You know things are bad when...

Kevin Martin has more rebounds then our pathetic front-court
We made Damon Jones look like the best shooter in the world
Ron Artest's shooting is as bad as my dogs
Mike Bibby continues to suck
Brad Miller has a good game and we still find a way to loss.

This team is so frustrating my emotional sometimes indicates how i really feel. before things get better the Kings are becoming more worse.
SacTownKid said:
...when TheJoker makes 55 threads about how bad this team is in the span of 3 days.
Yeah like thats a bad thing, or wait i forgot i should talk about our great roster and how Mike Bibby has looked all season long! DURRRRRR i was so wrong. :rolleyes:
HighFlyingMonkey said:
When was the last time he played over 20 minutes?
Yeah, but when hes out there he doesn't do anything which results in less playing time. Rahim has been one of our disappointing players behind Bibby and Artest. bunch of garlic breads and no toast.
Heuge said:
That is also easy last game he had 29 minutes and scored 4 points.

we have been blasting Bibby and Artest these days but we ignore what Rahim has been doing. hes been nothing but **** this season.

Honestly just look how bad things have been ---

Ron Artest is having a bad season - No Offense or Defense.
Mike Bibby is having a pissy FG% this year
Eric Musselman has been the same dude who coached the Warriors

i mean besides Kevin Martin is there really any bright spots yet? ANY?????
The guy is being severly underuterlized, he did stink tonight but i can't put the blame all on him, sar is not getting enough shots. He got 3 shots only and he is our best post scorer and nearly automatic. Sar is an offence player and when he is not getting the time or shot atm, his whole game shuts down. he is just like bibby.
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Hall of Famer
That's the thing, what do we need from our players. Right now we have a bunch of guys that can get you points if needed but where are the guys that will rebound the ball or play defense?
That's the thing, what do we need from our players. Right now we have a bunch of guys that can get you points if needed but where are the guys that will rebound the ball or play defense?

Thats something that the GM should have thought of before puting together this thing called a team together. Shareef needs to get traded because he is not what this team needs right now. We started him last season and he came off the bench this season, its not working out. If he got the ball more often he would be definite help but i doubt that will happen. We could send him to chicago were he could have more succuse and we could get some young guys in return and maybe PJ brown an expring contract