Mikki Moore Q & A


Mikki Moore
Q & A

A self-described southern boy, Mikki Moore grew up in Gaffney, South Carolina and played college hoops at the University of Nebraska. The 2006-07 NBA season was Moore's most productive year as he maintained career-high averages in nearly every statistical category including points (9.8), rebounds (5.1) and field goal percentage (60.9) - which led the NBA. Moore is quick to fire up the crowd on the court and smile off it. Get to know more about Moore's favorite food, his favorite reptile, his lucky jersey number and his excitement for joining the Kings, now!

Clinton "Mikki" Moore
Age: 31, Height: 7-0, Weight: 223​

How happy are you to be in Sacramento?

"I’m happy to be with an organization that wants me here instead of trying out for a team or looking for a job. It’s just a big difference. It makes your confidence go sky high! Another thing is that I’ve played in the snow my entire career, so I’m ready for some sunshine and some good weather!"

Do you have any connections to any of the guys on the team?

"I know Mike Bibby. As a matter of fact, he’s been trying to sell me one of his old school (cars). I collect classic cars, so we talk off and on about that. Shareef and I played against each other early on in our careers when he was with the Grizzlies. He made a request to come play with him then but it didn’t come through. Corliss and my fiancé are from the same home town, so I talk to him all the time. Some of the guys I know personally and some of them I have yet to know, but we’re going to work on that!"

Who are you looking forward to playing with the most?

"To tell you the truth, I’m looking forward to playing with all of the guys. I’m looking forward to playing with Mike, because I’ve played against him so many times and he’s hurt every team that I’ve played for! I’m looking forward to playing with Shareef and Brad. I’ve always played against them. I’ve never been able to play with them. Most of those guys know how to pass the ball and they go hard. I just want to compliment them."

What do you know about Sacramento?

"I know that Sacramento is like my home town. Everybody is nice. Everybody is personal with you. It’s not like if I were to come up and say to you, 'Good morning,' there are dirty looks. It’ll be a, 'Good morning to you. How are you doing?' Some cities I’ve been in, it’s not like that. There’s an atmosphere here with the fans and the people that live here that’s very pleasant."

In addition to playing in the CBA and the D-League, you also played overseas. What was that experience like for you?

"Playing overseas let me know that I have to be in the NBA. There was no doubt in my mind. I had to work hard to make it to where I am. You have to have the mentality of, ‘I have to be there.’ When I was overseas, I had my passport stolen. I wasn’t playing. I wasn’t being paid. And the day I was leaving, there was a flood and I almost drowned! So I told myself that I had to take myself out of this situation and I went back to the NBDL and just put forth an effort where I had to be in the NBA."

I understand you have an interest in snakes. Why do you like snakes so much?

"My mom wouldn’t let me have snakes when I was younger. My grandmother used to have a garden and I used to catch them, so she could do her gardening. And I'd put them in a mason jar and punch holes in the top and try to sneak them into my room. My mom would clean my room, find them, and wig out! So anything that your mom wouldn't let you do when you were younger, you're going to want to do it when you’re older. It's more of an entertainment thing. Most people would think, 'You worship snakes,' or 'Snakes are evil.' But it's just a good pet to have when you're going on 15 day road trips. All you have to do is feed it a rat, put some water in there, and you can leave it for months at a time. And it's exotic. It's nothing that you have to walk. You don't have to give it a name. It's perfect for the athlete that's not going to be at home all the time."

What is the biggest snake that you own?

"I have a Columbia Red-Tail Bull right now that is between 12 to 14 feet. It's very timid because it's been handled by humans since birth. I'm not the type of guy who would try to go and grab a snake out of the woods and tame it. And I have an alligator, but it's very small. Once it becomes too big to take a finger off, I'm shipping it to the Everglades. I'll have the pet-store owner that I bought it from ship it out. I'm not giving up my career for an animal!"

You like cars. How did you become interested in car restoration?

