Hornets @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
Nuggets are new Clippers @ ARCO
February the 5th is a horrible day for Kings to play basketball. On this day - we lost and lost and lost some more. Last time that Kings won on this day - was in 1992 when they beat Jazz 100-98 @ ARCO to improve to 16-31. Kings were lead by Richmond who had 23/6/5, Webb had 16/4/11, Causewell had 14/13/5bl, Simmons had 12/11/3bl, Tisdale had 10/4/2. Hopson came off the bench to contribute 13/4/1. This one is clearly just for insiders.
After beating Iverson-less Nuggets for the 20th straight time at ARCO - Kings started a winning streak improving to 19-26 which is 4 games behind the last PO spot or 9th best in the lottery race. You pick the one - You care about more. Kings playing .500 ball as of late - being 5-5 in the last 10 games. After a horrible stretch in the beginning of January - Kings are pretty much back to mediocre where we will be stuck unless something happens either way. About 3 weeks to the trade deadline - it will be interesting but it looks like nothing will happen.
We are heading towards a potential disaster here. The reason for that is that the goal seems to be poorly defined or that someone is vastly overestimating the talent and capability of this team. It looks like the goal is still to make the POs. At this point - it is a dangerous gamble and it is lose-lose situation unless You are a player. Even if we managed to make the 8th spot which is possible if our opponents manage to show up shorthanded all the time and Muss continues to drink and drive - we aren't going to pass the first round. All we are doing is - robbing ourselves a chance to get a very special talent and stop the free fall of the mediocrity.
So - I would like to define a disaster as a #13 pick in the 2007 draft because that is where we are heading. You can't make players lose on purpose and You can't sit them down either. What You can do is trade them for someone who is good enough to lose + potential for the future. You aren't going to get equal value but that isn't anything new around here. If You want to rebuild - that is the only way. If You want to keep this sinking ship on course - maye it is time to question the competence here. I can already [predict a summer full of "what could have been" threads.
Looking from a fan perspective we can't complain about the effort that players are giving us night after night. They are trying hard, they are trying to win and they still believe that they can get to POs and then "anything is possible" We want them to do that same as we want young kids to believe that there is a Santa Claus because we want to be able to watch the games in which we are competative. Teams like Celtics and Grizzlies already know that Santa is a fictional figure. Sure it must be dreadful to root for those teams knowing that they packed. The season can't pass quick enough for them. This year however - they might end up having the last laugh.
Can't sit on both chairs mostly because - sooner or later bothe get pulled underneath You and the gravity takes over. It doesn't matter what we want - anyways. People in charge seem to still believe in the post season appearance #9 which is a nice streak. One the is not so nice is the first round exit for the 3rd straight time. We will find out in about 3 weeks - hopefully sooner. If there are no trades - it means that Titanic continues its course towards the iceberg.
Can't fool the fans. If we take the ARCO this season or this site as a representative for the general climate in the "Kingdom" - we can tell that things have changed. Obviously - there are always exceptions and moments but in general the things are pretty close to apathy. The wins aren't celebrated, the losses bother no one, the expectations are very low and the worst of all - fans start to accept it. People who couldn't wait for another Kings game - suddenly looking for other things to do. No one is looking for an extra ticket. Sad, hopeless and yet one change can swing a momenum. We need it - bad.
Mike Bibby is having a pathetic season by any standards. It must be the worst season in his career and it is definitely disappointing if we compare it with last season. He is shooting 38.5% from th field and 29.7 % from the 3pt line. Not that many players in this league that are worse and none of them having the role which is as significant as Bibby's. It has goten so bad that some people start to praise his defensive efforts since that was the best part of his game. He isn't being a PG that we need. His defense overall is as pathetic as it always was. His shot selection is horrible. He isn't setting his teammates up. It must be nice being backed up by Price & Hart. Don't have to worry about playing time or accountability on the floor. On the other hand - we don't have to worry that he might opt out. Not even Isaiah Thoms would give him that kind of money. Maybe - Mike is tired of this situation. Maybe he also needs a change. Best thing that can happen is a change of scenario for both sides. We don't even need to trade for another PG. Hart and Price will get the job done.
Coaches Corner - perfect game by Muss. No mistakes, no bas subs, no anestethic speaches - nothing. We need more of this and more often. Can't blame him for this win at all. The best part - we get one more game of this before things return to "normal"
So Iverson-less Nuggets lost 20 straight at ARCO. Kings palyed well in a game where both teams didn't shoot that well. Ron "nullified" Mello, Martin also played well and Kings were able to even affort Bibby's absence. We got abused on glass and the only reason - we won the game is the fact that we took better care of the ball. 21-9 turnovers for the Nuggets - was enough. The effort was good.

