SVG & Kings verbal agreement, with wiggle room...

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Don't think this is posted yet...

Van Gundy Makes Verbal Commitment To Kings, But Magic An Option
5th June, 2007 - 7:24 amGainesville Sun -
Billy Donovan could return as Florida coach as early as today, but legal issues surrounding the deal he signed with the Orlando Magic could delay the process.

Another issue, according to an NBA source, could center around the status of former Miami Heat coach Stan Van Gundy. Van Gundy, considered the second option behind Donovan to coach the Magic last week, made a verbal commitment to coach the Sacramento Kings after interviewing Saturday, but would reconsider his options if the Magic job reopened.

Orlando would like to have a new coach in place before letting Donovan out of his five-year, $27.5 million contract, according to the source.
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That is the only place where it was published that there is a verbal agreement between SVG and the Kings. As such, I am taking it with a pinch of salt but I sure as hell hope that we pick SVG and he says no to Orlando.

If we can get SVG, the off-season would have started off on the right note.


wow no joke. freakn billy D. what is wrong wit your head? we need to offer SVG the job today! that is if he didnt already get offered the job. then we need to get his name on a contract
I agree that we need to lock him up. At this point, why wait? If you pass on SVG, the only person I can come up with that you might be waiting for is PJ Carlesimo. If we wait for him and he's not interested, then we're left with inexperienced assistants.
It's not about locking him up or getting his name on a contract. SVG wants to coach in Orlando plain and simple....they have a better team, better players and will have cap room this off-season. He will be able to stay close to home in the State of Florida and he has publicly stated that.

His verbal agreement was during the time when the Orlando job was taken by Donovan and now that that is not going to go forward he has probably told the Kings to wait until this is over and the Kings have respected his wishes.

This has nothing to do with the Kings anymore and everything to do with Van Gundy himself. If he goes to Orlando then Petrie will move on.
I must say that it's getting real old to watch the Kings upper management just mull around and never make any proactive decisions. Of course Orlando is forcing them to do so now. Look at the Magic, they know exactly what they want and they're going after it. They wanted Donovan first and Van Gundy second and they put 100% focus on that.

I understand you want to interview a few guys to have options but generally you know what a guy can do based on his prior experience. SVG is the most qualified for this job. A verbal agreement if it was even done is worthless, if the Kings really want SVG they need to offer a contract and make it public. They better do it today or tomorrow as well because if they don't the Magic will...count on it.
I must say that it's getting real old to watch the Kings upper management just mull around and never make any proactive decisions. Of course Orlando is forcing them to do so now. Look at the Magic, they know exactly what they want and they're going after it. They wanted Donovan first and Van Gundy second and they put 100% focus on that.

I understand you want to interview a few guys to have options but generally you know what a guy can do based on his prior experience. SVG is the most qualified for this job. A verbal agreement if it was even done is worthless, if the Kings really want SVG they need to offer a contract and make it public. They better do it today or tomorrow as well because if they don't the Magic will...count on it.
Again, the Kings can't "force" SVG to do anything. If SVG is offered the job by the Magic he will take it regardless of whether or not the Kings offered him a job or not. He holds all the cards....not the Kings.
I must say that it's getting real old to watch the Kings upper management just mull around and never make any proactive decisions. Of course Orlando is forcing them to do so now. Look at the Magic, they know exactly what they want and they're going after it. They wanted Donovan first and Van Gundy second and they put 100% focus on that.

I understand you want to interview a few guys to have options but generally you know what a guy can do based on his prior experience. SVG is the most qualified for this job. A verbal agreement if it was even done is worthless, if the Kings really want SVG they need to offer a contract and make it public. They better do it today or tomorrow as well because if they don't the Magic will...count on it.
Look, we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. No one is talking publicly, but that doesn't mean that the front office isn't trying as hard as they can to get it done if SVG is their guy. There's no sense in going public until it's official -- otherwise it's a great way to make yourself look bad if you declare that someone is your guy and then he goes somewhere else.
It's not about locking him up or getting his name on a contract. SVG wants to coach in Orlando plain and simple....they have a better team, better players and will have cap room this off-season. He will be able to stay close to home in the State of Florida and he has publicly stated that.

His verbal agreement was during the time when the Orlando job was taken by Donovan and now that that is not going to go forward he has probably told the Kings to wait until this is over and the Kings have respected his wishes.

This has nothing to do with the Kings anymore and everything to do with Van Gundy himself. If he goes to Orlando then Petrie will move on.
Agree. Nice assessment. SVG as the Orlando head coach would really leave Kings in an uncomfortable position. Maybe the Maloofs should toss in the "We'll mow your lawn..." perk to swing the decision. I'm with those who don't want inexperienced assistant coaches running the show.
You guys are right, it just gets frustrating you know? It just would be nice to have something go our way once in awhile. I mean look at the offseason so far.

1. Kings win one too many games and not only do they not get the #1 pick that would have been theirs but they lose the tiebreaker to two other teams leaving them with the #10 pick in an 8 player draft.

2. The most likely trade partner with the Kings for Bibby (The Cavs) won't be interested now because of the emergence of Daniel Gibson.

3. Billy Donovan opts out of his agreement with the Magic (which never happens) leaving open the spot for the guy the Kings should have and probably would have gotten in SVG.

I just want us to get a break...just one would be nice.
It's not about locking him up or getting his name on a contract. SVG wants to coach in Orlando plain and simple....they have a better team, better players and will have cap room this off-season. He will be able to stay close to home in the State of Florida and he has publicly stated that.

His verbal agreement was during the time when the Orlando job was taken by Donovan and now that that is not going to go forward he has probably told the Kings to wait until this is over and the Kings have respected his wishes.

