Kings @ Grizzlies Game Thread

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I can't see it. with the eigth teams i listed to go along with Minn and GS, all of the team's weakness, the artest honeymoon over and so on. I can not see how this team would have made the playoffs with RA.

Noen of what has happened would have happened the same way with Rick. That is the whole point. The Artest thing in particualr has been miserably mismanaged by Muss -- he just cannot control him. Has no stature or calming effect. Mike trusted Rick -- not so Muss. Ditto Brad. Only Kevin is playing better (besides Corliss who I think would always have done this, just needed PT), and reading tea leaves I don't think Kevin really likes the coach he has had his breakout season under either. In any case, when Muss says guys, gather round, this is how we are going to win this, nobody believes or is listening. And indeed why should they?
It might be difficult to outsuck Philly. They knew they were going nowhere and chose to cash in the season and go for the draft gusto and clear cap room. We should, too.
Yep. Bibby and Miller better each be on the blocks. Artest as well (since I'd be surprised if he resigns with a non-contender). See if Isiah Thomas will trade away some young talent to get Artest (David Lee, anyone?).

But, Muss needs to stay. He's the key to this whole lottery bound operation.
Noen of what has happened would have happened the same way with Rick. That is the whole point. The Artest thing in particualr has been miserably mismanaged by Muss -- he just cannot control him. Has no stature or calming effect. Mike trusted Rick -- not so Muss. Ditto Brad. Only Kevin is playing better (besides Corliss who I think would always have done this, just needed PT), and reading tea leaves I don't think Kevin really likes the coach he has had his breakout season under either. In any case, when Muss says guys, gather round, this is how we are going to win this, nobody believes or is listening. And indeed why should they?
But would Rick be able to make mike, artest, and Brad not struggle as much as they did shooting the ball and make them stop shooting when they are died cold? Would Rick somehow teach everybody other then Artest to play D and rebound? Would these guys be able to make a damm freethrow when it counted? Would corliss even get playing time when he got none last season? Would he be able to surpass the 10, 11 teams who are pretty much better then the kings? The questions could go on and on and we may never now, but my anwser will remain No.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
But would Rick be able to make mike, artest, and Brad not struggle as much as they did shooting the ball and make them stop shooting when they are died cold?
Yes. With the possible exception of Ron.

Rick is one of the preeminent offensive coaches of the last 20 years in the NBA. Peopel can whimper all they want about defesne or whatever, but he absolutely insisted on offesnive execution and intelligence, and it was reflected in his teams.

Would Rick somehow teach everybody other then Artest to play D and rebound? Would these guys be able to make a damm freethrow when it counted?
Nope, but he had the widsom last year to annoint Ron as the team leader and let RON dirve the guys to defend better and with more energy. Was never about Rick. About hsi ability to step out of the way and let leaders emerge amongst his players.

Would corliss even get playing time when he got none last season?
Doubtful. And it would not matter much if the guys ahead of him weren't all underacheiving. Corliss plays well or does not play well = no real difference in wins/losses. He's playing well this season and we are losing more games than we ahve at any point since the last time he played well.

Would he be able to surpass the 10, 11 teams who are pretty much better then the kings?
There aren't 10, 11 teams better than the Kings talentwise out West. There are a good clear 6-7 now though. And what you have is 10, 11, 12, 13 teams PLAYING better than the Kings. But that's an entirely different equation. In any case, we would do no better than get the #7 or #8 and get squished again, but that's the talent. But thsi team went 26-14 under Rick with basically the current lineup. Its now 17-26 under Muss, and that's with a full training camp.


Super Moderator Emeritus
But would Rick be able to make mike, artest, and Brad not struggle as much as they did shooting the ball and make them stop shooting when they are died cold? Would Rick somehow teach everybody other then Artest to play D and rebound? Would these guys be able to make a damm freethrow when it counted? Would corliss even get playing time when he got none last season? Would he be able to surpass the 10, 11 teams who are pretty much better then the kings? The questions could go on and on and we may never now, but my anwser will remain No.
So where you in a coma somewhere during the time Adelman coached the Sacramento Kings?
So where you in a coma somewhere during the time Adelman coached the Sacramento Kings?
No, lol was not in a coma. But I do remember the serious dropoff right after the webber trade (were the team was supposed to rebuild). RA would have not made the playoff last season with out the help of Ron Ron. And I really don't think the same magic after that big trade could have lasted into this season. But like another poster has said we could agure this point over and over but we will never now what would have happend.
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