"That's my second love! My uncles and my cousins all worked on cars when I was growing up. So, I used to sit around the older guys and try to learn (how to fix up cars). It's just something that I was interested in. I did research on it and figured out that instead of buying a Phantom or any other expensive car, it depreciates by 30,000 to 40,000 dollars. I'd rather have an old school American classic and rebuild it. Each year it'll (appreciate in value instead). It's a smart investment, plus I just like the looks and the smell of the carburetor and the fuel injection!"

What’s your favorite car that you’ve restored?

"My favorite car that I've restored is a 1967 Lincoln Continental Drop-Top with the suicide doors -- the last year that it was made. My dream car is a 1961 Imapala Drop-Top. Hopefully with this contract, I can pick one up now!"

Where does your passion and fire that you play with on court come from?

"That comes from my nickname being Mikki. I used to be short and fat and it came from the Life Cereal commercial. I shot up seven inches in one summer between my Ninth Grade year and my Tenth Grade year. I used to look like Alvin and the Chipmunks -- fat cheeks and a flat-top! None of the people used to let me play. I used to bring my basketball and it would be my hoop when I was out there. Then (all of the other kids would) let me play the first game and after that they wouldn't let me play. So I had to play with tenacity to stay on the court. I had to face guys that were bigger than me and quicker than me. So it has just been in me since day one."

So your nickname is Mikki. What is your real name?

"My birth name is Clinton. I'm named after my mom. My mom’s name is Clynta."

Are you a big eater? And if so, what is your favorite food.

"Yes, but I cannot gain weight! I think I lose weight when I'm eating by the movement of my jaw burning calories. My favorite food is Italian - pastas, lasagna, and pizza. I love pizza."

How did 33 become your lucky jersey number?

"I actually played wearing 33 in high school. In summer camps, I played with the number 33. But once I arrived at other places, Scottie Pippen was big back when I was growing up, so you couldn't find 33 available! Patrick Ewing also played with 33. A lot of people wanted 33 back when I was growing up so I was always number 31, 32, or something like that. Then I finally had a chance to wear 33 again, so I said I would stick with that. Plus, my mom said the threes are like two M's for Mikki Moore!"

“What do you want to tell the fans of Sacramento?

"Get ready!"
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay what do we know?

But it's just a good pet to have when you're going on 15 day road trips. All you have to do is feed it a rat, put some water in there, and you can leave it for months at a time. And it's exotic. It's nothing that you have to walk. You don't have to give it a name. It's perfect for the athlete that's not going to be at home all the time.
1. No potential run-ins with animal lovers.

"That comes from my nickname being Mikki. I used to be short and fat and it came from the Life Cereal commercial.
2. His name is M-eye-key.

3. He's not full of himself, he wants to have fun and he wants us - the fans - to have fun.

I'm liking this selection more and more as a stop-gap solution, at least, for the power forward position. I think he can HELP the kids.
Okay what do we know?

1. No potential run-ins with animal lovers.

2. His name is M-eye-key.

3. He's not full of himself, he wants to have fun and he wants us - the fans - to have fun.

I'm liking this selection more and more as a stop-gap solution, at least, for the power forward position. I think he can HELP the kids.
Yeah he seems like a guy who will set a good example for the rookies and other young guys. I think he'll be able to contribute too so I like this signing more and more aso.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat

Accomplishes nothing.

But then::
+Williams (if he was actually goign to get a chance to emerge)

and now its impossible. Not to mention ugly.

Accomplishes nothing.

But then::
+Williams (if he was actually goign to get a chance to emerge)

and now its impossible. Not to mention ugly.
Giving up on the ability to move Miller, it wouldn't be the end of the world for me to have a rotation of Miller/Moore/Hawes/Williams next year. Split the minutes right down the middle if you want, but I think that's a balanced mix between old and new, soft and athletic.

