.

that would be a smart move...

who cares....
The Celtics are in a great postion right now with their abitily to still be able to use there mle and vet min. I really could see them using there vet min on Knight, 1/3 of the mle on PJ Brown or Webber and 2/3 of the mle on Barnes. The Celtics could really put the prefect set of role players around Pierce, Allen, and KG.

R. Allen/T. Allen

For those suffering Kings fans who have not seen those beasties, Team 1 would be actually trying to "win now" by accumulating superior all-time talents. Team 2 would be trying to "rebuild" by acumulating piles of talented YOUNG players. Neither team appears to have opted for the wisdom of the "rebuild on the fly". Odd.
So, True. I think many of us would kill to be min or Boston right now because atleast they have some sort of plan.
scratch him off the list :)

do they really need a ball handler? i think they would need someone who could play d and make shots when the other 3 get double teamed..
I think a point guard like Bibby would be a perfect fit for them at this point. Garnett can shut down the middle helping ease the pain of his horrible defense, and his outside shooting would help immensely. Garnett could play the 2 man game with Bibby that used to include CWebb.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
They managed to keep Rondo. Knight would have been useful for experience, but Rondo is a defensive roleplaying PG -- that's the absolute ideal for a team built around megastars like this. Everybody else stay out of the way and play your best basketball WITHOUT the ball. Hence Rondo and Perkins are nice fits. The stars dominate the offensive side, and Rondo (at the point) and Perkins (inside) concentrate on getting the ball back on the other end. Brevin's problem would have been that KG and Pierce would have been the main ball handlers/creaters on the offesnive end, and Brevin without the ball isn't his strength. Rondo's only problem is he can't shoot, and ideally your defensive roleplaying PG would be able to hit all the wide open spot up shots he's sure to get as teams scramble around trying to find ways to double three separate players. Of course given that he's playing next to Paul Pierce and Ray Allen, maybe its better if the PG doesn't shoot.

P.S. And if the C's managed to keep Gomes as a 6th man as well... :eek:
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The idea of Danny Ainge actually pulling this off makes me throw up in my mouth just a little.
You know what makes me nauseous? I'm thinking that I actually want to watch some Celtics games next year. And this is even after Ainge and McHale played keepaway from Mitchy.
If the Celts really want to squeeze a title out of this, they're gonna have to improve upon Doc Rivers asap. Ainge is already mulling over possible suitors in his mind, guaranteed.
Go hire Jeff Van Gundy. They have tons of scoring now, and a strong defense would be perfect for them.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You know what makes me nauseous? I'm thinking that I actually want to watch some Celtics games next year. And this is even after Ainge and McHale played keepaway from Mitchy.
Isn't that heresy for a Lakers fan? :p

I mean, I can at least go back to the days before the Kings came to Sacramento when, as I've mentioned numerous times, I actually was a Celtics fan.

You, dear Gargy, don't have that excuse.

Isn't that heresy for a Lakers fan? :p

I mean, I can at least go back to the days before the Kings came to Sacramento when, as I've mentioned numerous times, I actually was a Celtics fan.

You, dear Gargy, don't have that excuse.

I never said I was actually gonna root for them to win. ;) (I enjoyed watching Bird of course -- only him tho).

It should be interesting to see those 3 deal w/ the sort of high expectations that they've never really encountered. All of them are fairly virginal when it comes to winning a truly tough series.
Two of them are ball handlers (KG/Pierce) so the lack of elite PG won't matter. One is a shooter (Allen) so he doesn't need the ball until its time to score.
Ray Allen played plenty of point guard his first two years in Seattle. He can handle the rock just fine. Their lack of an elite point guard might hurt them in the playoffs, but I get the sense that those three veteran All-Stars will be able to make for any deficiencies.
Danny Ainge is a freaking GENIUS!!!

He has gone from the sad sap that lost out on a top 2 lottery pick (you remember the picture) to this in approximately 2 months.

Danny Ainge for GM of the year!
Genius? Eh...

Closer? Sure. But that doesn't make him smart. Just persistent.


the northwest division will be young as hell.... that could be a lot of fun. oden/aldridge, durant, deron, brewer/jefferson/foye, carmelo... wow...
DaMan said:
I don't think so, he is not even listed on the denver roster. I think you my have mistaken him with Chucky Aktins who signed with them a couple of weeks back.
There was a fake article on a couple of NBA forums which had reported that Knight had signed with Denver. It was essentially a carbon copy of an article reporting the Atkins signing, with Knight and a couple words substituted. I know... I got duped, too :p


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
It's Paul Pierce's team, he's got the seniority. But I'm sure he won't mind deferring to Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen just a little bit.
Minny now has 17 gauranteed contracts for this upcoming season :eek:

9 of them play the 1, 2 & 3 and the other 8 are PF/C and those 8 really suck except for Jefferson.