Let's Not Panic

Unless we can get younger and better through a trade, I say we hang on to Mike and Ron and see how things work out with Theus. We can always make a deal after the season starts if the team is not doing well.


Hall of Famer
I'd agree with keeping Mike and Ron over getting the likes of Mo Pete and freakin Hedo. Those are just awful aquisitions.
I really don't think the only options are keeping them or getting players like Hedo in return. Call me crazy, but I think they can net something better.


Hall of Famer
I really don't think the only options are keeping them or getting players like Hedo in return. Call me crazy, but I think they can net something better.
Oh i know they can. BUT we are not hearing of any better. I am saying thus far the rumors invoving us make us worse now and worse fo the future. GP is an idiot if you ask me right now.
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Hall of Famer
Meh, I'd rather keep Ron and only move Bibby for the right offer.

All this Hedo bs is really testing the last tiny bit of trust in Petrie I have left in me.

I'd rather see KT, SAR, and Miller moved personally...But chances arnt so great of any of that happening.
Well, let's look at the bright side.

If we end up unloading one or two of our best players and acquiring the likes of Hedo and Mo Pete, there will be NOBODY who can stand in the way of our getting a great draft pick next year.

Sorry, I'm just trying to find something nice to say.
The Kings did quite well with Bibby and Artest and basically the same team (Martin=Wells) with Adelman as coach. I say let's see how they do with Theus, as I suspect his relationship with the players and therefore the team peformance will be much better than Musselman's.
The Kings did quite well with Bibby and Artest and basically the same team (Martin=Wells) with Adelman as coach. I say let's see how they do with Theus, as I suspect his relationship with the players and therefore the team peformance will be much better than Musselman's.
Assuming that a coach with no NBA experience will do as well as one of the most successful coaches in the NBA (hey, it's possible), I think that still begs the question "And then what?" We get 39 wins, the 14th lottery pick, have a team that's a year older, and... where's the happy ending?
i'm starting to appreciate the kings brass sitting on their asses while twiddling their thumbs. it makes the offseason exciting for us to conjure up trades that won't happen :)


Hall of Famer
Unless we can get younger and better through a trade, I say we hang on to Mike and Ron and see how things work out with Theus. We can always make a deal after the season starts if the team is not doing well.
If the best we can get for Artest is Hedo, I'd glady take Hedo.

Arest needs to be gone before camp begins.
I don't think I'm panicking when I say I would like to see Bibby and Artest traded. If we are truly committed to rebuilding they don't need to be part of it. I would accept ending contracts or young potential (preferably bigs). I don't see it as panic. With the current roster if all goes really well and everyone performs how they are capable of we might sneak into the playoffs in the west, and I don't just wanna contend for a playoff spot. I would rather unload what we can, keep the younguns and maybe nab a few more in trade/free agency and draft a decent player or 2 and see if we can put together another serious contender in a few years.


Hall of Famer
here is the thing. If we could unload Bibby and Artest for JUST young players with a bright future that would be fine. Only problem is, in order to trade them you have to take back at least 1 undesirable and to me I would rather have Bibby and Artest instead of another teams crap player and a youngster that may or may not be anything.
here is the thing. If we could unload Bibby and Artest for JUST young players with a bright future that would be fine. Only problem is, in order to trade them you have to take back at least 1 undesirable and to me I would rather have Bibby and Artest instead of another teams crap player and a youngster that may or may not be anything.
It's all a game of risk vs. reward. Frankly, I wouldn't bee surprised to see this be our line-up next season. With GP seemingly unwilling/unable to rock the boat, we just might have to rebuild through the draft (and this year wasn't a good start).
It's all a game of risk vs. reward. Frankly, I wouldn't bee surprised to see this be our line-up next season. With GP seemingly unwilling/unable to rock the boat, we just might have to rebuild through the draft (and this year wasn't a good start).
that is my fear. i like to think that with all the talk of moves this won't be the case but it could happen if no one is dealing
I know the whole idea is to suck so we can get a high pick for the next draft, but I would like to see either Bibby or Artest for at least this coming season, just so we can win a decent (low) number of games. Unless of course we get pure young talent. Though I do look forward to the post-rebuilding, if we don't even try to win games then based on the argument that making the playoffs will be of no use at all, all teams that aren't SA or Phoenix should just rebuild as well.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I know the whole idea is to suck so we can get a high pick for the next draft, but I would like to see either Bibby or Artest for at least this coming season, just so we can win a decent (low) number of games. Unless of course we get pure young talent. Though I do look forward to the post-rebuilding, if we don't even try to win games then based on the argument that making the playoffs will be of no use at all, all teams that aren't SA or Phoenix should just rebuild as well.
All teams not either:

a) at an elite level
b) with teams on the upswing building toward it

SHOULD rebuild. Unfortunately there is a low supply of balls in NBA front offices and brains amongst the world's fandom, so many many teams choose to play it yellow and stupid, appease the fans who can be appeased, keep their cushy jobs for as long as posible, and cross their fingers and hope.