How you get rid of KT and SAR for nothing, well that's another story. But if it happened, and we saw Brad teach Spencer a few nifty high post passing tricks, the kid show off some nice scoring from inside, Justin keep developing on shotblocking and rebounding, and Moore in the mix with the hustle and enthusiasm, that wouldn't be a bad group to watch.

While we continue to do other moves to stockpile youth and picks in the next couple years, of course.
Ive liked him since noticing him last season, and im glad we signed him, hes just a straight up hustler out there, thats what i wanna see, thats what gets fans into it.


Super Moderator Emeritus

Accomplishes nothing.
Actually I think there is a benefit.

Moore is a legit 7 footer. I think that needs to be remembered at all times. And, as a legit 7 footer, we aren't going to see an overwhelming display of small ball, with guys like Corliss being forced into the unenviable position of playing the 5.

LPKingsFan said:
Giving up on the ability to move Miller, it wouldn't be the end of the world for me to have a rotation of Miller/Moore/Hawes/Williams next year. Split the minutes right down the middle if you want, but I think that's a balanced mix between old and new, soft and athletic.

How you get rid of KT and SAR for nothing, well that's another story. But if it happened, and we saw Brad teach Spencer a few nifty high post passing tricks, the kid show off some nice scoring from inside, Justin keep developing on shotblocking and rebounding, and Moore in the mix with the hustle and enthusiasm, that wouldn't be a bad group to watch.

While we continue to do other moves to stockpile youth and picks in the next couple years, of course.
I think you've hit the nail on the head. While I don't expect Moore to turn the team around, I think he'll be instant energy and excitement and that's gonna be fun.

I swear some of you expect Greg Oden to sign with us for the MLE. The guy's 7 foot, he's skilled, is a good person and signed for a reasonable length contract. Centers are ALWAYS overpaid. If you're 7 foot, you're at a premium. For under 6 million a year at only 2-3 years, it's not outrageous. It's not some bloated deal. He'll come in, do what he does, help the team now and give us additional flexibility to manuever down the road. We're not signing Greg Oden this off-season. Take your lumps, we had a good run, Petrie is methodically rebuilding the franchise with the BEST AVAILABLE talent. Just because your desires don't come to fruition, doesn't mean it wasn't desired or even attempted by management. All deals are a two way street. And just like Moore is wanted by Sacto managment, Sacto is also wanted by Moore. It's refreshing. We'll get back to the top someday, it just won't be tomorrow.
I like him even more now! I grew up about 45 minutes from Gaffney. My aunt and uncle still live there. A good South Carolina boy can't be bad!!!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I swear some of you expect Greg Oden to sign with us for the MLE. The guy's 7 foot, he's skilled, is a good person and signed for a reasonable length contract. Centers are ALWAYS overpaid. If you're 7 foot, you're at a premium. For under 6 million a year at only 2-3 years, it's not outrageous. It's not some bloated deal. He'll come in, do what he does, help the team now and give us additional flexibility to manuever down the road. We're not signing Greg Oden this off-season. Take your lumps, we had a good run, Petrie is methodically rebuilding the franchise with the BEST AVAILABLE talent. Just because your desires don't come to fruition, doesn't mean it wasn't desired or even attempted by management. All deals are a two way street. And just like Moore is wanted by Sacto managment, Sacto is also wanted by Moore. It's refreshing. We'll get back to the top someday, it just won't be tomorrow.

No, some of us with an understanding of NBA finance not to mention an eye for young player development expect NOBODY to sign with us for the MLE, in PARTICULAR not for more than 2 years (a stated cutoff point).

There are no minutes. The only minutes come from players who if you take their minutes, then you can never trade them, or young players who if you take their minutes then they never develop. There are no minutes. 6 bodies, 2 positions.

All of this is beside whether Mikki is a good guy or not. Corliss is a good guy too with a better pedidgree. We sign him to a 3 yr MLE deal we are nuts as well.