TDM goes to Steve Blake as expected. 13/4/7 would be great game even for Mike Bibby.
LW_VC award went to Mello only because Nuggets lost the game. It was sponsored by Ron Artest but Mello helped us win big time. Mike Bibby would have gotten it if Nuggets didn't lose
JHA award went to Kenny (can't hit a layup to save my life") Thomas. The fact that he still gets minutes - makes me sick.
Muss - DNC - NBAD;)
Hornets are next. They are playing better since they got healthier. They are also still trying to get to the POs. The would have been there if it wasn't for the injuries. We played them about 10 days ago and we lost the game mainly because of couple bad decisions down the stretch by our players and by the refs. I expect a low scoring game. They are better up front and we are better on perimeter. They won in Houston last night and also have 2 game winning streak on the table. Should be interesting
Bibby - Paul, Bobby, Pargo - take a pick
Ron - if we let him play 48 minutes - he won't refuse to come out.
Kevin - awsome
Brad - Will chandler be next Camby ?
Rest - mateen or worse.
Muss - I predict another perfect game.
Hornets are at 21-26 despite everyhting that has happened to them. Just the fact that they didn't quit is impressive. Now they have everyone back but Pedja. We can expect Paul to dominate, Chandler to go 10/20/5bl, Bobby to play well also. The TDM will go to Brown. LW-VC might go to Mason. Kings have a chance to increase the streak to 3.
Kings were lead by Richmond who had 23/6/5, Webb had 16/4/11, Causewell had 14/13/5bl, Simmons had 12/11/3bl
I'm trying to remember the last game where three Kings got double-doubles. It's making my head hurt.

I think the guys just might pull this one off. Make of that what you will.


Hall of Famer
yeah judging by the 12 chandler had the last game in NO and west with his 4 i can see how the over and under would be so high. In fact Artest had 12 reb in that game as well so does that me that he will get 20? Oh and Salmons had 4 so i guess he will get the 15.
The Hornets guys did an interview earlier with Peja and Bobby. They both talked about how they loved playing in Sac. Bobby mentioned how special it was and how great the fans are. He also talked about the WCF with the Lakers. Then they showed a picture of the Kings back then.:(

Byron Scott said that they were going to focus on Martin. He said that he should be a front runner for most improved player.


Hall of Famer
The Hornets guys did an interview earlier with Peja and Bobby. They both talked about how they loved playing in Sac. Bobby mentioned how special it was and how great the fans are. He also talked about the WCF with the Lakers. Then they showed a picture of the Kings back then.:(

Byron Scott said that they were going to focus on Martin. He said that he should be a front runner for most improved player.
this word just keep popping up and for a reason.

Even Muss would have gone .500 with that team
That was a SWEET pass from Bibby to Artest.
Artest is playing very well early. I'm glad he hit that 3, but I hope that he and Mike do not try too many tonight.
I see a bit of the old Kings out there tonight, they are showing us there is potential, why cant they play like that all day everyday?
I am REALLY enjoying this so far! The Hornet's commentators were saying, "wow, Bibby is fiesty tonight!" They also kept talking about how we are upsetting their hand-offs between their backcourt players.
The Hornets guys did an interview earlier with Peja and Bobby. They both talked about how they loved playing in Sac. Bobby mentioned how special it was and how great the fans are. He also talked about the WCF with the Lakers. Then they showed a picture of the Kings back then.:(

Byron Scott said that they were going to focus on Martin. He said that he should be a front runner for most improved player.
*sniff* It was special for us, too, guys. *sniff* (Pass the tissues, please.)
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