This has nothing to do with the Kings anymore and everything to do with Van Gundy himself. If he goes to Orlando then Petrie will move on.
There is a timing issue here. Late Thursday or Friday it was clear Donavan was Orlando's guy. At that point, SVG would have accepted an offer from us. The ball was in OUR court - SVG said as much. Now the wrinkle with Donavan and Stan is likely going there.

Hard to blame our front office too much since no one could have anticipated Donavan would be such an idiot, but the fact remains that SVG was there for us and we didn't jump on it quickly enough to lock him up...interviewing Rambis, etc.
Isn't the reason we delayed on SVG because of Porter? Seriously I think we had wanted Porter all the time, and Orlando wanted SVG.

If I had to guess I would say that is where the two will end up.
Isn't the reason we delayed on SVG because of Porter? Seriously I think we had wanted Porter all the time, and Orlando wanted SVG.
That is my hunch as well. Plus, if SVG would rather be in Orlando then I hope that is where goes. I do not want to be the second choice for anybody.

Billy in Gatorville, SVG at Disney World and TP in Sactown.....everyone goes home happy and we all sleep well tonight.
Yes please, sign the line. I want SVG, most likely since he's the only coach avaliable that I'm most familiar with most likely since he has the best track record. Who says Rambis can't come to Sac as an assistant?;)

If you sign the 3 year deal for 10 millionish you will either
Win a lot of games and get a good raise along with elite coach status :)
Lose a lot of games and make 10 million for a year of work :D


Hall of Famer
I just hope the Kings don't let themselves get jerked around. If they want SVG, they should have already told him so and said they want his answer in 24 hrs. We shouldn't have to wait longer than today to know the answer If he waffles, move on and turn off the soap opera. Already the Maloofs are acting like idiots, acting as if "the big one" has gotten away. And if the big one does get away, then they'll have their consolation party for Rambis or Porter or some other guy? Jeeez. If SVG was so awesomely great, then why wait this long to hire him to begin with?
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There is a timing issue here. Late Thursday or Friday it was clear Donavan was Orlando's guy. At that point, SVG would have accepted an offer from us. The ball was in OUR court - SVG said as much. Now the wrinkle with Donavan and Stan is likely going there.

Hard to blame our front office too much since no one could have anticipated Donavan would be such an idiot, but the fact remains that SVG was there for us and we didn't jump on it quickly enough to lock him up...interviewing Rambis, etc.
This was my original point, how bad do we want SVG. Do the Kings think he's the best canidate or do they want him more now simply because Orlando wants him. Everyone wants what they can't have. SVG was there for the Kings but they wanted to interview everyone under the sun, it was sure worth it to talk to Elston Turner and Brian Shaw even though they had no chance. Hopefully Rambis or Porter can surprise us this year.
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I'm not that concerned with who the next Kings coach is. The Kings haven't even started to rebuild, so they're at least 3 years from being a playoff team. I want to watch entertaining basketball and I'd like to see the young guys get better. Maybe SVG could win 30 games with a rebuilding team, while Rambis would only win 25. What's the difference, really?

Improvement and entertainment. That's what I'm looking for from the Kings over the next few years.
I think that this was just added to ESPN's article about the SVG situation:
"The prevailing mood among sources close to the situation is that Donovan will remain the head coach at Florida, the recruits and staff will stay intact, and the Magic will then hope to hire former Miami Heat coach Stan Van Gundy, the leading candidate to replace Donovan. Representatives of Spurs assistant coach P.J. Carlesimo have been contacted, and Pistons assistant Terry Porter also is considered a candidate."
So, SVG to the Magic may not be a done deal after all. Who knows, but it's interesting that they are contacting others. From a PR perspective, the Magic should do one press conference where they announce that Donovan is gong back to UF and then announce their new head coach.
The article, if true and not just rumor, says SVG made a "verbal commitment to coach the Kings." To me that means the Kings DID offer him the job and he verbally committed to take the offer.

So, if SVG "reconsiders his options" in light of the Orlando opening, as the article says, then it won't be anything the Kings did or didn't do. It means the Kings would be jilted at the altar, because SVG would rather "marry" himself to Orlando.

If SVG made a verbal commitment to coach the Kings and backs out, then both he and Donovan would prove the saying that a man is only as good as his word....except for these two.:rolleyes:

I'll take this report with a grain of salt, tho, until there's something more definitive. I don't think I believe the verbal commitment, as I would have expected an announcement from the Kings if they'd reached an agreement with only details to work out.
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The article, if true and not just rumor, says SVG made a "verbal commitment to coach the Kings." To me that means the Kings DID offer him the job and he verbally committed to take the offer.

So, if SVG "reconsiders his options" in light of the Orlando opening, as the article says, then it won't be anything the Kings did or didn't do. It means the Kings would be jilted at at the altar, because SVG would rather "marry" himself to Orlando.

If SVG made a verbal commitment to coach the Kings and backs out, then both he and Donovan would prove the saying that a man is only as good as his word....except for these two.:rolleyes:

I'll take this report with a grain of salt, tho, until there's something more definitive. I don't think I believe the verbal commitment, as I would have expected an announcement from the Kings if they'd reached an agreement with only details to work out.
At the very least, I would expect a little more "lip service" from the Maloof's than what we got. Unless....they've finally learned their lesson and have decided to shut up before making any decisions, thus gaining a pretty nice poker face, a la Petrie?!?!?!?!?!? :eek::eek::eek:
At the very least, I would expect a little more "lip service" from the Maloof's than what we got. Unless....they've finally learned their lesson and have decided to shut up before making any decisions, thus gaining a pretty nice poker face, a la Petrie?!?!?!?!?!? :eek::eek::eek:
One can only hope. ;)
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