Bee/Amick: "Kings lose finale; is Musselman gone?"

Kings lose finale; is Musselman gone?

By Sam Amick - Bee Staff Writer

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Geoff Petrie stood in his usual spot in the Arco Arena tunnel Wednesday night, the Kings' basketball president watching his team fall again as a season of so much strife and struggle finally ended.

He gazed out on the floor and in the direction of coach Eric Musselman, who - according to numerous sources close to the team - does not appear destined to return to his courtside position with the Kings next season.
The Kings' future as it pertains to Musselman will reach a quick resolution. Petrie will conduct one-on-one interviews with the players today and meet with Musselman on Friday in what some close to the situation say is a mere formality.
By Sunday evening, Petrie will be headed for Europe on a two-week trip for international scouting and said he wants to "address as much as I can as quickly as I can" in relation to the team. Petrie, however, would neither confirm nor deny that Musselman is on his way out.
"My plans are pretty well set for the next two days," Petrie said. "I can't speculate beyond that, obviously. People seem to know what I'm thinking or what I'm going to do, then they ought up to stand up and own up to it."
According to a source close to the team, a meeting in Las Vegas between Petrie and the team's co-owners, Joe and Gavin Maloof, was originally scheduled for immediately following the season but was changed.
The Maloofs were in Miami during the Kings' season finale, a 117-106 loss to the Los Angeles Lakers, and were taping a television segment with Oprah Winfrey while Petrie stayed in Sacramento to handle affairs.
The Kings finished 33-49 and out of the playoffs for the first time in nine years.
Musselman had requested to meet with the Maloofs to discuss the season and the future just after the season. It is not known whether that has been rescheduled or how it would take place given their locales.
As for today's player meetings, Petrie said it is a chance to get a better sense of the situation. "It's just an opportunity for me to talk individually to all of them, talk about not just the team situation but their personal situation," he said. "(You) try to come up with something collective after all of that and go from there."
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Musselman had requested to meet with the Maloofs to discuss the season and the future just after the season. It is not known whether that has been rescheduled or how it would take place given their locales.[/FONT]
Now that does not look good for Musselman. Looks like the Maloofs have decided to let GP do the dirty work, as they usually do.
I said it in another thread but I think Muss is gone on Friday. I think that Petrie tells him "you're fired" in their meeting. Petrie never seemed to like him or the other candidate that much(personally I have a feeling Geoff wanted Elie or Iavaroni). Also seems like Joe/Gavin blew him off and decided like kennadog said to let Petrie do it.
Now that does not look good for Musselman. Looks like the Maloofs have decided to let GP do the dirty work, as they usually do.
If Petrie cares about the Kings even a fraction of how we feel here (and I have trouble imagining otherwise), I don't think he would mind this kind dirty work very much.
What is this fascination with Elston Turner?? Nice guy and all but not sure why people would be excited about him as a head coach.

And, since he has been sitting at home this last year what makes you think he would turn the job down if it was offered??

I never really understood why Muss kept Dunn instead of Turner in the first place.
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Geoff Petrie stood in his usual spot in the Arco Arena tunnel Wednesday night, the Kings' basketball president watching his team fall again as a season of so much strife and struggle finally ended. [/FONT]
I wonder if he was out there rootin for a lin :)
I never really understood why Muss kept Dunn instead of Turner in the first place.
I got the feeling that Turner wasn't wanted around the Kings, you know, after his radio interview last summer. Basically came out and said "these guys are idiots and don't know how big a mistake they're making, but they will soon."

I'm paraphrasing.

But I don't think Musselman had a choice as to whether he'd keep Turner or not.
I got the feeling that Turner wasn't wanted around the Kings, you know, after his radio interview last summer. Basically came out and said "these guys are idiots and don't know how big a mistake they're making, but they will soon."

I'm paraphrasing.