Super Moderator Emeritus
We can have younger player development AND some interim help at the 4. I don't think they're mutually exclusive, Brick.

It might not be totally realistic, but we're talking about sports here. I'm not sure realistic even enters the picture on a regular basis or no one would ever root for the underdogs...and there'd be NO Chicago Cub fans.

I personally don't think Moore was that bad an acquisition, especially if it leads to blowing up the KT/SAR logjam.
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I'm actually with Brick on this one. I've said in another thread that I like the guy, and have no problem with the signing...but as I said, I think its just a few years too late. I would rather see J-Will n Hawes play more minutes, as well as Mikki, but then, as Brick said, Miller, KT and/or SAR become completely untradable (if they're not already)
Brick, if you really claim you don't see the difference between 6'7" "center" and 7' center you're just being irrational here. I can see that you don't like the guy and I absolutely agree that it was retarded decision financially but come on.

I have lost all hope to trade Kenny anyway. Screw his trade value, just put him in the suit and send him home on the permanent IL. Then put SAR and Moore behind Miller/Hawes/Williams (in whatever C/PF breakdown) and voilla, instant offense off the bench.

Also, a couple of guys go down with injuries (we're still the Kings, remember) and we're paper thin on the frontline. Except that this time, you know, not. We finally have some backups. Backups that could as well be statues made of diamonds and gold for what they're costing us, but backups nonetheless.
LOL I really want to say something but I know this is " A family forum" so ill keep it to myself... I think Mikki will be a good fit at the center/power forward posiiton... With shareef setting out for awhile because of his surgery, I can see Mikki taking over for shareef... I HOPE the 4 and 5 positons will go like this next season...

Shareef--- Out for surgery - I remember reading that he will be ready by pre-camp but I think it may take alittle longer...

KThomas-- Petrie FINALLY buys out Kennys horrible contract

Power Forward :

Start Sub

Mikki ----- Hawes or Justin

Center :

Start Sub

Brad ----- Justin or Hawes

NOW, lets just hope reggie will go with this rotation when the season starts... I really like the idea of Mikki and Justin in at the same time... Alot of hustle(mikki) and defense/rebounding (justin)...
No, some of us with an understanding of NBA finance not to mention an eye for young player development expect NOBODY to sign with us for the MLE, in PARTICULAR not for more than 2 years (a stated cutoff point).

There are no minutes. The only minutes come from players who if you take their minutes, then you can never trade them, or young players who if you take their minutes then they never develop. There are no minutes. 6 bodies, 2 positions.

All of this is beside whether Mikki is a good guy or not. Corliss is a good guy too with a better pedidgree. We sign him to a 3 yr MLE deal we are nuts as well.

I knew my post would hit a nerve in you. Like VF said...the TWO are not exclusive from each other.


Hall of Famer
There are a lot of unknowns right now. If Petri didn't do something to cover the eventuality of those unknowns, we would all be screaming for his head for not having the foresight, of possibly Miller not being able to play because of injurires or SAR not being able to play because of slow recovery, and KT, well , who wants him to play?

Petri is not going to make a trade just to please us. He wants value in return that fits into his plan for the future. He also has to remain aware of the fact that he has to keep fans in their seats. No small feat. I doubt the idea of intentionaly losing would ever enter his mind. I beleive patience is going to be required on out part. In the meantime however, critizisim or approval of his decisions does make for interesting conversation.
I'm liking this selection more and more as a stop-gap solution, at least, for the power forward position. I think he can HELP the kids.
yep that's what I thought about him all along. I remember having him on my fantasy team a bit last year, first time I had heard of him. but i saw him play a bit, I think he's a perfect fit for a stopgap. He's making considerably less than Miller KT and SAR and he can play some defense, he tries hard. I just hope now that we can ship some of the dead weight out.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
He's making considerably less than Miller KT and SAR and he can play some defense, he tries hard. I just hope now that we can ship some of the dead weight out.
We don't know the true numbers yet, but if its full MLE as reported he's actually making in the same range of money as Kenny and SAR, with a contract that runs as long.
I am looking forward to seeing him on the court in a Kings uniform. Until he is plugged into the new system with the guys we have no one knows what he is going to do. Should be a fun season.