In the West the playoffs have:

a) great meaning to San Antonio, Phoenix, Dallas, Utah and the Rockets, because they all legitimately think they can win a title.
b) nearly as much meaning to the Nuggets, who will continue to squint hard and believe that given a full year A.I./Melo will make them contenders too. And to the Warriors, who will not go anywhere, but will of course want to build on last year's momentum.
c) are the necessary and next step forward for young teams on the rise in New Orleans and Portland who have the bulk of their young rosters already completed.
-------------------------------The Great Divide-----------------------
d) Unfortunately seem to have meaning for the Wolves, Lakers, Clippers and possibly even Grizzlies. Those teams would likely be better off doing the rebuild. But they are caught trying to appease KG, Kobe, Pau and Brand all in their primes and so they struggle on, without any real hope. They are all thinking "we're just one player away!" But the one player is a 2nd superstar, they can't get him, and until they do they are better off missing the playoffs and hoping to egt lucky in the draft than wasting their time as fodder.
e) have almost no meaning at all to Sacramento and Seattle. Both in the beginning stages of true rebuilds (Seattle is ahead of the game with Durant).
Full panic mode and you heard it here first: super tank! Lose as many seasons as possible to draft good young talents until you land that franchise player to build them around, because no one is going to trade their franchise player or guys with good potentials for Artest and Bibby.
Full panic mode and you heard it here first: super tank! Lose as many seasons as possible to draft good young talents until you land that franchise player to build them around, because no one is going to trade their franchise player or guys with good potentials for Artest and Bibby.
this is the Portland plan^^^...and it's just now starting to obviously pay off...but we've got Petrie, who I might be thinking is going(or hoping to go)the Utah route and get the ship righted in only 2 seasons or so, while at the same time keeping hope alive with exciting(even with lack of wins)hard, play.
Unless we can get younger and better through a trade, I say we hang on to Mike and Ron and see how things work out with Theus. We can always make a deal after the season starts if the team is not doing well.
i agree with want your saying, even though we may be in a slump right now, i don't want to see a lackless talent team no one's ever heard of, i wanna actually be entertained, and who knows we could have a really fun team to watch but if we make any trades mentioned within the last few weeks we will be in full boredom mode and if that happends we might as well start hibernating now.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Full panic mode and you heard it here first: super tank! Lose as many seasons as possible to draft good young talents until you land that franchise player to build them around, because no one is going to trade their franchise player or guys with good potentials for Artest and Bibby.
And lose pretty much ALL the paying fans in the meantime? You have to strike some kind of happy medium; if you don't, you lose your fan base while you're busy tanking a bunch of seasons hoping for the golden fleece.
And lose pretty much ALL the paying fans in the meantime? You have to strike some kind of happy medium; if you don't, you lose your fan base while you're busy tanking a bunch of seasons hoping for the golden fleece.
Exactly. So how is it possible that Petrie can rebuild efficiently and effectively, but at the same time keep fans happy with the Kings' season and not just the idea of a "winning team coming summer 2010" or something. In other words the Kings can't do it portland style.
I agree with Sac4cwebb in keeping Mike and Ron if a GOOD trade is available. IMHO, I think the lineup is going to remain the same and I think the starting lineup should be Bibby, Martin, Artest, Williams, Hawes. Hopefully, Theus gives Williams and Hawes plenty of playing time so they can become better players. By the way, it is still early in the offseason, you never know what Petrie might have up his sleeve.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
And lose pretty much ALL the paying fans in the meantime? You have to strike some kind of happy medium; if you don't, you lose your fan base while you're busy tanking a bunch of seasons hoping for the golden fleece.

They will come back. They always do so long as you lkost them over W/Ls. They are back in Dalls. Back in Cleveland. They will be back in Portland. They always come back. The important thing is to do the job right, and as quickly as possible. To give the fans 2 or maybe 3 years to drift away, not 6 or 7. Tear the bandaid off all at once. Get a move on.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You keep saying that, Brickie, but there's no way to really know for sure, especially with the arena situation hanging over them like the sword of Damacles. That's why I said you have to strike some kind of happy medium; the product on the floor doesn't have to win but it has to have something - like fun or at least young kids learning to get better.