Voisin: Brown Interested in Kings Job (merged)

Do you want the Kings to give Larry Brown a shot at the coaching position?

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Whether or not we hire Larry Brown, we all know which ones of the fans think that the New York Knicks are actually better than what has happened for the last, umm, i don't know decade? On ESPN the team history only goes back to the '01-'02 season but it clearly shows that they haven't had a winning season in quite a while.

But it is all Larry Browns fault right? Because he is Dracula.

Well just ask Knick fans then. i am sure they tell you.

Everyone here must feel really sorry for the Knicks fans. I think I'm going to cry for the Knicks.

With the highest payroll in the entire NBA, by a longshot, they still haven't had a winning season in a while.

That SCREAMS management problems.
Everyone here must feel really sorry for the Knicks fans. I think I'm going to cry for the Knicks.

With the highest payroll in the entire NBA, by a longshot, they still haven't had a winning season in a while.

That SCREAMS management problems.
But hey ask the Knick fans then if you do not believe me. I already gave you the link


Hall of Famer
But hey ask the Knick fans then if you do not believe me. I already gave you the link
Why do I care what Knicks fans think? They are just like the Kings fans who thought that Adelman was the reason we didn't win a championship. I didn't care what they thought either.

So with the highest payroll in the NBA, and consecutive losing seasons before and after Larry Brown, it must be ALL Larry's fault right? Because before Larry was there he still screwed 'em over. You know, only Dracula could do that.


Hall of Famer
lol I went to that Knicks board. one of the topis was "Why does Tony Parker get more recognition that Stephon." LoL I dunno about you but if that is the mindset of the knick fans maybe we should always do the opposite of them.


Hall of Famer
yes it does you want me to go by opinion by others I am just saying some ppls opinion of RA was not nice in here. Same with Peja, Webber, ect..... I am not going to say well 8 knicks fans say larry sucks i guess we don't need him as our coach. or 12 pistons fans are mad a larry don't interview him. geez
Why do I care what Knicks fans think? They are just like the Kings fans who thought that Adelman was the reason we didn't win a championship. I didn't care what they thought either.

So with the highest payroll in the NBA, and consecutive losing seasons before and after Larry Brown, it must be ALL Larry's fault right? Because before Larry was there he still screwed 'em over. You know, only Dracula could do that.
Why wouldn't there opinions matter. They had more time to see Larry at work then we do. I would think that give us some insight on Larry.
But this in no way compares to Larry Brown situations with those teams.
Exactly, the example of the Kingsfans just shows you how rash fans can be at blaming the coach for ALL thier problems. And it happens with lots of teams for lots of different reasons. Look at last year. Was Eric Musselman the sole reason for all of our problems? No. But he sure took all the heat. Fortunately we have some smart fans who realized that GP and the Maloofs had their hand in our muck as well. But publically, it was all Muss' fault.

I've said it before, Larry did have a hand in what happened in NY. But was he the SOLE cause? NO. Did Larry do the same thing in other coaching jobs? NO.
yes it does you want me to go by opinion by others I am just saying some ppls opinion of RA was not nice in here. Same with Peja, Webber, ect..... I am not going to say well 8 knicks fans say larry sucks i guess we don't need him as our coach. or 12 pistons fans are mad a larry don't interview him. geez
8 knick fans that hate LMAO. You see for ever post about RA there are like 10 post about LB. it does not compare. Also RA is less hated by his former team fans then Larry Brown by far. I already gave you three reasons



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Why wouldn't there opinions matter. They had more time to see Larry at work then we do. I would think that give us some insight on Larry.
Well then according to your logic you should've supplied links to old Detroit boards the year that they won the title. To be fair, you know?
Exactly, the example of the Kingsfans just shows you how rash fans can be at blaming the coach for ALL thier problems. And it happens with lots of teams for lots of different reasons. Look at last year. Was Eric Musselman the sole reason for all of our problems? No. But he sure took all the heat. Fortunately we have some smart fans who realized that GP and the Maloofs had their hand in our muck as well. But publically, it was all Muss' fault.

I've said it before, Larry did have a hand in what happened in NY. But was he the SOLE cause? NO. Did Larry do the same thing in other coaching jobs? NO.

Why are you quoting me out of context.
New York is over 10 times bigger than Sacramento, both inside the sports world and out. It doesn't compare.

Ok go by percentages then. You would clearly see the differences. If you can not see the differences between fans of the Knicks and Kings when it comes to Rick and Larry. If not then i do not know to say.
Well then according to your logic you should've supplied links to old Detroit boards the year that they won the title. To be fair, you know?
re check the posts I gave. I already supplied you the link. Also told you it is what happens when leaves that causes problems aswell.
re check the posts I gave. I already supplied you the link. Also told you it is what happens when leaves that causes problems aswell.
The New York board was too busy talking about whether they should get Kobe or KG.

The Philly board had no information readily available either.

Seems like the consensus on the Detroit board was thumbs up.

They collectively say that if we can put up with the drama, that he will teach our players how to play good, winning basketball.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I've said it before, Larry did have a hand in what happened in NY. But was he the SOLE cause? NO. Did Larry do the same thing in other coaching jobs? NO.
Did you miss the Olympics the year Larry Brown coached the team? Just curious...
The New York board was too busy talking about whether they should get Kobe or KG.

