We obviously cannot afford to lose Brad for nothing -- we do not have the talent to lose much of ANYBODY for nothing. On top of that, I think Brad is nearly unique on this team now in that he actually makes people around him better. Mike is a PG in name, but rarely does. Ron has the ability, but doesn't like the role. Kevin is mostly a pure scorer who rarely elevates his teammates. Ditto for Reef. Other than maybe Salmons, Brad is just about the only guy who's game/impact can sometimes be measured in the rest of his team's stats rather than his own.
Now all of that said, if you can liquidate Brad's contract, get back an ender and either a pick or quality kid, it has to be on the table. We're going nowhere with this squad. We need a fresh start. And Brad is part of the old musty guard that will probably have to be cleared out for that fresh start.