But I don't think Musselman had a choice as to whether he'd keep Turner or not.
I agree that Turner may have burned his bridge with that comment which I also remember. I think Musselman may have been told or suggested to keep at least one holdover assistant and TR Dunn is considered a defensive minded coach and former player who had a reputation for lock-down defense.
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Here's my thoughts: we already have two threads for this topic, and we don't need another one.

And not only that, but if you'd just taken the time to read the board first, you'd have realized that the page you linked to from RealGM has simply stolen the article from the Bee that is included AT THE TOP OF THIS VERY THREAD!

But, the fact that "breaking news" at RealGM is old news at is hysterical to me...
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Note to self:

Be the biggest BSer you can to win the Kings head coach gig hopefully for a 3 year deal like your mentor Muss and then sit back and screw up the year, have the players not respect you, even get a DUI or some other serious criminal transgression, muck up the punishment saying you are not physically able to complete the work assignment...all in the hopes that you will be fired after the 1st year and the Kings' organization will pay out the rest of your contract for 2 years you didn't earn and you can sit sipping on mixed drinks and hard liquor in Cabo or some other paradise location and laugh about it knowing you are set for life with that 1 year fiasco!!!!!! ;)

After this season, I don't see Muss doing anything more then being a NBA assistant coach, where there are many, not just you OR being a college coach, or even high school coach. At any rate you got a lot of $ for a gig you didn't come close to earning outright, but rather Mussed up just in the hope that you'd be canned and your contract bought out to get you the heck out of town!!!!! ;)

Muss won the lottery at the Kings' expense. I cannot help, but to think that this was a planned scenario.
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I think Musselman's biggest mistake was not getting a veteran coach for the bench( I don't count TR Dunn). Every young coach that has been succesful has that long time Assistant Coach who has been around the block in the NBA. Most of the Kings' Assistant Coaches look like they just got out of high school.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think Musselman's biggest mistake was not getting a veteran coach for the bench( I don't count TR Dunn). Every young coach that has been succesful has that long time Assistant Coach who has been around the block in the NBA. Most of the Kings' Assistant Coaches look like they just got out of high school.
No, Musselman's biggest mistake was the DUI. No matter what else may or may not have happened, that really got him off on the wrong foot.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Do think a veteran respected wise old head might have helped though, especially if said wise old head had the ability to communicate with players. Could have upped the respect level for the regime, at least in the short term. Of course in Muss's case I fear it would have been perceived as a threat, a challenge to his authority to have someone with more experience sitting there who connected better to the players than he did. And he, like the Maloofs, seemed determined to make this a best and the brightest young guys showing the old guys how its done thing.
Do think a veteran respected wise old head might have helped though, especially if said wise old head had the ability to communicate with players. Could have upped the respect level for the regime, at least in the short term. Of course in Muss's case I fear it would have been perceived as a threat, a challenge to his authority to have someone with more experience sitting there who connected better to the players than he did. And he, like the Maloofs, seemed determined to make this a best and the brightest young guys showing the old guys how its done thing.
Yeah, but those guys can sure party!!!! That's what the Maloofs wanted when they rid themselves of the quite and intraverted RA. I could see these guys really draining that kegger....oh wait this isn't a college frat house is it???!!!??? :D
wait, I dont understand. Is Geoff sitting down with the players to see if there gonna be good enough for the team next year? I never thought id be saying this, but we might want to give miller a chance next year, hes been playing all right these last couple of games, and if it doesnt work, hey, we got williams. I say keep bibby because hes still pretty young and I think hes gonna work on his game over the offseason cause hes been frustrated all year. Artest has to go simply because he messes up chemistry. and uhhh, yeah, lets get some good draft pick too.


Super Moderator Emeritus
wait, I dont understand. Is Geoff sitting down with the players to see if there gonna be good enough for the team next year?
Not exactly. I think it's more a formality, kind of a post-mortem and a chance to say goodbye to those who won't be returning as Kings next season.
They do that every year, the GM and coach sit down with each player invidually and talk about the season what went right and what went wrong, what needs improvement etc.. they are called exit interviews.