You know things are bad when...

However given that we lose all the time anyway, I'd much rather lose at the hands of a great one being great than a scrub who's eyes light up upon seeing us. 20 years from now we'll be swapping stories about when King James did this or did that, not when Milt Palacio lit us up for 20. SO thanks for the oohs LeBron. Would rather we won, but if we lost, at least there was somethng to talk about afterward.

And of course that is precisely why that games against the Cavs sell far more tickets than games against the Blazers. Blazers = better chance to win. But people want to go and see the greatness of the guy on the other team more than the guaranteed victory over a bunch of nobodies.
exactly; well said.
You know things are bad when Brick turns his attention to Pollards hair :D
Oh, come on. Despite the mounting losses, you can point to good things that our players did.

Scot's haircut is more like Potapenko. The only good thing about it is that it will go away soon. Unfortunately, however, it doesn't even have any trade value.
I dunno...something seems a to Ron's recent "happiness". Its TOO happy go lucky. Almost like a planned or exaggerated response.

I was just thinking the same thing after the quote where he said that the last loss was a "fun game to play in". HUH?? It's fun to absolutely embarrass yourself in front of your home crowd by blowing a huge lead? I don't get it. Maybe he's overmedicated or something, but I agree that something is just off about his attitude recently.
something is going on for sure
I think Ron has learned (to his credit) the hard way how the NBA works. It serves NO purpose to go public. It only hurts your trade value.

Maybe some one told him to play nice and they would try to accomodate a trade??
You know things are bad when

Ron Artest doesn't know who he is--period. Let's hope he just plays hard because he is a good basketball player. Speaking of fans from other teams, we had quite a few Lakers in our section and also those in Cleveland jerseys as well (68.50 per seat). And it was the Cleveland people who started the booing at the end of the third quarter. We couldn't figure out if the Kings fans got suckered in or if they were that disgusted. We never have and never will boo our team.
Trades? Those only work out when you trade away something of value. I can't think of more than 2-3 players with value on this team, and it's almost certain they'd get less back in return than they sent.

I mean, Bibby for... What?

Fire Musselman? That's the last thing the Maloofs will allow. And yet, he won't be in Sac after June 2008. That, my friends, will NOT happen. I get the same feeling from the Kings right now that I got from the Warriors after the Webber debacle: They're just hiring coaches to fire 'em now.

I am flat out of answers for this team now. They're on pace to win about 35, max, and even if they "turned it around" and got the 8th spot (and this is very possible), WHAT FOR? So they can play, say, the Suns? Sure, that's worth $90/game to watch. Not.

So you know things are bad when... They are just flat out of answers. Ask 'em a question, you get back, "I dunno." It was time last year for Adelman to go, and they hired the wrong guy to replace him. Next up: Petrie. That's a no-brainer; he'll be gone before Christmas 2007.

And the Maloofs get to decide on his replacement.


I'll be shocked out of my curly-headed gourd if this has bottomed-out. No, I think this needs to get all the way to a 23 win season before it bottoms out, and that may come sooner than you think.
You know it's bad when ArenaSkeptic starts sharing his pessimism in 'kings rap' in addition to the 'arena talk.'

Just kidding - it's nice to see you post here.

Hey y'all. I am new here, and just wanted to say it's good to see such an active forum. I was told about this forum from somebody I met at the kings game last saturday. I look forward to discussing kings stuff with you guys.

My first thought will be that I think we need mo' mo taylor. After saturday's game, he seems to be the kind of player that we need.


Super Moderator Emeritus
First, welcome to Be sure and check out all the forums and add your name and location to our map (thread is in the Lounge).

You know, your suggestion fits the title of the thread exactly.

You know things are bad when ... Kings fans are calling for "mo' Mo Taylor."

mo mo

I know, it sounds crazy. But he came in and immediatly ripped a rebound away from portland, and dished it to corlis for an easy layup. He had some gritty rebounds, and a block that almost sent the ball into the stands. The kings team rebounding total was behind portland's, he came in, it was higher. He went out, it became lower again. He had a good game against clevland too. But I do agree that it is a sad statement to say that we need more of him.
I know, it sounds crazy. But he came in and immediatly ripped a rebound away from portland, and dished it to corlis for an easy layup. He had some gritty rebounds, and a block that almost sent the ball into the stands. The kings team rebounding total was behind portland's, he came in, it was higher. He went out, it became lower again. He had a good game against clevland too. But I do agree that it is a sad statement to say that we need more of him.
I agree.

It's just "You know things are bad when..." Mo Taylor is your best power forward. By a mile.
You know things are bad when the tickets forum on is filled with people trying to sell tickets, any tickets, at any price.:( It wasn't that long ago that available tickets would be snatched up in minutes.
Kevin Martin has more rebounds then our pathetic front-court

We made Damon Jones look like the best shooter in the world
Ron Artest's shooting is as bad as my dogs
Mike Bibby continues to suck
Brad Miller has a good game and we still find a way to loss.​

This team is so frustrating my emotional sometimes indicates how i really feel. before things get better the Kings are becoming more worse.​
usually everthing gets worse before it gets better but it is starting to look bad...


Hall of Famer
You know things are bad when I (Entity) is no longer optomistic about this current team. However if we did somehow get a better PF I could be persuaded into becoming optomistic again.