Jeter or Shakur

Which would you rather have judging by what you have seen

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Hall of Famer
I realize both will probably get an invite to camp. My thoughts on them are Sakur is alot better on defense than is Jeter. Jeter is better on offense. Shakur seemed to be smarter with the ball he was 4th in the summer league in ast and in the top 10 in steals. Jeter is hi tempo but, he lacks control and size. Shakur with some coaching could be a good role playing backup PG one day.

whats your thoughts?
Once Shakur develops a consistent offensive game, he will be a star. Simple as that. The kid is already incredible at creating shots for his teammates and in pushing the ball up the floor. Great, quick first step who can penetrate at will.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Pooh would be fine but at 5-9 the PGs in the west would kill him then injure him. He was an all-star in the NBDL but don't think he can ever start in NBA. Decent game but 5-9 is 5-9.

Shakur has a partial guarantee contract for this year. His pedigree is 4 years under Lute Olsen at Arizona, aka "Point Guard Univ". He is almost a virtual PG. Gets the most ast and steals but you never see him doing the "sports center" stuff. He'll start fast breaks but not normally the finisher. Also lowest on summer league team in TO's. When necessary can score. In one bad game in Vegas he had 19 pts PLUS he is an 85%+ FT shooter!!!

So my $$ on Mustafa to get to training camp. Now if we only know who the starting PG would be.............. hmmmm :p
I'm torn. Shakur seems to have a lot of upside. I like his D, his floor generalling, and his assists, all of which we need. On the other hand, Jeter has a more developed offensive game, is quick, plays good D for a guy his size, and sometimes outrebounded Hawes. Since we already gave Shakur some money, I vote that we keep him. Since Jeter might have a place, and because he'd cost virtually nothing, I vote to keep Jeter too. If Geoff doesn't have some 1-for-4 trade coming up, we have plenty of room on the roster.

And we might as well get those 6'8" F type guys while we're at it, since there are no worthy alternatives in our price range.
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Shakur has upside. He needs to work on his shot, but I like the other things he brings to the table. I mean most low end prospects are hit or miss, but Mustafa has a ceiling of BJax and that sounds nice to me. I say we bring him on. Keep Price too. If Shakur gets a little more aggressive, like Ronnie did, then he might be able to find a niche on our rebuilding team.
Definitely Shakur, he has way more potential then Pooh as well as much better size. Shakur can already see the court better then Pooh as well as distribute the ball better and run the offense more effectively. Only thing holding Shakur back from being a solid NBA player is his shot, Pooh on the other hand still has a long way to go just to become an NBA bench player.
I voted Shakur. I havent had a chance to see Jeter play yet, but he seems to short to really make an impact in hte league and he seems more like a summer camp player than a king.
Shakur I like though, he's good at dishing the ball and dribbling up the court. I would definitely like to give him a shot at being our next PG.
Pooh looked much better on the televised summer games. Super quick in the passing lanes. He looked a little like Bobby Jackson out there. Shakkur might end up like Eric Snow, as he looked scared to shoot a little. If we are looking for a spark off the bench, Pooh is the smelly solution we need!
Mustafa Shakur all the way, pass-first oriented point guards earn my respect...I'd love to see a Kings PG averaging like 8-9 assists a Bibby did when he was fresh with the Kings and we had that awesome team then the pieces were gone and he became our go-to guy and I don't like it as much as I love and respect Bibbys game.


Hall of Famer
Shakur would get my vote. More of true point guard. Didn't shoot enough in the summer league for me to pass judgement on his shot. He did miss a lot of layups though. Jetter is a very good outside shooter, and there's probably a place in the league for him, maybe even with the Kings depending on what happens to the roster between now and the start of the season.

But, if I have to choose between them, I'll take a 6'4" very quick pt, who passes first, over a 5', maybe 10" pt, who is also very quick, and shoots first.
Mustafa needs at least a year in the developmental league. If he sits on the Kings bench as a 12th or 13th man it would be precious time wasted. Little Pooh is probably at his max in potential and not good enough for the NBA - IMO.
Mustafa needs at least a year in the developmental league. If he sits on the Kings bench as a 12th or 13th man it would be precious time wasted. Little Pooh is probably at his max in potential and not good enough for the NBA - IMO. guess is Mustafa will be the new 12th guy.

Mustafa= Mateen
Shakurs driving and passing game impressed me the most and I would love to see him in training camp, plus the guy has good playing experience at 4 years with Arizona. I think throwing Shak in the mix will put some fire between him and Price, a little bit of competition could benefit the two, and us.