Hall of Famer
We don't know the true numbers yet, but if its full MLE as reported he's actually making in the same range of money as Kenny and SAR, with a contract that runs as long.
Its also been reported that the last year or half year is there only if he is still on the team after the second year. I'm not sure excatly what that means Bricky, but I'm sure it wasn't put in there just for the fun of it.
We don't know the true numbers yet, but if its full MLE as reported he's actually making in the same range of money as Kenny and SAR, with a contract that runs as long.
For whatever it's worth Grant said on his show two weeks ago that the third year is NOT guaranteed. I haven't seen that in print however it was said with a degree of emphasis.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
For whatever it's worth Grant said on his show two weeks ago that the third year is NOT guaranteed. I haven't seen that in print however it was said with a degree of emphasis.

I emailed Amick directly day after it happened -- deal on the third year is if we keep him, its full price, which shoudl eb 6 millionish. If we waive him, we still have to pay him 1/2 (3 millionish) for the honor of not employing him.

Its something like a prenegotiated buyout clause.

Understand Mikki's interest -- all about the benjamins and his big payday finally. From our perspective...?? Best that I have been able to come up wiht is that maybe it would let us take on salary (!) before Yr 3 by letting us make a matching salary trade with a team in danger of being over the cap (ala the Phoenix/Kurt Thomas situation). So we trade them Mikki for whoever, and then that team having the ability to waive Mikki to instantly shed $3million dollars. But let's just say that's stretching it. Hell, may not even be legal.


Hall of Famer
There are a lot of unknowns right now. If Petri didn't do something to cover the eventuality of those unknowns, we would all be screaming for his head for not having the foresight, of possibly Miller not being able to play because of injurires or SAR not being able to play because of slow recovery, and KT, well , who wants him to play?

Petri is not going to make a trade just to please us. He wants value in return that fits into his plan for the future. He also has to remain aware of the fact that he has to keep fans in their seats. No small feat. I doubt the idea of intentionaly losing would ever enter his mind. I beleive patience is going to be required on out part. In the meantime however, critizisim or approval of his decisions does make for interesting conversation.
That assumes Petrie has a plan. Everything I've seen so far indicates that he doesn't have a plan, that for him every move is an ad hoc one that doesn't fit into a coherent plan. Let me ask you: Was Miki Moore part of the plan? If so, how does the soon to be 32 year old Moore fit into the plan? A lot of people were thinking/hoping/wishing that Moore just HAD to be the first leg of a major move of one of our bigs. That, it was thought, was the plan. Well, Miki is on the team. And there has been no move. And there is nothing that indicates that in the near term there is going to be a move. So I ask you, what makes you think there is a plan?
I emailed Amick directly day after it happened -- deal on the third year is if we keep him, its full price, which shoudl eb 6 millionish. If we waive him, we still have to pay him 1/2 (3 millionish) for the honor of not employing him.

Its something like a prenegotiated buyout clause.

Understand Mikki's interest -- all about the benjamins and his big payday finally. From our perspective...?? Best that I have been able to come up wiht is that maybe it would let us take on salary (!) before Yr 3 by letting us make a matching salary trade with a team in danger of being over the cap (ala the Phoenix/Kurt Thomas situation). So we trade them Mikki for whoever, and then that team having the ability to waive Mikki to instantly shed $3million dollars. But let's just say that's stretching it. Hell, may not even be legal.
This deal might also prevent us from front loading KM's contract, which is due for extension next year. Not sure if this was planned by the front office, but I always thought front loading his contract, the way Chicago did with BW and Kirk Heinrich might give us more cap space 2 or 3 years down the line when lot of our big contracts come off the books. That won't be happening now.