The Philly board had no information readily available either.

Seems like the consensus on the Detroit board was thumbs up.

They collectively say that if we can put up with the drama, that he will teach our players how to play good, winning basketball.

Huh? Where is this consensus thumbs up.

BTW i noticed that you did not even post in the other links. I wonder why?
Did you miss the Olympics the year Larry Brown coached the team? Just curious...
Another case, just like NY, where a bunch of egos clash. We only have one ego to worry about (Ron).

It can also be argued that we were not prepared to play the international game where the competition has been getting better. There have been more international players entering the NBA since we last won gold than ever before.
Man since when has Larry Brown become a evil figure.

People will point to NY, but that team has been a mess before and will remain a mess for a long, long, long time, and thats not Larry Browns fault.
If it was just New York, then yeah, I might be inclined to agree. However, for some reason people here forget that he quit on Detroit and forced them to pay him his salary even though he was basically refusing to work for them. Then he went to New York, performed perhaps the single worst coaching job in modern sports history, and then extorted them. I mean, sure, the Knicks are a mess, but Isiah Thomas won 10 MORE GAMES than Brown with the same roster.

New York is not an isolated incident, it's a pattern of behavior that's gone on for a long time.


Super Moderator Emeritus
One thing to consider:

There were a number of coaching openings this year. And, thus far, Larry Brown has not been interviewed for any of them.


Super Moderator Emeritus
We'll have to wait and see, I suppose. I can recall people saying they didn't want Brooks because no one else was interested in him.

One thing to consider:

There were a number of coaching openings this year. And, thus far, Larry Brown has not been interviewed for any of them.
Not true. Larry Brown interviewed with Memphis during their search for a new head coach and I thought at least one other team of the many that had openings recently. In the run-up to this interview I recall Brown being "intrigued" by the possibility that the Grizzlies with the NBA's worst record might land Greg Oden.

Grizzlies owner interviews Larry Brown MEMPHIS (AP) — Memphis Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley said he interviewed former New York Knicks coach Larry Brown on Thursday about the vacancy with his young team, but other candidates are also being considered.
"Anybody would have to be impressed with Larry, OK? He's one of the great coaches in NBA history," Heisley told The Commercial Appeal newspaper in a story posted Thursday. "I wouldn't be talking to Larry Brown if I wasn't interested, but I wouldn't be having a process if I was interested in just one person."
Heisley did not immediately return a telephone message left at his Illinois office by the Associated Press. A call to Stan Meadows, the team's senior corporate counsel, was not immediately returned.
Heisley is looking for a new coach for a franchise that went from the playoffs to the NBA's worst record at 22-60 in one season. Coach Mike Fratello was fired in December and replaced on an interim basis by Tony Barone Sr.
Another possible candidate is Phoenix assistant Marc Iavaroni.
Heisley also must hire a new president and general manager with Jerry West leaving once his contract ends June 30.
Former Denver GM Kiki Vandeweghe, who once played for Brown, is possible for general manager.
Heisley said it's a puzzle.
"The question is whether they fit our team at the particular time, and whether there's a personality clash or not. It's like any interview process. I don't have any preconceived notions about what I'll do," Heisley said.
The 76ers gave permission for Brown, a Hall of Fame coach, to interview with the Grizzlies.
Brown joined the 76ers as executive vice president in January after being fired by the Knicks. The 66-year-old Brown has coached 11 teams in the ABA, NCAA and NBA. He won an NCAA championship at Kansas (1988) and an NBA title in Detroit (2004). He also coached at UCLA.
His agent, Joe Glass, said it's a known fact that Brown wants to coach again after taking a season off.
"Larry Brown will be a popular candidate for any basketball enterprise, whether it be college or pro, that's looking for a coach because he's a good coach," Glass said.

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It can also be argued that we were not prepared to play the international game where the competition has been getting better. There have been more international players entering the NBA since we last won gold than ever before.
Who's fault is that, if not the coach.

Call me a masochist because I wanted Brown but with Voisin campaigning so feverishly for him, I take it back. I'm not that tough, if she gets her way, a Care Bear dies. We've already lost Love-a-lot Bear and True-Heart Bear, who'll be next. :/
Not true. Larry Brown interviewed with Memphis during their search for a new head coach and I thought at least one other team of the many that had openings recently. In the run-up to this interview I recall Brown being "intrigued" by the possibility that the Grizzlies with the NBA's worst record might land Greg Oden.
and yet the better coach with the way more distinguished resume lost to iavaroni?


Hall of Famer
If it was just New York, then yeah, I might be inclined to agree. However, for some reason people here forget that he quit on Detroit and forced them to pay him his salary even though he was basically refusing to work for them. Then he went to New York, performed perhaps the single worst coaching job in modern sports history, and then extorted them. I mean, sure, the Knicks are a mess, but Isiah Thomas won 10 MORE GAMES than Brown with the same roster.

New York is not an isolated incident, it's a pattern of behavior that's gone on for a long time.
the team was also more experienced and Marbury missed 14 less games than he did with LB. I mean Frye and Nate were rookies when LB had them. Look at Martin as a rookie wih adleman or even his second year. Then look at his 3rd year players get better.

Maybe they were just doing what Larry had taught them the year before LOL :)